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Risk Assessment for an Accommodation Center for Students - Essay Example

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The paper “Risk Assessment for an Accommodation Center for Students” is an exciting example of the essay on environmental studies. The main objective of this report is to analyze the risk assessment for an accommodation center for students in order to minimize the number of fires occurring. The fires are caused by students’ lifestyles…
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Name : xxxxxxxxxxx Institution : xxxxxxxxxxxx Title : Risk assessment Tutor : xxxxxxxxxxx Course : xxxxxxxxxxxx @2010 Table of Contents Introduction 3 Types of risks 4 The risk evaluation process 4 Fire & Rescue Services Act 2004 6 Roles and responsibilities of Lancashire fire and rescue service 7 Lancashire Fire and Rescue Services Integrated Risk Assessment Plan 8 Risk assessment 9 Recommendations 12 Conclusion 13 Bibliography 14 Risk assessment for an accommodation center for students Introduction The main objective of this report is to analyze the risk assessment for an accommodation centre for students in order to minimize the number of fires occurring. The fires are being caused by students’ lifestyle factors which have lead to a significant number of students requiring medications for smoke poisoning and a few fire-fighters suffering minor injuries as they tried to fight the fire incidences. Risk assessment is a regular first step in a risk management procedure. Risk assessment is the evaluation of quantitative or qualitative figures of a risk related with a solid condition and a recognized threat or hazard. Qualitative risk assessment calls for the computation of risk R, the magnitude of the possible loss L, and the likelihood that the loss will take place. Described as a formalized basis for the objective assessment of risk in a manner in which prepositions and uncertainties are clearly taken into account and presented. Risk assessment is a significant but difficult step in the risk management process. Once risks have been recognized and assessed, the steps to properly handle the risks are more formulaic. Part of the challenge of risk management is that computations of both of the quantities in which risk assessment is regarded as a probable loss and the likelihood of occurrence can be very hard to evaluate. The chance of error in the computation of these two ideas is large. A risk with a bigger potential loss and a lower probability of happening is often handled differently from one with a low potential loss and higher chances of taking place. In theory, both are almost equal priority in handling first but in practice it can be very hard to control when faced with the limited resources, particularly time in which to carry out the risk management procedure (Lerche, 2006). Types of risks If the risk calculations consider information on the figures of the people exposed, it is regarded as population risk and in units of anticipated raised cases per time duration. If the risk calculation does not include the figures of the individuals exposed, it is regarded as an individual risk and is recorded in units of case rates per time duration. Population risks are applicable in cost/benefit analysis while the population risks are used to assess whether risks to the people are recognizable. The risk evaluation process The risk assessment process is a five step: Step 1 Identify the threats This step involves working out the manner in which students can be injured. A hazard is anything may lead to harm. These include items such as chemicals, electricity, working from ladders or open drawers. The risk is usually the probability whether high or low that a student could be injured by the hazards accompanied by an indication of the harshness of the harm that can be caused. A person conducting a risk evaluation needs to walk around the place and inspect any hazard that is likely to cause harm. One can also browse the HSE website ( which publishes guidance on where hazards are likely to occur and the means of controlling them. One can also check producer’s instructions or data sheets for chemicals and equipments that could be useful in describing the possible hazards and putting them in their rightful place. The accident and ill-health records are also important sources of data that assists in identification of hazards. Long-term hazards to health should also be considered at this step (Comeau, 2003). Step 2 Find out who might be injured and how For every hazard identified, it is necessary to decide and be clear on who might be harmed by the hazard. This assists in establishing the best method of managing the risk. This does not necessarily imply listing everyone by name but just mentioning a group that is prone to the hazard identified. Step 3 Evaluate the threats and decide on safety measures After identifying the hazards, it is necessary to decide the solutions about them. The law requires that everything that is possible should be done to protect the people from getting injured. Step 4 Record the conclusions and apply them The findings of the risk evaluation should be recorded and the recommendations implemented to make a difference in the organization. Putting down the results of the risk assessment and share them with the relevant people who can be of help in the risk management. The results should be recorded in straightforward language that is not difficult to decode. A good plan of action often involves a combination of various things like a few cheap or easy developments that can be accomplished fast, probably as a temporally measure until more reliable measures are put in place, long-term measures to those risks that are likely to cause severe incidents or ill health and the means in which they can be controlled. Regular checks should be carried out as a control measure and to guide on the kind of action to take. Activities