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Sexual Harassment in the Workplace - Research Paper Example

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Sexual harassment at workplace is a big problem nowadays, mainly for the women. Women seldom complain about the sexual harassments at workplace because of different reasons. This paper analyses the different dimensions of sexual harassment against women in the workplace…
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Sexual Harassment in the Workplace
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? Sexual Harassment in the Workplace Sexual harassment at workplace is a big problem nowadays, mainly for the women. Because of the changingwork culture and organizational theories, women forced to even work in the night shifts without adequate protection from the employers. Liberty, equality dignity etc are the constitutional rights given to the women in most of the civilized societies; however, all these constitutional rights are hanging only on papers and the massacres against women are growing day by day. It is the duty of the employers to take necessary steps to ensure the safety of the women employees at their workplaces. Physical contacts and advances, demand or request for sexual favors, sex related remarks, pornography in front of women workers, or any physical, psychological, verbal or non-verbal conduct of sexual nature can be attributed as the sexual harassment at workplace. Women seldom complain about the sexual harassments at workplace because of different reasons. In most of the cases the culprit would be the superior of the women employee and the victims often stay away from complaining against them in order to protect their jobs. The reluctance of the victims in complaining will motivate the culprits further and they will repeat their activities again and again. This paper analyses the different dimensions of sexual harassment against women in the workplace. Sexual Harassment in the Workplace Approximately 15,000 sexual harassment cases are brought to the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) each year. According to the EEOC, the number of sexual harassment complaints filed by men has more than tripled in recent years. Currently, approximately 11% of claims involve men filing against female supervisors. A telephone poll conducted by Louis Harris and Associates on 782 workers revealed: 31% of the female workers claimed to have been harassed at work;7% of the male workers claimed to have been harassed at work;62% of targets took no action;100% of women claimed the harasser was a man;59% of men claimed the harasser was a woman;41% of men claimed the harasser was another man (Sexual Harassment Statistics in the Workplace, 2011) Sexual harassment is an act of intimidation, bullying or coercion for in an effort to force a person to engage in sexual activities. In many cases, the victim may not register any complaints about the sex harassments and hence the number of the actual sex harassment cases is extremely higher than the number of the reported cases. Sexual harassment is considered as employment discrimination if it takes place at the workplace. Earlier sex harassment incidents at workplaces were mostly happened against the women employees. However, at present even male workers are complaining about the sexual harassment they are facing from their female superior employees. In other words, both males and females are equally suffering from the sexual exploitations at workplace. Nature of sex harassment incidents at workplace Sex harassments can take place in the workplace in different forms. Sex harassments can take place physically, psychologically, verbally or nonverbally. Even some of the gestures can categorize in the sex harassment lists. In most of the cases, sex harassments start verbally. The culprit often tries to catch the attraction of the victim with the help of comments with sexual overtones or remarks sexual nature. Chaudhari (2006) has pointed out an incident in which a senior doctor used verbal sexual harassment even in the operation theatre. A female doctor of 34 years of age said “ah” when the operation theatre needle accidently pierced her hand. In response to that the senior doctor said “You are making a sound like you are having sex” (Chaudhari, 2006, p.11). In this case, the senior doctor tried to harass the junior doctor even in the operation theatre which shows that sex harassments are happening even at workplaces where one would never anticipate such activities. The culprit often analyzes the response of the victim to the initial verbal assaults microscopically before deciding whether to continue his/her activities or to stop it there. In the above incident, if the junior doctor responded or seems to be responded favorably to the comments of her senior doctor, sex harassment will enter the second phase of unwanted body touches or physical activities. On the other hand, if the junior doctor expresses her displeasure of such comments, the senior doctor may stop his activities there. It is not necessary that all the sexual harassments may take place either verbally or physically. In some cases, the culprit can harass the victim psychologically. For example, constantly staring at the breasts and demonstrating nonverbal gestures can cause agony to the female employees. In many of the organizations, the superiors call their subordinates privately inside their cabins and harass them psychologically. It is difficult for normal women to manage the sex provoking looks and gestures of the superior for a longer period. Sending unnecessary SMS, phone calls at odd hours etc are other forms of psychological sex harassments. In most of such cases, the victim may not complain about it. Psychological harassment can be explained more clearly with the help of the following words of a female doctor aged 24, mentioned by Chaudhari (2006) I was working as an intern with a senior dentist. My senior was in his 70s. One day he called me and asked whether I would like to look at some good books. I asked him what books? He then showed me pornographic books (Chaudhari, 2006, p.13) After the verbal, nonverbal and psychological attempts to catch the prey, the culprit often opt for the physical sexual exploitation based on the responses of the victim. Intentional falling on the victim, intentional touching at the body parts or private parts of the victim etc are the major attempts of physical sexual exploitation. Rape, attempted rape or forced sex will follow after the initial unwanted or deliberate body touching or physical activities. In most of the cases, the females often try to hide the sex harassment cases. This is because of two reasons mainly; fear of punishments from the superiors and fear