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Pacoima City - Research Paper Example

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This paper 'Pacoima City' tells us that Pacoima is a city which is 7 square mile and has a population of 103,689 people. By identifying and visiting the city of Pacoima helps someone to understand the area, by understanding the nature of the area will help someone to determine if the area is a better place for occupation…
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? Pacoima Introduction Pacoima is a which is 7 square mile and has a total population of 103,689 people. By identifying and visiting the city of Pacoima helps someone to understand the area and its nature, by understanding the nature of area will help someone to determine if the area is better place for occupation. To get the proper area analysis it is significant to go check the work as far as aspects e.g. walkability of the location are concerned. Going through the analysis of the data got after paying a visit to the location is very important aspect when analysing the state of the city. It is the state of the city which determines whether the areas safe for living that is in terms of physical factors and social factors which are known as city form. Analysing political and social factors clearly describe how the city looks like and it will be so important for investors and people who may have interest in taking part in the activities of the city. Walkability is defined as a measure of how an area is friendly for walking. Walkability has many economic benefits, environmental benefits and health benefits. Walkability is influenced by a number of factors; these factors include the absence or the presents of quality sidewalks, footpaths or other right of way of pedestrians, road and traffic conditions, building accessibility, and land use patterns among others. Pedestrian travel provides both individuals and society with a wide range of benefits. Planners and public health officials alike have been promoting policies that improve the quality of the built environment for pedestrians: mixed land uses, interconnected street networks, sidewalks and other facilities (Cao, 2006). Whether such policies will prove effective remains open to debate. In particular, two issues need further attention. First, the impact of the built environment on pedestrian behaviour may depend on the purpose of the trip, whether for the purposes of utilitarian or recreational. Second, the connection between the built environment and pedestrian behaviour may be more a matter of residential location choice than of travel choice (Cao, 2006). This study aims to provide new evidence on both questions. Studies have found out that although residential self-selection impacts both types of trips, it is the most important factor explaining walking to a destination for instance, shopping. After accounting for self-selection, neighbourhood characteristics, more specifically the perceptions of these characteristics, impact strolling frequency, while characteristics of local commercial areas are important in facilitating these trips such as shopping. Additionally, walkability has proved to have more community health benefits and individually, those activities appears to increase the number of friends and the number of people to associate with in life and also social interaction at large. Carbon monoxide emissions will be reduced because when people prefer walking opposed to driving there will be less emission of carbon gases. Walkability has also economic benefits apart from other benefits, this include the accessibility, it saves cost to both the public and individuals, it will increase the use of land and there will be no land to be wasted, increase in liveability and also the economic benefits which will be found by improving public and individual health and economic developing among the other benefits. The benefits are mostly guaranteed to the entire city not only limited to certain routes which are specialized. According to the American institute for cancer research and the world cancer research fund they released their report that the people should be encouraged walking, because that walking will decrease the cancer infection. Literature Review Walkability is that measure of how a particular area is friendly to walking. It has health-wise, economic and environmental benefits. There are many factors that influence walkability which include land use patterns, building accessibility, traffic and conditions of the road, quality of the footpaths, other pedestrian rights of way. As a result, the presence of walkable streets is an important concept in sustainable urban design (Abley, 2005). The other factors that affect walkability are: street connectivity; variety and frequency of the buildings; the presence or absence of entrances along the street frontages, proximity and orientation of buildings and homes to watch over the streets, street designs that work for most people; the major infrastructural factors include quality foot paths, buffers to traffic movement, traffic volume and speed, sun or shade in the appropriate seasons, street furniture, and conditions of the wind (Wright, 2011). Walkable streets are actually shared spaces. They are actually designed for all types of people irrespective of being on foot, cars, on wheelchairs, or even bicycles. A walkable street actually makes you have the urge to step outside. This means that there are interesting things like trees, people, apartment buildings and homes as you move along. A walkable street is the one that does not make you feel like you are risking your life when crossing it. This is because it has sidewalks, lighting, curb ramps, benches, and signals that will all aid you while crossing it. In summary, a walkable street would lead to any destination that you want to go (Urban Ecology, 2011).Many communities are actually embracing the mobility of pedestrians as a substitute to reducing dependency on automobiles. This shift is attributed to the fact that dependency on automobiles is ecologically unsustainable because of increased pollution, and also reduced walking diminishes social interaction and mixing of populations (Pivo, Gary, & Fisher, 2010). According to Hutarabat Lo (2009) he argues that there are several ways that can make a place walkable. Sidewalks should be erected where there are sidewalk