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Discussion Questions #1 and #2 - Personal Statement Example

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It is not merely based on opinions which are in most cases subjective and biased. As such, the method guarantees reliability. This is a very important merit…
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Discussion Questions #1 and #2
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Discussion Questions And #2 and number) submitted) Benefits of using scientific method to analyze environmental decisionsThe scientific method adopts the use of factual and tested processes of ensuring that environmental decisions are made. It is not merely based on opinions which are in most cases subjective and biased. As such, the method guarantees reliability. This is a very important merit to the analysis of the decisions affecting the environment. Besides, the scientific findings are more accurate than any other method (Linkov & Ramadan, 2004, p. 42). This is because they are based on methodologies and procedures that ultimately conduce to the accuracy of the decisions.

ConstraintsScientific methods are often lengthy, time consuming and very cumbersome. For the analysis to come to completion, therefore, a lot of time, efforts and costs must be expended. The constraints of time and costs are very fundamental and may significantly limit this method a great deal. Furthermore, they must be conducted by well informed individuals who have adequate scientific skills. Where these are lacking, the method’s applicability is hindered.Difficulty in calculating the increase in human populationThe human population is constantly increasing.

Calculating this increase in population is very difficult for a number of reasons. First and foremost, some births are not registered and, therefore, it becomes difficult to know exactly how many children are born especially in developing countries. In addition to this, growth in human population is never uniform world over (Linkov & Ramadan, 2004, p. 67). In some countries or regions, there is unprecedented growth in this population while, in others, it is a bit low. Therefore, most methods used to calculate the population is bound to experience a great degree of errors.

ReferencesLinkov, I., & Ramadan, A. B. (2004). Comparative Risk Assessment and Environmental Decision Making (Vol. 38). Berlin: Springer.

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