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Legalization of Abortion in the United States - Research Paper Example

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This paper 'Legalization of Abortion in the United States' tells us that the broadening of the human mind has led the world from a period of the Stone Age to an era of development and technology. Human beings have crossed many important phases which include the periods of colonialism, slavery, racism as well as sexism…
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Legalization of Abortion in the United States
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? Legalization of Abortion in the United s Legalization of Abortion in the United s The broadening of the human mind has led the world from a period of Stone Age to an era of development and technology. Human beings have crossed many important phases which include the periods of colonialism, slavery, racism as well as sexism. They struggled against these difficult times to attain freedom from all boundaries to become the masters of their lives. These understandings have led the human beings to explore important subjects and to debate over issues which were not considered to be subjects of importance. The subject of abortion has also been an issue central to many arguments. Abortion has been viewed by different perspectives by different groups of people. It has been considered to be a matter of personal choice and it is argued that every individual has the right to choose whatever he wills for his life. It is explained that if the mother wishes to opt for the process of abortion, it is her legal right. This stand is argued against by religious and ethical groups. Ethical groups present with the explanation that it is unethical to kill an unborn baby. Religious groups also uphold the same argument that human beings do not hold the right to end the lives of others. Abortion is an important subject and the legal justification of this matter should be considered to be an achievement of the human race towards attaining freedom of their rights as every individual is the master of his own life. The rise in the population of the world has resulted in the utilization of different methods of contraception. The usage of these methods is to prevent unwanted pregnancies and childbirths. Abortion is also a technique utilized for the avoidance of an unwanted pregnancy. Abortion is defined as the ending of the pregnancy which results in the death of the products of conception. The procedure of abortion is utilized for different reasons which include family planning, contraception as well as putting a control on the population. A more important purpose of abortion is for saving the pregnant woman from life threatening emergencies that may result if the pregnancy is continued. There are different techniques utilized for carrying out the procedure of abortion. These include the administration of drugs which result in the expulsion of the fetus. The second technique is the surgical intervention whereby abdominal surgery is performed to remove the fetus. The last method is the insertion of surgical instruments through the cervix for removal of the fetus (Monga et al., 2011). Abortion is an issue that arose and became a subject central to debates in the United States in the second half of the twentieth century. The Supreme Court of the United States took a final stand on the issue and the procedure of abortion was legalized in the year 1973 following the legal case of Roe v Wade. The decision came as a wanted verdict by many groups who argued in favor of the procedure of abortion. People who had been facing the problems owing to the fact that they were not permitted to carry out this procedure even if it was very important, considered this decision to be a relief. The debates with regard to abortion continue today and proponents of abortion argue that the legalization of abortion in the year 1973 was the most appropriate decision as abortion is a technique which should be allowed for women who wish to avail it (Stolberg 2009). Women who lived in the era before the legalization of abortion believe that it was the most correct decision as they consider the fact that the period before this legalization was very difficult. The case of Louise Macintosh highlights the difficulties faced by the women. She became pregnant before her marriage and the disclosure of this news could have harmed the normal living of the family. She did not confide her problem to anyone and opted for a secret abortion. She would not have had to perform this procedure illegally had it been allowed by the law. This accounts for one of the reasons that proponents uphold the allowing of abortions. They argue that abortions would continue in an illegal manner if they are not permitted to be done legally. Thus, it is a better option to legalize the procedure (Stolberg 2009). The legalization of abortion served to be a breakthrough for women who considered it to be an achievement and a step ahead in the process of breaking the challenges of discrimination against women. It was believed that females considered it to be their right to opt for abortion and this legalization served them their right. Following this legalization, the process of abortion became safer and easier in comparison to the previous conventional techniques. Women did not have to face the constant fear of doing an illegal activity and they could avail the best treatment options for their health. The