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Love Food Hate Waste - Campaign to Help the Environment Reducing Food Waste - Example

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The paper “Love Food Hate Waste – Campaign to Help the Environment Reducing Food Waste” is a well-turned example of a report on environmental studies. Food wastage has been a major concern in various parts of the world. This is because the wastage of food has been associated with waste products that have a negative impact on the environment.
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Love Food Hate Waste Name Institution Introductions Food wastage has been a major concern in various parts of the world. This is because the wastage of food has been associated with waste products that have a negative impact on the environments (Eccleston, 2007). Different stakeholders including government agencies and authorities have developed and implemented strategies that would reduce the waste of food and save money as well as the environment (Baker et al., 2009). Among the strategies are creative campaigns that focus on the sensitization of the citizens, food retailers and households that waste food either intentionally or non-intentionally (Morgan, 2009). The campaigns in different parts of the world aim at sensitizing people to reduce food wastage and promote better ways of food consumption. The Love food hate waste campaign was originally developed in the United Kingdom and later adopted in different parts of the world including NSW where its implementation has saved millions of people and the environment from the impact of food wastages. The love food hate waste campaign targeted retailers and food consumers and trained them on better ways to preserve food and care for the environment. The report aims at analyzing; evaluation and reviewing the love food hate waste campaign in NSW and determine the impact of the campaigns as well as make recommendations (Ventour, 2008). The report includes a campaign overview, evaluation of the campaign outcomes and discussing the agent-client relationship that was used in the love food hate waste campaign in NSW. Campaign Overviews The issue of food wastage in the world has been a major concern with thousands of individuals spending a day without food. Food wastage in different parts of the world is among the complex socioeconomically and political issues that have been having an increased negative impact on the environment and the world at large (Shields, 2009). However, food is being loved by every human being in the world and even animals that fed on the same food as human beings. in order to avoid food wastage and maximize the use of food in order to be able to provide those without food, different campaigns in different parts of the world have been developed and implemented in order to provide food for the needy people (Baker et al., 2009). The love food hate waste campaign was among the creative campaigns in the NSW that was developed and implemented with the aim of sensitizing the people on the benefits of saving food and avoiding wastage of food stuffs in the country in order to minimize the negative effects that results from food wastage. The love food hate waste campaign was launched in the NSW in the years 2007 by the waste and resources action programme. The campaign brought together different individuals including retailers and environmental experts from the NSW governments. In addition, the love food hate waste campaign had been promoted and circulated by different green sites in NSW (Morgan, 2009). Stakeholders of the Campaign The love food hate waste programme was managed by the environmental protection authority in conjunction with the national government, non-profit making organizations, and other authorities who were concerned with saving food and the environment in NSW. The basis of the love food hate waste campaign is the similar campaign that was done in the United Kingdom by waste and resource action programme that aimed at reducing food wastage in order to avoid negative impacts on the environment. This means that the environmental protection authority in NSW is working in collaboration with the Waste and Resource Action Programme in the United Kingdom to deliver a similar campaign in NSW. In addition, the Environmental Protection Authority has the required license to use the Love Food Hate Waste Campaign rights and resources. In order to make the campaign successful, the environmental protection authority was to take into consideration the different challenges that faced the same campaign in the United Kingdom and evaluate ways and strategies that will make their campaign more successful than that in the United Kingdom (Ventour, 2008). Key Objectives and Messages of the Campaign The main objectives of the campaign were to raise awareness and different effects resulting from food wastage in the country. In addition, the love food hate waste campaign aimed at promoting behaviors that reduce food wastages among the citizens (Ventour, 2008). The main behaviors developed and encouraged by the campaign included the following One should always check what is in the cupboard and freezers before going for shopping. This was aimed at reducing the amount of food in the kitchen that would otherwise go to waste. By checking what is in the fridges and freezers, a shopper will not purchase any food stuffs that he may not require or which are already in excess in the house. Checking on the expiry dates on the food labels. This behavior will avoid wastage of food that goes bad easily. this implies that one will consume the food stuffs whose expiry dates is near and leave those which can last for a longer period. Meals in the house should be planned in advance to avoid coking foods that will not be eaten. The house should have a food time table and any changes should be communicated in time. Left over’s in the house should be recycled by the use of innovative ways that will prevent consumption of rotten food. Portions of food in the house should be measured correctly so as to avoid cooking and serving food that will remain unconsumed. Food which is not used should be frozen or wrapped in containers to avoid it going bad. This will prolong their shelf life. Media Used for Marketing the Love Food Hate Waste Campaign In order to pass their messages across to their target audience, the campaign used different media materials that carried their message. These activities included radio shows, road shows, and press releases (Ventour, 2008). Radio Advertising The campaign used around 30 second’s advertisements which were aired in different radio station across the region. The commercial advert was aimed at reaching 95% of the radio listeners in the region so as to sensitize them on the importance of