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The advantages and disadvantages about solar power in replacing the original power (gas, oil) in United States - Essay Example

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Most people today take for granted the flipping on of a light-switch, popping snacks into a microwave, and flopping onto the couch to watch television. However, all of these basic day to day actions rely on power…
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The advantages and disadvantages about solar power in replacing the original power (gas, oil) in United States
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?Zihao Qu ESRM 100 05.02 Introduction Most people today take for granted the flipping on of a light-switch, popping snacks into a microwave, andflopping onto the couch to watch television. However, all of these basic day to day actions rely on power. Energy is generally needed for and any everything that we use or interact with for entertainment and work, particularly, in our technologically dependent modern society. In truth, most people, probably, do not even think about where their energy and fuel comes from until it is turned off. Few things do not require a power or fuel source, especially today, when that energy not available everything can begin to fall apart. Unfortunately, fossil fuel based energy sources commonly used bring with them serious consequences to the environment, as well as, not being limitless. The initiative to encourage power and fuel alternatives continues to be debated. The “go green” movement suggest “renewable” energy sources. Climate changes, continuing pollution, and the insecurity of the existing power and fuel sources are serious considerations. (Jacobson, and Delucchi 1154) Renewable sources may be exactly the solution that is needed, which includes the use of wind, geothermal, hydropower, and, particularly, solar power that could easily help secure a brighter future for the generations to come. Given the potential success and efficiency it is only common sense to investigate further and consider solar power, along with other “green” energy possibilities; feasible solutions to our modern energy needs. History Many researchers feel that the acquisition of and the ability to use fire, along with the development of language, is what, decidedly, made us human. It was, however, the understanding and utilization of fossil fuels that made us officially modern. As populations began to increase, in any given locations, the need to provide clothing, shelter, warmth, food, and transportation became paramount. Fossil fuels helped such large industrial populations to achieve that. Between 1880 and 1913, along with the natural born citizens, 60 million immigrants joined the population of the United States. (McNeill) As these growing populations in America continued to grow larger it became more and more necessary to engage in greater and greater usage of energies derived from fossil fuels. However, the abundant usage results in the excessive accumulation of “green house gases,” which is, generally, a mixture of carbon dioxide, nitrous oxide, and methane. The green house gases literally change the chemical composition of the atmosphere and the harmful gases contribute to global warming. Researchers confirm that our planet’s surface temperature has, markedly, increased over the past two decades.(Mingyuan 359) This is a serious problem involving serious consequences. Not only are fossil fuels causing environmental damage it is, also, not an unlimited resource. Oil, coal, gasoline, the fuels and energy sources most are familiar with, are not going to be sufficient to meet the United States demand forever. Since the 1980s much research has been geared towards finding renewable energy sources that could wean us from our fossil fuel dependency in exchange for environmentally friendly, more reliable energy sources. There are multiple options within the parameters of renewable energy, but, the majorities agree that it is any resource that is naturally replenished by the earth or nature. Solar power, of all the environmental friendly green options, is probably, so supporters claim, the most viable and available renewable energy resource.(Mingyuan 356) Yet, as seen in the chart below, the United states has continued to rely on coal, petroleum, natural gas and, even, nuclear energy more than upon any of the renewable alternatives. The United States uses only a small fractions of the potential; at least in comparison of the to the usage of fossil fuels.("Solar") The sun, essentially, plays a huge part of what makes it possible to grow plant life to be harvested. Before energy sources were found, the sunlight provided the only light. There was a time when human were so dependent upon the sun, worshipped the sun, that it became godlike in the eyes of many early cultures. It is a tremendous part of why this planet continues to survive each and every day. There are two categories of solar energy, passive and active. Passive solar energy accounts for the heat and light that the sun can provide by, simply, allowing it to shine or through coordinating architecture. Active solar energy involves the process of actively attempting to collect sunlight to be used to provide other usable energies, like electricity. In order to harness the sun as a direct source of usable energy, it must be collected. There are two major means of accomplishing this. The first, Solar-Photovoltaics, or Solar PV, require arrays of “cells” that contain a substance, often silicon, which allows solar radiation to be converted into energy. The second, Concentrated Solar Power, or CSP, employs a series of reflective lenses or mirrors focusing sunlight into a liquid that is heated. That heat flows through an engine where portions of the heat generated can be converted into electricity.(Jacobson, and Delucchi 1158) Despite the options available, solar energy has continued to play an unbelievably small role in the United States since the beginnings of industrialization.