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The Impact of Information and Communication Technology Policies on Company Operations - Essay Example

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The paper "The Impact of Information and Communication Technology Policies on Company Operations" tells that the important role of information technology within the business sector has been a well-documented element, with failures within this paradigm resulting in substantial inefficiencies…
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The Impact of Information and Communication Technology Policies on Company Operations
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?Thank you for providing your Doctoral Process Checklist. I am glad to see that you are using the revised doctoral study template. Make sure to use the doctoral study rubric (as seen below) when working on your sections. The rubric helps step you through each section and the process of creating a proposal. The number one thing you need to work on is being very specific in your writing and making sure your problem statement, purpose statement and research questions all logically flow from one to another. This is the main component to your Chapter One. I see you have updated some of your references. Please continue to update the olders ones, "A good study should use approximately 100 + peer reviewed references with 80 to 85% being published within the last 3 – 5 years." Please review my comments below: Abstract [Impact of Information and Communication Technology Policy on Firm’s worldwide Operations] By Nisrine Hammache DBA, Walden University, 2010 Doctoral Study Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Doctor of Business Administration Walden University December 2011 Abstract In the contemporary world, information and communication technology is being rated as one of the basic requirements for the success of a business organization. Lately, it has been observed that even after implementing well dedicated architecture of information and communication technology, businesses have still failed. This has created a spur in the minds of small business owners on whether it is worth undertaking such a huge investment. The research paper is divided into three sections. The first section provides a general overview about the importance of the discipline of information and communication technology; it offers the background, purpose and nature of the study. The hypothesis and the assumptions along with the implications of the social change are clearly stated in this section. The second section deals with the particular project. This comprises the narration and analysis of data, as well as the reliability and the validity of the process and output. Section three encapsulates the presentation of the study and the application of the frame work of information and communication technology in terms of professional practices. The section also comprises the implications of social change, as well as the recommendations and the reflection. In the reading of the subsequent chapters, the essence of information and communication technology increases profitability; better management of international operations is increasingly substantiated and so the hypothesis is proved in due course. [Impact of Information and Communication Technology Policy on Firm’s Worldwide Operations] by Nisrine Hammache DBA, Walden University, 2010 Doctoral Study Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Doctor of Business Administration Walden University December 2011 Dedication Acknowledgments Table of Contents List of Figures 9 Section 1: Foundation of the Study 10 Background of the Problem 10 Purpose Statement 12 Nature of the Study 13 Research Question 13 Assumptions 15 Reduction of Gaps 17 Implications for Social Change 18 A Review of the Professional and Academic Literature 19 Transition and Summary 20 List of Figures Fig 1 – Page 15 Fig 2 – Page 16 Fig 3 – Page 17 Fig 4 – Page 18 Fig 5 – Page 19 Fig 6 – Page 20 Fig 7 – Page 21 Fig 8 – Page 22 Fig 9 – Page 23 Fig 10 – Page 24 Section 1: Foundation of the Study An official script written to resolve an immediate business predicament by addressing an existing gap in business practice is referred to as a DBA Doctoral Study. This study will focus on the impact that information and Communication technology policies have on firm’s worldwide operations. In overall, the study comprises three main segments: foundation of the study, the project and application to professional practice, and implications for change. Background of the Problem In every sphere of life change is inevitable, and the information and communication technology world is not an exception. Its adoption has increasingly become more popular and has revolutionized the mode of conducting business in almost every sector of the world economy (Maroto and Rubalcaba, 2008). Firms across the globe are concentrating on having state-of-the-art information technology and architecture. Both small and large sized firms that have extensively implemented information and technology in their operations are utilizing it to “store, retrieve, manipulate, transmit or receive information electronically in digital form” (tutor2u, n.d.). In 2007, Wong rightly observed that the organizations are viewing the successful implementation of information and communication technology as the way of ensuring sustainable development for the companies. Indeed, the important role of information technology within the business sector has been a well-documented element, with failures within this paradigm resulting in substantial inefficiencies throughout the organization. Hyeyoung., Jae-Nam, & Jaemin (2010) examined the issue in terms of functional ecosystems within the business environment. In these regards, information technology acted as a sort of environmental inter-network that improved company efficiency and profitability. They argued that business organizations that didn’t have this information technology network in place stand at a competitive disadvantage. Quantitative research has also examined the issue of information technology in terms of the business environment. For example, Kottemann & Boyer-Wright (2009) examined 122 corporations and discovered a positive correlation between profitability, as well as education levels, and the level of information technology that is implemented in the business. Ultimately, it’s clear that there is a substantial problem in terms of information technology and company success that is worthy of investigation. Problem Statement Information and communication technology (ICT) has been a dynamic factor in social development and economic growth. This view is supported by research in the sector of ICT development (Madon, 2005). However, the ongoing predicament with the successful implementation of ICT policy has been the main concern in the full utilization of ICT on the firms’ worldwide operations (Sein, 2005). In particular, the small and medium enterprises have had difficulty optimizing ICT policy in their operations because the huge cost associated with the adoption of the technology is enormous (Madon, 2005). In regard to this, extensive experimental research attempts have been directed towards relating the economic growth and ICT implementation on firms in developing countries (Corea, 2007). Nevertheless, it is apparent that no compromise has been reached concerning the suitable functions and impacts of ICT in economic development (Kotteman, 