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An Overview of Human Sexual Orientation - Research Paper Example

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The goal of this research is to shed light on the concept of human sexual orientation by looking at various works of recognized authors. The limitation of this paper would be the part where it will not present the controversial issues raised by the religious sector or moral precepts attached to it…
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An Overview of Human Sexual Orientation
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 An Overview of Human Sexual Orientation Abstract In view of the GLBT (gays, lesbian, bisexual, transgendered) community ’s (Kinsey, 2009) intention to bring higher esteem, understanding and lesser persecution to their group from undermining people, this paper seeks to present an objective overview of human sexual orientation in the light of the evolutionary changes that have occurred on the human design (psychological, physiological, biological, among others), the determinant factors affecting the human sexual orientation and the scientifically-based facts that would support the closure on the issue that the diversity on human sexual orientation is not pathological and thus, should be accepted by society regardless whether such diversity is brought about by inherent human factors such as chromosomes, genes, etc. or by external environment factors (family, peer influence, among others). Methodologically, it would be impossible to complete human study as it is multifaceted and covers the globe while it may be easier to study the animals’ realm since one can usually trace and pinpoint the type of environment and traits to a particular group that have been earlier recorded in their taxonomic order (Roughgarden, 2004). This paper, on a specified coverage, shall present various works of recognized authors from the different fields of discipline that contribute to the value-added knowledge that may be derived from this paper. On the other hand, the limitation of this paper would be the part where it will not present the controversial issues raised by the religious sector or moral precepts attached to it. Years back when a female kisses another female on the lips or a man is seen to be holding hands with another man in public, people raise their eyebrows as a sign of disapproval. This was the period when perception of sexual preference was confined only to the standard norm of attraction between opposite sex _ boy-girl or man-woman; male-female attraction. In fact, J. Roughgarden even termed this as the “universal template-the passionate male and the coy female” (Roughgarden, 2004). How far can one go when one is sure of one’s sexual preference? Here’s one who is sure to die for the mating partner. This is no other than the male spider that gets attracted to a female Black Widow Spider only to end up being eaten up or crashed to death by the female Black Widow so they say. When animals like fish, cats, dogs, birds, other insects except for worms, known to be hermaphroditic, display their own unique kind of attraction; people do not show any repugnance for their acts. Animal preference whatever that may be is a natural thing; hence, to men it becomes more awesome when dealing with nature. In a nutshell, these are how things should work, that is, according to the laws of nature. So what do we learn from animals’ sexual orientation even to higher primates? Studies have shown that homosexuality also occur in higher primates. (Hunter, P.,1994). In essence the premise here is homosexuality is natural in animals, therefore homosexuality is natural. However, evolutionary changes have occurred and such changes have inevitably affected the human design. The question asked now is will or how can the majority of the people understand and accept such diversity in human sexual orientation? The Basics about Human Sexual Orientation Before this paper delves into an exhaustive explanation on human sexual orientation, a better understanding can be achieved if the basics are clearly defined. Well, there are rare occasions when one taps the back of a person for a mistaken identity and only to find out that the person tapped is a man with a moustache awkwardly trying to look like a female in a petty coat and leggings worn with high heeled shoes. First impression, one would say this is just an example of a gender crisis. The terms gender and sex, sexual behavior, sexual orientation are oftentimes used interchangeably in conversations or discussions about a person being a male or a female. (Kinsey, 2009) These terms however, have their own definite contexts which apply to different aspects of a person’s identity. (Refer to Attachment 1) Human Sexual Orientation and Its Different Partakers Human sexuality orientation (HSO) is a complicated subject which is often thought to result from a complex interplay of the environmental, cognitive, physiological, psychological and biological factors. Dr. Kinsey commented that the “traditional sexual orientation has been divided into three categories: homosexual, bisexual and heterosexual although not all people identify with any of these categories. Some prefer additional inclusive terms such as poly-sexual, or preferring not to identify. (See Attachment 2) Considering the above multiplicity in sexual