In Richards (1979) article, he subjected his work on finding the ethical theories that affect one’s life. His research contradicted certain research that claimed ethical conduct on enhancement performance of drug usage in the field of sport. There basing on the principled theories, i have come up with explanation and discussion to solve these discrepancies. In Richards (1979) study of utilitarian theory it showed that it is concerned with three parts of a situation, the value of the theory, the principle utility and the crucial part which is the decision making process.
The values of theories are subject to the nature of the ethical situation where many may either classify as bad or good from happiness and evil attitudes respectively. The use of performance enhancement drugs therefore may be seen by the users mostly the athletes in the field of sport since they carry a positive impact in their life and more so to the sports activities they undertake. The utility nature of the theory brings to the consequences of the best alternative they cope up with the use of these drugs.
It is a consequential nature where the athletes may enjoy the benefits they will accrue from the use of these drugs or also suffer from them too as the evil nature take its course. The last part of the utilitarian theory is the decision phase. In this phase the user has to determine after a reconsideration and study of the drugs whether to adopt their usage. This decision is therefore critical since it is the measure of the utility judgments. In sport, member staffs provide rules and regulation that abides all members participating in the various field of sports.
It is therefore concluding that, athletes do not have a right to make decision as to either use drugs that enhance performance or not. The decision had been finally made by the staff and subordinate members. The role of athletes is to abide with the regulation set alongside their participation in any competition. There Richards’s theory on Utilitarian may not be accepted since athletes cannot make any decisions in regard to use of drugs that enhance performance since they are restricted. When taking into consideration of Richards (1979) article about Kantian Deontology, it displays this theory as an action that is moral correct and acceptable in the essence of provision of an obligation or guided by duty.
Deontologist theory always foresee that a situation may be accepted in a certain field will not necessarily mean that it is also accepted in other fields of which it will be unaccepted (Richard, 1979). Kantian deontology therefore shows a classification of ethical values that are accepted in a field yet they are unaccepted in another field. Enhancing performance drugs are sometimes preferred to be used by prescribed doctors while in the field of sports are not encouraged at all. The use of these drugs enables athletes to gain extra energy at an expense of their own.
They will not race or compete with their artificial or talented energy hence they are not encouraged at all. Therefore, deontology theory provides a distinctive role in classifying where it is needed and where it is not. Using this theory it is correct that some of the ethical concerns are restricted in some certain field while they are mostly encouraged in other field. The application of this theory is depicted in the use of drug enhancement performance. In the sport field they are not encouraged as they provide false energy for the participants in that field.
Some other fields like in the gym section these kinds of drugs are highly used to provide strong energy in body building. These drugs increases muscle capacity in individual hence becoming more strong and reliable in carrying heavy weights. According to Richard (1979) articles, Kantian deontology theory involves ethical consideration that are accepted in one field and using the same not to be accepted to other available fields. This theory is much applicable to those in sport field as the use of performance enhancement drugs is prohibited.
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