should be prioritized with the most important things coming first (Comeau, 2003). Step 5 Review the risk evaluation and review if necessary The risk assessment needs to be reviewed and updated regularly since no one organization remains the same for long. Changes in the organization implies that new equipments, substances and processes will arise that could result to hazards or be hazards. Risk assessment should be reviewed on yearly basis to check the changes and amend appropriate sections of the risk management plan. Fire & Rescue Services Act 2004 The fire and rescue services Act 2004 places ‘prevention’ at the core of all Fire & Rescue activities. A fire and rescue service understands a risk as the probability of an occurrence, that is the possibility that something will occur multiplied by the consequences if it really takes place that is the severity off the event. Risk is thus denoted as: PROBABILITY x SEVERITY = EXTENT OF RISK To minimize risk and enhance public safety it is thus noticeable that the likelihood of the incident needs to be minimized and/or the consequences diminished. The approach to society safety reveals the fact that risk in Lancashire is vibrant. Fire in specific, disproportionately affects particular groups like people while some geographic areas of Lancashire create a considerable higher level of risk than others. Several factors are involved with age, health, lifestyle, deficiency and crime all influencing the models of risk. As risk is variable and various challenges often require diverse solutions, no one risk reduction measure alone will enhance public safety. An integrated approach to risk assessment involves; prevention, protection and emergency response. The rationale for the act is that prevention is cheaper than cure in whatever incident while a small injury is less traumatic compared to a serious one or one that is fatal. The last rationale is that superficial damage is preferable compared to a total loss (Comeau, 2003). Roles and responsibilities of Lancashire fire and rescue service The Lancashire Combined Fire Authority (CFA) is the regulating body for the fire and rescue service in Lancashire and is composed of twenty five elected councilors elected from the three local authorities of Lancashire County Council (19), Blackburn with Darwen Borough Council (3) and Blackpool Council (3). The CFA has the role in law for the provision of a fire and rescue service in Lancashire and is controlled by the law through policies such as Fire and Rescue Services Act 2004, The Control Reform (Fire Safety) Order, the Civil Contingencies Act 2004, the Fire and Rescue National Framework. The Local Government and Public Involvement in Health Act 2007 and the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 also control the operations of a fire and rescue service. The fire and Rescue services Act 2004 requires that appropriate procedures should be put in place to respond to fire incidences, rescue individuals from road traffic collisions and handle several other emergencies. The regulatory reform (fire safety) order which was established in 2006 has the responsibility of controlling the fire safety provisions, for example methods of escaping, warning of incidences and evacuation procedures. The health and safety at Work Act 1974 and the related stipulations which in common with all workers, requires that appropriate procedures be put in place to ensure that the health and safety of all staff can be assured. Charged with emergency responsibility, the considerations are particularly important and this is the central government’s strategic plan (Comeau, 2003). Lancashire Fire and Rescue Services Integrated Risk Assessment Plan An Integrated Risk Management Plan (IRMP) is a paper which describes the manner in which a fire and rescue service intends to change the manner in which it delivers its services to the community. It emphasizes of the requirements of the service in order to minimize risk of life and how to utilize the available recourses to the maximum. All Fire & Rescue Authorities are compelled by the authorities to provide an IRMP (Comeau, 2003). In 2005, the authorities recommended for a three year plan so that the fire and rescue service could have long term plan in its operations. Some of the objectives contained in Lancashire fire and rescue service IRMP include: Minimizing the number of emergencies Maintain a safe, health and experienced workforce Minimize its operations’ impact on the environment. Provide services that are affordable. Risk assessment Place of assessment: Student accommodation center Date of assessment: 22/05/10 The Hazards The people that might be harmed Action in place Further action Action by whom? Action by when? Accomplished Barbeque Grills The students and staff members Barbeque grills are not used within 220 feet of the students’ housing facility Charcoal, starter fluid and compressed gas tanks will not be stored in the accommodation centers Administration as well as students. Fire The students, cleaners and staff members may suffer serious, possibly fatal injuries from inhalations of poisonous smoke Full fire assessment is being carried out. Accomplish the fire assessment and present the report to the school administration. administration Beds, mattresses and lines Students and staff. These items can catch fire and result to serious injuries to both the students and the staff members near the accommodation center. Store beds, mattresses and lines are kept a foot away from any heat source to prevent damage or catching fire. No further action on this hazard. Students and administration Extension cords Students. Extension cords that lack circuit breakers are prone to fire incidences in cases of power surges. Students are advised to use power strips only. These have in-built circuit breakers to ensure safety. Ban the use of extension cords that lack in-built circuit breakers. Students as well as the school administration Halogen lamps