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Women and Health - Research Proposal Example

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Women health is combustion of mental and physical factors that deteriorates when they reach the age of 60 despite the consequences of their health history and present situation. …
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Women and Health
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? Proposal on Women and Health TABLE OF CONTENTS TABLE OF CONTENTS 2 INTRODUCTION 3 Risk Factors in uprising the Cardiovascular Diseases in Women 3 Heart Attack and Stroke in Postmenopausal Women 4 Hormonal and Coronary Heart Diseases in Women 5 AIMS AND OBJECTIVES 5 Aim of the Research 5 Preventive Measures 5 Diagnosis and Treatment 6 BACKGROUND 8 RESEARCH METHODS 9 WORK CITED 11 ABSTRACT Women health is combustion of mental and physical factors that deteriorates when they reach the age of 60 despite the consequences of their health history and present situation. This is complex study of different interrelated factors, as age merely does not constitute towards aging diseases or undemocratic treatments. The major causes of higher mortality ratio of aging on women are cardiovascular diseases, such as “heart stroke, cancer particularly lungs and breast cancer, diabetics, and nutritional problems, such as obesity or anemic, arthritis, Alzheimer’s, mental illness leading to depression” (Olds, London, & Ladewig, pp. 1-29), dementia, and sensory impairment, such as loss of sight or hearing. Women have lower life expectancy in under developed countries than the developed due to various reasons such as improper nutrition, lack of access to healthcare, neglecting, and discrimination by the social society and mental anxiety etc. The important task is to determine the chronic ailment in women by their lifestyle, social and economic accordance, and perception of healthy lifestyle awareness that could increase their expectancy ratio but aging still gives a significant damage when the body starts to get older. They live few years more than their counterparts do but it is always engrave with sickness and disabilities (Bonita, pp. 2-25). Cardiovascular diseases mainly heart stroke is the highest and common cause of death in aged women than men. The older women are at a higher stake of heart attack and peripheral arterial diseases since their entering into the postmenopausal period. INTRODUCTION The coronary heart diseases, such as heart attack, stroke, and other arterial vascular diseases are the angle of death for the aging women in the USA herby claiming approximately 2.3 million deaths due to heart attack and 0.87 million by the stroke. The death toll of cardiovascular diseases is six times higher than widespread breast cancer in women. According to the statistics, almost 62% of older women struck by disability due to heart stroke and 36% are middle-aged women who survive the fatal heart attack (Bonita, pp. 2-25). About 58% of the women incur half of their health care bills on cardiovascular diseases. There will be an increase of 45% in the population of aged women suffering from coronary heart diseases by 2015 giving rise to the major health problem in near future. With the process of aging to 65, the risk of cardiovascular diseases toll to one in three and it will continue to grow every year. The risk of lack of awareness in women of cardiovascular diseases after the advent of postmenopausal period is substantial and is the like the shield that have been wore out and exposed to the serious coronary disease which is a crucial cause of the study (Wenger et al., pp. 247-256). Risk Factors in uprising the Cardiovascular Diseases in Women The risk for developing the chronic coronary heart diseases are unlikely the same as their male counterpart. “Smoking tobacco, hypertension, diabetic’s mellitus, high blood pressure, obesity, mal-nutritious life style, and elevated alcohol consumption, increased level of serum cholesterol, higher or lower density of lipo- protein levels” (Olds, London, & Ladewig, pp. 401-440) and deprivation of estrogens hormones after the post menopause. Smoking cigarettes especially tobacco and nicotine consumption in younger women have raised by almost 23% since the last decade which is the major contribution to the chronic health diseases in the older age. Studies have also indicated that earlier in 1990's 45% of women smoke aged between 60 to 75 years (Bonita, pp. 39-57). The effect is substantially different in women as compared to women as diabetics and low levels of lipoprotein are the strongest risk associated in contrast with smoking cigarettes. Serum cholesterol level is also higher in women for approximately 28% which is further decreased from the previous level of almost 50% in 1990’s. Fitness is important for a healthy nutritious life style but obesity speeds up the process for risk of having cardiovascular diseases in women. Researches have also revealed that alcohol consumption, postmenopausal is also a major contribution to the risk of coronary heart diseases, though a detail research is required for these causes which tigers the heart stroke. Almost “65% of White women and 79% of Black women aged over 45” (Wenger, pp. 23-25) are classifying as having hypertension or systolic pressure. The awareness of high stress postpartum affecting the heart is relatively lower than 45% and less than a quarter people receive treatment or therapy as this factor is least known for adding to the cardiovascular diseases (Wenger, pp. 23-25). Heart Attack and Stroke in Postmenopausal Women The mortality rates in the United States in women are substantial for having stroke as the severe cause of death and disabilities. The seasonal variation in mortality is due to cerebral infaction that contributes to almost 80% of the strokes. It gives rise to the subarachnoid haemorrhage