The use of the performance enhancing drugs is not for the common good but it is for the purpose of advancing the self interest this is therefore an indication that the use of the performance enhancing drugs is against the ethics in accordance to the theory of utilitarianism. The use of the performance enhancing drugs also has negative consequences to both e users in terms of their health and the others in terms of competition. Kantian deontology According to the Kantian deontology, moral life is usually centered on duty.
Duty is internal and we impose duty on ourselves. This is opposed to following orders or inclinations. The right action must always be possible and it is purely based on reason as opposed to utility (Reidenbach, 2013). In the case of using the performance enhancing drugs in sports, it is unreasonable to use the drugs for the purposes of gaining competitive advantage over the other competitors. It is the duty of the sportsmen to ensure that they don not perform actions that will give them a competitive advantage over the others.
This is because the sportsmen using the performance enhancing drugs are fully aware of their actions ad its impacts. Their actions may also amount to negligence of duty to free will. This is because they choose to do the wrong thing by engaging in cheating through the use of the performance enhancing drugs. This therefore indicates that it is not ethical for the performance enhancing drugs to be used in sports as it is morally wrong. According to Kant deontology theory, an action is morally right if a person performing the action is also willing to accept other people to perform the same action.
The theory further explains that it is unethical for a person to exempt himself or herself from the moral laws without granting the same privilege to the others (Hobson, 2011). The sports people using the performance enhancing drugs may not be willing to accept the other competitors to use the performance enhancing drugs. This is because they will be at a disadvantage. It is for the reason of gaining competitive advantage that the people use performance enhancing drugs in sports. This is therefore an indication that the use of the performance enhancing drugs is morally wrong.
Rawls’ theory of justice According to Rawls’ theory of justice, an underserved inequality calls for redress. The principles of distributive justice are also applicable in the theory through universal, respect for all and rationally acceptable to all (Williamson, 2012). In the case of using performance enhancing drugs in competitive sports, underserved inequalities is created. This is because the sports people using the performance enhancement drugs gains more competitive advantage as compared to those who do not use.
This is situation is unjust and it requires redress. On the other hand, the use of performance enhancing drugs is not acceptable universally and it is not involve the concepts of respects for all. This also indicates that the use of the performance enhancing drugs in sports is not just and hence unethical in sports. Since the undeserved inequalities are created by the practice, the use of performance enhancing drugs in sports is not ethical and kit cannot be justified. According to Rawls’ theory of justice, inequality in the social primary goods is to be allowed only when it benefits everyone.
On the other hand, fair equality in terms of opportunity for everyone is important as everyone deserves an equal share (O'neill, 2010). The use of performance enhancing drugs in sports does not benefit everyone inn the competition. Only the people using the performance enhancing drugs during the competition benefit. This is not juts according to the theory and it means that the use of the performance enhancing drugs in sports is not ethical. The principles of equality are also ignored when other sports people use drugs in order to enhance their performance.
This is also not justified and it is thus unethical in accordance to Rawls’ theory.
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