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The Importance of Serving Nutritionally Rich Food in Restaurants - Coursework Example

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From the paper "The Importance of Serving Nutritionally Rich Food in Restaurants" it is clear that to obtain a good nutritional value, there is a need for eating healthy food substances. It is important for a person to know the kind of food that he or she is taking…
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The Importance of Serving Nutritionally Rich Food in Restaurants
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Introduction: Numerous studies and reports have found out that fast food restaurants are the major causes of obesity within the country. This is as opposed to restaurants that offer a variety of menus that their clients can choose from. Despite this assertion, there is insufficient evidence directly linking the emergence of obesity to fast food restaurants. This is because there are a variety of reasons and factors to consider for an increase in obesity in the United Kingdom, and other Western countries (Bosaeus, 2006). The epidemic of obesity occurs because of a variety of factors, and people who eat in fast food restaurants are more vulnerable to being attacked with this medical condition. This is because the food substances contained in fast food restaurants are very high in calories, and fat substances. Furthermore, teenagers are always unaware of the calories that they take, and they underestimate the daily consumption of these calories by an average of 259 calories (Clark and Ehrlich, 2010). Adults are also responsible for under-estimating the consumption of calories that they take. This is by 175 calories per day. Furthermore, Bosaeus (2006) explains that 25% of people taking their meals in restaurants normally think that their meals consists of 500 less of calories. This is an indication that some people are not aware of the nutritional quality of foods that they are eating in the restaurants (Durant, 2010). This has an effect of under-estimating the fatty and caloric contents of the food substance that they are eating. Despite an increase in this obesity epidemic, restaurant organization continue to provide meals that are responsible for causing a serious health threat or risk to an individual (Miller, 2010, pp. 27). The major culprits in this situation are the fast food restaurant organizations. Advertising and branding campaigns normally make restaurants that offer fatty and caloric foods appealing (Durant, 2010). Furthermore, these food substances are cheap, and they encourage people to skip the warnings that concern the percentage of caloric content of the food, and their negative health impact. However, the major fact is that fast food meals pose a serious threat to the lives of people consuming them. This is if they are taken on a daily basis, or over a considerable period of time. To protect the health care needs of individuals, it is essential for a restaurant or a caterer to highly consider the kind of food substances that they are selling to the public (Sualakamala and Huffman, 2010). This is by ensuring that they provide healthy meals to their customers. The Importance of Serving Nutritionally Rich Food in Restaurants: An increase in obesity over the past years is attributed to the habit of people eating away from home. This is because people are involved in eating food substances in restaurants that serve nutritionally poor foods. Of particular importance, are food substances that contain a high portion of energy density. Bosaeus (2006) explains that majority of studies proof that consumption of food substances that are energy dense can make the body to receive excess energy intakes. Furthermore, consumption of fatty and caloric foods can lead to the emergence of obesity. Obesity is a serious health ailment, and it can lead to the development of chronic diseases such as cancer, stroke, and even hear attacks. Because most people normally feed in restaurants, they are obligated to provide food substances that are nutritionally healthy (Durant, 2010). The most effective strategy in reducing the consumption of fatty and caloric food substances is by making it mandatory for restaurants, and caterers to provide foods that are healthy. At the same time, these restaurants have to maintain the volume and weight of the food substance under consideration. This would help customers to get satisfactory portions, as well as reducing the caloric content of food substances that they consume on a daily basis. Furthermore, there is a need of introducing educational messages that emphasize on the consumption of nutritional food substances, such as vegetables, fruits, proteins, etc (Bosaeus, 2006). To effectively deliver these messages, there is a need of ensuring that there is cooperation amongst restaurants, scientists, policy makers, and people in the food industry. Furthermore, an effective strategy requires that consumers of food substances have to accept and understand the importance of eating food portions that are nutritionally healthy (Miller, 2010, pp. 26). By serving and preparing foods that are rich in nutrition, caterers have a high chance of promoting the health of the public. This is by minimizing the chances of an individual getting obesity, or other health related ailments. Furthermore, a restaurant that offers healthy and nutritional food substances are on high demand (Durant, 2010). This is because people are becoming aware of the