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Solar Energy as the Better Option - Coursework Example

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The paper "Solar Energy as the Better Option" is a great example of formal science and physical science coursework. Concernedly, third world countries have been known to incur very elevated costs in electricity production and supply. Most of these very countries can’t even generate sufficient power to feed their own consumption…
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Name Tutor Solar energy the better option Institution @2010 List of Contents 1.0 Acknowledgements……………………………………………………..3 2.0 Introduction………………………………………………………………4 3.0 Specification……………………………………………………………..4 3.1 Design parameters……………………………………………...5 3.2 Final design……………………………………………………...6 3.3 Design evaluation…………………………………………….....7 4.0 Sustainability…………………………………………………………….8 5.0 Conclusion………………………………………………………………10 6.0 References………………………………………………………………11 7.0 Appendices………………………………………………………………12   1.0 Acknowledgements I wish to pass my heartfelt appreciation to the following people without whom this project wouldn’t have been realized; 1. First and foremost, let me pass my gratitude to my lecturer who became a friend in the tireless effort to seeing this project a success. 2. Secondly, much thanks to my family especially…….for their worthy support both in monetary and moral support. You are the best. 3. Thirdly, I pass profound appreciation to all my friends for being there when nobody else was. Thank you so much and continually do so.   2.0 Introduction Concernedly, third world countries have been known to incur very elevated costs in electricity production and supply. Most of these very countries can’t even generate sufficient power to feed its own consumption. There has been, in the near past, a need for these nations to import power for its own populace. And sadly enough, from the analysis, this imported energy is only utilized in supplying the very rich and well off individuals as well as the rich. If one is not in a position to afford the rare yet prevalently necessary commodity, then he or she cannot get access by all means. Despite there being efforts recently for an overhaul of the entire nation’s electrification as a project for many of these countries, the fruits thereof can’t yet be substantiated. This is mainly a consequence of the abject poverty in these nations of the world. This, in as much as it is a reality, shouldn’t be the reason as to why most of the loyal and committed citizens of these sovereign republics can’t be partakers of the invaluable services of electric power. Given that most of these nations duly rely on both geothermal and hydroelectric power sources for the high electricity affinity, then a new mode of operation should be enhanced. This necessitated a fact finding process with an accurate needs analysis. These findings actually formed the basis of this paper; alleviating the high cost of electric power within the third world countries with a better and cheaper mode of electricity generation. The paper shall get into the definition of the solar power generation option. This is much better and convenient for most of these nations as it is relatively cheaper. It only involves an initial cost which in most cases is usually a friendly figure (DeGunther 2010). The paper will also explain the justification of this electricity generation method with accorded focus on the sustainability as well as the design and the applicable strategies with their validation. 3.0 Specification The very first thing that should be undertaken by these nations is to allow their planning departments to carry out a review of the electricity situation as per the current ratings. This should be followed by these departments getting the all important monetary as well as amenity support. This is to aid in the acquisition of the key requirements which are the solar electricity generators. The government should overtly undertake to subsidize the generators by buying them and then supplying them to their citizens at a lower price. This is a very good approach in the realization of this key milestone in power generation. The power generator to be acquired is as shown in the appendix. It is very economical as all it requires is the accessibility to the sun’s energy and power will be no more an issue! 3.1 Design parameters This project shall holistically entail the realization of generation of supplementary, if not primary, power to the main power grid. In this case, the main grid refers to the final consumption by the consumers, whether homesteads or industries. If they were being supplied mainly by the hydroelectric, geothermal or gas power, then this power source shall evidently come in handy to facilitate the continued power supply despite unprecedented outages and black outs. A good solar generator can output as much as 5 kilowatts of real power. This power is sufficient to furnish all the home appliances. What makes this generator more opportune is the fact the entire kit comes with a massive ready-to-function back up unit. In addition to this, it has a charge controller that ensures that only the optimum amount of power is allowed into the generator for storage and for utility. This regulates the power that ends up being output and avoids the destruction of the entire equipment. The panel, which is the third component of the generator, is made in such a way that maximum surface area is exposed to the sun for maximum exposure and as a result, accorded maximum power outlay. With these considerations, it is anticipated that no household can lack power even without relying on the other sources that have proven otherwise expensive. If well installed and implemented, the set up is expected to result in total, if not less, power supply and no thought of staying in a blackout even when there arises the unprecedented disasters, both natural and man-made, like the typhoons, strong storms, brownouts and even planned outages. In an organization set up there shall be the realization of the strategic endeavors. Such a constant supply of power, and especially, in a third world nation will bring into being