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Causes of Climate Change - Essay Example

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From the paper "Causes of Climate Change" it is clear that the earth’s climate is changed and influenced by natural causes such as ocean currents, volcanic eruptions, solar variations, and changes in the earth’s orbital. Volcanic eruptions produce gases such as carbon dioxide and sulfur dioxide…
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Causes of Climate Change
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There is a very strong proof that individuals are causing changes in climate with their actions. These actions cause greenhouse gas emissions such as methane and carbon dioxide (Directgov 2012). Climate change is caused by natural causes. Additionally, climate change is also caused by changes in the energy output of the sun; however, its effects are minimal (National Aeronautics and Space Administration [NASA] 2012). The changes in the climate seen over several years are mainly due to anthropogenic activities.

The Earth’s atmosphere has gases (greenhouse gases) that trap heat that is near the surface of the earth. Greenhouse gases are crucial in sustaining life on earth. They allow rays from the sun to enter but stop them from escaping to outer space. However, individuals cause the release of more greenhouse gases into the atmosphere making the greenhouse effect stronger. As a result, the earth’s climate begins to change because more heat is trapped (Directgov 2012). Changes in the energy output of the sun cause the climate to change.

This is because the sun is a vital source of energy that drives the climate system. This effect is referred to as solar irradiance. Research has indicated that variability in solar energy has played a major role in the previous climate changes. However, there is not sufficient evidence to support the effect of solar irradiance on the current global warming (NASA 2012). Carbon dioxide, which is a greenhouse gas, causes climate change but its effects are minimal compared to the emissions caused by humans (Climatechangechallenge.org2012).

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