food preservation and impacts of food wastage in the country. The advertisements informed the citizens on areas where different events will be conducted to learn on the importance of the love food hate waste campaigns. Press Advertising Press advertising was among the ways in which the campaign was marketed in the NSW. The campaign managers and other stakeholders designed different full page advisements that were to appear on the pages of major newspapers in NSW. This was to ensure that the information reached a greater number of individuals who have access to the print media. The advertorial carried the logo of the love food hate waste campaign hence popularizing the campaign through press advertising (Powell et al., 2009). Posters The love food hate waster partners designed four different A3 posters that had the crying apple, milk carton, and cheese and tomato images. In addition to the images, the posters carried information and facts on food wastage concerning the most used foods. Although the posters were designed in A3 they can also be reproduced in different sizes so as to reach a wide range of consumers. Since the campaign needed to protect the environment, the poster materials were to be recyclable and in full color. The posters were designed in two forms including pledge cards which sensitized the citizens to make pledges on food wastage and preservation and food lover’s posters. In the pledge cards, citizens were given the choice of planning their meals and reduce food wastages. Pull up banners The banners were designed just with similar details as the posters only that they were larger in size. The banners were also reproduced in full color and were to be used in indoor events. Road Shows Road shows were conducted in different streets that had other forms of advertising including banners and posters as well as brochures that carried the information on food wastages. During the road Shows, different events were developed that engaged the community to take part in the campaign so as to have a taste of different ways to avoid food wastage. Website Advertising The love food hate waste campaign designed a website that had its affiliation with the London based campaign in the United Kingdom. In the website, one can get the different information that can be downloaded for use. In addition, the website also has web tiles of different colors that can be downloaded and saved for different use. Moreover, an individual can access the brochures, banner, and other materials from the website. The website is among the most successful means of marketing the campaign since it directed individuals on the different events of the campaigns and gave them the opportunity to participate in online events (Powell et al., 2009). Apart from the strategies that were used by the managers of the campaign to sensitize the people on the wastage of food, local celebrities were also involved to ensure that individuals who identify themselves with the celebrities take part in the campaigns. In addition social media such as twitter and Facebook were also used in the campaign. In the social media different research was conducted to establish the number of individuals who have seen and heard about the love food hate waste campaign in the region. This was followed by a questionnaire that was to be filled by all the website users or viewers who were redirected from the social networking sites or directly visited the campaign websites (Ventour, 2008). Success of the Campaign Since the initiation of the campaign, millions of people in NSW have been able to save a lot of food. Considering the fact that the campaign had been developed and implemented in the United Kingdom where it worked, the NSW already knew the challenges facing the campaign. Hence, there was the need to monitor the success and evaluation of success of the love food hate waste campaign. Individual activities that involve completion between different people were seen as among the most successful strategies in NSW. This is because the individuals had time to take individual efforts in the campaigns (Ghosh et al., 2012). It was also realized that individual activities had a greater impact on the behaviors in terms of food wastages. The campaign activities were chosen since they had worked in areas where the campaign was introduced. For example, the use of celebrities, posters and press advertising in the campaign was used since the strategies had worked in the United Kingdom and other parts of the world where love food hate waste campaign had been introduced. Since its introduction, the love food hate waste campaign has changed the behaviors of different people who are taking the necessary step to reduce food wastages in their households (Australian Institute of Health and Welfare, 2012). Measuring Success and Evaluation In order to assess the success or failure of the love food hate waste campaign, there was the need to identify ways in which the client could measure the success. the evaluation measures that were used included the chance of an individual to see and hear an advertisement through the radio, the local press releases such as newspapers, the number of visits that were made to the love food hate waste website, number of pledges that were made, and newspaper posters and advertisements. In order to determine the impact of the campaign on the proposed behaviors, a research analysis was done prior to the campaign and after the campaign. This was aimed at establishing the difference between the behaviors of the people before the campaign and the behaviors of the people or target audience after the campaign. A positive difference will give an indication that the campaign was a success while negative results will indicate that the campaign was a total failure. The following approaches were used in measuring the outcomes number of visits that were unique in the landscape website downloads of the posted materials concerning love food hate waste campaign materials The total number of pledges that were made online by the online visitors. amount of money spent on radio and newspaper advertisements the total that was spent on give always Total that was spent on staffs that had dedicated themselves to the love food hate waste campaign. Other forms of monitoring the success of the campaign was the use of people who were spoken to during the campaign period as each individual was required to sign for each events they attended, the community groups that attended the events. These included women groups, groups that involve themselves in food stuffs and governments agencies (Australian Institute of Health and Welfare, 2012). Overview of the Outcomes of the Campaign Based on the data that was collected and the measures that were used, it was established that love food hate waste campaign was