development and economic progress. This advancement can only be a mark of reliable and dependable research. It means that the organization’s tactical standing is improving. The organization will thus be in a position to mark its niche in the market in addition to getting competitively stable. In this endeavor, it is assumed that the third world nations are ready to make the envisioned progress. It is further assumed that the nations will be ready to take the bold step of incurring the cost of subsidizing in the hope for long term household electrification. It is equally presumed that the power generators will not pose a very high burden on the nations in question as well as individuals and the organizations in the very countries. In addition, the initial costs of establishment are assumed not to be too high not to be borne by the nations and the respective parties. In the interest of advancing the grip of the nations’ development, electrification of both the urban and rural areas comes in handy. Electricity is what actually powers most of the activities that are significant in realizing all the development goals. Given the ease with which this mode of electricity generation can be implemented, its take up and systemization is the way to go. This ultimately justifies the steps taken and their applicability. 3.2 The final design The electric power generator should be installed in the household. This should be strategically done so as to allow for optimal absorption of the solar energy. The larger the amount of the panel’s space that is exposed to the sun, the higher the amount of power energy that can be drawn from the given generator (Boxwell 2009). The conversion is usually automatically done within the panel. The panel is mainly set on top of the house but some could be placed by the side depending on where the sun will be optimally received and converted. This is illustrated in the attached appendices. Therefore, in finality there is need to actualize the solar electric power generator. The backup unit is to be installed mainly in the basement, if there is one, and allowed to be free from any reach especially by children. The generator with its output is, without further ado, the most economical way of electrification. This mode is not only cheap but is also very conducive for use environmentally. This is because it doesn’t result in any release of harmful gases as do the gas power systems. In addition to this, the solar plant doesn’t work noisily but instead is very quiet when in operation. This is unlike the diesel driven generators which are extremely noisy. This power generation enhances disaster management in times of any unplanned for power tragedies. 3.3 Design evaluation This design of power production is founded on the provision that cost effectiveness is a basic factor for any project. This very project is directed to the being of a power system that can ably sustain itself as it fosters adequate supply of electricity. On being installed, there shall be an ensured supply of energy both for the homesteads and the industry as a whole. For industries that require a sufficiently constant power, this shall indeed be a rewarding venture. Further to this, the powered industry plants will minimize on the gaseous emissions that usually result due to the nature of fuel used. This guarantees the friendliness of the entire system to the society and the surroundings. Some of the outright benefits of the solar generator have been explained hereunder. Firstly, there is an assurance of maximum power outlay in least time. The solar generator is actually very easy to set up; it’s just a matter of a few minutes. Having set it up, all one has to do is to plug in the appliances. Secondly, the solar generator allows for the application of both AC and DC appliances at all times. It can’t be restricted to only one mode of appliances. Thus, there is a myriad of appliances that can be put to use. Thirdly, the entire system is well endowed so as to deal with all the unanticipated interruptions to power supply. This is via the use of the power back up that comes in handy when and as need arises. The backed up energy can sufficiently drive lots of activities and thus, keeps the entire home, or industry, set up running. Fourthly, the portable nature of this machinery, the power can be utilized from anywhere. Therefore, travel can never be a hindrance to the continued use of electric power. This is evident in Fig 1 and Fig 2 (of the appendices). Fifthly, since they don’t require any fuel and are fumeless and noiseless without any maintenance costs, they prove more convenient than the gas generators. They have humongous batteries that require no maintenance and a very strong outer casing for this. They are thus, durable and only get destroyed if physically disfigured. In addition to this, the generator can be utilized multiply. Some of the assorted small tasks like recharging the phones, running computers and radios as well as television sets can all be jointly carried out. This very energy can still be used in running tools like power saws, blowers and shavers. Finally, the generation is still reliably necessary in supplying permanent power of a reasonable amount of power. This supply of power is maintained constantly by the rechargeable nature of the generator. It also allows for permanent power generation by keeping appliances permanently plugged in minimizing any losses hence cutting on any extra electrical costs. 