2009). Therefore, in this proposed study, the research will specifically focus on the performance of the manufacturing companies, specifically in Orlando, Florida, with regard to the adoption of appropriate information and communication technology policies. This qualitative study will examine the various elements related to ICT adoption within these organizations. Purpose Statement Traditionally, the decisions concerning the information and communication technology infrastructure were based on economic, technical and organizational grounds. However, according to Creswell (2009), the new developments have seen the stakeholders of ICT decision making taking into consideration environmental concerns in aspects that are likely to affect human activities on the earth. This qualitative investigation will examine these elements in an effort to gain a more thorough understanding of the adoption of ICT within the business organization. The research method contains primary research through questionnaires. One-hundred organizations were selected at random in the Orlando, Florida region to include all types of companies. The study can potentially contribute to social change through more accurately mapping and articulating the benefits and shortcomings of ICT implementation in the corporate environment. Nature of the Study In order to understand if the implementation of information and communication technology policy is having the desired success in small and medium sized businesses across the globe, the research article focuses on the number of manufacturing companies located in Orlando, Florida in United States. Data is collected from the business managers and executives from these companies, and then both qualitative studies are carried out on the sampled data. Therefore the research design employed in this study is a qualitative approach. The justification for a qualitative method instead of a quantitative or mixed method is to take a more purely naturalistic approach to study the phenomenon proposed to be examined, and obtain rich in-depth insight that could be practically useful. The research information will come from questionnaires. Questionnaires for research purposes provide highly credible and valid results and promote understanding (Sewell, 2009). By engaging in qualitative methods more diverse constructions of realities can be formed (Golafshani, 2003). Research Question The research question for the purpose of the study encapsulates the fact business organizations have benefitted from the implementation of information and communication technology policies. The paper studies the performance of firms that do not have proper information and communication technology policies in place. Several manufacturing companies are scared of the failure of other similar companies regarding the adoption of information and communication technology and therefore, the research question is centered on the viability of such high cost implementation mechanisms for manufacturing organizations. Theoretical or Conceptual Framework The theoretical and conceptual frame work for the purpose of information and communication technology encapsulates the essence of implementing such infrastructure in the manufacturing companies. It has been an accepted fact that the benefits of information and communication technology are enormous. The proper lay down of the information and communication architecture with respect to the requirements of the organization can definitely turn out to be the greatest asset to the business. Most importantly, well networked frameworks of information and communication technology can significantly reduce dependence on human actions and also render the errors made by humans nearly nonexistent. The manufacturing concern that has branches or production units all over the world can have enhanced centralization though the well dedicated information and communication technology architecture (Walsham, 2000). The theoretical framework of the information and communication technology also comprises the disadvantages that the planning and implementation of information and communication technology presents. The cost of such architecture might often be too expensive for the medium sized businesses and in the event that the implementation goes wrong, the entire business might collapse. Within this context of investigation there are a number of bodies of research knowledge that will be challenged and advanced. One of the most pertinent bodies of knowledge is the prevailing understanding that information technology when implemented will improve overall business efficiency and profitability. Following the theoretical and methodological assumptions articulated elsewhere within the research design this investigation seeks to advance knowledge through building upon gaps in research regarding the use of information technology in the corporate environment. Past research has indicated the positive contributions information technology has made to business profitability (Kotteman 2009). It’s also been indicated that fully comprehending the effectiveness of information technology must be accomplished through a pragmatic approach that considers the various aspects of ICT in a dynamic environment (Feng & Yuan 2006). Within this context of understanding this research functions to advance knowledge through the consideration of ICT from a multiple and dynamic perspective within the current Orlando, Florida corporate climate. Assumptions The researcher assumes that the selected manufacturing organizations of Orlando have implemented the architecture of information and communication technology. It is also assumed that the business managers of selected organizations have shared realistic information concerning the information and communication architecture that has been implemented by their companies. The methodological assumptions, which have been articulated elsewhere, situate information technology along an integrative continuum that examines it in terms of both internal and external elements. In terms of the proposed sample, it’s assumed that the 100 corporations have a general knowledge of information technology and have implemented it in varying degrees of complexity. It’s believed that the questionnaire will procure information in an effective and considerate way, appropriate to the subject matter. Limitations The prime limitation of the study is that it has depended much upon the facts that are shared by the business managers of the manufacturing organizations. Another limitation is the narrow geographical area selected as the study focuses on the manufacturing companies of Orlando, Florida and not on other parts of the world or United States at large. Furthermore, the companies within the same geographical location are expected to experience similar economies of scale and problems which are bound to have influence on the performance of these companies. Delimitations The scope of the study is limited within the periphery of the manufacturing companies of Orlando, Florida. In terms of industry, the study looks into the manufacturing sector only, not other sectors like the service industry. The scope of the study is also limited to the information shared by the managers of the sampled business as opposed to an investigation of the companies individually. Significance of the Study Information and the communication technology is one of the buzz words of the present day business organizations. As earlier mentioned, the most important thing that facilitates