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Obesity Rates in Canada - Case Study Example

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This paper "Obesity Rates in Canada" discusses the Canadian food guide that is more unique due to its extensive research and its guidance on food proportions. The American Food Guide does not have these specifications and it would be a welcome change if these changes were made there as well…
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Obesity Rates in Canada
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Eating is a fundamental health prerequisite, and it is becoming increasingly complex for people to understand what is healthy eating….. The Food Guide (2007) tries to do is define healthy eating.” Mary Bush, (Director General of The Office Of Nutrition Policy And Promotion) The last major revision to Canada’s Food Guide was made in the year 1992 so the 2007 food guide is a welcome change owing to the socio economic changes in the consumer trends and the innovations in the foodmarket.The most salient feature of this guide is its recommendation against salty foods in the light of the increased heart disease and blood pressure related problems within the population.A major criticism of this advice is that it is still not clear whether there are any actual benefits or drawbacks of a balanced sodium diet.The last two decades have seen the discoveries of concepts like trans fats, and omega-3 fatty acids .The teenage population has been faced with growing rates of obesity .In the year 2002 alone the Statistics of Canada expressed its alarm at the degrading health of its population. The survey was based upon the information regarding 130,000 people aged 12 and older and the levels of obesity were at an all time high with an overall decrease in physical activity. As the above table shows the obesity rates in Canada have become very high. “The survey found that between 1994-95 and 2000-01, the number of obese Canadians aged 20 to 64 grew by 24 per cent to almost 2.8 million. Increases in obesity rates were greatest among men and women aged between 45 and 54, who accounted for a quarter of all obese adults in Canada. Among children, nine per cent were considered obese. Another 20 per cent were considered overweight.”1 To inquire into the reasons for these alarming statistics the survey reviewed the consumption trends within the population and found that “ children and adolescents who reported eating fruits and vegetables five or more times a day were substantially less likely to be overweight or obese than those who consumed them less frequently. Forty-one per cent of children and adolescents reported they ate at least five servings of fruit and vegetables a day.”2 In the light of these changes, the institution of Health Canada announced that the Food Guide would receive a makeover to “address changes in eating patterns, food supply and diets, as well as advances in nutritional science.” 3 The draft Food Guide was released in April 2006 with the draft recommending a daily number of servings of fruit and vegetables from a range of five-to-10 to four-to-eight. After a three year extensive revision the Food Guide 2007 looks very promising because it is based on extensive research. “ 6,000 people have used Health Canadas website to send recommendations about what should be in the guide and another 600 people submitted suggestions in person.”4 The Guide is unique in every sense unlike its 1992 predecessor. It is targeted at specific groups like children, teens, women, men and the elderly. A new feature is that it also gives valuable advice on the health and nutrition for pre schoolers.In the light of research medical research the guide also advises people over the age group of 50 to take daily Vitamin D supplements (to avoid the increasing risks of osteoporosis).The 2007 guide is unique in the sense that it also provides guides for food portions in proportion to age and gender unlike its predecessor. Other salient and novel features of this updated food guide include Emphasis on a low sodium diet. The use of fruit and vegetable in their fiber form instead of juice, as much as possible. The increased use of healthy foods with omega three fats and avoiding cholesterol and trans-fats. It cites olive and canola oils as good sources of unsaturated fats such as olive and canola oils. The guide gives interesting examples; for example “having a stir-fry for dinner, one cup of mixed broccoli, carrot and sweet red pepper would give you two Vegetables and Fruit Food Guide servings, and 75 grams of chicken (or game meats such as deer, moose, caribou or elk) would constitute a Meat and Alternatives serving…… 175 ml of hummus or lentils or 150 grams of tofu can substitute meat”5 Unlike its predecessor guides the 2007 food guide divides food groups into four major groups: Berries, fruits and vegetables. Grain products Meat, fish, eggs, birds and beans Milk products and substitutes. The 2007 Food Guide is careful to include foods which are specialties of certain culture in the very diverse Canadian Population..This guide has been very much welcomed by the Heart and Stroke Foundation and the Canadian Diabetes Association welcomed the new guide as a key tool in helping Canadians make healthy choices. The guide has received mixed responses from different sections of the society.The composition of the Advisory Committee was very much under scrutiny as “ The 12 members included dietitians and academics as well as the nutrition education manager with the BC Dairy Foundation, the head of a group representing 85,000 oilseed growers, oilseed processors and makers of oilseed-based food products, and the director, scientific and regulatory affairs at the Food and Consumer Products Manufacturers of Canada, which represents some of the biggest food producing companies in the country.”6 Academics and Food experts think that these companies would lobby against the use of the word junk food .It is believed that the New Food Guide does not issue adequate warnings in this regard about the use of Red Meat.But just because Canada is one of the worlds largest Beef Producers there is a fear that these members will lobby against or overshadow these warnings. However it can be argued that there is no reason that these stakeholders should not be allowed to have a say in the process of devising an adequate food guide. Canada is one of the most fortunate nations ,as it is quick to understand and issue health warnings to its population. Another country is the USA which has also done well in the previous years.Deeply influenced by Canada’s comprehensive food guide it recommends balanced proportions of 5-12 servings of food every day and a choice of whole grain and enriched products which are a source of fibre and B vitamins. It is very specific in warning against, commercial garlic bread, egg and cheese bread ,butter rolls, croissants and commercial muffins ,regular granola type cereal ,potato, taco, and nacho chips ,waffles ,crackers with more than 3g fat per serving ,donuts, pies, cakes, danishes and streusels. This is a welcome feature and something that seems to be amiss in the Canadian Guide. The diagram below gives an example of the American Food guide. However the Canadian food guide is more unique due to its extensive research and its guidance on food proportions. The American Food Guide does not have these specifications and it would be a welcome change if these changes were made there as well. ___________________________________________________ References 1. 2. 3. 4. Canada Food Guide 2007 and 1992 Read More
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