orientation, one asks what changes or influencing factors could have evolved such changes to diversify individual’s sexual orientations? The Determinant Factors of Human Sexual Orientation Human Sexual Orientation is reported to be controlled by either nature (genetics, chromosomes, physiological, laws of nature) or nurture (environment, family, peers). Reckoning from the battle of sexes, the influencing factors that distinguishes sex differentiation and may have contributed to influence the behavior or choice for diversity in one’s sexual orientation include : brain studies, hormonal influences, heredity (genetics study on gay genes), abused childhood experiences, and twin studies. Brain Studies: (Deem, n.d.) Researchers found that by comparing the anatomy of brains from men and women, sexual dimorphism is prominent in the pre-optic area of the hypothalamus, where males demonstrated a larger than two-fold difference in cell number and size when compared with females. A second study found that two of four Interstitial Nuclei of the Anterior Hypothalamus (INAH) were at least twice as large in males as females. Since the INAH was involved in sexual dimorphism, it had been hypothesized by Simon LeVay that there can be differences in this region in heterosexual vs. homosexual men. Hormonal Influence: (Litvine,2003) Hormones are responsible for sexual dimorphism in the structure of the body and it is organs. They have organizational and activational effects about the internal sex organs, genitals, and secondary sex characteristics. Naturally these effects influence an individual's behavior not only by producing masculine or feminine bodies, but also by causing subtle variations in brain structure. Evidence suggests that prenatal exposure to androgens can affect human social behavior, anatomy, and sexual orientation. Exposure of developing embryos to androgens may cause masculinization and defemination of its development. Masculinization is the effect of androgens that enables animals and humans to engage in male sexual behavior during adulthood while defeminization may be the organizational effect of androgens that prevents animals and humans from displaying female sexual behavior in adulthood. Heredity: (Ciani, Zanzotto & Cermelli,2008). Their study shows that male homosexuality can be explained through a specific Darwinian evolution model. Only the model of sexually antagonistic selection involving a minimum of two genes - at least one of which must be on the X chromosome (inherited in males only through their mother) may be the only plausible model to account for all the known data. The outcomes of this model show the interaction of male homosexuality with an increase of female fecundity within human populations, inside a complex dynamic, resulting in the maintenance of male homosexuality at stable and relatively low frequencies, and highlighting the effects of heredity through the maternal line. This is the latest scientific breakthrough that will assist understand homosexuality. Abused childhood experiences: (Deem, R. n.d) A study conducted in New Zealand adults show that occurrence of childhood abuse subsequently engage in the same sex activity, although within a negligible percentage to happen in homosexuals. Twin studies: (Hunter, P. 1994). In multiple similar studies pairs of twins have been compared for sexual preference. A powerful positive correlation between relatedness and similarity of sexual preference has been identified. Identical twins raised apart, for example, are more likely to both be homosexual as adults (if your are homosexual) than fraternal twins, and both are more likely to share sexual orientation than genetically unrelated siblings raised together. Cognizant of the above factors, how would evolutionary psychologist or biologist account for this development of diversified sexual orientation among humans? Evolutionary psychologist and evolutionary biologist complement each other. There are two things they can do. Given the situation, they can help provide “conversion therapies” or practice “adaptationist approach” (Curry, O., 2000) to those in need. In fact, The American Psychological Association is concerned about such therapies and their potential harm to patients: In 1997, the Association's Council of Representatives passed a resolution reaffirming psychology's opposition to homophobia in treatment and spelling out a client's right to unbiased treatment and self-determination. Any person who enters into therapy to deal with issues of sexual orientation has a right to expect that such therapy will take place in a professionally neutral environment, without any social bias. In addition, Horvath proposes that “knowing the existing related issues in their fields, a complete integration of disciplines such as psychology, sociology, biology and medicine into the evolutionary paradigm becomes inevitable.   This integration is envisioned to transform evolutionary theory (with respect to this issue) as well as the basic theoretical framework of the integrated sciences.  