successful in NSW. It was established that about 98 per cent of the authorities that were selected to get involved in the campaign were able to sign up for the campaign (Morgan, 2009). This was a clear indication that the campaign had a greater number of participants who created the awareness on the impact of food wastage in the country. There was also a reduction in the amount of food wastage in NSW. This indicated that people were changing their behaviors in terms of food wastage and has improved ways of planning and storing their foods. In terms of pledges, there were an estimated number of 2000 pledges using the pledging Cards and 14 thousand pledges that were done using the website of the love food hate waste. A survey on the listener of the radio programmes was conducted and established that the commercial adverts were able to reach about 90 per cent of the listeners. This means that the campaign was able to reach the targeted radio audience. A follow up of the listeners was able to establish that most of the busy families that consumed a lot of food were aware of the advertisement and reduced their food wastages by almost 60 per cent. It was also established that the radio advertisement were placed in about 27 radio station and was aired 3150 times. This ensured repetition of the advertisement hence sensitizing the people on food wastage. Some of the campaign strategies were faced with a number of challenges. For example, the use of road shows was affected by weather conditions such as rains that affected the number of people who showed up for the roadshows. This meant that there was a reduced number of participants and audience that were in the competitions. In addition, the roads shows recorded the least number of pledges something that was not expected from the campaigners (Baker et al., 2009). Impacts of the Love Food Hate Waste Campaign The love food hate waste campaign had a general impact on the way people perceived food wastage in NSW. This is because food wastage reduced in the region and people adopted new ways of budgeting for their shopping and planning for their foods. This means that the citizens of NSW were able to save millions of dollars of cash that would have been spent on food that would have otherwise been wasted. In addition, people had learnt new behaviors on how they can do their shopping, do their cooking and budget for different food stuffs in their households. People with large families also learnt new ways of rationing their foods in order to avoid wastages (Ha, 2011). Agent-Client Relationship The love food hate waste campaign was able to help a large number of families to prevent food wastage by changing their behaviors that were associated with food wastages. Since its developments, the love food hate waste campaign has remained with the same clients (Solomon, 2008). In fact, the numbers of clients have been increasing and different countries have taken up the initiative in order to avoid food wastages in their own countries. For example, the campaign started in the United Kingdom and has spread to parts of Australia including NSW where it has been adopted by the government in order to create food security by sensitizing the citizens against food wastages (Sims, 2005). The relationship between the advertisers including the press and the stakeholders has been a good one. This is because most of the advertisements that were sent to the radio and television as well as the newspaper received a positive response and managed to achieve the greatest number of audience. The business organizations that participated in the love food hate waste campaign have remained in the campaign and remain dedicated to the behaviors that reduce food wastage. This means that the campaign managed to change the behaviors of the stakeholders and achieved its objectives (Baker et al., 2009). Recommendations and Lessons Learnt There are different lessons that have been learnt from the love food hate waste campaign in the NSW. The campaign brought together different organizations who partnered in ordered the campaign a success. This means that partnership of business organizations in the country should be encouraged in order to have positive results in such campaigns. This is because the partnering between local authorities in the campaign was able to benefit from the shared resources that were used in the campaign. The information that was used in the love food hate waste campaigns served as a model that could be used for future campaigns in NSW. In the campaign different staffs were able to take different roles. This means that individuals can maximize their efforts and skills in a campaign in order to ensure best results in future. The report recommends that planning should be done in advance prior to the campaign time. This would ensure that the campaign does not incur extra costs that were not planned for. In addition, the pledging strategy is recommended as the better way in which people can change their food wastages behaviors. Since the pledging card are taken at home, they act as catalyst to reducing food wasting behaviors as they act as reminders to those individuals. In addition, the pledging cards were also used in individual campaigns that involved winning of prizes. Since the individual is eager to win they will be constantly reminded on the behaviors of reducing food wastage. In order to make the road shows successful, there should be an increase on the giveaways that will be used in future campaigns. References Australian Institute of Health and Welfare (2012). Australia's food & nutrition 2012. Melbourne: AIHW Baker, D., Fear, J, and Denniss, R. (2009). What a Waste: An Analysis of household expenditure on food. The Australia Institute, Canberra. Eccleston, P. (2007-11-02). Help the Environment, reduce food waste. London: The Daily Telegraph. Retrieved on 15th April 2014 Ghosh, D., Das, S., Bagchi, D., & Smarta, R. (2012). Innovation in Healthy and Functional Foods. New York: CRC Ha, T. (2011). Greeniology 2020: Greener Living Today, and in the Future. Melbourne: Melbourne University Press Morgan, E. (2009). Fruit and Vegetable Consumption and Waste in Australia, VicHealth and Deakin University, Melbourne. Powell, H., Hardy, J. Hawkin S., Macrury, I. (2009 3rd ed). The Advertising Handbook’. Routledge. London Sims, M. (2005). Working with Agencies an insiders’ guide. New Jersey: John Wiley & Sons Shields, R. (2009-06-07). Kitchen bin war: tackling the food waste mountain". The Independent London. Retrieved on 15th April 2014 Solomon, R. (2008). The Art of Client Service, 58 things every advertising & marketing professional should know, New York, NY: Kaplan Ventour, L. (2008). The Food We Waste, Waste and Resources Action Program (WRAP), UK Read More
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