4.0 Sustainability Sustainability is the state of carrying out a process without necessarily causing instability to the entire system. It is the actual ability of a given system to sufficiently provide given services to full actualization without causing any undue effects on its stable state. This property allows for the continued realization of any set goals without necessarily resulting to any undesired side effects. Sustainable product design refers to the establishment of a design for a product that doesn’t lead to any unjustified unrest in the state of affairs. This process results from a clear cut justified product analysis as well as the sticking to the set precepts and provisions on product design. When a product’s design is sustainable, then it can be embraced by the system without there being any fear for unwarranted discontinuity or any other effect. Financial sustainability fosters independence. This project is adequately sustainable as it can be systemized without causing any unnecessary measures. From the done analysis, it can’t lead to straining the present system with an aim of keeping up with the new breathe set in place. Thus, it is a friendly mode of operation both to the economy, environment and the society at large. The solar power generation is a process that is very cheap to institute (Boxwell 2009). It is much less costly as it could actually be put running at a cost as low as $250 or $300. The generation kit itself could go for as low as $100. This means that cost wise, this is very friendly. Thus, it is a sustainable project financially. This enhances its ease of application wherever and whenever required. Sustainability aids in the continuation of environmental conservation. So far, due to human desire to conquer the unknown territories, he has ended up destroying the serene Mother Nature. This resulted in a heightened necessity for a system that will ensure its recapture. As such, this generation of electricity is considerably environmentally friendly. It doesn’t produce any noise which in most cases pollutes the environment. Furthermore, solar power doesn’t result into any gas emissions. It is usually gas-free leading to further environmental preservation in entirety. There is no extra procedural processing that is required to relay the effectiveness as well as efficiency of this solar power. A good energy source is one that doesn’t cause any environmental harm. Given the dispensation, which is very conscious about the state of the environment, then this electricity generation method is primarily relevant even to the third world countries as it will lead to a twofold benefit of a clean environment and a constant power supply. Social sustainability is aimed at establishing and maintaining a good and worthwhile life quality for people. This sustainability entails protecting both the physical and mental health of the respective stakeholders. It is aimed at realizing a society that is well endowed with fairness, peace and harmony. This system is in a position to promote such a stable society. This can be attained by keeping all the necessary social amenities up and running. This ensures that the healthcare of the community is catered for. In addition, this very system acts as an incentive towards a life lived in equity and cohesion. Given that this power is in constant supply, then such a society outlook will be maintained because there shall be no segregation as all will be with power in their households. Good lighting means that most, if not all, of the evils like robbery can be curbed. Constant power supply also means that the urban set up is enhanced as well as business being steered onto greater heights. For an accorded sustainability, Tom Greenwood (2004) stipulates some of the applicable strategies are as expounded here below. Firstly, there is maintenance. This strategy is realizable on the basis that the power supply can be maintained at a given level due to the predictability of the sun and its constant energy supply. This is well utilized in bringing into being the social sustainability. Secondly, rechargeable batteries form the next strategy. There is definitely an assured battery that runs continuously due to its rechargeable nature in this generator. This strategy promotes the being of financial sustainability. Thirdly, there is multi-functionalism. This is exactly what is seen in this project as there is a multi-functional ability of the generator. It can be simultaneously used for many tasks at a go. This is substantially beneficial to the society. Fourthly is strategy of minimizing composites. This strategy reduces all the potential pollution of the environment and thus encourages environmental sustainability. Fifthly, the core functions need to be clarified. This has justifiably been done in the introduction of this project. This encourages due sustainability of the project without conceding any side effects. Sixthly, the various leaks in the system ought to be controlled. This has adequately been done in the project encouraging the required holistic sustainability. Seventhly, energy has to be renewed in the quest for efficiency. This system ensures that most, if not all, of the energy is stored in the back up and thus improving on its effectiveness as a system. Eighthly, there ought to be minimized losses in the entire system. This is an outright reality in that there are no losses given that the sun is itself a natural source of energy (Chiras 2009). This ensures continued sustenance of the project. Ninthly, there is supposed to be durability. This is also a reality because the machinery that is utilized is astute enough to facilitate long supply of energy; hence efficiency. Finally, there is a desire to promote simplicity. This project in itself is very simple to adopt and utilize. As such, even the costs are themselves considerably manageable in their application. All these strategies are in tandem with the sustainability model of efficiency and energy maximization. 5.0 Conclusion This project is worth undertaking by all means especially in the third world. From the analysis done in the discussion above, it is evident that the project is very profitable in addition to being economically cheap. It is very gentle to the environment and is out to foster social stability. It is what any community requires as in the first place it is powered naturally (Chiras 2009). Nothing should therefore stop any party from benefitting therewith.   6.0 Bibliography Boxwell, M 2009, Solar electricity handbook 2010 edition: A simple, practical guide to solar energy - designing and installing photovoltaic solar electric systems. Chiras, DD 2009, Power from the sun: a practical guide to solar electricity. DeGunther, R 2010, Solar power your home for dummies. Greenwood, T 2004, ‘Design Strategies’, Sustainable design guide, viewed 19 March, 2004, 7.0 Appendices Fig 1 Fig 2 Fig 3 Read More
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