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Investigations and Monitoring of the Patient with Symptoms of Hypertension and Moderate Obesity - Article Example

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The paper "Investigations and Monitoring of the Patient with Symptoms of Hypertension and Moderate Obesity" is a good example of a finance and accounting article. This paper will present a case study for a 46 years old patient who previously had shown minimal symptoms of hypertension and moderate obesity…
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Name Tutors Case study Outline This paper will present a case study for a 46 years old patient who previously had shown minimal symptoms of hypertension and moderate obesity. The major issues discussed in this paper include the following: the initial diagnosis of the patient, steps that ought to be taken, methods and ways of monitoring the patient, management of the condition and complications of the disease. Introduction and patient history A 46 year’s old patient had previously presented herself for checkups and her medical history had shown borderline hypertension and moderate obesity. Her fasting lipid profile was normal and after several counseling sessions relating to her eating habits, still she did not follow the instructions. Her family history shows that her mother and brother have hypertension and diabetes. After performing a physical examination on the patient, her blood pressure was 140/92 mmHg while her body mass index (BMI) was 27Kg/m2. Since the patient had not eaten anything .an initial plasma glucose test was performed, and the results were 10mmol/L against the normal range of Read More
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(Investigations and Monitoring of the Patient with Symptoms of Hypertension and Moderate Obesity Article Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words, n.d.)
Investigations and Monitoring of the Patient with Symptoms of Hypertension and Moderate Obesity Article Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words.
(Investigations and Monitoring of the Patient With Symptoms of Hypertension and Moderate Obesity Article Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 Words)
Investigations and Monitoring of the Patient With Symptoms of Hypertension and Moderate Obesity Article Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 Words.
“Investigations and Monitoring of the Patient With Symptoms of Hypertension and Moderate Obesity Article Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 Words”.
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