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Causes and Effects of Climate Change - Assignment Example

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This research is being carried out to describe the layers and composition of the atmosphere, discuss reasons why the stratosphere is important and why the stratospheric ozone has been disappearing, and explain the greenhouse effect and how it is changing the earth's climate.   …
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Causes and Effects of Climate Change
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Assignment 4 a. Describe the layers and composition of the atmosphere. You may create a diagram or describe the layers and composition in writing. The atmosphere comprises of five different layers which in an ascending order from the surface of the earth to upwards include troposphere, stratosphere, mesosphere, thermosphere and exosphere. The troposphere is the layer which rises up to 4 to 12 miles above the surface of earth. It is thicker near the equator and it keeps on getting thinner until it becomes the thinnest near the poles. The stratosphere extends above the troposphere about 31 miles above earth whereas the mesosphere is 50 miles above the surface of earth. The thermosphere is also called the upper atmosphere lying 400 miles above the surface of the earth. The exosphere is the last and final layer and it lies about 6000 miles above the earth. The composition of the atmosphere is 78% nitrogen, 21% oxygen, 0.03% carbon dioxide and the remaining are minor gases in minute quantities. b. Discuss reasons why the stratosphere is important.  The stratosphere has been identified as an atmospheric layer which is essential for survival on Earth because it contains ozone gas (O3) which forms the ozone layer protecting the earth from ultraviolet radiations of the Sun. The depletion of this ozone layer can lead to the entry of these harmful radiations into the surface of the earth and these radiations have many harmful effects which range from DNA and RNA damage in humans to the disturbance of even the marine life. Thinning of this layer has been found to be associated with skin cancers, cataracts and weakening of the immunity. It can damage the ecological balance because it will not only disturb marine life but there is evidence that it might even affect crops. c. Discuss reasons why the stratospheric ozone has been disappearing. The stratosphere is sensitive to atmospheric pollutants which include chlorofluorocarbons, chlorocarbons and halon compounds. Because of increased environmental pollution and the emission of these harmful compounds into the atmosphere by the industries and other sources which include the emissions from cars, refrigerators, air conditioners and aerosols, the stratospheric ozone has been depleting gradually. The reason behind this is that these gases react with the ozone gas and initiate a cascade which destroys numerous ozone molecules. d. Explain the greenhouse effect and how it is changing the earths climate.  The green houses gases constitute less than one percent of the atmosphere. They include carbon dioxide, ozone and water vapor. Thirty percent of the solar energy is reflected back before it even enters the last surface of the earth and a significant amount of energy that reaches the earth is also reflected back. This energy is the infrared radiation. This radiation is taken up by the green house gases before it escapes the troposphere thus leading to a warming effect which is known as the green house effect. A normal greenhouse effect is essential for the maintenance of the temperature of earth but increased greenhouse effect can lead to global warming. The reason behind this is that with increased greenhouse gases there is more retention of the infrared radiation leading to a warming effect on the earth. This can lead to many harmful effects one of which is the melting of glaciers. e. Describe the El Niño Southern Oscillation (ENSO) cycles and how this affects weather patterns.  The El Nino Southern Oscillation cycles do not have any fixed time of occurrence. the warming and cooling cycles of the water surfaces of Eastern and central Pacific ocean lead to these cycles. These cooling and warming cycles which affect the sea can be propelling of the cold water of the coast of Peru upwards or by the winds blowing from the north eastern region. The cooling effect of this cycle is known as La Nino whereas the warming effect is termed as El Nino. With these warming and cooling cycles drastic changes in weather patterns around the world are seen. It can lead to drought in one place and to floods and heavy rains in other places in the world. f. What effect(s) do these cycles have on air pollution?  The El Nino leads to droughts and because of these warming effects fires are led to. These fires then lead to the production of carbon monoxide and other air pollutants into the air. The most severe form was seen in 1997 to 1998 when the released carbon monoxide into the air was thirty percent more than all the emissions from around the world. g. Discuss the rationale behind the United States refusal to ratify the Kyoto Protocol. The United States refused to join the Kyoto Protocol because first they considered it was harm the economy of the United States leading to unemployment and the effectiveness of the US industries would be decreased. Another reason that was put forward by the United States was that according to researches conducted there could not be an exact link found between the emission of greenhouse gases and global warming. Hence it restrained itself from signing the Protocol.  h. What are the effects of air pollution?  Air pollution can lead to the depletion of the ozone layer. This will lead to the entrance of ultraviolet radiation in the surface of the earth and hence increased incidence of diseases such as skin cancer. It also leads to increased greenhouse effect which is a cause of global warming and this will lead to melting of glaciers and higher sea levels. Air pollution is also a cause of the spread of many respiratory diseases. i. From your reading and research conducted as you worked on this paper, do you believe the air quality of the world is getting worse or better? Give reasons for your answer.  The air quality of the world is getting worse. This is because with increasing population, increased burning of fossil fuels, greater deforestation, increase in the number of vehicles and with increases industrial emissions in the atmosphere, the harmful gases are entering the air leading to depletion of the ozone layer, enhanced green house effect and hence global warming. j. What is the air quality policy for your state? Are there any plans to revise these changes?  The air policy of Singapore states four principal aspects which include avoidance, implementation, close monitoring and creation of awareness. It stops people from using smoky vehicles and building of industries in residential areas. Awareness programs are launched frequently to teach people regarding conserving energy and saving the environment. Plans to revise the policies have always been there . The major cause of pollution is emission of gases from vehicles hence environmental friendly methods are being worked upon which include experiments on solar projects. k. Discuss ways to prevent global climate change. Stress should be laid upon public transport and bicycles as this would reduce the emission of gases into the atmosphere. Automobiles and appliances which consume less energy and are environment friendly should be put into use. De forestation should be banned and awareness should be created regarding the planting of more trees. Increasing population also contributes to climate change because the greater the population the more will there will be vehicles. Hence this should also be checked. Bibliography: Glantz, M. H. (2001). Currents of change: Impacts of El Niño and La Niña on climate and society. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. DESONIE, D. (2008). Climate: causes and effects of climate change. Our fragile planet. New York, N.Y., Chelsea House. ABRAHAMSON, D. E. (1989). The Challenge of global warming. Washington, D.C., Island Press. McClenahan JL. (2003). The greenhouse effect. Annals of Internal Medicine. 138 (5). Desonie, D. (2007). Atmosphere: Air pollution and its effects. New York: Chelsea House. Read More
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