("Solar") Discussion The need to find energy alternatives that can be implemented throughout the United States is essential. The environment friendly, cost effective, incentive of the “go green” energy ideology is a feasible solution. Solar energy is, likely, the most accessible candidate. At least this is how researchers, environmentalists, and overall supporters of embracing solar energy see it. However, there are, also, many who disagree on, both, the potential success and cost effectiveness of relying on solar power. All topics have positive and negative attributes that must be weighed and considered, which is why the debate upon this issue will, likely, continue for some time. However, to understand and assess the two sides of this issue it is necessary to discuss the topic from a “pro and con” perspective. Positive Aspects of Solar Power 1. Solar panels, once installed, in no way contribute to the pollution of the environment. 2. Solar power will allow American society to become less dependent upon energies provided by fossil fuels, which, once again, are environmentally dangerous and not limitless. 3. Solar energy allows for power to be obtained in distant or remote locations, where it is, simply, too costly to erect high voltage power lines. 4. The final positive is the highly anticipated reduction in energy costs. This is, particularly, an appealing positive aspect of solar power to many Americans due to the current, harsh, economic crisis still being experienced. Solar panels, once installed, can reduce power cost up to, if not above, 60% to 70% from present costs.("Pros & Cons of Solar Energy") Negative Aspects of Solar Power 1. The initial cost of installing solar panels, along with all other necessary equipment, may not repay itself in abundant savings quickly enough to make it worthwhile for some time. Quality solar panels can cost, approximately, $1000 per panel; some households may require multiple panels. This may be far too costly for most Americans, especially, at present. Therefore it is, likely, to keep solar power from being more universally embraced. 2. The factory space, manufacturing, and transporting necessary to fabricate large quantities of solar panels will, in fact, contribute to pollution and negatively affect the environment. 3. Solar power is not as, accessible as supporters would like the public to believe. At night, solar cells are, obviously, completely idle. However, solar cells, also, become much less efficient in poor weather and in areas with high amounts of pollution. This means that in large industrialized cities relying solely on solar power would be extremely difficult.("Pros & Cons of Solar Energy") Issues Although the United States has the greatest potential to harness vast amounts of solar energy, it continues to change quite slowly concerning the issue. However, the reasons may not, simply, center on its efficiency, practicality, accessibility, or financial cost; it may be more about economic loss. Much of the oppositions to the United States embracing solar power come from the existing energy companies that monopolize the power industry. Such companies have enjoyed the privilege of having complete control over the most basic of household necessities, as well as, the profits that dominance allows. The idea of American consumers being able to generate their own energy and ultimately pay a fraction of what they would pay now, represents immense loss for these companies. If one multiplies that loss by millions of Americans then it is no wonder that these companies would go to great lengths to discredit any alternatives. This makes solar power a continuing threat to the futures of their businesses. At present the United States only uses 1/10 of a single percent of the potential solar energy that could be harvested.("Solar") Germany is a wonderful example of a successful transition away from the usage of the majority of fossil fuels and is the world leader in the implementing of solar power among its citizens. It was very important to note that Germany receives very little direct sunshine; as little as the state of Alaska, yet have still managed to obtain enough for households to generate an ample amount of power. A great deal of the resistance in the United States stems from the fear of the apocalyptic loss of all power. If you watch any modern films one of the key events in an “end of human society” style movies is the loss of the grid and the access to energy and fuel; with that goes communication, hygiene, foods will rot, and transportation becomes difficult. People today are so afraid of what will become of the world without the comfort of the forms of energy that are tried and true. Perhaps they are afraid to trust clean, green energy options. (Plumer 1) This shortsightedness and narrow-mindedness are two very dangerous behaviors. The issues with turning from fossil fuels to renewable energy, like solar power, are not just about those of us living in the world today. It is, also, about your future children, grandchildren, and great grandchildren. Still the greatest issue preventing the United States from following in Germany’s footsteps is the United States government and legal system. Germany, unlike the United States, has a concrete “solar policy.” It makes the acquisition of the appropriate permits, at reasonable costs, along with a national mandate that requires that the utility companies “sign up” customers with solar panel arrays under a “feed-tariff,” which requires the utility companies to allow the solar on their grid and agree to buy any excess power from the consumers. The United States has yet to implement any similar policies. In fact, there are a multitude of hidden costs related to permits and associated regulatory requirements that are discouraging to most consumers in the United States. America has, approximately, 18,000 different jurisdictions at, both, the county and local levels. It is this difficulty and expense that seems to create the greatest issues in relation to this topic. Naysayers, however, continue to insist that transitioning from the dependence of fossil fuels would, simply, be too grand of an accomplishment to expect. Then again, Germany has proven that such a transition can occur and function successfully.