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Human Contribution to Climate Change - Essay Example

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The essay "Human Contribution to Climate Change" focuses on the critical analysis of the major issues in the evaluation of the topic of climate change to develop a proper basis for the causes, impacts, and mitigation measures adopted across the world…
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Human Contribution to Climate Change
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Climate change Introduction Human activities have continued to create significant challenges to our environment and theclimate as a whole, challenges that must be addressed to salvage the rising implications of environmental degradation. Climate change is long lasting change that affects the overall weather patterns and occurs over an extended period of time arising from a number of human and nonhuman activities. A number of events and activities within the biosphere interfere with the normal ecosystem balance, which creates disturbances in the environment. These changes affect the glacial formation, which results into movements of the tectonic plates, overwarming and shifting of the ocean beaches and levels (Wlicock, & Hudson 17). A number of catastrophic events have continued to occur because of the climate changes causing devastating damages in properties and lives across the world. These include the Katrina, the earthquakes in different parts of the world, the tsunamis along the beaches of Asian continent and among other events (Wlicock, & Hudson 17). These events have created an urgent need for different world bodies to develop frameworks to mitigate on the causes and develop approaches that can reduce its impacts across the globe. A number of protocols have been ratified by different conventions and most of these are geared towards pushing countries into adopting safe practices that reduces climate change. In this paper, the topic of climate change will be critically evaluated to develop a proper basis of the causes, the impacts and mitigation measures adopted across the world. The paper will also discuss the conventions ratified among them the Kyoto Protocol among others that have aimed to reduce the impacts of climate change (Scafetta 6). Causes of climate change Climate scientists as the major causes of climate change have advanced a number of activities and most of these events are attributed to carefree human activities. On s superficial analysis, climate change can be seen as a situation caused by increased solar energy and radiations from the sun reaching the biosphere and earth surface (Wlicock, & Hudson 17). The movement of such solar energy is dispersed across the globe by oceanic currents, monsoon winds among other means. Climate change causes have been categorized into two classes with the major contributing class being the human causes. The other category of climate change that has remained relatively above human control is the natural causes, mostly resulting from long lasting human activities (Wlicock, & Hudson 19). Greenhouse gas remains one of the leading causes of global climate change and a number of measures have been implemented in an attempt to reduce the occurrence of the same. The earth is such that it has a natural concentration of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, though the concentration is quite low to create significant harm to the environment. These gases have the ability to absorb the solar radiation thus cushioning the atmosphere from strong UV radiations from the sun that are harmful to human and animal health. The naturally existing greenhouse gases have been shown by scientist to maintain the earth’s temperature at 14°C rather than the -19°C that would be present without the heating effects of the gases (Fyfe, Gillett & Zwiers 768). However, the revolution in the industrial sector has resulted into increased human activities, which have increased atmospheric emissions of greenhouse gases. This has resulted into elevated absorption of the solar energy and radiation that has created room for over retention of heat from the sun within the earth’s atmosphere. This has resulted into an increased overall temperature of the atmosphere, a phenomena known as global warming which has continued to capture the attention of the world’s climate change scientists (Fyfe, Gillett & Zwiers 768). Greenhouse gases include carbon dioxide, a carbon based oxide that originates from the burning of hydrocarbons and methane, which is also a combustive hydrocarbon. The overall concentration of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere in a normal case in 0.03% when compared to other gases like oxygen and nitrogen. However, the concentration increases to about 30% because of industrial and other human activities that increases its effects on global warming. Other gases that also absorb radiation from the sun are water vapour, nitrous oxides and chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) (Scafetta 6). Apart from causes associated with greenhouse gases, aerosols, which also increase their atmospheric concentrations due to extended human activities, have been shown to cause climate changes (Wang & Wiser 34). They also change the microphysical and chemical features of the clouds and these results in an influence in the lifetimes and the duration the take within the atmosphere. When the solar energy is scattered by the aerosol, cooling of the climate occurs while absorption of the rays just like in greenhouse gases increase the earth’s atmospheric temperatures. Aerosols are produced from dust, human activities like agricultural pest control, biomass production, and machine emissions