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What Factors are Associated with Specialization Intentions for Paramedic Practice - Essay Example

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Paramedic practice has grown as one of the fields where specialisation has increased and positions in this field has also become competitive (Boyd,, 2009). For which reason, specialisation intentions have increased. …
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What Factors are Associated with Specialization Intentions for Paramedic Practice
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?Research Question: What factors are associated with specialization intentions for paramedic practice? Paramedic specialization is a recent growing venture for different interested health professionals (Wyatt, 2003). Paramedic specialization is however based on strong intentions from the paramedics and other interested individuals venturing into more specialized areas of practice. The need to better understand and improve one’s practice is based on the need to transition from novice to expert (Neary, 2000). Various studies have been carried out in order to evaluate motivations involved in student decisions to work in these specific specialties. Some health practitioners have found that emergency medicine, as well as other medical specialisation fields of practice such as family or primary care are considered more controllable in terms of work hours and are more desirable to some, but not other students (Boyd,, 2009). Others have found that specialities such as radiology, ophthalmology, pathology, psychiatry, and emergency medicine are considered more exciting, more lucrative, more prestigious, and therefore more desirable areas of medicine (Boyd,, 2009). The rational choice theory can be used in order to explain the factors impacting on the choices people make (Walsh, 1996). Rationality is based on rational choice – sane or something considered in a clear-headed manner, weighing its benefits and burdens and making the decision based on logical thought processes (Walsh, 1996). Rational and practical choices relating to job capability, preference, and competitiveness would likely impact on the choices relating to specialisation intentions for paramedics. Paramedic practice has grown as one of the fields where specialisation has increased and positions in this field has also become competitive (Boyd,, 2009). For which reason, specialisation intentions have increased. The implication for emergency practice is significant, however not many studies have been carried out on the intentions and motivations of students choosing a career in emergency medicine (Boyd,, 2009). Specialization choices for graduating medical students have a significant impact on the healthcare practice, and the motivations involved in decisions are not adequately understood. Different elements are likely to factor into the decisions of students on paramedic specialisation. Gaps in research are mostly apparent as research has focused on the decisions of medical students in considering a specialisation in emergency medicine (Boyd,, 2009). Based on these considerations, this study seeks to answer the question: what are the factors associated with specialization intentions for paramedic practice. This study is being carried out in order to understand the specialisation intentions of various students seeking to enter into the various specific fields of paramedic practice. This study hypothesizes that the following are the factors affecting the specialisation intentions of various students seeking to enter into the various specific fields of paramedic practice: a). more flexible work hours; b). higher salary or remuneration; c). personal interest in the field; d) more prestige; e). age; and f) gender. Various studies have varying claims on factors affecting specialisation intention. Gender seems to play a significant role in specialization intentions, with males choosing to specialize in certain areas of the paramedic practice and women choosing to specialize in other areas (Mahony, 2003). Male paramedics already outnumber female paramedics, hence, males statistically, are more likely to have a specialization intention in the paramedic practice (Mahony, 2003). Age can also be a factor in the specialization intention because those who are younger would more likely be enticed to participate in specialized fields of paramedics. Studies have also discussed how specialization intention in the paramedic practice has been based on skills considerations. Some paramedics have chosen to specialise in areas often associated with the environment where they are working. Moreover, experience has also been associated with age and the need to keep learning and improving their craft (Pashen,, 2007). Gender also seems to impact on specialisation intent, with males more likely wanting to specialise in certain aspects of the paramedic practice (Adams, 2010). Studies indicate that males often seek the adventure attached to various specialisations, including those in the aviation paramedics, military rescues, oil platform rescues, as well as heavy search and rescues (Adams, 2010). For females, paramedic specialisation is less of an inclination, especially as many of the women entering health care often choose to work in hospitals as nurses or doctors (Adams, 2010). The specialization intention is therefore impacted by gender identities and gender qualities, fads, trends, and inclinations. Research plan, methods, and techniques Study design A quantitative study will be