(Wells 2) Solutions The negative aspects associated with solar power are elements that can be sufficiently addressed, like any technologies they will improve in time responding to those very concerns that were presented. Those naysayers that result from the American utility companies biased and self serving motivations need to be recognized for what they are then disregarded. In fact, their continuing disdain for the feasibility and efficiency of solar power, and renewable energies in general cannot be considered reliable information. In the same way, we must not let our imaginary fears and have faith in “mother nature” based energy alternatives. After all, if there is one think that is pretty consistent it is the sun. It rises and sets everyday without fail. If it ceases to do that we will have far bigger problems on our hands than how to find energy. The shortsightedness and narrow-mindedness displayed by many Americans is a serious problem. It is essential to remember that it is not just about those of us living today, but to those that have not been born yet and generations to come. It is for them that we must leave them a world that they can survive and excel in, making the transition to renewable energies and innovating and adapting these alternatives will help provide a reliable, productive, environmentally friendly future. Fortunately, the supporters in the world of policy-making have and continue to provide special incentives that include encouraging the public through personal, sales, and property taxes, along with rebates, to motivate them to consider installing solar panels to their homes. There are, also, incentives intended to motivate investment in businesses that will produce solar panels, cells, and related equipment.(Mingyuan 361) This is a wonderful start that needs to continue and, ideally, evolve into changing government policies in relation to solar energies. The issues involving the “scare tactics” promoted by biased opposition are intended to create doubt in the technology among the masses. However, Germany, again, has already proven that that may be anything but true. Sunlight is already being mass produced in abundance each and every day, therefore has the potential to be successful and feasible as a practical resource. Continuing incentive, finding more cost effective means to fabricate and install equipment, and ongoing research to improve the technology is the ideal solution. It seems perfectly logical that solar energy should continue to be considered as an alternative to fossil fuels. Transitioning to renewable energies may not be easy for all, but no one is suggesting that fossil fuels will just be one day completely be eliminated. It is about limiting that need and usage to as little as possible. The less dependent the United States is upon fossil fuels the less damaging it will be on the environment, but, also, on society, when those fossil fuel resources become truly scarce. Conclusion Finding solutions that will allow society to move forward into the future that provides, both, efficient power and are nature friendly is essential. Given the arguments of the positives and the negatives regarding solar power, it seems the advantage leans more towards the supporters of solar energy. After years of seeing how dependent we are on fossil fuel energy, sources that may no longer be available in the generations to come, it seems downright foolish not to be actively implementing alternatives. The time to assimilate to such energy changes should begin as soon as possible. Once that is done very likely people will be impressed with the reduced energy costs, the ability to produce one’s own energy, and that is safer to the environment. We will then have the time to learn, adapt and, research the technology continue to improve and perfect it. The sun is the most reliable of natural renewable energy. If one was going to place their faith in anything that can help provide energy then it should be the sun. Supporting solar energies, along with all renewable resources, seems like the only responsible, logical, and feasible choice to make. Many of the topics that are used to oppose solar energy technology are important considerations, but most are minor issues that can easily be improved and rectified as time goes by. Moving into a future that includes renewable energies definitely means that policies must be changed or reformed. Change is not a negative thing. It is simply another moment when human society must learn to adapt and choose to walk the path that leads to benefitting the natural environment, as well as, our societal environments. The United States, along with other societies around the world, have grown so complacent in seeing the “bigger picture.” We so often forget that we live in a world that is not forever. What we have had may need to change now. If we wish to leave a world behind that not dark and struggling we need to start being far more open to change. Perhaps the power of the sun will literally be the light that will lead the United States into a brighter future. There will come a time when the fuel and energy we use presently will be too slim to meet all of our needs, if alternatives are not available then what becomes of the generations that come after us. The World Commission on Environment and Development, stated on the topic, “…the development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of the future generations to meet their own.” (Mingyuan 358) This is the direction that we should always be moving. Works Cited Jacobson, Mark Z. , and Mark A. Delucchi. "Providing all global energy with wind, water, and solar power, Part I: Technologies, energy resources, quantities and areas of infrastructure, and materials." Energy Policy. (2011): 1154-1169. Web. 30 Apr. 2013. . McNeill, John R.. "Global Environmental History in the Age of Fossil Fuels ." Mapping the World. N.p., 23 Jun 2008. Web. 30 Apr 2013. . Mingyuan, Wang. "Government Incentives to Promote Renewable Energy in the United States ." Temple Journal of Science, Technology & Environmental Law . XXIV. 355-366. Web. 1 May. 2013. . Plumer , Brad. "Germany has five times as much solar power as the U.S. — despite Alaska levels of sun." Washington Post 8 Feb. 2013, 1. Web. 30 Apr. 2013. . Wells, Ken. "Solar Energy Is Ready. The U.S. Isn't." Bloomberg BusinessWeek. 25 Oct. 2012: 2. Web. 30 Apr. 2013. . "Energy Perspectives: Fossil fuels dominate U.S. energy consumption." U.S. Energy Information Administration. U.S. Energy Information Administration, n.d. Web. 30 Apr 2013. . "Pros & Cons of Solar Energy." Clean Energy Ideas. Clean Energy Ideas, n.d. Web. 30 Apr 2013. . "Solar." Institute for Energy Research. Institute for Energy Research. Web. 30 Apr 2013. . Read More
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