in women since 1970’s due to diagnoses made by cerebral angiography. The incidence of the stroke can be determined by the diagnostic procedures, code of practices and occurrence of the cerebral infarction. The stroke occurrence in pregnant women is also a significant than the average transient ischemic, attack which is slightly lower in women but there is no further research that indicates this cause. Hypertension is the relative high risk factor in women for the stroke. Aging and hypertensive coronary heart diseases are also the factor of occurrence of stroke in postmenopausal period. Studies have also indicated that estrogens replacements protects against stroke but further research is required to protect women above the age of 40 for the high risk of stroke and heart attacks (Wenger et al., 1-4). Hormonal and Coronary Heart Diseases in Women The hormonal misbalance and occurrence of cardiovascular diseases in women have substantial interrelation especially women aged over 50. The contraceptive pills intake and doses of estrogens and progestin’s have a significant effect on the heart with an increased risk of vascular diseases. The risk is multiplied if the women are smoker and boost the chances of having myocardial infarction (Hendel, pp. 29-51). Studies have also indicated that the adverse effect of contraceptive pills on women increases blood pressure and lowers the high density lipoprotein cholesterol levels. The contraceptive pills have also a high magnitude risk over the plasma lipoprotein. A thorough research is needed whether a smoking women should take oral contraceptive as it immediately increase the cause of coronary morbidity leading to the risk of cardiovascular diseases (Brott et al, pp. 29-46). AIMS AND OBJECTIVES Aim of the Research The aim of this research is to determine the relation of postmenopausal and hormonal misbalances in women’s health particularly older women aged above 40 leading to the risk of cardiovascular and coronary heart diseases. Preventive Measures The risk of preventing cardiovascular diseases and stroke in women can be done by healthy nutritious lifestyle. The first stroke in women “almost 39% resulted fatal due to non occurrence of symptoms of myocardial infraction or any other coronary diseases” (CPA, pp. 10-29). The results have shown that one in four women is likely to survive the bypass surgery after the first stroke. The following measures can be useful tool to help diagnose and prevent cardiovascular diseases in women: 1. Health education and awareness is highly regulated for aged women over 40 who have a higher usage of contraceptive pills and smoking habits. The nutritious diet is also important to control the lipoprotein and cholesterol level that can result in higher blood pressure. 2. Nutritious diet is important and healthy lifestyle that does not invite obesity due to excessive fat covering the heart and making it difficult to perform its functions accurately. 3. Timely diagnosis and treatment of stroke or any occurrence of cardiovascular diseases is essential and can save the occurrence of the other stroke or hear attack. 4. The side effects of the first stroke are usually associated with the hypertension or coronary artery bypass surgeries. The appropriate medical care in rehabilitation is required and it is also required to further review whether it can decrease the risk to the other coronary diseases or heart attack (Carney et al., pp. 107-113). Diagnosis and Treatment The proper diagnosis and medical care facilitation to reduce the risk of stroke can be fruitful especially with the usage of aspirin and warfarin in women that also contributes to the decrease risk of diabetes mellitus. Treatment of hypertension is substantial in women and men both as this is a preventive and can be cured with various treatments also decreasing the risk of cardiovascular diseases. Smoking habits should be decreased and stopped as this not only affects the brain and lungs but also blocks the arteries and boost up the chances of stroke at the older age women. Carotid edarterectomy is effective for reducing the ischemic attack leading towards cardiac arrest and strokes both in men and women. According to the studies, angina pain is not a significant indicator in women as some women has pain of non coronary origin and still the use of coronary anteriography can give the confirmation of any cardiovascular diseases. Women with minimal chest pain symptoms are tested by the exercise electrocardiography and sometimes combined with the functional test of perfusion for any possibility of heart diseases (Sullivan et al, pp. 2257-2262). Though coronary anteriography is initially used for diagnostic of any coronary disease especially if the patient is evident of having myocardial ischemia but other factors are also needed to consider regarding the fitness and exercise level of the aged women particularly. The death by initial myocardial ischemia is extremely higher in women tan in men for approximately 7 in 10 this is also due to the level of frequency of infarction in women more than men. The causes of excessive heart failure as revealed by study are due to increase in number of silent ischemia and infractions those results in fatal stroke. The research is needed in this area as despite the ventricular systolic there is sudden cardiac arrest resulting in death in women that constitute approximately 40% aged above 60 years (Sullivan et al, pp. 2257-2262). The treatment by the coronary thrombolysis is preferable in women usually after the myocardial infarction and it’s due to the smaller coronary arteries in women and lesser body mass. Bypass surgery, use of angioplasty and coronary anteriography cannot be evident suitable for women as older women have sub related factors of hypertension and diabetics, which is more severe and risky to operate due to unstable and silent angina (Wenger et