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The Crisis of Toyota Motors Corporation - Thesis Example

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This thesis "The Crisis of Toyota Motors Corporation" focuses on crisis management that helps in testing an organization’s public relations as well as the strategic management team. The analysis of the case of Toyota motors reveals the two sides of a coin with regard to crisis management…
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The Crisis of Toyota Motors Corporation
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The case chosen for the study has been that of Toyota Motors Corporation which was hit badly by a spate of unprecedented issues regarding the aspect of communications with regards to a manufacturing defect in the product and the strategies adopted by the firm to address the issue. The study would analyze how an organization can use a crisis situation and effectively handle it to extract benefits out of a negative situation. The study would consider the various theories related to the aspect of communications in crisis management and would also discuss how effective handling of the issue can lead to the prospective advantage of the organization.

Various theoretical models would be used to analyze the shortcomings in the actual strategy of the firm. It would suggest better possible strategies that could have been adopted by the organization so as to generate loyalty among the existing and prospective customers. Introduction Communications form a vital aspect of the business prospects of an organization. Communications can be both internal as well as external. Internal communication refers to the communication of an organization with its internal stakeholders like suppliers and employees.

External communication involves communication between the organization and the external entities which include customers, press, media, etc. This is especially important in the modern-day business environment of a business which is governed by globalization and the internet. The media and the press have a large influence with regard to the spread of information. The advent of the internet has widened the reach of these players to a wide variety of audiences. Media and press also enjoy a good rapport with the general public which even accentuates their importance for business organizations as any news about a firm can have both positive as well as negative effects on the positioning as well as the brand image of the firm.

The present study would analyze the role of media and press in affecting the policy-making of organizations. The organization selected for the study is Toyota motors. The choice of the organization assumes significance considering the fact that the organization is one of the largest car makers in the world and was also hit by a series of major scams involving the press releases the organization. The concept of public relations has been one of the most important aspects that govern the influence of media in a business organization.

The role of the public relations departments involves handling the aspect of external communication in a manner that the message to be communicated brings about positive development for the organization. The main aim of the public relations office is to filter out and sent messages that help not only improve the brand image of the firm but also to ensure a better relationship with its suppliers, shareholders, suppliers, and other stakeholders. The growth of the internet has made the spread of information assumes lightning speeds.

Social networking and various blog sites have enabled access to information for millions of users across the world. The channel of public relations has also been used by business organizations.

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