among other common sources (Katz & Stein 769). Improper land use practices also significantly affect the ecosystem balance and accelerate the occurrence of climate change due to the interference with the natural balance. One of the major land use activity that affects the climate is deforestation, an event that is characterized by unplanned cutting down of trees without replacing them. Trees are cut to create rooms for farming; an activity that can be considered normal for human natural existence but if not well controlled can affect the climate. Large tract of natural forests have been cut down or burnt in different parts of the United States and Eurasia and this has led to the disturbance of the ecological balance (Fyfe, Gillett & Zwiers 767). Impacts of climate change Extended climate change has varying impacts on the stability of the world due to the environmental impacts that it causes and the health complications that arises. From a discussion of the impacts of climate change, this paper will provide in depth of worrying repercussions of the climate change that has been caused largely by human activity. The environmental impacts of climate change have been attributed to a number of catastrophic events across the world that has led to massive loss of life and property (Fyfe, Gillett & Zwiers 768). The oceans expand in volume due to the melting of the ice and a movement in the tectonic plates is results, which results into the elevation of the seabed. With the glaciers and the ice shrinking, the increase in the ocean volume and the tilting of the seabed threatens the life that is found close to the low-lying beaches (Mohr 17). The movement of the tectonic plates in the seabed can also create seismic points, which result into quakes from the seabed. The tsunami that killed a big number of people in Indonesia and beyond resulted from the rigorous movement of the seabed plates that resulted into the expulsion of water into the beaches. These devastating events occurred due to the extended climate change effect that resulted into uncontrolled melting and movement of the glaciers (Fyfe, Gillett & Zwiers 767). With extended climate change, the normal weather patterns as we know it today will shift giving room to seasons with extreme heat waves, drought, unpredicted heavy rainfall and more frequent and disastrous storms. Currently, some part of the world has begun to experience the effects of climate change in the form of heat shocks and areas affected include the southern and central Europe regions (Mohr 17). The changes in rainfall patterns being witnessed today are also an indication that the impacts of climate change are eating into our normal lifestyle, cool season changes characterized by cold winters and hot summers and resulting into seasons that are relatively unpredictable. The water resources that have been used for century for both human and animal survival are also facing phase off because of the rapid changes in the climate being caused by unplanned human urbanization, migration and industrialization (Wlicock, & Hudson 17). Some regions have become more vulnerable because of the climate change impacts due to their position in the world map and their proximity to affected water masses. Others have been affected by the devastating impacts of climate change due to their low economic ability to front a stronger disaster preparedness and management measures that can ensure a reduction in the number of overall deaths and destruction of property. Even though all countries within the European Union are at the risks of climate change, the impacts of the activities vary from one country to another due to the economic difference of the countries in this block (Mohr 17). The areas close to the Mediterranean basis, mountainous areas and those densely populated areas within the continent are more exposed to the impacts of climate change especially flooding and uncontrolled destruction of property. The high concentration of the urban population in Europe has also contributed to the inability of the governments to adopt proper measures to protect its people against the ravaging heat waves and the rising sea levels (Scafetta 4). Apart from the consequences so far discussed that touches on human beings, climate change also affects the animals, human health and other economic avenues with similar magnitude. Exposure to extreme weather conditions are risky to human health and can result into a number of diseases and medical conditions. With climate change, the normal weather conditions are pushed to the extremes with the cold seasons being colder and the hot seasons experiencing heat shock kind of heat. These health implications of climate change have been shown to affect the poor in a country more as compared to the rich as the poor lacks appropriate protection measures to ensure they can withstand the heat shock without affecting their lives (Katz & Stein 769). The ravaging damages to property, which arises, from extensive flooding, earthquakes and tsunamis also affect the infrastructural development of a region thus affecting the economic growth of a country. Flooding activities taking place in the European union regions are estimated to have cost the lives of over 2,500 people and affected the economic abilities of over 5.5 million people in the bloc since 1980 (Scafetta 4). This has resulted into massive economic loss estimated to over £100 billion cumulative loss from the ravaging floods, heat waves and extreme cold temperatures associated with climate change. Certain sectors in the economy also rely heavily on certain predictable weather conditions and precipitation levels to thrive and these include the agricultural sector, forestry and tourism (Meyer, 20). Such sectors have