need to avoid fatty and highly caloric food substances. Most people prefer consuming healthy food substances, and this is because they have the intention of preventing obesity. Obesity is the major risk that people face when they consume foods which are rich in calorie and fats (Elbel, 2011, pp. 1972). Dietary and Nutritional Problems: In as much as most people are concerned with obesity, it is not the only health risk associated with poor diet, or un-nutritional food substances. There are an array of diseases and medical health conditions that are alleviated or caused by poor diet or nutrition (Top of Form Bottom of Form Edwards, 2010). Excesses, imbalances, and deficiencies in a diet can result to negative health impacts that may lead to a variety of health problems such as osteoporosis, cardiovascular diseases, scurvy, and diabetes (Bosaeus, 2006). It may also lead to behavioral and psychological problems. It is therefore important for restaurant owners and caterers to understand the specific nutrients that are important in making an individual to be healthy (Elbel, 2011, pp. 1975). Nutrients in a food substance are normally categorized to several categories or groups. Macronutrients are proteins, carbohydrates, and fats (Alexander, O'gorman and Wood, 2010). Micronutrients are vitamins, and mineral substances. Additionally, food substances normally contain dietary fiber and water. The body of an individual is normally designed by the natural selection method to enjoy fattening and sweet foods, and this was ideal for gatherers and hunters (Bosaeus, 2006). On this basis, fattening and sweet foods are by nature rare, and very pleasurable for consumption. In the current world, the development of advanced technology has made it possible for consumer to access food substances that are full of fats and sugar. Unfortunately this has led to an increase in obesity, and this affects children and adults alike. Responsibility of Caterers and Restaurant Owners: A high percentage of workers normally get their meals at restaurants or hotels. This is because it is more convenient for them, during their work schedules. Students are also known for visiting fast food restaurants and hotel chains (Elbel, 2011, pp. 1973). This has led to an increase in obesity and other diseases associated with nutrition. However, the question to ask is whether restaurants or caterers are responsible for the emergence of these diseases (Bosaeus, 2006). This is because most restaurants are responsible for selling fatty and food substances that are full of calories. However, it is important to explain that restaurant owners and caterers are not the only people to blame for the consumption of unhealthy food substances (Alexander, O'gorman and Wood, 2010). This is because of the wrong choices that parents normally take, in regard to feeding their children and their families. For example, parents normally feed their children with food substances such as pizza, fried chicken, cheese, soda, and burgers (Nixon and Doud, 2011, 185). The meals are normally taken in every combination, and this includes dinner, and lunch. Despite these food substances containing high calories, Bosaeus (2006) explains that restaurant owners are responsible for producing and selling them. Katz (2010) therefore argues that to help in curbing diseases that are brought about by poor nutritional value, there is a need of restaurant organizations and caterers to enact a policy responsible for promoting the consumption of healthy food substances. Consumption of healthy and nutritious food substances play an important role in the mortality and health of every human being (Katz, 2010). For example, imbalances that occur between expended energy and consumed fuels have an impact in causing starvation. It can also lead to an increase in body fats, which is not healthy to an individual. Furthermore, poor consumption of minerals and vitamins has the capability of leading to the emergence of various diseases that can have a great negative effect on the overall health and well being of an individual. Bosaeus (2006) explains that approximately 30% of the populations of the world are either living with, or they have contracted iodine deficiency. Musa and Ogbadoyi (2012) further explain that approximately three million children normally become blind, because of deficiencies in vitamin A. Furthermore, deficiencies in Vitamin C can result to the emergence of Scurvy. This is a disease of the bones, and it affects the manner in which a child or a person walks. Vitamin D, Calcium and phosphorus are nutrients which are inter-related, and their consumption has the capability of improving the skin of an individual (Nixon and Doud, 2011, 183). Furthermore, Marasmus and Kwashiorkor are child hood diseases that are caused because of poor nutritional and dietary food substances (Musa and Ogbadoyi, 2012). While preparing food substances, restaurant owners and caterers have to have knowledge on these nutrients, and food substances that have the capability of providing these nutrients. Having this knowledge will help caterers and restaurant owners to prepare food substances that have a good nutritional value. For purposes of improving the health conditions of the people, it is therefore necessary for restaurant owners to provide meals that have a good nutritional value (Alhéritière, Montois, Galinski, Tazarourte and Lapostolle, 2013). Through this action, caterers and restaurant owners may play a role in ensuring that they prevent the spread of nutritional related