cost of the procedure became less owing to its legality. Furthermore, the health care sector started searching for better methods to assist the women who wished to opt for abortion. Hence, the legalization of abortion serves to be a breakthrough in women’s health issues as well and it helped in the attainment of better health strategies for the women (Hatcher et al 2008). The number of abortions following the decision of 1973 upholds the fact that this decision was welcomed and was very important for the women in the United States. The Centers of Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) conducted important surveys which showed the fact that from the year 1973 to the year 1980, the number of legally carried out abortions rose from 600,00 to 1.3 million every year. This was followed by a decade of no change in the number of abortions. During the year 1990, the number of abortions increased to 1.4 million but from that year till 2001, the number of abortions reduced. This can be owing to the fact that the CDC restricted its surveys and excluded a few states from the statistics. It can also be associated with the better contraceptive techniques that came into use. Currently, it is considered that one out of every four females who have conceived opt for the process of abortion (Hatcher et al 2008). There are other reasons as well which are presented by the proponents to support the cause of abortion. Proponents argue that abortion is not only a legal procedure but it is by all means ethical as well. This is highlighted under the constitution of the United States which allows for every individual to enjoy their personal rights. Thus, every individual is permitted by the constitution to opt for methods that suit them. This allows for the option of abortion to be open for all women as it is a personal right and putting a ban on abortion would actually be a breach into the personal rights of individuals granted by the constitution. Furthermore, it can also be analyzed that women are sensible enough to take their own decisions and the fetus is linked to the body of the women and is not a separate entity. Hence the female has a right over her body and can chose for decisions regarding her abortion (Chang 2009; Stolberg 2009). A perfect example to uphold the argument of the proponents was provided by Judith Jarvis Thompson in the year 1986. He argued that the survival of the fetus is totally dependent on the body of the female. If she does not wish that her body should be used by someone else, it is solely her choice. This is in alignment with the fact that if people do not wish to donate their organs for the survival of other people, they are not forced to do so. In a similar manner, if a woman does not wish her body to be used by the fetus, it is her right to opt for an abortion (Beckwith 1992). The dependence of the fetus on the female’s body can clearly be indicated by the fact that if the female becomes undernourished or is her hormonal production becomes altered the fetus would die. Thus, the fetus is not a separate entity and cannot be legally claimed to be a living being. Therefore its death cannot be considered to be a murder. This was upheld by an obstetrician Dr. Barbara Roberts who practiced in the United States. She stated, “[a]nti-abortion laws give fetuses rights that living people don’t enjoy. No human’s right to life includes the use of another human being’s body and life support systems against that individual.” (Chang 2009) Abortion had been legalized in the United States almost four decades ago but this legalization has still been a matter of debates. There have been strong arguments against abortion and opponents consider it to be an unethical and unjustified option. The opponents of abortion present with the fact that at the instance that an embryo is attached to the uterus, it possesses a life and a soul. They explain that if this embryo is not disturbed, it has the capability of developing into a human being. Thus to kill this fetus is actually an act of murder. It has also been proven that as soon as the embryo is formed, it possesses a proper DNA sequence which explains the fact that it is living and viable. Religious groups present with the fact that it is a sin to choose for abortion as it is God who leads to the creation of the fetus in the womb and hence abortion is basically working against the law of God. It has also been highlighted that once the fetus is formed, it possesses a soul and a life which is separate from the life of the mother. Hence, the woman does not possess the right of ending someone else’s life. Opponents also argue that when the fetus is conceived due to rape or if the child is physically or mentally impaired, abortion is still also not justified. The justification provided by the opponents is that it is not the fetus that is at fault for this and hence it is immoral to punish the fetus with death (Saunders 2003). Abortion is a very complicated issue. It is argued that in the case of intercourse that is performed by choice and results in pregnancy, it is the parents who are responsible for the child and there is no justification for the abortion. Furthermore, it has been seen that females who opt for abortion face serious psychiatric issues. Thus, opponents argue that there is no sound reason to justify abortion until and unless it serves to save the life of the woman (Lee 2010). The debate of abortion still continues but the legalization of abortion has proved to be a much awaited and wanted