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Public Health in New Guinea - Essay Example

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In the paper “Public Health in New Guinea” the author analyzes Papua New Guinea, which is populated with 6.5 million people. 40% of those people are under the age of 15. There are approximately 800 languages spoken in this country and each language has a distinct culture within the country…
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Public Health in New Guinea
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In setting up this part of the plan, it is important to assure that we improve the literacy rate also. This will further our overall ability to improve health. II. Improve the rate of immunization. . The problem here is getting the immunizations to the people but with the initial education of groups within areas, we would be able to improve this data.III. Hepatitis according to the WHO data runs in the thousands of patients. This problem is related to the conditions created by earthquakes and tsunamis to name a few.

Of course, we cannot decrease natural disasters but we can teach people how to get and treat clean water as well as how to treat waste in such as way as to prevent the spread of these diseases. IV. Improve the availability of sterilizers. Much of the equipment that is needed, including surgery equipment is available now. The problem is that there are few and sometimes no sterilizers available in a given area. The people need to be taught to sterilize without the use of electricity as that is often not available in rural areas.

A campaign to get them sterilizers that operate on battery power would help tremendously here.V. National Policy regarding disposal. There is at present no national policy regarding the disposal of refuse, waste, medications, contaminated equipment, or any other. This definitely needs to be part of the education process that takes place, as well as a policy developed and put into place. VI. HIV/AIDS education. 5% of the population has active aids at this point and that number is growing. There is an aids program that is active in the country but again, the country is so rural that most never get education or treatment.

Set up district groups in this country seems to be the best way to handle this.VII. Drug Procurement-The country of New Guinea is a poor country. As stated before, they are listed as the most impoverished in the Pacific region. 

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Public Health in New Guinea Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words.
(Public Health in New Guinea Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 Words)
Public Health in New Guinea Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 Words.
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