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Something related to the instruction - Essay Example

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Just before you enter the main area with all forms of historical evidence, you find various announcements on posters describing either an upcoming event of…
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Something related to the instruction
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Indiana Museum Environmental Issues Indiana Museum Environmental Issues A visit to the Indiana State Museum will reveal the many steps the institution has take in conserving the environment. Just before you enter the main area with all forms of historical evidence, you find various announcements on posters describing either an upcoming event of another one that has already been completed. All these events revolve around missions to protect the environment. A good example of an event established by the Indiana State Museum is the “Going Green Festival”that was conducted on Friday, March 14.

The event involved showcasing products and lifestyle activities that are eco-friendly.According to the information that the management provided, the Indiana State Museum advocates environmental awareness activities with fun educational programs and initiatives. In this case, many such events are organized throughout the year in order to concentrate efforts ion environmental management. On the wall of the museum, there is impressively displayed photo gallery that tells various stories about environmental conservation.

Very many paintings are displayed that exhibit various scenery and geographical scenes that are well managed. Accordingly, the entire Museum can be described as a complete story that challenges people to take an active responsibility in the conservation of our environment. One can confidently describe the Indiana State Museum as a centre of excellence as far as environmental conservation is concerned. The museum instructor describes the founder of the facility as an esteemed environmentalist and that the museum was founded to specifically facilitate the conservation efforts.

The information and material presented during the visit to Indiana State Museum is very much related to the current course topic. In this case, the information describes environmental conservation efforts. In my current topic, environmental conservation is a key element. .

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“Something Related to the Instruction Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 Words”, n.d.
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