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The Effect of Garlic Supplementation on Lower High Blood Pressure - Term Paper Example

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This research project 'The Effect of Garlic Supplementation on Lower High Blood Pressure' will establish the effects of garlic on blood levels and cholesterol levels within the body. It will also find out the mechanism through which this variable reduces high blood pressure and high levels of cholesterol. …
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The Effect of Garlic Supplementation on Lower High Blood Pressure
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? The effect of Garlic supplementation on lower high blood pressure and lower cholesterol level This research project will establish the effects of garlic on the blood levels and cholesterol levels within the body. It will also find out the mechanism through which this variable reduces high blood pressure and high levels of cholesterol. This project will focus on the relationship between garlic and the two health problems. In addition, it will give way to the collection and analysis of data from appropriate sources in order to answer the research problem. This will increase the medicinal effectiveness hence the release of many people into the service of the economy. Moreover, garlic is a natural medicine hence there are no chemical side-effect on its use unlike other manufactures drugs. This will boost the living standards of people hence reducing the abject poverty among the nationals. The use of environmentally friendly medicine will lead to a reduction in the ingestion of many chemicals into the body systems. Garlic is regarded as the most effective in many health organizations For instance; the use of placebo does not allow the quick recovery of hypertension patients compared to the use of garlic. The use of placebo has proved to be ineffective for a long time hence the need for the use of garlic as a therapy for hypertension and reduction of high cholesterol levels. The other medicinal products for high blood pressure have reduced drastically over the years. This has led to the loss of the competitive edge in the pharmaceutical market; hence garlic has become the best option for many patients across the globe. Garlic has automatically given the competitors a leeway in the international pharmaceutical market. Many countries prefer the use of garlic in order to quicken the recovery process of their citizens who provide productive labor in various sectors. For instance, the developing countries are burdened with the economic problems of under-development hence the need for more skilled workers to boost the economy. Introduction Garlic is essential in the reduction of high blood pressure and cholesterol levels. The maintenance of normal blood pressure and cholesterol levels is influenced by taking of garlic capsules. This is crucial given that the capsules contain the allicin substance which is responsible for the reduction of blood pressure and serum. Garlic can contribute immensely to the overall health of a person. However, in many countries use of garlic has been low due to poor policy framework set by health authorities. Garlic is effective in the reduction of cholesterol levels and high blood pressure. Problem Definition There is a need to provide garlic supplement to the hypertension and obese universal medicine in order to boost the effectiveness of these drugs. This initiative will result in the improvement in the recuperation of patients, which will result in better healthcare on an international scale. Introduction of garlic supplement will lead to quick recovery hence better healthcare services. Diversification of therapeutic measures will lead to the use of the use of garlic as a medicine for hypertension and high cholesterol levels. This also results in diversification of risks, which will increase the net effect of risks to the overall health of a person. However, the use of only universal medicine for hypertension and high cholesterol levels may not yield good results. Aims and Objectives of the Study The major aim of this study will be to analyze and assess the extent to which the variable in consideration affects the levels of blood pressure and cholesterol levels. This will also focus on the potential of this substance in the boosting of the health of a person. The study will also focus on the utilization of garlic available in order to ensure normal levels of cholesterol and blood pressure are maintained. In addition, the research project aims at establishing the ability of the garlic to reduce serum and high blood pressure. Research Questions The research questions of concern will be: Which are the vital components of garlic in cholesterol and blood pressure reduction? To what extent is garlic effective as a therapy for hypertension and cholesterol reduction? Does garlic provide full therapy for high blood pressure and serum reduction? How effective has garlic been in the reaction of high blood pressure and cholesterol levels in the body over the years? Is garlic effective when supplemented with other hypertension medicine? What is the current global position with regard to the effectiveness of garlic? Does use of garlic only as a therapy for high blood pressure perilous? Does the use of garlic has side-effects? What has been the response of people with regard to the use of garlic as a therapy for hypertension and high cholesterol levels? Do many states consider garlic as a therapeutic substance for hypertension and high cholesterol levels? What is the mechanism through which garlic reduces high blood pressure and high cholesterol levels within the body? How will the failure to use garlic as a supplement for hypertension patients affect their recuperation process? How does garlic produce the good cholesterol, HDL and inhibit the production of bad cholesterol lipolipids, LDL? Rationale of Research The basis of the research will be to carry out a comprehensive study on garlic’s effect on the high cholesterol levels and high blood pressure. In order