conducted using a correlational field study in order to determine the factors which are affecting the student’s decision on paramedic specialisation (Creswell, 2003). The theory of reasoned behaviour will be used in order to detect behavioural intention among respondents (Hale,, 2003). This theory seeks to explain how a person’s behaviour is predicted by his attitude towards the behaviour and how other people would view them if they carry out such behaviour (Hale,, 2003). Specifically, this correlational field study shall consist of a survey. This design was chosen because it is appropriate for the variables being studied. Moreover, its design is also a quick and efficient design for the issue raised (Creswell, 2003). The information gathered can easily be collated and tallied with possible answers to the question easily available for the reader to evaluate from the tables (Creswell, 2003). This survey shall provide a general outlook of reasons for paramedic specialisation and shall seek to establish more details in relation to the behaviour of individuals. Participants and sampling The sample population shall be computed using Slovin’s formula (1/1+Ne2) from the total population of students seeking paramedic specialisation at the Flinders University. The total population based on school enrolees for the specialised paramedic program was ____, hence, based on the formula, the sample population totals _____ student-respondents. A convenience random sampling method shall be used to select the respondents. Convenience random sampling helps conserve time and resources of respondents, especially when the population may be limited (Gravetter and Forzano, 2011). Since there are only limited enrolees for the paramedic specialised program, convenience sampling would help provide validity to the sample, while still serving the needs of the researcher (Gravetter and Forzano, 2011). Data collection Data will be collected using a self-administered 21-item questionnaire which seeks to evaluate the elements affecting a student’s decision in entering paramedic specialisation fields (Appendix 1). The questionnaire will take about 5 minutes to answer. It was developed based on other studies and results established in relation to factors affecting decisions of students in relation to paramedic specialisation. The questionnaire indicates the possible factors and the respondents are given the chance to indicate which factor has affected their decision to enter into paramedic specialisation. Ethical Implications Before this study will be undertaken, an application with the ethics committee of the University Social and Behavioural Research will be completed. During the recruitment process, the participants will be contacted and the research study and purpose shall be explained to them. A standard form shall be used for this purpose (Appendix 2). If they will agree to participate in the study, they would be given another letter (Appendix 3) from the Quantitative Methods for Social Health Research coordinator of the university confirming that the study is being conducted and that their confidentiality during the research shall be protected at all times. An information sheet shall then be given to them in order to detail the study being undertaken, how the data gathered shall be treated, and their specific participation needed in the study. The letter shall also inform them that they can withdraw at any time from the study and no further actions to convince them to participate shall be undertaken. Lastly, the potential respondents shall be asked to sign an informed consent form where they are acknowledging that they have understood their participation being requested in the research, and that they are participating as respondents in the research. The respondents shall also be assured that in case of doubts and questions during the research process, they can freely contact the researchers at any time. References Adams, T., 2010. Gender and feminization in health care professions. Sociology Compass, 4(7), 454–465. Boyd, J., Clyne, B., Reinert, S., and Zink, B., 2009. Emergency medicine career choice: a profile of factors and influences from the Association of American Medical Colleges (AAMC) Graduation Questionnaires. Academic Emergency Medicine, 16:544–549. Creswell, J., 2002. Research Design: Qualitative, Quantitative, and Mixed Methods Approaches. London: SAGE. Edlich, R., Farinholt, H., Winters, K., Britt, L., and Long, W.,, 2005. 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Corp., 5 – 12. Lavery, R., Adis, M., Corrice, M., and Tortella, B.,, 2000. Taking care of the "good guys:" a trauma center-based model of medical support for tactical law enforcement. J Trauma, 48(1), 125-9. Mahony, K., 2003. The politics of professionalisation: some implications for the occupation of ambulance paramedics in Australia. Journal of Emergency and Primary Health Care, 1(3), 3-4 Neary, M., 2000. Teaching, assessing and evaluation for clinical competence: a practical guide for practitioners and teachers. London: Nelson Thornes. Pashen, D., Chater, B., Murray, R., and Sheedy, V.,, 2007. The expanding role of the rural generalist in Australia – a systematic review. Australian Primary Health Care Research Institute, viewed 12 August 2012 Reeve, C., Pashen, D., Mumme, H., De La Rue, S., and Cheffins, T., 2008. Expanding the role of paramedics in northern Queensland: An evaluation of population health training. Aust. J. Rural Health, 16, 370–375. Walsh, V., 1996. Rationality, allocation, and reproduction. London: Oxford. Wyatt, A., 2003. Paramedic practice – knowledge invested in action. Journal of Emergency Primary Health Care (JEPHC), 1(3-4). Appendix 1 Study ID No. ______ Questionnaire What factors are associated with specialization intentions for paramedic practice? Please indicate answers on the space provided and encircle chosen letters for multiple choice type questions. Gender:................... Age:............... Date: ...................... Time:.............. 