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Case 2 Study Design Case 2 Study Design Descriptive research questions inquire on the what, where or the who facets to the evaluated or the area of study. Moreover, description is the fundamental facet of study. The questions constitute new areas of investigation in which the study targets on describing the convention of study. According to Newton, Bower, & Williams, 2004, the instances of the subjective evaluations of questions are the standards guiding the case studies and those majoring on unfolding the incidence and the predominance of oral infections.
Conversely, questions basing on relationship tend to focuses on determining the relations between given occurrences. For instance, previous research on chlorinated hydrocarbons in the sub surface determined a linkage between the occurrence of chlorinated solvents in the sub surface as well as limited concentrations of chloride vapour. In summary, questions on relationships tend to ascertain the association between conventions (Richards, 2000). The questions of comparison incorporate the questions that exemplify inquiries, availing a comparison of two items or conventions.
Through the provision of comparisons, the question targets the establishment of the reason and effect relationship between the phenomena of inquiry. An example of relationship questions may target two populations in which one is vulnerable to a particular disease and the other population that is resistant to the same disease under similar conditions. It is critical to make sure that the only probable cause is the variable that is subject to manipulation when developing the relationship questions.
In short, the descriptive questions provide justification concerning the where, the what or the who being analyzed. In contrast those contained on the relation question the connection between variant phenomena. Contrary to the previous questions, the questions of comparison inquests regarding the cause effect relationship of phenomena in a particular group and not the other different group (Ormond & Leedy, 2012). Question 2 The determination of whether the previous research on a particular area of research is critical in a number of ways.
The determination assists the researcher to get the findings of the previous research. The previous research also provides the measures and techniques employed in realizing the specific findings. The procedure of realizing whether the previous research has been performed entails referring from the computer databases relevant to the specific area of inquiry, for instance, the databases of Biochemistry and Computer Sciences. The establishment procedure also incorporate finding out from the international electronic libraries concerning the inquiries.
Enquiries from the academic departments that are specialized in the research of particular areas of study and the online libraries can be of greater essence (Newton, Bower & Williams, 2004). The information on the previous research on the area would be attained from the consultation of physical resources such as libraries, resources from databases as well as the online information. This data would be essential during the research since they would provide clues that can be criticized to offer newer ideas.
If the search throughout the identified materials does not yield results on the previous research, then a conclusion that no further research has taken place would be accurate (Newton, Bower, & Williams, 2004). Question 3 The factors to be reviewed while gauging the quality of the preceding research incorporate sampling, measures and data analysis. In sampling, the question follow whether the sample of the study is wholly representative of the study populace and in case the persons consulted in the process of study are similar to the ones you anticipate to encounter during the present study.
The measures employed during the research are concerned with whether the measurements applied were reasonable. The sensibility of the measures determines whether the measurements performed their specific duty as well as their validity to perform as measurements. The reliability of the measurements for the study will also be substantial during the research concerning its measurements. Concerning the data analysis, the question posed might be whether the data analysis was suitable for the research question and whether the data analysis led to solution of the research question (Richards, 2000).
The conclusion derived from the investigation is the last factor to be considered and here, the question would evaluate the justification of the results drawn from the study. These aspects are crucial in making judgment since they provide information concerning the extent to which the previous research was logical and steadfast. A consistent previous study can inform the present study while an inconsistent study will have no information for the current one (Ormond & Leedy, 2012). Question 4 The research question should be formulated before consulting the scholarly because the research question is that which provides direction to the researcher and to the scholarly sources.
The essence of scholarly articles should be understood because their work is to provide review to the research questions in order to filter the research questions. Reviewing the research question is of much substance because it will incorporate realigning the questions onto more exact areas or content. A particular case is where the previous question entailed a broader coverage that might have demanded much efforts and not leading to an absolute solution according to the research objectives. The question can be fine tuned to aim at specific features after a review supported by the information from the initial study (Ormond & Leedy, 2012).
References Newton, J., Bower, E. & Williams, A. (2004). Research in primary dental care Part 2: Developing a research question. British Dental Journal, 196 (4), 605 – 608. Ormrod, J. & Leedy, P. (2012). Practical Research: Planning and Design. Edition10, New York: Prentice Hall, 2012 Richards, D. (2000). Asking the right question right. Evidence-Based Dent, 2 (4), 20–21.
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