to have a successive study, the research will develop an appropriate framework of the overall research proposal. There will be a great effectiveness of garlic in the reduction of serum and high blood pressure given the allicin that garlic contains. Indeed, the major focus will be to gauge the effect of garlic on these health issues. The research will highlight the effectiveness of garlic and the extent of its effectiveness over the years. Therefore, the study will trace the relationship which exists between garlic and the reduction of high blood pressure and high cholesterol levels in the body. This will help in ascertaining the exact effect of this variable on the two health problems. This relationship will be established through the statistical analysis of the variables of concern. Consequently, the contribution of this variable to the reduction of hypertension and high cholesterol levels will be established. Literature Review An Australian research study revealed that garlic is good for the heart (Block, 2009). It has been found that capsules of garlic results in lower blood pressure. In addition, garlic lowers the cholesterol levels hence preventing patients from becoming obese. Garlic is more effective for patients with hypertension than placebo. Blumenthal et al (2009) asserts that research findings show that garlic supplements are effective in the treatment of hypertension, which has not been treated. In addition, garlic ought to be complementing other medicine given that it may thin the blood. Block (2009) posits that A UK research study revealed that when this substance is used with other medication it is more effective and reliable. This natural substance is a therapy for high cholesterol and hypertension. A meta-analysis carried out showed that this substance reduces by a great margin the tri-glyceride and cholesterol levels in the body. According to Bone & Mills (2013), garlic oil helps in the reduction of tri-glycerides while garlic powder and extracts perform better in the reduction of cholesterol levels in the body. The meta-analysis also showed that garlic can lower serum levels in the body. Many studies have established that garlic reduce the level of blood pressure by a big margin for the patients. This substance also helps in the reduction of excess fats in the body. In addition, garlic helps in the balancing of blood pressure. Garlic is effective when it is taken in its raw from given that its medicinal substance is destroyed during boiling. The patient is supposed to take one clove of garlic every day. Garlic oil is also prepared by placement of peeled garlic in oil for covering. The container holding this mixture is then sealed tightly .Then this container is subjected to a warm place for 36hours. Studies in the People’s Republic of China established that garlic is an anti-hypertension substance. Japan has also concluded that this substance is an excellent depressor of high blood pressure. According to Broderick (2008), in 1921, American studies established that garlic continuously reduces the blood pressure in the body. German studies show that garlic reduces diastolic blood pressure especially for the patients who have a mild blood pressure. Garlic balances the blood pressure hence if blood pressure is below the normal levels; it increases it to normal levels. Research studies among the Egyptians reveal that the Egyptians used this substance to strengthen the workers who were building the Egyptian pyramids. Research studies in India reveal that garlic is a therapy for heart disease and rheumatism. Although garlic does not reduce blood pressure like other medication is complements the effect of the other forms of medication. This enhances the recuperation process of the hypertension patient. This substance enables a person to reduce extra cholesterol in the body hence acting to reduce weight. In this regard, a person does not need to do physical exercise to burn extra calories. Garlic reduces the blood pressure given that it enhances the production of nitrogen dioxide which has a negative correlation to blood pressure. Therefore, the production of nitrogen dioxide leads to a reduction of the blood pressure in a patient. Ajoene, an anti-thrombotic agent, is enhanced by garlic. Allicin is extracted from garlic and it helps in the reduction of the formation of cholesterol given that it stops the biosynthesis of serum. Castelli (2007) conjectures that methyl-allyltrisulfide component of garlic helps in expansion and constriction of blood vessels hence prevention of high blood pressure. Allicin is the major garlic component, which helps in the reduction of high blood pressure. A patient needs 4gms of allicin daily in order to have blood pressure reduced. Garlic creates a giotensin hormone, which helps in the relaxation of the blood vessels hence reduction of blood pressure. Allicin also helps in the inhibition of platelet aggregation. Garlic produces phosphorous, adenosine, sulphur compounds, magnesium and natural ACE inhibitors, which help in the reduction of blood pressure. Garlic enhances the production of the good cholesterol called HDL while it inhibits the production of bad lipoprotein called LDL. The effectiveness of garlic has been experienced across the globe for a long time (Challem 2008). This substance has led to a decline of serum over time because the total garlic inhibits the biosynthesis of serum. Garlic has also performed well in the reduction of hypertension. However, poor in-take of this substance leads to its effectiveness in the reduction of blood pressure and high cholesterol levels in the body. According to Fulder & Blackwood (2008), the universal hypertension drugs are not fully effective hence negatively impacting ion the recuperation of the patients. According to Zand, Spreen, & LaValle, (2009), many countries have accepted to supplement high blood pressure medicines with garlic. However; they have not proved to be effective as garlic. However, past statistical analysis has revealed that garlic is effective in the reduction of cholesterol and high blood pressure. This owes to the fact