al., pp. 247-256). Further researches could reveal that why coronary angioplasty is less successful in women than the pecutaneous transluminal relieving the chances of survival in older women. BACKGROUND H 1: The hypothesis can imply whether the postmenopausal period has significant effect over the risk of cardiovascular diseases in women. H2: The hormonal misbalance in women especially hypertension resulting in cardiovascular diseases and strokes. The purpose of this study is to facilitate the prevalence and correlation of cardiovascular diseases in women due to postmenopausal, hypertension and estrogens intakes resulting in cardiac arrest (Wassertheil-Smoller et al., pp. 289-298). The early symptoms of he postmenopausal in women and the wellbeing can indicate towards the risk of having the heart disease. The excessive exercises cannot be possible at an older aged in women but hypertension can boost up the risk process but healthy diet and physical exercise have a positive impact on the menopause related hormonal misbalances in the body, which can reduce the chances of cardiovascular diseases in women. The healthcare providers should closely examine the screening of the hypertension therapies in women after the postmenopausal in women and also regulates towards the physical fitness to a sample of the population so that they can determine the preventive measures causing the risk of cardiovascular diseases. The use of antidepressants in the H2 should be screened to regulate the potential of hypertension without countering the side effects towards the advent of cardiac diseases. A laboratory sample should be evaluated to look for any hormonal imbalance during the menopausal period and postmenopausal period either by hormonal replacement therapy or oral doze. Further research is required to analysis both the hypothesis H1 and H2 and undermines the possibilities of treatments and risk associated with the silent cardiac vascular diseases occurring due to interrelation between the co factors of the hypothesis H1 and H2. RESEARCH METHODS The method used is primary research by interviewing and evaluating women in different conditions to determine the risk of cardiovascular diseases. A sample of approximately 25,000 women all over the United States by 70% white women and 30% black women above the age of 45 years to 79 years will be examined for six months. The research aim is determine the basis of the risk of cardiovascular diseases after the menopausal period and the usage of contraceptive pills in the last 20 years especially the likelihood effect of estrogens on women’s health. The sample will also constitute pregnant women, which also have chance of stroke in the late complex pregnancies due to oral contraceptive intakes (Wenger et al., pp. 247-256). 1. The sample will be placed in different nutritious background so that the physical fitness and the extent of obesity can determine the effect on heart and arteries to function smoothly. 2. The mixed population will also be determine about the constitute of the oral contraceptive pills usage and the level of estrogens required after the postmenopausal period and their likely effect on heart and the risk of catching coronary heart diseases. 3. Postmenopausal is also associated with the cholesterol level and myocardial infarction that needs to be tested with lab test and treatments and the evaluation of women who respond to the treatment and who does not respond. 4. The part of the research leading to answers of Hypothesis 2 is determine how many women in the sample are prone or has hypertension and higher level of lower density lipoproteins levels. 5. The hormonal imbalance and hypertension is the leading case of stroke in women and this can be determine by stress analysis test on the sample of 70% women and how they respond to the treatments. 6. The lab test for the stress analysis also results in silent angina pain which can be interrelated to find the cause for the factors contributing towards the hypertension in women after the age of 45 and who can this be managed. 7. The sample will also result in any sudden bypass surgery and angioplasty for women suffering from severe cardiovascular diseases and the factors contributing to the risk of survival of women after the surgery. 8. The sample will also test the population of healthy well being and good metabolism and their chances after the scenario for catching cardiovascular diseases by the level of aging and whether the effect is permanent or risky chances (McGowan et al., pp. 183-88). WORK CITED Bonita, Ruth. Women, Ageing and Health: Achieving Health across the Lifespan. Geneva: World Health Organization, 2003. Brott, T., Thalinger, K., Hertzberg, V. Hypertension as a risk factor for spontaneous intracerebral haemorrhage. Stroke, 1986. Carney, R. M., Rich, M. W., Tevelde, A., Saini, J., Clark, K., & Freedland, K. E. “The relationship between heart rate, heart rate variability and depression in patients with coronary artery disease.” Journal of Psychosomatic Research. 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Wassertheil-Smoller, S., Shumaker, S., Ockene, J., Talavera, G., & Greenland, P. et al. ”Depression and cardiovascular sequelae in postmenopausal women.” Archives of Internal Medicine. Volume 164, Issue 3, 2004: pp. 289-298. Wenger N. K., Speroff, L., Packard, B. Cardiovascular Health and Disease in Women: Proceedings of a National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute Conference, January 22-24, 1992. Wenger, N. K. Inclusion of Elder Individuals in Clinical Trials: Cardiovascular Disease and Cardiovascular Therapy as a Model. Kansas City, Mo: Marion Merrell Dow, Inc, 1933. Wenger, N. K., Speroff, L., Packard, B. “Cardiovascular Health and Disease in Women.” The New England Journal of Medicine. Volume 329, 1993: pp. 247-256. Read More
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