decision. This decision of the Supreme Court of the United States in 1973 has led to avoid many illegal abortions and has saved the lives of many women who would opt for illegal abortions and put their lives in danger. The decision has led to the empowerment of women and has allowed them to take their decisions according to their own choice. Women are the masters of their lives and they have the right to choose what they consider correct for themselves. A fetus totally relies on the mother for its growth and therefore, it is not a separate entity. Thus, it is the wish of the mother is she wants to provide her nutrition for the growth of the baby or if she wills to expel the baby. The fetus cannot take its own decisions and therefore, it cannot be classified as a being with a soul. It cannot be granted the status of a human being as does the woman who carries the child. Thus, the decision of the women is more important. Furthermore, if a woman is pushed to continue her pregnancy that would pose to have more serious problems for her owing to the fact that she would only be continuing her pregnancy owing to societal pressures. Therefore, the legalization of abortion is the best option for the United States. Works Cited Beckwith, FJ. "Personal Bodily Rights, Abortion, and Unplugging the Violinist." International Philosophical Quarterly : Ipq. 32 (1992): 105-18. Print. Chang, Doris T. Women's Movements in Twentieth-Century Taiwan. Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 2009. Print. Hatcher, Robert A.., Trussel J. & Nelson, A. L. Contraceptive Technology. New York, N.Y: Ardent Media, 2008. Print. Lee, Patrick. Abortion & Unborn Human Life. Washington, D.C: Catholic University of America Press, 2010. Print. Monga, Ash K, and Stephen P. Dobbs. Gynaecology by Ten Teachers. London: Hodder Arnold, 2011. Print. Saunders, William.“Against Abortion, But Pro-Choice?” Catholic Education Resource Center. 2003. Web 2 Oct. 2011. Bottom of FormStolberg, S. G. “In Support of Abortion, It’s Personal vs. Political.”The New York Times. 28 Nov. 2009. Web 2 Oct. 2011. Note Cards Note Card #1 According to Beckwith, “Thomson argues that even if the unborn entity has a right to life, this does not mean that a woman must be forced to use her bodily organs to sustain its life. Just as one does not have a right to use another's kidney if one's kidney has failed, the unborn entity, although having a basic right to life, does not have a right to life so strong that it outweighs the pregnant woman's right to personal bodily autonomy.” (109) Note Card#2 According to Chang, “If the woman were deficient in certain hormones, the condition could cause a miscarriage. Since a fetus does not possess the conditions and the capabilities of a complete human being, it is more reasonable to regard it as a part of a pregnant woman’s body. Hence, a fetus does not have the right to enjoy the same legal protection as a person already born.” (98, 99) Note Card#3 According to Hatcher et al, “The Roe v Wade decision ushered in a new era in women’s health, producing immediate public health benefits; rates of abortion complications and deaths plummeted because abortion was more readily available closer to home, earlier in pregnancy, and at a lower cost.” (639) Note Card#4 According to Hatcher et al, “In the United States, approximately 1 in every 4 pregnant women chooses to terminate her pregnancy.” (640) Note Card#5 According to Lee, “In sum, most abortions are intentional killing. Of those that are not intentional killing, if the woman’s life is in imminent danger, the life-saving action will be directed toward correcting a pathology, not the death of the unborn human being or the termination of the pregnancy.” (134) Note Card#6 According to Monga and Dobbs, “In many countries, illegal abortion still remains the cause of considerable morbidity and mortality.” (78) Note Card#7 According to Saunders, “Proceeding from a purely, scientific approach, we know that when conception occurs, a new and unique human being is created. The DNA genetic code attests to this uniqueness. (Why else has DNA coding become so important in identifying criminals?) Moreover, from that moment of conception, the child continues to develop and to grow; the child is born, matures to adolescence and then adulthood and eventually dies. Note though that this is all the same person who was conceived: all that has been added is nourishment, time and hopefully a lot of love.” Note Card#8 According to Saunders, “Little wonder in the Didache (The Teachings of the Twelve Apostles) — the first manual of doctrine, liturgical laws, and morals written about the year AD 80 — we find the moral prohibition, "You shall not kill by abortion the fruit of the womb and you shall not murder the infant already born."” Note Card#9 According to Stolberg, “Ms. Keenan, who is 57, says women like her, who came of age when abortion was illegal, tend to view it in stark political terms — as a right to be defended, like freedom of speech or freedom of religion.” Note Card#10 According to Stolberg, “In the early 1950s, a coal miner’s daughter from rural Kentucky named Louise McIntosh encountered the shadowy world of illegal abortion. A friend was pregnant, with no prospects for marriage, and Ms. McIntosh was keeper of a secret that, if spilled, could have led to family disgrace. The turmoil ended quietly in a doctor’s office, and the friend went on to marry and have four children.” Read More
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