of losing pride. Only the highly educated females may respond positively against sexual exploitation at workplace, up to certain extent. Employment protection is very weak nowadays and it is easy for the employers to fire any employees without citing adequate reasons now. Because of the above insecurity feelings at the workplaces, most of the victims try to hide the exploitation efforts against them. Such victims will try to manage such problems in their own ways. Chaudhari (2006) quoted a 42 year doctor; “if a woman says there is sexual harassment, then I will find out about her behavior first” (Chaudhari, 2006, p.6). In other words, the general attitude of the employers or superior officers to the sexual harassment complaints is passive. In most of the cases, the employers will try to put the blame on the victim in order to save the more efficient superior. The loss of a normal employee is not a big thing to the employers whereas the termination of a skilled professional is always a loss to the organization. Under such circumstances, the employers often give more weight to the culprit’s arguments rather than the arguments of the victim. In some cases, the employers will force the victim for the withdrawal of the complaint or for a compromise with the culprit. In any case, the victim may not get justice which is evident to the ordinary workers and they will not register complaints against their superiors under normal circumstances. Because of the above reluctance by the victims to register complaints, many of the sex harassment cases from different organizations are going unnoticed. Those who are employed on daily wages or on contract are particularly reluctant to register their complaints against sexual harassments. They consider sexual harassment secondary to the permanent employment. One major problem in dealing with sexual harassment in organizations is its perceptual nature. Men and women generally differ in what they perceive to be sexual harassment. Findings indicated that women have broader definitions of sexual harassment than males, have more negative attitudes, are less tolerant and consider teasing, looks, gestures, unnecessary physical contact and remarks to be sexual harassment (Sabitha, 2008, p.3). The perceptions of the people about the topic sex are different with respect to gender, culture, age etc. It is not necessary that both males and females consider a sexual harassment case in the same manner. For example, most of the men are of the view that looking a female or enjoying the beauty of the body shape of a female is not a serious crime. On the other hand, many of the females may attach sexual energy with respect to such activities of men. In some advanced cultures, people accept simple sex provoking talks and gestures as part of their life. For example, in western cultures, females often expose some parts of their body while dressing and people see no danger or vulgarity in that. On the other hand, in traditional Muslim societies like Saudi Arabia or Afghanistan, Muslim females forced to cover entire portion of their body. Females may not expose any part of their body in front of others in such societies because of the cultural belief that exposing of female body in front of men other than husbands is a sin. In such societies, the definition of sex harassment at workplace would be much more different than that in countries like America or England. Age is another factor which shapes the outlooks about sexual harassment at workplace. Old people usually avoid silly incidents at workplace and they may not attach sexual reasons to such things. On the other hand, young people often see the involvement of sexual energy in extra ordinary activities at workplaces. For example, when an old employee accidently touches the body of a young lady, nobody label it as sex harassment. On the other hand, even if a young male accidently touches the body of a young female employee, people may attach sex with that touching or collision. In short, age plays a vital role in categorizing activities under sexual harassment and non-sexual harassment. Reasons for sexual harassment in the workplace Psychologists and sociologists cited many reasons for the growing number of sex related crimes in the workplaces. Sex is an act which helps the people to release their tension. We are living in a highly tensed world today. The commitments of modern generation are more than that of the older generation. Current people are tied to many things. Family, society, workplace etc are some of them. It is difficult for the current generation to fulfill their commitments towards all these entities. Failures in profession, family or social matters often increase the tension of the people. Sexual harassment is one way to escape from such tensions. Nobody wants to work like machines in the workplace. The creator has designed the human with emotions and feelings. The feeling of sex is one among them. Humans do respond to situations with suitable feelings. For example, in a wedding occasion he will express happiness whereas he expresses sorrow when some of the beloved one passes away. Same way, sex feeling towards opposite sex is genetically constructed in all the living things. Whenever the humans get suitable environment, he/she will express his/her sexual feeling towards the opposite sex. Current workplaces provide enough opportunities to the males and females to associate in some organizational activities. Such close associations often develop or grow the innate sexual feeling. It is not necessary that two people develop same feeling when they closely associated in some workplace activities. The development of sexual energy in any of the individual associated in an activity can result in sexual harassment. Men who were brought up with macho beliefs like "real men pinch bottoms", "girls were made to hug and kiss", "the more, the merrier", easily carry these social values into the workplace, and treat their female colleagues accordingly. Such men often even think that women take their harassment as a compliment. Many women have been brought up to believe women's highest calling is to please men, that popularity with men equals success, or that "real women look sexy". This can give the impression - usually unintended - that they invite sexual advances at work. Some women who see sexuality as their only power base, play along. Although research has proven them to be a small minority, their behavior can also encourage harassment of other women (Sexual Harassment: Causes, Consequences and Cures, 2005) According to Christian beliefs, it is the duty of the women to service their husbands properly in reply to the care extended to them by their husbands. According to Islamic beliefs, a male can marry more than one girl or he