Theory 1: “Euthanasia should be practiced as it is in accordance with Human Rights.” Advocates of euthanasia argue that it is inhumane to make the patients suffering from unbearable pain let live. They further state that patients suffering from unbearable pain and incurable diseases will die sooner or later. It does not make a difference if they die a year later enduring excess suffering and pain or die a year earlier voluntarily. In essence, it is better that such patients be rid of the pain they are undergoing (which is bound to increase with time).
Any state has no right to determine the importance of life of any person. It is entirely the decision of the person if his life is worth living (in case of extreme pain, unbearable life conditions and zero quality of life). In medical profession, the code of ethics clearly states that the right to take treatment is entirely upon the wishes of the patient. When the patient is being forcibly kept on life support systems, there is a breach of the stated code of ethics. Euthanasia, therefore, is the moral right of any human being.
Tara Cellars (2008) clearly states that it is useless to be resuscitated once the heart stops beating for the life after resuscitation will only be one of pain and ill health among those terminally ill. She further argues that for patients living in a vegetative state, completely dependent on others for their needs have complete right to die instead of going on living in that pitiable state. Theory 2: “Euthanasia amounts to murder and suicide and does not follow the nature’s pattern.” Even as euthanasia is made illegal by law, several thinkers believe that euthanasia is in direct conflict with the law of nature.
Wolhandler (1984) mentions in his article that “those who condemn euthanasia of both kinds would call the involuntary form murder and the voluntary form a compounded crime of murder and suicide if administered by the physician, and suicide alone if administered by the patient himself. As far as voluntary euthanasia goes, it is impossible to separate it from suicide as a moral category; it is, indeed, a form of suicide.” He further goes on to say that “once society accepts that life can be terminated because of its diminished quality, there is no rational way to limit euthanasia and prevent its abuse.
” Several scriptures and schools of thought have stated that life of a person is the highest good achieved. However, the theory of euthanasia puts the quality of life much higher than life itself. Euthanasia is also condemned on religious grounds by many advocates. An outline, developed by a commission set by the Lutherian Church of Australia (1981), it has been clearly mentioned that euthanasia is much against the ways of god. Instead, the church proposes taking care of patients suffering in extreme pain and agony, instead of granting them with mercy killing.
Several thinkers also believe that euthanasia is an act of cowardice and if legalized might result in several unnecessary suicides. People might claim euthanasia for themselves in case of problems, physical or otherwise, citing poor lifestyle as a legitimate reason of being granted death. Instead of opting for euthanasia, some people like Taboda (2009) believe that elimination of the suffering is more important than elimination of the subject of suffering (in this case the patient). Then again, in cases where the patient undergoes coma indefinitely might be killed in the name of mercy killing by greedy relatives or family (Maisie, 2008).
Therefore, euthanasia does not quite solve the complete basis of human life, which is respect for life. Ethical principals behind euthanasia Even as euthanasia has both, supporters and condemners into its fold, there are certain ethical principles behind the concept of euthanasia. For nurses who face the dilemma of euthanasia for suffering patients, certain ethical principles do come into the foray. When you become a nurse, there are various ethical code of conduct that you are expected to follow.
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