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Cyclones Disasters Reduction for the Dhofar Region South of Oman - Research Proposal Example

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The author of the paper "Cyclones Disasters Reduction for the Dhofar Region South of Oman" is aimed at discussing the effects of cyclones in Dhofar region and the mitigating measures that can be used in reducing cyclone disasters within the region…
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Cyсlоnеs Disаstеrs Rеduсtiоn fоr thе Dhоfаr Rеgiоn (Sоuth оf Оmаn) Name Institution Date Background and Introduction Cyclones are said to be one of the most devastating natural disasters in the world. The reason is that they have alarming effects that are harmful to both humans and wildlife. Cyclones have cause billions of dollars all over the world through damage of buildings, infrastructure and homes. Cyclones are caused by pre-existing disturbances of weather; moisture, relatively light winds and warm tropical oceans. The persistence of these conditions leads to violent winds, torrential rains, floods, and incredible waves. Centers with low pressure as well as waves that produce wind usually generate storm surge that are extremely damaging (Faridi 2008, p.1). These storms create an upwelling of water that causes abnormal high tides that submerges the coastal areas. Cyclones are said to be among the most destructive phenomena in the world. The greatest damage of cyclones comes from the secondary events like storm surges, landslides, tomadoes and flooding (World Health Organisation, 2015). Statement of the problem According to Muneer (2014, p.1), like other areas of South Oman, the Dhofa region is known to be a highly vulnerable area to climate change now and in the future. Climate change within the region has the capacity of impacting negatively on the extent as well as the speed at which long-term, medium as well as short-term developmental goals of the government are achieved. Cyclone disasters are among the many effects of climate change within the area. The cost of addressing the effects of cyclone effects from climate change is usually high when compared to the cost of taking measures to reduce the effects. According to Al-Kindi (2008, p.8), the Dhofa region is vulnerable to natural disasters like cyclones. The effects of cyclones are said to be on the rise. Gonu and Phet are the most significant cyclones that are prevalent in the area. A cyclone Gonu occurred in the year 2007 and a Phet occurred in the year 2010. These cyclones lead to damages of human, wild and marine life. Currently, little literature search has been done on the effects of cyclone disasters in Dhofar region in South Oman. This raises an emphasis for a study to be carried out on this issue. The reason is that there is severe scarcity of data on cyclone disasters in Dhofa region. Therefore, this project is aimed at discussing the effects of cyclones in Dhofar region and the mitigating measures that can be used in reducing cyclone disasters within the region. Aims and objectives of the Study Aims The main aim of this project is to investigate the effects of cyclones together with the mitigating measures for reducing cyclone disasters in Dhofar region in South Oman. Specific Objectives 1. To examine the effects of cyclone disasters in Dhofa region 2. To evaluate the measures that should be taken to reduce cyclone disasters and their effects in Dhofar region Method The research method that is used in this project is qualitative research design. Qualitative research design is explorative and provides an in depth description of a phenomenon. The reason for using a qualitative research design is to describe the effects of cyclone disasters in Dhofa region of South Oman. It was also used to provide an in depth analysis of the methods that can be used in reducing cyclone disaster effects in the area. This project utilises secondary research to collect information about cyclone disasters and their effects in Dhofa region. The researcher also relied on secondary data to collect information on ways in which cyclone effects can be reduced in Dhofa region. The collected information on the topic is discussed in the respective subtopics. Findings and Discussion Effects of Cyclones in Dhofar Region Cyclones cause many effects such as damaging of buildings, infrastructure as well as homes. Cyclones also cause catastrophic loss of life. In Dhofar region, effects like Cyclone Gonu, and Cyclone Ashobaa, are prevalent. The Dhofar region in South of Oman experiences major effects of Cyclone Gonu. These disasters cause torrential rains, strong dusty winds as well as flash floods. They leave people dead and others homeless. For example, the Cyclone Gonu that occurred in the year 2007 in Dhofa Region South of Oman left 49 people dead while leaving 20,000 others homes. This natural disaster increases unprecedented stress of infrastructure. For example, the health care services are severely stretched (Al-Shaqsi 2010, p.1). The strong winds usually knock down power lines as well as communication poles all over the coastline. This leaves thousands of people isolated and stranded due to damage of infrastructure facilities. People experience power cuts as well as communication problems due to inaccessibility of networks. Access to clean water is also a problem. The