Students. Halogen lamps easily catch fire and can result to serious injuries to the students. Lamps with halogen lamps are banned within the premises No further action Administration fabric students Students are not allowed to hang flags, sheets, blankets and plastic banners in front doors, on the walls or draped from the roof tops. No further action Administration Slips, trips and falls Students can suffer serious injuries if they trip and fall on electric appliances for instance, these can result to fire incidences. All the stairs in the accommodation center are fitted with handrails and midrails and kickboards where necessary. All carpets are firmly fixed to prevent any movements. Loose floor tiles will be repaired or replaced in the sinks. The gritting salt for the path to the outside bins is regularly inspected to ensure the correct quantity is maintained. Egress Students and staff A path of egress must be preserved between the room door and the window. Students should avoid blocking egress with any furniture within the center Students and school administration Hookahs students Hookahs are banned within the premises. Conduct regular inspections Administration of the school. Hot plates, toasters, toaster ovens students These are prohibited within the center Regular inspections by the school administration Administration of the school. Candles/incense Students Candles and incense or any other items that may have open flames whether lit or unlit as well as candle warmers are banned in the center. Inspect the students to ensure that no one is in possession of candle/incense. Students and administration Clothing irons students Clothing irons should be switched off and unplugged while not in use No further action Students Cooking students Attend to the foods during the cooking process No further action students Electric heating Administration All items that have electric heating units connected at the baseboard level should be kept at Inspection of the electric heating units to ensure that they are connected at baseboard level School Administration Recommendations The student accommodation center should have its structures upgraded since it was built a while ago. The structures should be upgraded since they still possess their inherent fire hazards, like open stairwells, unrated corridors and lack updated fire suppression and fire detection system. The center should also be equipped with automatic fire sprinklers. The sprinklers are some of the most significant fire-safety features in student residential facilities. Buildings especially those that have been fitted with elevators to cater for the wheelchair users have fire safety failures ranging from the lack of adequate fire barriers and open or unrated exit stairwells and corridors. In the course of a fire alarm, individuals in such buildings will find it difficult to exit the buildings putting them at a greater risk. Sections of rescue aid are necessary to safeguard the disabled individuals. These areas are however relatively complicated and expensive to construct and most of the upgrades will not require them (Ahems, 2006). Establish and execute a regular Inspection, Testing and Maintenance Program Regular inspection, testing and repairs of fire repression systems, fire-detection and alarm systems, and smoke control systems including the fire/smoke dampers are necessary to ensure safety is upheld in the buildings. The fire prevention system will not be effective in the absence of the mentioned facilities. In addition, passive fire prevention systems like the structural fire protection, fire divisions, fire doors, egress elements and any other fire safety device should be subjected to regular check ups and maintenance (Ahems, 2006). Conclusion In the view of public health, risk evaluation is the procedure of measuring the likelihood of a harmful effect to people or populations from particular human activities. In most nations the application of specific chemicals or the operations of particular facilities like power and manufacturing plants is not recommended unless it can be proved that they do not raise the risk of death or illness behold specific threshold (NFPA 45, , 2004). For instance the American Food and Drug Administration (FDA) control food safety via risk assessment. The FDA required in 1973 that cancer initiating agents must not be found in meat at concentrations that result to cancer threat higher than 1 in a million individuals. Financial decisions like insurance losses are expressed in terms of dollars. When risk assessment is applied in public health or environmental situations. Loss can be computed in a common metric like a nation’s currency, or some other numerical quantity of a locations quality of life. For public wellbeing and the surrounding situations, losses is simply a statement of the outcome like increased cancer cases or cases of birth defects. Bibliography Aherns, M., U.S. Fires in Selected Occupancies, National Fire Protection Association, Quincy, MA, March 2006. Comeau, E. "Campus Fire Safety," Fire Protection Handbook, Nineteenth Ed., National Fire Protection Association, Quincy, MA, 2003.George Washington University, Residence Hall Fire Safety Awareness, George Washington University, 2006, Fire safety. Retrieved May 22 from Lerche, I. (2006) Environmental risk assessment: quantitative measures, anthropogenic influences, human impact, Springer, Berlin. NFPA 45, , 2004. Standard on Fire Protection for Laboratories Using Chemicals, National Fire Protection Association, Quincy, MA. Piper, J. 2006,, "Learning Lessons in Fire Safety," Building Operating Management, Retrieved on 23rd May 23, 2010 from . Science and judgment in risk assessment, 2003, Committee on Risk Assessment of Hazardous Air Pollutants, Board on Environmental Studies and Toxicology, Commission on Life Sciences, National Research Council, National Academy Press Washington, D.C. Read More
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