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Women's Fashion Trend Reveals - Essay Example

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The paper "Women's Fashion Trend Reveals" tells that in the decade 1970, women's fashion trend reveals there had a strong intertwined relationship with political events and social movements. women's fashion in the 1970s can be regarded as a way of expressing opinions…
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Womens Fashion Trend Reveals
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Gender and Sexual Studies 27 May In the Decade of 1970, Women's Fashion Trend Reveals there had a Strong Intertwined Relationship with Political Events and Social Movement. Women's Fashion in the 1970s can be Regarded as a Way of Expression of Opinions. Introduction The period of the 1970s marked the beginning of general society's realization of the fashion and designs, which meant people became sensitive to what they wore and how they looked. The western society was breaking away from the old tradition and establishing their own identity in what they believed, especially when connected to the government's operation, the numerous political scandals, women's rights, labor movements and social beliefs at the time. Fashion and design changed from being an elite group associated culture, but developed to incorporate the different age groups and genders for nations’ population. The designers had to put an extra effort in their artistic and designed works, so that they could come up with appealing styles and produce more for the vast population within their nations, and across their boundaries where the demand existed. It was a spontaneous thing to do for the growing markets in America, Europe and British among others. Some designers could not keep up with the current trend of the time, others had to lose some of their authenticity and adjust to the new changes, while for other designers, it gave them an opportunity for entering the industry and popularizing their new ideas works. Fashion boosted women careers and confidence in their new changing roles in official positions and politics, gave feminists more vigor, played a key role in opposition towards the governments and their operations, influenced by music (hippies, punk and rock) and social cultures. Fashion and Women in Politics The period after the 1960s saw women venture in politics and official positions in the government. The changing social and cultural landscape developed in the 60s provided a good chance for women to start owing businesses and work out to succeed in life. Women became entrepreneurs, employers, and new entrants into high government official positions such as the likes of Margaret Thatcher. From this, designers had to come up with clothes that reflected the new direction and responsibilities women had taken. Power clothes for women that expressed their new absorption and ability to perform in different careers that had been attached to masculininity became the new fashion, and career guide embraced by most working women at the time and later in the 80s (Hill 123). The power suit was the great design of the period that was tailored into different looks to distinguish it from the men’s suit style and looks. The variations of the power suits either with the men like pants or the ladies skirts as well as the make in different colors made the outfit even more diverse, and acceptable for women in high demand markets. The professional look was promoted by the influencing fashion that saw women dress in designer blazers and pants, official jackets and skits sets among other lines of power suits as designed by Karl Lagerfield (“Fashion” It demonstrated equality in work places and power opinion for the working women in their careers. While seeking their rights, liberation, and being free from male supremacy in their societies, the women's movements in the 1970s gave an opportunity for women to dress in fashionable pants designed for women, as way of sending a political and social message to change the oppressive social structure and enhance equality. According to Coen, the 1970s second wave of feminism greatly contributed to power suit acceptance as female wear, with the suits exaggerating women’s shoulders, skirts and trousers worn with relaxed jackets indicated how women intended to climb the ladder of success and how their presences was a force to be reckoned ( The famous designs of Yves Saint Laurent (YSL) can demonstrate more with his influential work in promoting women's trousers back in the late 60s, the 70s wide legged women’s trouser suit, women tuxedo, and short skirt power suits in early 80s that corresponded with the increasing number of women in the workplace. The YSL design of Le Smoking (feminine version of Tuxedo suit) was a neutral style that facilitated the ultimate power suit, which was well built upon by Armani to develop a softer version of the men’s wear style suit that women would fit in properly, needed to feel stronger, and give a dignified image through the power suits (Betts Fashion and Music Essentially, between the 60s and towards the end of the 20th century, music as performing arts contributed massively to the fashion influence. From the hippies, rocks, hip hop, punk and eventually pop music controlled what young people believed and associated with as their lifestyle. The new fashion that opposed cultural styles of the 60s era spread to the suburbs and main streets, from the cities and college campuses through the young people bringing to the society mini skirts and pant suits, as men grew long beards and kept long hair (afros) (“national archives,” With the continued social and economic struggles, youths sprung up with rebellious moves, either taken from external cultures or copied from the current moves and association with prominent or popular figures, to deny the humiliating cultural beliefs. Youths were trying every sort of youthful and daring outfit, which made it easy for the 1960s mini skirts modification into shorter clothing that most girls accepted in their quest for newness, daring moves, and expression of who they wanted to be. Miniskirts and hot pants were a common outfit for young