cyclone Ashobaa is a strong storm that brings heavy rains as well as strong gale winds. Cyclone Ashobaa hits the Dhofa region with waterlogging, rough sea and flooding. Cyclones are said to have direct effects to the lives of Dhofa people. This is experienced through injuries, asphyxiation as well as trauma. These are caused by entrapments that are observed and resulting from the collapse of buildings as well as wind strewn debris. People are also electrocuted while others end up drowning when securing their property. Others experience short term as well as long-term mental effects. Cyclones also have indirect effects to the lives of Dhofa people. People are impacted through the transmission of diseases like water borne diseases as well as vector transmitted diseases. The exposure of humans to disease vectors is usually increased as a result of changes within the physical environment. It is important to note that cyclones also have effects on health infrastructures as well as all the lifeline systems in Dhofa region, South of Oman. The impact is massive and this may lead to shortage of food as well as interrupting the provision of basic public health services. The presence of floods as well as seas surges are prone to the risks of drowning and the increase of people contracting water borne as well as vector borne diseases (Porfile 2010, p.8). Storm surge in Dhofa region due to the tropical cyclones that occur in the area is a deadly hazard. Storm surge occurs as a result of winds as well as rain that are more obvious. There is presence of large swells, waves that are wind driven as well as high surf. These conditions usually push the onshore with the storm impacting on the coastal areas of Dhofa region. It leads to damaging of facilities as well as the entire environment in the shoreline. The storm surge in Dhofa severely erodes beaches, damages highways as well as bridges (Fritz, Blount, Albusaidi, Al-Harthy 2013, p.255) Reducing Cyclone Disasters To reduce the effects of Cyclone Ashobaa, people are advised to take precaution and stay away from low lying areas. At this time, people are advised to evacuate from areas that have been identified as under warning on time. They should avoid crossing the Wadis, while fishermen and those going to the sea should avoid venturing into the sea. People are requested to be smart and be ready for the unexpected. Peoples are required to prepare their families as well as their homes in responding to unexpected storms (Variyar 2015, p.1). Mitigation measures are useful in reducing cyclone disasters in Dhofa region. These measures are important for building a window of opportunity before the occurrence of a cyclone. People are also advised to construct proper building designs that are safe from cyclone destruction (Al-Kindi 2008, p.28). People of Dhofa should be provided with public education as well as a warning system of any impending cyclone disaster. There are various precautions that people should be warned about so as to reduce the effects of cyclone disasters in the Dhofa region. There should be an evacuation plan as well as disaster supply kit that is ready (Sharma 2014, p.3). Citizens in the area should be advised to install cyclone storm shutters or even precut lumber for windows. People are requested to remove branches as well as small trees that may fall on their houses during the occurrence of the gale winds. They should clear rain gutters as well as drains that are clogged so as to reduce flooding in the event of cyclones. As a result of power failures occurring due to cyclones, families are advised to store more food, water as well as batteries. Purchasing of generators can be helpful in the time of emergency needs of power supply. There are various measures that can be taken when cyclone threatens in the region of Dhoha. People are advised to secure loose objects that may be blown away by strong winds. To avoid electrocution, it is necessary to turn off water, propane tanks as well as electricity. They should also unplug all appliances. They should stay informed by listening to any announcement as well as instructions from meteorological departments in the radio and televisions. To avoid injuries, people are advised to stay indoors as well as away from exterior walls, doors and windows (Pacific Disaster Center 2015, p.1). Technical Plan to Reduce Cyclone Disasters in Dhofa Region The government and the meteorological department in Dhofa have the responsibility of taking the necessary measure to reduce cyclone disasters within the area. In addressing the mitigating measures, a technical plan should be set out and implemented. Considering that the area is a prone to cyclones, it is advisable to take the following measures; The government and the meteorological department in the area should assess, engage as well as manage the condition of cyclones in Dhofa. Assessments should be carried out using integrated technical studies on the present as well as the future risks of cyclones occurring within the region. Engagements should be implemented through aiding domestic as well as international partners. This will help in identifying as well as prioritizing the methods that are necessary in managing cyclone disasters by decreasing their effects and also prepare for climate change. Provision of Meteorological Facilities Various meteorological facilities are necessary