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Indicators of Climate Change - Essay Example

This paper 'Indicators of Climate Change' tells that generally, climate change can be defined as global warming or an increase in climate inconsistency. Wildlife has been known to indicate climate changes. One can accurately predict the changes in climate by carefully observing the behaviour of different wildlife…
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Indicators of Climate Change
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Indicators of climate change & the effect of climate change on the global food market Indicators of climate change & the effect of climate change on the global food market Generally climate change can be defined as global warming or increase on climate inconsistency. Wildlife has been known to indicate changes in climate. One can accurately predict the changes in climate by carefully observing the behaviour of different wildlife. Insects are among those used as indicators of climate change. Studies show that insects and birds are very sensitive to environmental and climatic changes. Therefore, they can be used to predict climatic changes. The behaviour of insects and birds change when weather and climatic conditions change. Such behaviour adaptations and adjustments impact negatively to certain plants. This is because bees and some birds are agents of pollination and when they fail to appear during the flowering seasons, the pollination fails to take place and there will not fruits or seedlings to continue plant propagation. According to Thomson (2010), if bees hibernate at a time when the flowers open up, plants that depend on bees for pollination would be affected adversely and the yield may be not be realized. This reduces significantly the amount of food available for consumption that could have been derived from such plants. This difference is brought about by the changes in climate. Even without pesticide attack or human disturbance, pollination will remain susceptible to climate change. Increase in global temperatures and the adjustment of temperatures seasonally interfere greatly with availability and increase of insects. Insects form essential diet of different species of birds. Therefore, changes in behaviour of insects directly affect the behaviour of birds. When the temperatures are not conducive to insects in a given region, the birds fly to other regions in search of food. The hatching period of birds sometimes come early when the climate is warm because there are insects (food). However, on the other hand insect’s food sometimes flourishes earlier. Apart from bees, Cric (2004) claimed that birds are also affected by the climate change and are reliable indicators of climate change. Due to variation in climate, the period when birds migrate and lay their eggs changes completely. Birds can easily predict the changes in climate by feeling changes in temperatures and direction as well as intensity of the winds. Introduction Climate change is currently the major concern in the society. Food production is greatly affected by fluctuating change in climate. Green houses have been known to emit gases such as carbon dioxide in the atmosmosphere which interfere with the climate (Letcher 2009). Global food production is greatly affected by variations in climate. The major problem arises when global food supply and the demand remains evenly balanced as it has always been in the past. Changes in climate impacts nations’ trade, development and even its own food security. Impacts of climate change on food production Agriculture and food production is affected by climate variation in different complex ways. The production of food is greatly affected directly by agro-ecological condition changes and indirectly through disturbance of income growth and distribution. Climatic disturbances cause food shortages and the demand for agricultural produce increases. Alteration in temperature and precipitation due to extension of greenhouse gases emissions brings out land suitability and crop produce changes (Hoffman & Woody 2008). Food production is affected by climate change in various ways. This is included; changes in temperature and rainfall; rise in sea levels and pollution of the environment. First, changes in temperatures and rainfall directly affect food production. Temperatures increase regionally both in the high latitudes in the north and centrally in some continents. Dry and hot spells cause extreme weather conditions that do not support plant or animal life. As a result, plant and animals die. When crops and the livestock face excessive heat during the day or increased temperatures at night, they may develop negative effects on there development especially grain formation in crops. Furthermore, the rate of evapo-transpiration rises as a result of reduction in the levels of soil moisture and harsh temperatures. The rainfall concentration affects availability of food. For example, if the number of rainy events decreases there is lack of water for plant and animal growth and development. On the other hand, when the number of days facing heavy rains increases, there are risks of soil erosion and flash. Secondly, rise in sea levels affect the availability of fish and other edible aquatic animals. When sea levels fall, the aquatic life recedes into the deep seas making it extremely difficult to harvest. Rise in the sea level may also affect farming negatively (Leary 2008, p. 110). When the sea levels rises, there is a real threat of flooding. Flooding may destroy crops in the field and kill the livestock. This brings up coastal degradation and the encroachment of salty water. The outcome is normally millions of people become displaced. Consequently, food production and supply are disrupted by heavy and devastating floods. Floods may also increase the rate of attack of pest and diseases which reduce crop and animal produce (Hardy 2003, p. 172). Third, climatic change can cause pollution to the environment. Availability of acidic rains destroys plants. Depletion of the ozone exposes plants and animals to dangerous rays that may destroy them in the end. As a result, there will be less food left. Impact of climate change on food supply stability Weather conditions both globally and regionally are likely to vary in a great way than its current state. This is brought about by rise in the rate of severe events cause by climate change. Cyclones, floods, hailstorms and droughts are some of the direct impacts of climate change. The outcome is fluctuations in crop yields and the local food supplies. In addition, greater risks of landslides and soil damage are experienced. When climate fluctuations becomes evidently regular and extensive, food shortages also become regular and serious in both semi-arid and sub-humid areas. In semi arid areas crop yields and the number of livestock as well as its produce becomes greatly reduced. The impact felt will highly depend on whether use of irrigation, improved storage facilities or even top food imports can be used to offset fluctuations. Moreover, according to Claussen (2001), climate change challenges can be solved through existence of a policy environment which promotes existence of free trade, investments in transport and communication sector as well as irrigation structures and carbon trading. Conclusions Climate change has adverse effect to plant and animal life. Consequently, humanity will suffer. When the environment becomes polluted and floods, cyclones and desertification befall humanity, there will be no place to hide or seek refuge. Therefore, everybody should try as hard as possible to reduce pollution to the environment to prevent future disasters (Weart 2004). Bibliography Claussen, E., Cochran, AV., Davis PD & Pew Center on Global Climate Change 2001, Climate change: science, strategies, & solutions, BRILL, Virginia. Cric, QPH 2004, The Impact of climate change on birds, lbis Volume 146, Issue Supplement sl, pages 48–56, September 2004 Hardy, TJ 2003, Climate change: causes, effects, and solutions, John Wiley and Sons, New Jersey. Hoffman, JA & Woody, GJ 2008, Climate change: whats your business strategy? Harvard Business Press, London. Leary, N 2008, Climate change and vulnerability, Earthscan, London. Letcher, MT 2009, Climate change: observed impacts on planet Earth, Elsevier, Oxford. Thomson, DJ 2010, Flowering phenology, fruiting success and progressive deterioration of pollination in an early-flowering geophytes, Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society. London. Weart, RS 2004,The discovery of global warming, Harvard University Press, London. Read More

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