been extensively affected by the unpredictable weather patterns associated with climate change and this has resulted into significant economic losses to countries affected. Some plants and animal species are also facing extinction due to their inability to cope with the fast changing weather conditions across the globe (Meyer, 20). The rapid warming and cooling phases have resulted into weather conditions that are so unfavorable for these animal and plants for example the polar bear the depends on the ice seas to survive and the fish species found in these regions that are currently melting and affecting the oceanic balance (Mills 73). Scientist has given a prediction of the future trends in climate and weather patterns attributed to the rapid changes in the climate that are currently witnessed. This will increase the overall sea volumes and create rooms for flooding and strong waves in beaches currently used for tourism and leisure purposes. The frequencies of hot extremes and heat waves will double in various parts of the world, especially in Europe and this will result into massive migrations, as these regions will become inhabitable by human populations (Mills 73). Tropical cyclones are also likely to increase in intensity, which has the potential of causing massive destruction of property and life. As these weather patterns changes, the water resources will dry up while other fresh water bodies will be taken up by the salty seawaters due to the rising of the sea volume. This will result into massive human and animal problems due to the inability to access freshwaters within different parts of the world that will be affected (Katz & Stein 769). Approaches on climate change mitigation To help the planet from the ravaging effects of climate change, the world must rise today and develop mitigation strategies that seek to address the problem and the sources of climate change. The United Nations and other environmental bodies have been at the forefront in ensuring that a number of approaches and strategies are adopted to reduce the emission of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere to reduce the impacts of global warming to climate change (Katz & Stein 769). Private and public businesses have been identified as entities that play vital roles in the mitigation of climate change and thus must be involved as key players in attempts to reduce its effects (Wlicock, & Hudson 19). A number of measures and strategies have been adopted to enable private businesses increase their participation in climate change control measures. Climate change mitigation is efforts that have been adopted to reduce the emission of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere and thus reduce the devastating impacts of climate change (Wlicock, & Hudson 19). A number of approaches are involved in mitigation measures and these includes the adoption of new green technologies, manufacture of more efficient and energy saving machines and the development of management practices and human consumerism manners that conserve the environment (Scafetta 4). According to the United Nations environmental program (UNEP), a third of the world’s total energy is consumed inside buildings used as offices, houses and schools. The buildings are thus considered today as the world’s highest contributors of greenhouse gas emissions (Wlicock, & Hudson 19). The process of constructing these buildings does not help either as it also uses a lot of energy thus depleting the scarce natural resources and generating large solid wastes. Climate change mitigation measures have thus concentrated on developing energy efficient building by adopting house models that reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Greener construction methods have been adopted with an aim of improving the energy efficiency of the structures and reducing the GHG emissions. Existing technological use also guarantees a cheaper construction method for these energy efficient buildings that emit less greenhouse gases (Mills 72). With an increase in population and the United States per capita income, the demand for energy has considerably increased as compared to the decades before. The increasing thirst for energy however serves as a serious challenge to climate change mitigation approaches as greener lifestyle demands the decreased use of non-renewable energy. The cost of fossil fuel has also proved to be environmentally unsustainable due to its non-renewable status and depleting reserves (Mills 72). This makes it essential for the world to shift focus from non-renewable energy sources to other greener, cheap and renewable energy alternatives like wind and solar energy. This will reduce the overall emissions to the environment, as these alternative sources of energy are cleaner as compared to fossil fuels that have larger emissions of greenhouse gases to the atmosphere (Katz & Stein 769). With increased world population, continuous manufacturing of goods from the industry must be sustained to economically sustain them. This is however currently done by environmental unfriendly methods, which affects the environmental conservation further and increase climate change. The sector of manufacturing is believed to account for over 20% of CO2 emissions to the atmosphere, a gas that is known to increase the greenhouse effect and global warming (Katz & Stein 769). Mitigation measures adopted have sought to change the approaches of production adopted to ensure the withdrawal of negative environmental impacts as a result of manufacturing. Modern innovative industrial practices such as recycling of industrial waste and the reduction of effluents released to the environment will serve to reduce the impacts of manufacturing on global warming and climate