to be implemented within the Dhofa region. Upper air observation is very essential. It is important to have upper air observing stations that are equipped with Vaisala’s Digicora GPS wind finding system. The radiosonde that is used in this system is the Visalla RS92 which helps in air observation. One flight should be launched from each station every day. Upper air observation is very critical to monitoring change in the air that may help in noticing any danger of cyclones. The meteorological department has the responsibility of researching and making ship weather reports in Dhofa region. The reports can be received from the Dhofa coastal radio station through GTS. These reports can also be received from the Royal Oman Navy. The reports are very essential in providing information about changes in weather any occurrence of cyclones within the Dhofa region. By having this information, the government as well as the meteorological department will take the necessary measure to prevent cyclone effects from affecting the people (Myanmar 2012, p.13). Measuring of waves is also important in establishing their intensity. The meteorological department should install offshore wave measurement stations. In these stations, data on wave measurement should be taken and inserted on the GTS after every three hours. This is a good measure of monitoring any dangerous waves coming in the form of a storm. Since storms are said to be major threats of cyclones, establishing their possibility of occurring will help the meteorological department in warning people of the necessary measure to take. Synoptic land stations in Dhofa region are important. Installing many of these stations in the area will help in observing the surface. These stations should be registered with the WMO’s Regional Basic Synoptic Network and the Global Climate Observing System Surface Network. Observation of the surface is important to detect any impending danger of the occurrence of cyclones within the region. Bahadur (2014, p.1) says that enhancing telecommunication and avoiding any dangerous damage or interference by cyclones is an important measure that should be implemented. It is necessary for the meteorological stations in Dhofar region to be operated by the Directorate General of Meteorology and Air Navigation (DGMAN). These stations should be connected to the MSS computer that is located at a Central Forecasting Office. This office should have a reliable dial-up telephone link like the use of telephone lines as well as GSM Network. The MSS should be connected to a RTH Jeddah through a devoted link of 64 kbps based on the TCP/IP protocol. This will ensure efficient telecommunications are maintained even at the occurrence of cyclones in the Dhofa region. Mobile communications should also be a key tool for communication in the region (Sridharan 2012, p.1). It is also important to lease a 4 mbps internet line for transmitting as well as receiving meteorological data in the various meteorological centers in the neighbouring regions of Dhofa. A bilateral circuit of internet should be created between the centers as well as the Directorate General of Meteorology and Air Navigation (DGMAN) (Myanmar 2012, p.16). It will serve the purpose of exchanging meteorological data effectively, usefully and with increased stability within and outside the Dhofa region. The excellent connection of telecommunication is essential in receiving the boundary data. This data is initiated from the German weather service for the purpose of using it for the Dhofa model. Good communication of weather conditions serves a very big part in controlling the effects of cyclones. Having any vital information of cyclone occurrence with the region is essential for people to prepare and work towards minimising any effects of the disaster. Satellite reception is very essential in receiving meteorological data about the weather and any danger of cyclone occurrence. By installing a second generation satellite station as well as ground receiving stations, it will help in intercepting images of high resolution from the Polar Orbiting satellites as well as the geostationary satellites in Oman. Meteorological data is also received through the Satellite distribution (SDI) receiver (Al-wardi 2015, p.2). Data visualization is very essential in establishing the possibility of cyclone occurrence. In Dhofa region, it is essential to implement this strategy as a mitigating measure for reducing cyclone disasters in the area. The General of Meteorology and Air Navigation can make use of visual weather application for the purpose of meteorological data visualization. GRIB as well as BUFR format coded data has been established to be useful for visualizing, analyzing as well as forecasting of weather (Myanmar 2012, p.18). These are important measures that are necessary in reducing cyclone effects. Hydrological measurements The government has the responsibility of carrying out hydrological measurements that serve to tell any danger of cyclones. By installing rainfall gauges, flow peaks, wadi gauges, aflaj, springs as well as water level will help in monitoring dangers of flooding as a result of cyclone disasters in Dhofa region. Hydrological measurements are essential is monitoring hydrological parameters. This can be done in monitoring stations. Rainfall is usually monitored using rainfall gauges that predict