ladies in parties and discos. New inventions of skirts such as midi and maxi skits were an option for the short shorts or mini skirts that seemed to be the current move. Hippies and Fashion The hippie clothing influence emerged from the youth movement in the 60s that heralded the need for being Eco friendly, encouraging peace (against the Vietnam War ) and universal love that expressed the individualities. The subculture came to be adopted as a style for both sexes (unisex designs) through fashion. The style borrowed much of its theme from native and developing cultures, such as from Africa and Latin Americans, embracing quite colorful patterns, strange long hairstyles, which when all incorporated seemed to challenge the accepted social norms. Most of these clothes were known to be home made, incorporating fringes and beads as decorative work on the fabrics, and inspired by non western cultures (“Fashion in the,” It marked an era of fashion and styles that reflected more on nature. Loose flowing robes (kaftans) as those used in the Africa became fashionable for home style casual wears (a design of YSL) for women in the western world. Perhaps the most outstanding fashion of the hippies was the flared jeans, loose unisex clothes, and the high (2-5 inches) platform shoes that gave women an elegant look, but posed a danger to their future health. Disco, Film and Fashion The television shows and film production placed more emphasis on fashion, spurring women to dress like the popular female TV stars they admired. The Saturday night fever of 1977 film inspired and depicted fashionable designs disco clothes that best fitted such leisure occasions (Thomas Movie stars wore sensational outfits such as the hot pants and the heeled boots for ladies, which showed off their bodies in the dim decorated disco parties/ clubs. The style merged with the new disco dressing code as a fashion in the time that placed emphasis on short outfits and cloth designs. Individuals wore shiny clothes, flowing knee- length dresses, spandex tops with hot pants, where the outfits were made of Lycra fabrics suitable for dancing costumes, sparkling jewelry, giving the fashion a glimmering and flashy look. In addition, some women in support of the feminist movements and as a way of liberal self expression embraced the fashion through the stretches, tight sexually inspired outfit and light reflecting fabrics to declare their control, strength, and sexual freedom. Punk and Fashion The punk look was another influential style that came about as a reaction towards the deteriorating economic condition which made the youths to rebel their governments’ activities. According to Schneier, Vivienne Westwood’s was a pivotal influence of the punk fame and fashion, whose contribution in the designs was the anarchy idea implemented in the art of designing clothes and looks that was the focal interest, to create an image of rebellion through appearances from hair styles to dressings, which when put together, created the look associated with punk artists and cultures (“Anarchist in the U. K.,” The punk fashion was a complete change from the hippie look, which was never understood in the late seventies till its dominance in 80s. The style demonstrated uncontrollable, aggressive, provoking, and rebellious youths through the looks. The punk fashion came with ripped outfits, bondage clothes, leather jackets, make ups and bold/spiky hairstyles for both sexes. Designs of Westwood and McLaren T shirts entailed printed messages and pictures of heroes, sexual depictions and rebellious images. As a result, the fashion houses and designers became the key figures behind the dressing code of various punk performing artists in shows, who in turn, were a mass inspiration into the fashion. It was easy after for women to dress in bondage dresses and trousers, shredded clothing, short torn loose T shirts with printed punk messages, spiky jewelry, with spiked hair dyed in bright colors that all combined a feminine and masculine elements in a woman’s look. Surfing, Skating and Fashion Skating and surfing were two sporting activities whose costumes were easily absorbed into fashion by women. These sports were boosted by Danskin designs through the leotard cloth line that made women's tights, dance wears and swimsuits among others suitable for gymnastics, swimming, a variety of dances, and skating outfits. Women seemed to love the tight sporting outfits and incorporated them in the disco fashion trend, which gave a hyper sexual appeal with sporty qualities, but improved the appearance and performance of the dance street wears (Danskin Sports clothing changed into a multipurpose outfit with those body suits designed for dancing were used even in swimming, the tights were worn by women as part of their casual and official clothing beneath skirts, or long pants worn with jackets on tops. Some leotards later designed with collared necks or even long sleeves were dressed as ready tucked in shirts that gave an official look to the females in suits. Other fashion trends included body arts through tattoos and make ups. Punk fashion made women to use thick and bold make up on their faces, excessive piercing and had numerous tattoos that made them look ferocious. Diverse make ups gave various women (while and of color) an opportunity to use them as decoration in various outfits, the red and black lipsticks, and colorful nail polish (light and dark), were all a common trend of the time. Works Cited Betts, Kate. “The New Power Suit.” I Mar, 2013. Web. 27 May 2013 Coen Susie. “Man I Feel Like a Woman.”n.d. Web. 27 May 2013. “Danskin.” n.d. Web. 27 May 2013. “Fashion and Accessories of the 1970’s.” n.d. Web. 26 May 2013. “Fashion in the 1970s.” n.d. Web. 27 May 2013. Hill, Daniel Delis. As Seen in Vogue: A Century of American Fashion in Advertising. Texas: Texas Tech University press, 2004. Print. “National Archives Revisits the 1970s and DOCUMERICA Photography Project in March” 28 Jan, 2013. Web. 27 May 2013. Schneier, M. “Anarchist in the U. K.” 30 April, 2013.Web. 27 May 2013. Thomas, P. W. “The 70s Discos Fashion 1970 Costume History.” n.d. Web. 27 May 2013. Read More
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