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Notions of Autonomy Running Head: NOTIONS OF AUTONOMY Notions of Autonomy as they relate to Women's Health Care Sharon Hunter University of xxxxxx Notions of Autonomy 2 Notions of autonomy in women's health care are critical when determining effective strategies that women can implement while seeking adequate health care for themselves and their families. The difference between the concepts of female agency and female autonomy should be noted.
Female agency refers to the presence of women as intermediates in various operational procedures which are acted out through them. It has a more passive tone than female autonomy which refers to the more active self- governing, self-determining and ultimately, self-controlling actions that women can use when interacting with the socio-economic system that influences their lives and the health care available to them (Sherwin, 1998). Many studies exist to show that women as a group are not as advantaged as men when it comes to education, employment and earnings.
The main reason for the discrepancy in women's earnings compared to men's appears to result from the presence of children. Unlike men, who can work full-time throughout their careers with no hindrances, women are compelled to schedule their paid work around childbearing and childcare, as well as household chores and perhaps the responsibility for other aged or disabled family members. This, quite naturally, leads to a large pay gap between men and women who are more likely to suffer economic hardship.
This is even more evident when women are not very educated or skilled, single mothers, disabled or old (CRIAW, 2002). Low education and economic status has been linked to health problems and the type of health care available to an individual. Women from low-income groups have been shown Notions of Autonomy 3 to suffer from health problems related to inadequate nutrition or ignorance of basic health procedures (Sherwin, 1996; CRIAW, 2002).
Such women can benefit greatly from being trained to make more informed choices regarding their individual health such as having a nutritious diet and cutting down on substance abuse. They can, if possible, try to enhance their earnings which will lead to a better quality life overall by conscious self- improvement in a holistic manner (Shroff, 2000). Increasing the autonomy of these women through imparting information and skills will lead them to be more aware of public health care options open to them and will make them less susceptible to becoming victims of the system.
Privatization of health care will work against these women as they will not be able to afford it. Women's autonomy in personal health and hygiene, basic safety, emotional and sexual health, pregnancy, delivery and childcare, first-aid and nutrition, disability and old-age issues must be encouraged for them to take better charge of their own lives and health needs (The Boston Women, 2005). There is a gap between the ideal state of patient autonomy and the actual situation. In real life, society continues to play down the role of women as policy makers and major decision takers.
There are barriers to women's advancement in education, employment and income (Cawthorne, 2002).Their lives and health continue to depend on a male-dominated system where they cannot exercise full control over all stages of the health care process. However, as increasing enlightenment opens up the system in women's favor, they should be able to participate more actively and fully in controlling their own lives and health related issues in the future. Notions of Autonomy 4 References Cawthorne, J. (2002). The Mazankowski Report from a Women's Health Perspective.
Retrieved December 10, 2007 from [] CRIAW (Canadian Research Institute for the Advancement of Women).(2002). Fact Sheet on Women and Poverty.[Available through CRIAW at 408-151 Slater Street, Ottawa, Ontario K1P 5H3. Retrieved December 10, 2007 from Sherwin,S. (1996). Theory versus Practice in Ethics: A feminist perspective on justice in health care. In L.W. Sumner and Joseph Boyle (eds.) Philosophical Perspectives on Bioethics.
Toronto: University of Toronto Press, p.198. Sherwin,S.(1998). The Politics of Women's Health: Exploring Agency and Autonomy. Philadelphia: Temple University Press. Shroff, F. (2000). Forget Reform -We need a Revolution! Better Health for Canadian Women through Holistic Care" in Diana L Gustafson Ed. Care and Consequences - The Impact of Health Care Reform.Halifax, Fernwood.pp-271-294. The Boston Women's Health Book Collective. (2005). Our bodies, ourselves: A new edition for a new era.
New York: Simon and Schuster.
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