the possibility of heavy rains in the area. It is evident that when rains fall above the average, it is an indication that it may be cyclone disaster. Through measuring rainfall, it is easy to detect any tropical depressions that may be occurring as a result of tropical cyclones in the Dhofa region (Al Barwani 2014, p.7). For example, in the year 2011, the Dhofa region experienced a cyclone that led to heavy rains of up to 378mm being the highest in South Oman. This was a wakeup call for the government to warn the people to vacate from the low areas that may be prevalent to tropical depression. Measuring wadi flow as well as floods is essential in detecting the possibility of cyclones in Dhofa region. Installing wadi gauge stations will be important so as to measure wadi flow as well as computing flood volumes. Measuring the peak height for wadi flows will help in predicting any danger of cyclones. For example, the Dhofa region recorded the highest wadi flows of 284mm3. This was a warning for the region to take precaution of the occurrence of cyclone (Al-Madhari & Elberier 1996, p.22). Cyclone phet ususaly causes shortage of water in Dhofa region. It is important to measure the ground water levels to establish any alarming signs of cyclone phet in the region. Ground water levels in wells should be measured every month to establish the ones that require recharge. Failure to the measurements, the region of Dhofa will be hit by cyclone phet unexpectedly. Decrease in water levels means that people will experience water shortage as a result of cyclone occurrence. Mitigating measures of water storage must be emphasised by the government to ensure people have enough water for use during the occurrence of the disaster. Policies and Strategies The Dhofa region is within South Oman which is an active member of the Gulf Cooperation Council Emergency Management Center. As a region in South Oman, it is required to work together with the regional cooperation in DPP policies as well as strategies. This will help in enhancing its regional search as well as rescue capacity of natural disasters like cyclones. It is recommended that Dhofa region adopts the INSARAG methodology like other regions in South Oman and the whole Gulf region. This technology is very essential in ensuring common preparedness, mobilisation as well as adoption of operational standards within the region (Muneer 2014, p.2). Like other regions of South Oman, the Dhofa region should also be ready for international deployment by contacting the National Committee for Civil Defense (NCCD). This will assist in any search as well as rescue response in natural disasters like cyclones. The NCCD helps countries by offering them with training programs for dealing with emergency as well as disaster risk reduction. Information sharing is very critical to the reduction of cyclone disasters in Dhofa region. A regional emergency management information system should be implemented for the purpose of enhanced decision making for cyclone disaster management as well as risk reduction. This system is compliance with all GIS data and also integrated with a program that is intelligent user friendly. This is to provide information which is up to date from about the weather, infrastructure, emergency services as well as other information that is important in the response of cyclone disasters within the Dhofa region (Al-Madhari & Elberier 1996, p.27). Risk mapping is an essential tool that can be used in the establishment as well as sharing of information. By cooperating with the authorities of hydrology as well as metrology in South Oman, the Dhofa region can develop risk maps with the help of academic institutions. To reduce cyclone disasters in Dhofa region, the pubic must be made aware about the natural disaster. The government of Dhofa should establish a dedicated work group that has the task of developing a regional disaster risk reduction awareness strategy. This group will work towards coming up with an awareness strategy to educate the public on the dangers of cyclones and how to avoid these disasters. A regional emergency simulation center should also be established to serve the purpose of a public awareness tool that will highly contribute to the disaster risk reduction activities. The ministry of Health (2007, p.8) describes that improving regional coordination is very useful in reducing cyclone effects in the region of Dhofa region, South of Oman. This should be done for the purpose of enhancing cooperation as well as coordination among the early warning stakeholders in the region. Stakeholders like the hydrology, metrology, government, NCCD among other organisations should meet regularly so as to take action based on the warning signs predicted on the occurrence of cyclones. This will enhance coordination as well as communication at the time of cyclone disaster emergencies. A multi hazard management system should be implemented within the Dhofa region to undertake the responsibility of cyclone disaster risk reduction. The International Disaster Database (2010, p.3) denotes that this management system should carry out a cyclone risk analysis as well as early warning areas. It should provide information as well as public awareness on any danger of cyclone occurrence within the Dhofa region. The system should take care of medical responses during cyclone disasters