that there has been comprehensive research with regard to the effect of garlic of the levels of cholesterols in the body and high blood pressure. Many countries have also faced difficult times in using substitute medicine to curb high blood pressure. This is because the medicine has not been effective. Obesity, the state of having excessive fat in the body that has accumulated to the extent that it has started to have an adverse effect on the health of the individual, has called for the use of garlic. It can lead to a reduced life expectancy and also, increase health problems. Garlic has reduced the effect of obesity, which has affected many people and in particular the youth (Kowalski, 2007). In fact, this causes an outcry about the disease from numerous health organizations for the future of the world is in these young hands, yet with the current rate, then it would mean that there is a problem that needs to be tamed. Some people may recuperate quickly than others depending on their genetic make-up. Research done on how garlic is effective among different people revealed quite a lot (Murray, 2007). The main issue and point of this research is to uncover the truth of the matter as to whether the average weight, obese and the hypertension people have issues or whether they have different views about each other. For example, there may be an issue between how the average people view and treat the obese, or how the obese treat the hypertension, or how the hypertension is treated by both. The main goal of the research is to determine whether one garlic is effective in the reduction of serum and high blood pressure. Wilen, & Wilen (2007) conjectures that as the world expands so do the minds of people around. People are exposed to different walks of life and they react differently. Past researches done indicate that there is in fact a relationship on how people view each other. An obese person may be seen as someone who does not take care of themselves. People do not stop to think that it might also be a medical condition, or something that is genetic. The judgment that people pass on to such people is most of the times unwarranted and uncalled for. The same goes for the hypertension people. Seeing a hypertension person might make those around them to advice on the use of garlic as a remedy. By defining how people react, it will clearly be seen that not all the myths about people are true (Renoux, 2005). As seen from the research done above, there are different views about different human beings in different places around the globe. Though there are limitations because not all the data proved useful, but the much collected show that obese, hypertension people and average people differ in views as well as the general fact that they are in need of help intentionally or unintentionally (Stargrove, Treasure, & McKee, 2008). In order to get different results, using the media would have been a far reaching method. However, the use of garlic alone will result in side-effects. This is because it causes thinning of blood. According to Dibie (2005), garlic is effective when used as a supplement to the other universal medicine for hypertension and obesity. The adoption of garlic as a supplement to other medicine will boost the recuperation of patients hence boost of the healthcare service quality. Many countries need to liberalize the economy in order to accommodate other therapeutic measures like the use of garlic for the treatment of hypertension and high levels of cholesterol. Terry (2010) asserts that the garlic healthcare given by the nurses is distinct and has advanced over the years. The garlic focuses on welfare, pensions and health. The many debates on garlic encompass issues on quality Medicare and underclass criticism in most cases. The outcome of garlic in many organizations has seen more impact on their health programs than in any other healthcare organization across the globe. By the year 2013, the nursing profession had put in place garlic use program that was universal (Pizzorno, & Murray, 2012). This enabled the patients to get garlic without difficulty. The use of garlic has been made possible in many healthcare organizations because of the combined efforts of universal medicine and garlic. Simons (2006) asserts that philanthropic organizations and employers have also contributed to the success of application of garlic as a therapy for hypertension and obese patients in many health organizations. Another important aspect of the garlic within healthcare organizations is the dominance of the government in the universal medicine provision. The garlic use has a confounding element of most of the healthcare organizations. These organizations compete with one another to obtain many clients. The figures of healthcare organizations that use garlic as a therapy are many. Garlic is responsible for the efficient and effective healthcare system for the hypertension and obese patients in many countries (Reamy, 2008). For instance, the big population of the US has always compelled the government to allocate more funds to the cost of healthcare welfare because of many obese cases. Garlic leads to equitable healthcare. It is evident that the huge mix of garlic has led to more favorable outcome of healthcare services for the patients. For instance, allicin garlic substance is very effective hence leading to its adoption in many healthcare organizations is a great contribution of the nursing health care schemes. Research Methodology (Theoretical Framework) Research design The research will employ surveying in the study because this will eliminate the need to do experiments on the variables of concern. This research design is appropriate given that it allows the use of qualitative analysis of variables. Therefore, there is no need for the use of experiments. This methodology will enhance the collection of relevant data from sampled items. There will be use of statistical analysis of the variables in order to establish the relationship existing between the variables with regard garlic effectiveness in reduction of hypertension and high cholesterol