The resulting joint paradigm is likely to place far more emphasis on complex, integrated developmental systems with necessary inputs at many different levels.” (Horvath,n.d.) Conclusion We have learned and as explained by the American Psychological Association: Human beings cannot choose to be either gay or straight. For most people, sexual orientation emerges in early adolescence without any prior sexual experience. Although we can choose whether to act on our feelings, psychologists do not consider sexual orientation to be a conscious choice that can be voluntarily changed. (Sexual Orientation and Homosexuality, 2010) And most importantly, the learning here that must be imbibed, internalized, and passed on is : Educating all people about sexual orientation and homosexuality is likely to diminish anti-gay prejudice. Accurate information about homosexuality is especially important to young people who are first discovering and seeking to understand their sexuality, whether homosexual, bisexual, or heterosexual. Fears that access to such information will make more people gay have no validity; information about homosexuality does not make someone gay or straight. (Sexual Orientation and Homosexuality , 2010) Today, marriages between same sexes have now been allowed in Massachusetts and California states, U.S.A. Celebrated TV-host Ellen Generes has come out in the open about her sexuality and recent marriage with the same sex. The movie entitled “The Priest “ characterized by Father Greg Pilkington (Linus Roache, the actor) was produced and shown in 1994 only at liberalized- selected countries. This movie was about a conservative Catholic priest torn between his call and his secret life as a homosexual with a gay lover (Bird, 1994). These are just developments indicating that society has gradually started to reconsider and re-examine its notions about this issue on diversity of human sexual orientation. In this light, scientific evidences earlier discussed point to the fact that homosexuality, lesbianism, etc. are not pathological. Should any gay, lesbian and bisexual people seen to seek assistance from a mental health professional who want to change their sexual orientation, must be understood by the public that these people only seek psychological help with the coming out process to prepare themselves with strategies or approaches that they will have to deal with rejection, prejudice, and persecution after they have opened up their true identity or their diverse sexual preference to their love ones. This situation could pose for the same reasons and life issues that bring straight people to mental health professionals [Sexual Orientation and Homosexuality…]. Likewise, it must be noted that neither adapting a diverse sexual orientation is not an offshoot of a conscious choice of an individual. It is now open and appreciated that members of GLBT community have competed and proven themselves against the so called “straights” and their contribution to society will gradually bring a different outlook for the rest. It is also envisioned that with the best efforts (hopefully, this time the straights guys working hand-in- hand with members of the GLBT community) to put together in no time, more conducive scenarios that will encourage more closeted or inhibited individuals with diverse sexual preferential to open up and feel the comfort of being accepted normally. It is also envisioned that in due time, members of the GLBT community try to work out with themselves how the incidence of AIDS and its spread can be prevented, if not totally eliminated. Each of these cultural signs reflects a new environment in which notions of sex and sexual orientation are shaping the changing conversations of our time” [Brief on Sexual Orientation..]. REFERENCES Bird, A. , Wall, David. (1994). The Priest [Motion Picture] U.K.: Miramax Films, U.S. and Alliance Communications, Canada. Retrieved from and Bhasin, K. (2000) Understanding Gender. Retrieved from Camperio, C. and Iammola, F. “ New Evidence of Genetic Factors Influencing Sexual Orientation in the Female Fecundity Increase in Maternal Line” Retrieved from Curry, O. (2003). Evolutionary psychology: "fashionable ideology" or "new foundation"? Human Nature Review 3 (2003) 81-92. Retrieved from Deem, R. (2010) Genetics and Homosexuality: Are People Born Gay? The Biological Basis for Sexual Orientation. Retrieved from Diamond, L. M. (2008) Understanding Women’s Love and Desire. Harvard Univ. Press, London, England. Retrieved from Hunter, P. (1994) Homosexuality: A Paradox of Evolution. Retrieved from Horvath, C.D. (n.d.) Current Research Interests. Retrieved from Horowitz,S.M. Weis, D.L. & Laflin, M. T. Laflin (August, 2001). Differences between sexual orientation behavior groups and social background, quality of life, and health behaviors . Journal of Sex Research, Health Publications. Retrieved from;col1 Kinsey, A. (2009) Gender and Sexual Orientation: Gender vs Sex. Retrieved from Kirby, A. (2008) Freud On Homosexuality. Retrieved from Litvine, Tiffany. (2003). Sexual Differentiation and its Effects on Sexual Orientation. Retrieved from Princess_ami. (25 Oct 2006 ) Male/Female Brain Differences Medical Education Online. Retrieved from Roughgarden, J. (2004). Evolution’s Rainbow – Diversity, Gender and Sexuality in Nature and People. U.S.A.: Univ. of California Press. Retrieved from Sadock, B.J. and Sadock, V.A. (2008). Clinical Psychiatry. Retrieved from and/or Brief On Sexual Orientation and Genetic Determinism .(2006). Council for Responsible Genetics. Retrieved from Sexual Orientation and Homosexuality. American Psychological Association. Retrieved 07 Dec. 2010 from Read More
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