the maximum benefits of the information and communication technology in manufacturing organizations is proper implementation of this technology (citation required) However, it has been recently reported (by whom?) that many of the companies that opted for expensive information and communication technology framework have failed miserably (citation). Consequently this has resulted in increased uncertainty among the manufacturing companies about the viability of the information and communication technology. (Scholarly support needed) In such situations, this study aims to reveal the success (or failure, as the case may be) within the manufacturing organizations of Orlando and therefore it is no doubt that such a report is quite significant for the industry and the concerned quarters. Reduction of Gaps The study would focus on various drivers of information and communication technology and would try to come up with certain recommendations that would enable the business processes reduce the gaps between the successful and non-performing manufacturing companies because of information and communication technology. With the rapid development of technological progress continuing from the late twentieth to the early twenty-first century it’s clear that the articulation of the nature of the technological landscape is an essential element of maintaining efficiency and profitability in the business environment. Mapping these realms in terms of information technology makes this research that more important in terms of understanding corporate success. Implications for Social Change There is almost no doubt that the implementation of the information and communication technology in business organizations has certain positive implications on the society. This is primarily because with the successful integration of information and communication technology, the stakeholders of the manufacturing industries are optimally benefitting which in turn results to positive changes. (citation needed to support your claim) Information and communication technology basically requires highly skilled professionals. Therefore, with the implementation of information and communication technology the workforce gets to be trained. It essentially involves in re-skilling the workforce which in turn benefits the society. But the critics also suggest that over reliance on information and communication technology; especially in manufacturing organizations have resulted in retrenchment and layoffs contributing to unemployment (Wilkin, 2001). Ultimately, it’s hoped that the knowledge gained will function as a means of further mapping the implementation of information technology in the corporate environment, allowing businesses an improved advantage when considering to which furthered adoptions of the technology will improve overall company efficiency and profitability. A Review of the Professional and Academic Literature The literature review contains a comprehensive examination of major information and technology literature in terms of its implementation within the corporate environment. Efforts were made to examine this literature in terms of level of a qualitative level of pertinence to the research question relative to past methodological investigations. Ogbomo (2008) rightly noted that the entire discipline of information and communication technology virtually lies upon two branches namely, computing and telecommunication. The literature on the branch of information and communication technology depicts the fact that information and communication technology has been the base of human existence. Moreover, has been instrumental in finding ways of improving processes designed to collect information appropriately and also to have developed communication mechanisms (Nduwke, 2002). Research across the globe has confirmed that the implementation of information and communication technology helps business houses in both ways; internally as well as externally (Nduwke, 2002). Internally, the business houses benefit information and communication technology through integrating the entire process with the external services. Similarly, it is true that the firms do not operate in a vacuum and therefore have to amalgamate various external processes; these include marketing and sales, and the internal processes like production, research, administration and finance. The role played by information and communication technology in the process of integrating is enormous. Not only that, the business houses also have to maintain long term relationships with customers, trading partners, suppliers, insurers and other stakeholders and the entire process of communication (Watteville & Gilbert,2000). Feng & Yuan (2006) noted that “Information and communication technology have been widely applied in the operations of customer services, transportation management, order processing, warehousing management, and ERP” (Feng & Yuan, 2006). There are undoubted advantages of information and communication technology in the literature over the years. Sanders has identified the rate of global businesses especially that of smaller firms, failing due to a poor or lack of proper implementation of information and communication technology policy (Sanders, 2000). In terms of an overarching methodological approach to information technology within the corporate environment, this research situates the discussion within Ogbomo’s (2008) framework of computing and telecommunications. In terms of further qualitative framework, the research follows Nduwke (2002) who states that information technology in the corporate environment should be examined in terms of both internal and external factors. In these regards, the research design in terms of the questionnaires is structured to consider internal elements, as well as the external factors of marketing and outward strategic operations. Finally, information technology is understood theoretically not in terms of a singular physical entity, but rather in terms of an integrative approach. This mode of examination has been substantiated by an array of researchers (Watteville & Gilbert, 2000; Feng & Yuan, 2006; and Kotteman, 2009). Transition and Summary Section 1 takes into contention the basic facts of the research paper. It provides the background of the study along with the problem statement and purpose of the paper. The summary looks into the research question, theoretical and conceptual framework along with the academic literature over the discipline. Nevertheless, this section also provides a deep emphasis on the research question and fixes up the hypothesis and looks into the assumption, limitation and scope of the paper. It primarily tries to understand the fact that though information and communication technology has been instrumental for the success of business firms all around the globe but whether it is worth for the small business because of the rising percentage of proper implementation of information and communication technology architecture in such businesses along with the heavy cost that is required to be incurred for the purpose. Hyeyoung, K., Jae-Nam, L., & Jaemin, H. (2010). The Role of IT in Business Ecosystems. Communications of the ACM, 53(5), 151-156. Kottemann, J. E., & Boyer-Wright, K. M. (2009). Human resource development, domains of information technology use, and levels of economic prosperity. Information Technology for Development, 15(1), 32-42. doi:10.1002/itdj.20114 Read More
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