diseases such as diabetes, cancer, obesity, etc. Take for example; Musa and Ogbadoyi (2012) explain that the diet of a human being causes approximately 35% of all cancers that people suffer from. These types of cancers, may arise because of the presence of carcinogens, which may have a presence in food substances as a contaminant, or naturally. Furthermore, food substances that have fungal growth may have mycotoxins. An example of a common mycotoxin that is present in food substances is aflatoxins. These are commonly found in contaminated peanuts and corn (Nixon and Doud, 2011, 186). Other carcinogens that are found in food substances include heterocyclic amines, which are found in meat. This is when they are cooked in very high temperatures. Polyaromatic hydrocarbons are found in smoked fish, and charred meat. Furthermore, nitrosamines, which are removed from nitrites normally, act as food preservatives in cured meat, and an example is bacon. In preventing cancer, there is a need of using Anticarcinogens. These substances are always found in vegetables and fruits. Musa and Ogbadoyi (2012) further explains that Antioxidants are very important elements contained in a food substance. This is because they help in removing harmful chemicals in the body. However, it is a difficult process to identify a specific component in the diet of an individual that can help in decreasing or increasing the risks of the person acquiring cancer. Majority of food substances such as broccoli and beef steak have a low concentration of anticarcinogens and carcinogens. Fookyee (2008) explains that caterers and restaurant organizations have to have such kind of a valuable knowledge. This is because they will help in reducing the rates in which an individual may acquire these diseases or ailments. Caterers and restaurants have an advantage in the prevention and reduction of the emergence of these diseases because of the number of people seeking their services on a daily basis. Conclusion: In conclusion, to obtain a good nutritional value, there is a need of eating healthy food substances. It is important for a person to know the kind of food that he or she is taking. Restaurant organizations are constantly accused of selling unhealthy food substances to people. These are foods that contain a high volume of calories and fats. These food substances have an impact of leading to obesity or other chronic diseases like cancer, diabetes, and cardiovascular ailments. It is therefore important for restaurants and caterers to consider the kind of food that they are offering to the public. These organizations should lay emphasis in the sale of vegetables, fruits, and other food substances that have a high nutritional value. However, because restaurants are engaged in business, they would only produce and sale food substances that are attractive to the people. This is why fast food restaurants are popular to the public. Bibliography: Bosaeus, I. (2006). Clinical Nutrition – The Nutrition Society Textbook. Scandinavian Journal of Nutrition, 181-182. Top of FormBottom of Form Musa, A., & Ogbadoyi, E. (2012). Effect of Cooking and Sun Drying On Micronutrients, Antinutrients an Toxic Substances in Corchorus Olitorius (Jute Mallow). Journal of Nutrition & Food Sciences. Bottom of Form Fookyee, C. (2008). Nutritional value of edible wild mushrooms - their roles in meeting the nutritional requirements of people in developing countries. CAB Reviews: Perspectives in Agriculture, Veterinary Science, Nutrition and Natural Resources.Bottom of Form Katz, D. (2010). Fixing Childhood Obesity: Simple, Just Not Easy. Childhood Obesity (Formerly Obesity and Weight Management), 165-165. Top of FormBottom of Form Durant, N. (2010). Not Just Fun and Games: Harnessing Technology to Address Childhood Obesity. Childhood Obesity (Formerly Obesity and Weight Management), 283-284. Top of Form Bottom of Form Edwards, Z. (2010). Making a Better Choice for Kids: What Restaurants Have to Offer. Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior, S81-S81. Bottom of Form Elbel, B. (2011). Consumer Estimation of Recommended and Actual Calories at Fast Food Restaurants. Obesity, 1971-1978. Bottom of Form Nixon, H, & Doud, L. (2011). Do fast food restaurants cluster around high schools? A geospatial analysis of proximity of fast food restaurants to high schools and the connection to childhood obesity rates. Journal of Agriculture, Food Systems, and Community Development, 181-194. Bottom of Form Alhéritière, A., Montois, S., Galinski, M., Tazarourte, K., & Lapostolle, F. (2013). Worldwide relation between the number of McDonald's restaurants and the prevalence of obesity. Journal of Internal Medicine, 610-611. Top of Form Bottom of Form Alexander, M., O'gorman, K., & Wood, K. (2010). Nutritional labelling in restaurants: Whose responsibility is it anyway? International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 572-579. Top of FormBottom of Form Miller, B. (2010). Compensation Practices in Restaurants and the Impact on Service Quality. Journal of Foodservice Business Research, 24-35. TBottom of Form Sualakamala, S., & Huffman, L. (2010). Value Negotiation for Healthy Food Selection in Restaurants. Journal of Culinary Science & Technology, 242-256. Top of FormBottom of Form Clark, A., & Ehrlich, M. (2010). Assessing the Availability and Acceptability of Healthy Choices on Children's Menus in Sit-down Restaurants. Journal of the American Dietetic Association, A29-A29. Read More
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