change (Meyer 21). The increased population has also created a surge in the transport sector resulting into an increase in the demand for faster but environmentally unfriendly transport option. The currently used transport methods have also been shown to release high volume of greenhouse gases, only second to the manufacturing sector. Vehicle transport mode remains one of the common methods with everyone struggling to own a vehicle despite the impacts it has one the environment (Meyer 21). According to UNEP, a three strategic mitigation approach should be adopted that will ensure that the use of vehicle as a means of transport is gradually avoided. This will provide room for other public and mass means of transport like the railway to reduce the cumulative greenhouse gases emitted in one particular day. Vehicles should also be made cleaner through the manufacture of more efficient and energy conserving vehicle models than the ones currently on the road (Wang & Wiser 34). Finally, the total forest population in the world must be increased and all forest destruction activities currently being undertaken illegally to be stopped. Forests have the ability to absorb the greenhouse gases like carbon dioxide and use them in their respirational activities which thus acts to reduce the overall concentration of GHG in the atmosphere (Wang & Wiser 34). Increasing the overall forest cover on the planet will thus cushion the world from the devastating impacts of global warming and climate change through the absorption of the gases. Increasing forest cover can be achieved through the initiation of mass afforestation and reforestation in areas that were destroyed by illegal and legal loggers (Prowse & Peskett 12). Protocols ratified on climate change The massive implications of climate change have led to the convening of a number of meetings and conventions across the world to discuss mitigation measures and approaches to be adopted and ratified by world governments (Wang & Wiser 34). The protocols and conventions ratified so far have been attributed to the reduction in the total greenhouse gases emitted across the world as countries work towards adopting strategies that are environmental friendly. This convention was intervened in 1994 and discussed the various approaches of mitigating global warming; thus reducing the overall climate change as so far witnessed (Meyer 22). This framework recognized that climate is a universal resource that is shared across the globe and whose instability as a result of human actions can create massive impacts on the world citizens. This convention thus required the government to gather and share information on greenhouse emissions and other national policies adopted by the governments to mitigate the impacts of climate change. All governments were also required to ensure that they adopt policies that are meant to ensure mitigation of the impacts of climate change (Mills 70). The Kyoto protocol was convened in 1997 and a number of policies adopted, which were, took force in 2005 after the ratification by the United States and Russia. This protocol committed the state countries to commit towards reducing the total carbon emission from their industries and transport sector (Mills 70). This protocol also recognized the role played by more industrialized countries in increasing carbon emission and global warming overall. In 2009, the Copenhagen convention was called to discuss and weigh on the current implications of the strategies and approaches adopted by the United Nations framework of 1994. In this convention, the responsibility of climate change was raised to the highest political level and adopted as a political responsibility of governments across the globe (Prowse & Peskett 14). Conclusion The increased human activities have contributed significantly to increased climate change, an environmental phenomena that has massive implications on human and animal life. Desperate attempts have been made to improve the strategies and mitigation measure aimed at reducing climate change and global warming impacts. A number of protocols and conventions have been convened by the United Nations to garner the support of member states in adopting policies that will ensure a decrease in the overall global warming (Liverman, 280). These have succeeded to some extent but a lot must still be done to ensure that we save our planet from the eminent extinction that we currently face (Prowse & Peskett 14). Works Cited Fyfe, John, Gillett, Nathan & Zwiers, Francis. Overestimated global warming over the past 20 years. Nature climate change, 3(2013): 767-768. Katz, Richard & Stein Michael. Uncertainty analysis in climate change assessment. Nature climate change, 3(2013):769. Liverman, Diana. Conventions of climate change: construction of danger and dispossession of the atmosphere. Journal of historical geography, 35(2009):279-296. Print. Meyer, Aubrey. The Kyoto Protocol and the Emergence of “Contraction and Convergence” as a Framework for International political Solutions to Greenhouse Gas Emissions Abatement”. 2000. Print. Mills, Evans. Weighing the risks of climate change mitigation strategies. Bulletin of the atomic scientists, 68.6(2012): 67-78. Mohr, Noam. A new global warming strategy: how environmentalists are overlooking vegetarianism as the most effective tool against climate change in our lifetimes. An earth saves international report. 2005. Print. Prowse, Martin & Peskett, Leo. Mitigating climate change: what impact on the poor? Overseas development institute. 2008. Print. Scafetta, Nicola. Climate change and its causes: A discussion about key issues. Science and public policy. 2010. Print. Wang, Xueman & Wiser, Glenn. 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