levels. In addition, qualitative data will be obtained and subjected to the statistical analysis in order to give more detailed inference. The qualitative data will include both primary and secondary data. Sampling and sampling procedures The research will carry out in-depth interviewing of health professionals from various countries. This implies that the study will be comprehensive because it will cover many issues concerning the effectiveness of garlic. The professionals involved will provide the current statistics with regard to garlic effectiveness. Then they will be required to explain in detail the relationship between garlic and reduction of high blood pressure and high levels of cholesterol. They will also explain the impact of changing of the variable under consideration, on patients suffering from hypertension and obesity. Data collection There will be collection of both primary and secondary data. The former will highlight the current state garlic effectiveness, whereas the latter will provide information on the development of garlic use over time. According to Griffith, Griffith, & Halbert (2008), the data collection will focus on the various effects of garlic like the reduction of serum, blood pressure, and cancer. Blood pressure and cholesterol levels which are determined by the independent variables will be considered dependent variables. The interview will dictate the data collection method to be used .The relationship between garlic and the cholesterol and blood pressure levels will be established. On the other hand, secondary data will be obtained from archives and articles of international bodies like the UN and non-governmental organizations. Past research on the subject can also be utilized to provide this data. The interviewees will be experts from the various sectors thus they will be identified. Then they will be informed and requested to participate in the study. After they consent to the request, time schedules will be prepared in readiness for the event. Data analysis This will involve the statistical testing of the relationship between the variables of the study. The factors which indicate the effectiveness of garlic will be assessed and analyzed in detail in a bid to establish the correlation between these factors and the blood pressure and cholesterol levels within the body. Research Approach The research will employ a broad approach in order to cover all the issues pertaining to the study comprehensively. This will be in tandem with the objective of the study; assessment of the effects of garlic, on the cholesterol and blood pressure levels. This is the factor which will determine the reduction of the cholesterol and blood pressure levels. The study will also employ a qualitative approach whereby there will be a detailed analysis of key factor with regard to reduction of blood pressure and cholesterol (Benton, 2005). Furthermore, the study will carry out detailed consideration of the garlic effectiveness in various countries in order to establish the overall effectiveness of garlic as a therapy for hypertension and obesity. Conclusion Garlic is effective in the reduction of cholesterol levels and high blood pressure. The research study will be crucial because it will give an insight on the effectiveness of garlic in maintaining normal blood pressure and cholesterol levels in the body. This study will also highlight the correlation between garlic with regard to reduction of serum and high blood will also show how the dependent and independent variables of the study correlate. References Block, E. (2009). Garlic and other alliums: The lore and the science. Cambridge: Royal Society of Chemistry. Blumenthal, M., Ha?nsel, R., Schulz, V., Telger, T. C., & Tyler, V. E. (2009). Rational phytotherapy: A reference guide for physicians and pharmacists. Berlin: Springer. Broderick, O. (2008). Garlic. Menlo Park, Calif: Sunset Pub. Corp. Bone, K., & Mills, S. (2013). Principles and practice of phytotherapy: Modern herbal medicine. Edinburgh: Churchill Livingstone/Elsevier. Castelli, W. P. (2007). Cholesterol cures: More than 325 natural ways to lower cholesterol and live longer from almonds and chocolate to garlic and wine. Emmaus, Pa.: Rodale. Challem, J. (2008). User's guide to nutritional supplements. North Bergen, NJ: Basic Health Publications. Dibie, R. (2005). Garlic. Aldershot : Ashgate. Fulder, S., & Blackwood, J. (2008). Garlic: Nature's original remedy. Rochester, Vt: Healing Arts Press. Kowalski, R. E. (2007). The blood pressure cure: 8 weeks to lower blood pressure without prescription drugs. Hoboken, N.J: John Wiley & Sons. Murray, F. (2007). Natural supplements for diabetes: Practical and proven health suggestions for Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes. Laguna Beach, CA: Basic Health Publications. Renoux, V. (2005). For the love of-- garlic: The complete guide to garlic cuisine. Garden City Park, NY: Square One Publishers. Stargrove, M. B., Treasure, J., & McKee, D. L. (2008). Herb, nutrient, and drug interactions: Clinical implications and therapeutic strategies. St. Louis, Mo: Mosby/Elsevier. Terry, L. (2010). Healthpromoting Properties of Fruits. V. Gardners Books. Pizzorno, J. E., & Murray, M. T. (2012). Textbook of natural medicine. Edinburgh: Churchill Livingstone. Reamy, B. V. (2008). Hyperlipidemia management for primary care: An evidence-based approach. New York, NY: Springer. Benton, C. (2005). Natural supplements of hypertension. New York: Guilford Publications. Griffith, L., Griffith, F., & Halbert, M. (2008). Garlic, garlic, garlic: Exceptional recipes for the world's most indispensable ingredient. Boston, MA: Houghton Mifflin. Simons, P. (2006). Garlic: The healing herb: all about its remarkable range of medicinal and culinary properties. Wellingborough: Thorsons. Wilen, J., & Wilen, L. (2007). Garlic: Nature's super healer. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall. Zand, J., Spreen, A. N., & LaValle, J. B. (2009). Smart medicine for healthier living. Garden City Park, N.Y: Avery Pub. Group. Read More
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