can keep more than one wife at the same time. All these religious beliefs and customs played a vital role in shaping the male attitude towards females. Male dominance over females is another reason for sexual harassments at workplace against the females. Rape, sex trafficking, military prostitutions etc are some of the social evils existing across the world which failed to catch the attention of the world because of the male dominance in the society. Sabitha, (2008) argued that “men who have adversarial attitudes towards women have been consistently more involved in sexually aggressive actions towards women than those with egalitarian attitudes” (Sabitha, 2008, p.3).Attitude plays a vital role in causing sexual harassment at workplaces. Some men consider females as an instrument for enjoyment. Such people will never ready to accept the identity, individuality or personality of females. For them, females were designed by the God in order to make the men happier. Moreover, it is often said that the creator has made the female body as the most beautiful thing in this world. Perhaps most of the men agree that. Femininity existed in human culture even from the evolution. Woman had an innate feeling for everything that is beautiful, decorated and adorned. It is because of the above feeling, even in childhood; girls are glad to be dressed up and are pleased when they are adorned. In short, some males often consider females as the most beautiful thing in this world designed by for their enjoyment purpose by God and whenever they get opportunities, they will try to use it for harassing or using women sexually. Sexual harassment is, above all, a manifestation of power relations – women are much more likely to be victims of sexual harassment precisely because they more often than men lack power, are in more vulnerable and insecure positions, lack self confidence, or have been socialized to suffer in silence (Stop Violence Against Women Sexual Harassment, 2003) Another major reason for the wide spreading of sexual harassment at workplace is the growing popularity of pornography. Many studies have shown surprisingly that public support to pornography is growing day by day. In other words, public views about sex and pornography are changing rapidly. Even the feminist movements were not unique in their attitude and opinion towards pornography and sex related materials. Even though radical feminist movements are still opposing the spreading of pornography through different medias like internet, print, television etc, some advanced individualist feminist movements did not see any harm in using the pornographic materials. The changing perceptions about sex are motivating the people to use any occasions to liberate their sexual energy. Sex is a physiological and psychological need for all the living things including humans. The thirst for sexual pleasure will be fulfilled in different ways by humans. Married persons have easy access to the sexual activities whereas others may not have that much direct access to the sex activities. It is difficult for a person to suppress his/her sexual energy for a longer period. Such people will use all occasions to release their suppressed sexual energy. Workplace is a location where a substantial period of time spent by most of the people. It is difficult for unmarried people to suppress their sexual energy for longer periods if they get suitable environment in the workplace. Changing life styles and attitudes are contributing heavily to the sexual exploitations at workplaces. Morality and ethics are rapidly disappearing words from the current society. Current generation is ready to do anything to protect their interests. Religions were the only social institutions which prevented people from doing sins. However, religions are losing their grounds in the contemporary society. Current generation has less faith in marriage like concepts and they are more interested in concepts like staying together rather than marriages. In short, the divinity attached to the sexual activities with the help of marriage or family life is losing prominence at present. This changing perception about life is a major reason for the increasing sexual harassments in workplaces. Ways of handling sexual exploitation at workplace Both the employer and the employee have equal roles in preventing sexual exploitations at workplaces. As mentioned earlier, in many cases, the sexual exploitation cases were not reported to the employers. The victims should know that in every workplace, it is the duty of the employer to ensure the safety of the worker. In other words, each employee should realize that his/her duty is to work for the organizational goals rather than the personal goals. Any actions performed by the superiors or fellow employees which is causing harm to the dignity of the employees should be reported to the employer first. If the employer shows reluctance in taking actions, the victim should post his complaint to the employment tribunals or concerning bodies which handle labor issues. If the harassers get adequate punishments, they will stay away from repeating their activities; otherwise they will repeat their activities again and again. Most of the current organizations give more attention to educate the employees with respect to their duties and responsibilities. Employers should provide the employees adequate training not only about their duties and responsibilities, but also about their rights. Moreover, employers should sexual harassment cases more seriously. They should realize that workplace sexual harassment may reduce the productivity of the company. If the employees give more attention to their personal goals and motives than that of the organization, the organization will suffer. Severe punishments should be given to the harassers in order to stop them from repeating their activities. Employees should demonstrate more professionalism in their works. They should realize that their main duty at workplace is to meet the organizational goals or objectives rather than meeting their personal needs. They should recognize that each employee has his/her own dignity and identity and it should be respected. References 1. Chaudhury P. (2006). Sexual harassment in the workplace. Health and Population Innovation Fellowship Programme Working Paper, No.1. Retrieved from 2. Sexual Harassment Statistics in the Workplace, (2011) Retrieved from 3. Sabitha, M. (2008). Sexual harassment awareness training at workplace: Can it effect administrators’ perception?, JOAAG, Vol. 3. No.2. Retrieved from 4. Sexual Harassment: Causes, Consequences and Cures, (2005) Retrieved from 5. Stop Violence Against Women Sexual Harassment, (2003). Retrieved from Read More
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