and rescue the affected citizens (Briggs & Brinsfield 2003, p.45). It should provide relief operations to the affected people in Dhofa region as well as provide them with shelter. Emergency response activities should be available in Dhofa for responding to cyclone storms that occur within the region. Activities like early warning systems together with saturated public awareness activities are effective tools that can be used to reduce losses that are incurred due to cyclone in Dhofa. Preparedness Programs The British Redcross (2015, p.1) argues that emergency measures to evacuate people affected y cyclones would serve to reduce the effects. Preparing communities is essential to empower them on how to cope or deal with the situation when it occurs. Better preparedness serves to help communities in responding and recovering from cyclone impacts in Dhofa regions. In providing preparedness programs to communities in Dhofa region, communities should be allowed to participate in these programs. For example, volunteers can be used for the purpose of communicating to communities on methods that they can use in responding to cyclone disasters. Preparedness programs should also be carried to build resilience to the effects of cyclone disasters in the Dhofa. Cyclone disasters lead to people incurring enormous costs, with others not being able to recover from the losses (International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies 2012, p.3). It is essential to build community resilience by way of giving them hope for a better future to grow out of poverty. This can be achieved through equipping communities with better resources to help them in predicting, responding as well as recovering from the multiple effects of Cyclone disasters. Conclusions and Recommendations All in all, the project findings have established different effects of cyclone disasters that hit the Dhofa region. From the discussion, it is clear that, cyclone disasters have the effects of causing floods, surge storms, heavy rains, cyclone Gonu, cyclone Ashobaa, and gale winds. These effects influence water shortage in the region. They also influence communication and movement problems in the Dhofa area. Infrastructure like buildings, roads, telephone cables and network waves are completely destroyed by cyclone disasters. However, with the good implementation of mitigating measures, Dhofa can reduce the effects of cyclone and help its people live without fear of cyclone disasters. The project identified many measures that can be undertaken by the government, the meteorological department and other stakeholders to reduce cyclone disasters in Dhofa. The project recommends the implementation of meteorological activities that enhance the observation and monitoring of weather. Meteorological activities have also been identified to serve better communication among the meteorological department in Dhofa with other stakeholders in and outside the region. Measuring hydrology has also been recommended as a critical measure that can help in reducing the effects of cyclone in Dhofa region. There is need for deploying international expertise in dealing with cyclone disasters within the Dhofa region. Deploying high-tech as well as low-tech disaster management strategies has also been identified as useful ways of reducing risks that are associated with cyclone disasters in Dhofa. It is also important to enhace search as well as rescue capabilities within the region using the INSARAG methodology. Communications as well as coordination needs to be enhanced among all the disaster management stakeholders within the Dhofa region. Community prepared is also recommended to help affected people in having the capacity to predict, respond as well as recover from the cyclone effects. References Al-Barwani, A, 2014, General Situation of Flash Floods and Water Resources Problems in Oman, Ministry of Regional Municipalities and Water Resources. Al-Kindi, C, 2008, Building National infrastructure in response to disasters "the Omani experience." Ret. Al-Madhari, A., & Elberier, M, 1996, Trends and fatality of natural disasters in the Arab world, Disaster Prevention and Management, Vol.5, Iss.2, pp.27-35 Al-Shaqsi, S, 2010, Care or Cry: Three years from Cyclone Gonu. What have we learnt? Oman Medical Journal, Vol.25, Iss.3, pp.162-167. Al-wardi, A, 2015, SDI initiative in Oman, Geospatial Media and Communications Pvt Ltd. Available at: Bahadur, A, 2014, Cyclone Hudhud: How to avoid another disaster, Natural Disasters, Available at: Briggs S, & Brinsfield K, 2003, Advanced Disaster Medical Response Manual for Providers, Harvard Medical International Trauma & Disaster Institute. Boston: University Press. British Red Cross, 2015, Preparing for cyclones, Preparing for Disasters, Available at: Faridi, R, 2008, Natural Disasters: Cyclones, Cyclones and Anticyclones. Blog. Available at: Fritz, H., Blount, C., Albusaidi, F., Al-Harthy, A, 2013, Cyclone Gonu Storm Surge in the Myanmar, N, 2012, National Report: Tropical Cyclones in the Bay of Bengal And Arabian Sea, Government of Sultanate of Oman. Gulf of Oman, Indian Ocean Tropical Cyclones and Climate Change, pp.255-263. 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World Health Organisation, 2015, Humanitarian Health Action, Tropical Cyclones, Available at: Read More
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