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A Trip to the Flagstaff AZ A Trip to the Flagstaff AZ Introduction Last weekend was one of my most adventurous moments. My mates and I attended a school-sponsored trip to Flagstaff AZ. We conducted the tour on Saturday and Sunday. We left the school at 8am and returned at 5pm on both occasions. During the trip, we got an opportunity to have fun in the frost. In particular, walking bare-footed and jumping on the ice was enjoyable. We also had to use the sledges to cover some of the distances. In general, the mountain culture of the area was fantastic.
The trip aimed at assisting us in learning the ecosystem of the national park at the Flagstaff AZ (Cripe& Vetter, 2011). Consequently, we split into several groups and allowed to walk through the park, carrying out our studies on the environment. Most of the tracks were muddy and led deep down the forests. As a result, most of us could not trace their way back to the camp at the end of the day. However, the game rangers and tour guides came to our rescue.The reason for getting lost in the forests was the lack of adequate orientation on the geography of the park.
We did not have a map to guide us on the tracks and routes to use while in the forests. In addition, neither the school nor the game wardens assisted us with compasses that could help us back to the camp.Part I. Activity Specific Questions1. Explain why learning orientation can be lifesaving and helpful while doing any outdoor activity.Orientation is critical before one engages in any outdoor activity as it helps them to conduct a reconnaissance. Notably, this helps the person to familiarize him or herself with the routes to use, the culture of the people, the nature of the environment, and the potential risks.
Consequently, one can prepare adequately for the activity.2. Give an example of someone becoming lost due to his or her inexperience with orientation and map reading.There are instances when people get lost due to lack of orientation and lack of map reading or both. Our experience exemplifies the adverse effects of the lack of direction. In other cases, one may fail to interpret a map correctly especially when they have to locate a place using longitudes and latitudes.3. Why do you think a map and compass are part of the “essential 10” for an outing?
A map and a compass are essential as they help a person to trace their way and follow the right tracks to avoid getting lost. Naturally, they help to locate places and give direction.Part II. Experience ImpactThe trip changed my mentality towards approaching new places. I learnt that it was important to gather information about new places prior to the visit. It also scrapped off my all-knowing mentality. The highlight of the trip was the instance when we got lost in the forest. It was awkward how we could not retrace the routes we had used.
None of us wanted to imagine a night in the cold with a prospect of wild animal attacks.One of the things I learnt on the trip is that it is always critical to consult when one is clueless. None of us had taken the initiative of asking for a map or a compass from the teacher or game rangers. That shows that we should always pay attention to every detail. If we were to go on another trip, I would ensure that we receive adequate orientation before the venture. We would also search information about the area of the visit, as well as carry compasses and guide maps.
In addition, we would also learn how to locate places using the map to avoid the challenges that we faced during this trip. Consequently, I feel that the trip equipped us with a long-lasting insight on the right preparations to make a trip.ReferencesCripe, J., & Vetter, A. (2011). Reading comprehension activities: Grades 3-4. Westminster, Calif: Teacher Created Resources.
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