1. What is the area of specialisation you want to enter? (please specify) ................................. 2. Are you planning to locate your practice in the: (please check and specify area where practice would be located). a. city ________ b. underserved area____________ c. abroad__________ 3. Check the career area you would like to engage in based on your choice specialization: a. university faculty: teaching b. university faculty: research c. clinical: solo private practice d. clinical: with a partner e. clinical: with three or more associates f. clinical: hospital g. government h. part-time clinical/part-time academic. i. on-road paramedics j. others, please specify: ___________________ 4. On the following 10 questions rate the level of influence that the specific elements have had on your specialization choice. Rating scale will be from 1-5, with one being no influence, and 5 having the most influence. Tick the appropriate box indicating your choice. Least Influence Most Influence Factor 1 2 3 4 5 4.1. Favourable lifestyle options ? ? ? ? ? 4.2. Professional competence ? ? ? ? ? 4.3. Educational payoff ? ? ? ? ? 4.4. Mentor influence ? ? ? ? ? 4.5. Possible choices in specialised training ? ? ? ? ? 4.6. Favourable salary expectations ? ? ? ? ? 4.7. Time coverage for specialised training ? ? ? ? ? 4.8. Family influence ? ? ? ? ? 4.9. Career advancement in medicine ? ? ? ? ? 4.10. Increased demands in the chosen field of specialisation ? ? ? ? ? 5. How significant is age in your chosen field of specialisation? _____not significant _____minimally significant _____moderately significant _____strongly significant 6. How important is the working environment in your chosen field of specialisation? _____not significant _____minimally significant _____moderately significant _____strongly significant 7. Are the current conditions in your chosen field of specialisation favourable for your current career path? _____not favourable _____moderately favourable _____very much favourable 8. How significant is the collaborative team working in your chosen field of specialisation? _____not significant _____minimally significant _____moderately significant _____strongly significant 9. How significant is job security in your chosen field of specialisation? _____not significant _____minimally significant _____moderately significant _____strongly significant 10. How significant are flexible work hours in your chosen field of specialisation? _____not significant _____minimally significant _____moderately significant _____strongly significant 11. Rank the following reasons impacting on your choice of specialisation. ______personal specialisation interest ______flexible work hours ______higher compensation ______job security ______lifestyle ______career advancement ______professional competence Appendix 2 Thank you for agreeing to discuss with me the research project I am undertaking. My name is _________ and my research is being conducted as part of my health science course. The title of this research is: Factors affecting students’ decisions for entry into paramedic specialisations. This study seeks to assess the different factors which are affecting students’ decisions on entry into paramedic specialisation programs in the university. The topic coordinator is _______ and is also the principal researcher. The study has been approved by the Social and Behavioural Ethics Committee of the university. This study includes an 11-item questionnaire which will take about 5 minutes to answer. The questions will involve queries on the factors which have affected your current decision to enter into paramedic specialisation. Would you be willing to be included as one of the participants of this research? Appendix 3 Dear Sir or Madam, RE: Student Research Project Letter of Introduction The letter is to introduce _________ who is an undergraduate student enrolled in the core topic Quantitative Methods for Social Health Research. The student will produce their student card, which carries a photograph as proof of identity. The student is undertaking research as part of a major assignment for the Topic stated above. The student would be most grateful if you would volunteer to assist in this project, by taking part in the study which involves you answering an 11-item questionnaire. No more than 5 minutes of your time on one occasion will be required to take part in the study. Be assured that any information provided will be treated in the strictest confidence and none of the participants in the study will be individually identified in the resulting assignment, report or any other publication. You are, of course, are entirely free to discontinue your participation at any time or to decline to answer particular questions. Please be aware that as your data is not identified in any way, once the data is submitted we will be unable to remove your individual data from the study. The student intends to collect data through the questionnaire, seeking your written consent on the attached form. Thank you for your attention and assistance. Yours Sincerely, Lecturer Read More
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