gaps with priority being given to those areas that encourage walking like schools, stations of transit, stadiums, and around congested public areas. Moreover, certain obstructions like utility poles and posts can actually decrease the walkable width of the sidewalk. Proper lighting and maintenance of the side walk is to be sustained so as to reduce obstructions, encourage walking, and improve safety. In addition, another way of making the sidewalks safer is by implementing buffers because they absorb carbon dioxide from automobile emissions and also aiding in water drainage. Making of crosswalks is safer and a key component to walkability. Curb extensions decrease the radii of corners of the curb at various intersections. Moreover, curb extensions calm the traffic and also decrease the distance pedestrians have to cross. While on the streets with parking, the curb extensions allow pedestrians to see the oncoming traffic better where they would otherwise be forced to walk into the street to see past the parked cars. The zebra crossings or striped crosswalks also provide safer avenues for crossing because they provide better visibility for both the pedestrians and drivers (Zehner, 2012). Walkable streets in relationship with public transit A walkable street must contain a relatively large number of friendly pedestrians. This is because many people are of the belief that the different physical street designs features are sufficient enough to create walkability. The best designed streets are actually not walkable if we walk in them. On the other hand, streets that are poorly designed are memorably walkable if it contains a large number of people. Very little is more enjoyable and attractive to humans than an inherently vibrant, festive place filled with blissful and sociable people (Nozzi, 2011). Whether driving, walking or riding a bike we all need to get where we are going safely. This is because there have been efforts by city officials and traffic engineers to value moving traffic over the moving pedestrians comfortably and safely. According to Nozzi (2011) he asserts that cities should be designed and planned in such a way that it encourages the people to walk rather than using automobiles. The planners should be focused on the overall experience of the pedestrian when designing the character and layout of the urban street and infrastructure. The overall workability of the cities can actually be improved through development of car free areas. They can take numerous shapes depending on the cities’ context. The approaches could vary from calming the traffic of a single street to a totally car-free city. This is because the development of areas free of cars is easier to enforce than parking regulation or policing the whole area. Walkable street design, the development of streets that are pedestrian friendly needs a serious consideration of a variety of factors early in the process of planning. Those areas that encourage people to walk more like schools, retail stores, and stadiums are to have proper design to enable movement. The major elements to be considered are; safety features like increased lighting, reduced speed of vehicles, effective and efficient traffic signals, and cross walks; efficient street network that allows for a greater route choice; convenient access to options to mass transit; installation of clear and direct signage; widening of the streets for the people instead of widening it for cars (Wright, 2012). Methodology Data was collected by using online sources; online service enabled getting of the full map of Pacoima city, it is important to go through the various works that have been made concerning aspects such as walkability of an area. Data were obtained from visiting and going through the area as one of the most important aspects when reviewing the state, mostly goggle map was used to find out the size and the population of the city. Moreover the online source enabled a comparison of Pacoima city and other cities around the world. Visiting the site was a another great tool which was used to collect the data, which enabled a direct interaction with the people in the city and interviewing some of them about their current living conditions and studying the environment of the city. Street lights, trash cans, seats, bike racks, graffiti, cars volume and pedestrians were also counted to collect more data. More data were collected by visiting Van Nuys Blvd two times a week that is on Saturday March 2nd and Tuesday March 12th. To create maps with different layers, data collected were added to GIS. All the results collected from the research were recorded, discussed and analyzed. There were less trash cans counted and that caused a lot of garbage in the streets. Bike rack, graffiti were significantly high in numbers. There is also the presence of many walls along this street and also in the internal streets of the area that are filled with graffiti writings. The graffiti that exists in the town is of an entirely different kind as compared to most of the common graffiti of the contemporary world. One of the arts portrayed shows a community in unison and in the middle of the drawing there is the inscription of the word family. Volume of cars and pedestrians who are in the city the data was collected by going on Van Nuys Blvd, Two times a week, once Saturday March 2nd, and Tuesday March 12th. City then data was added to GIS in order to create maps with different layers, to see relationship walkability with crime, and other aspects. This data helped in coming up with the data analysis of Pacoima city. The research was aimed at giving the answer to the research question: Is Pacoima city walkable? Activity centre and mixed use of walkable street For a street to be truly walkable, the destinations from the places of residence to places of shopping, work, school, and parks are to be in close proximity. It has been noted that the most useful way of reducing the walking distance is by aligning the side walks diagonally. Sine proximity promotes walking trips which in turn increases the volume of the pedestrians on the side walk, the number of activities being done also increase. The walkable street comprise of what Oldenburg referred to as “Third Places”. They are typically groceries, corner pubs, cash-points, post offices, or any other facility that the residents of the neighbourhood run into each other and interactively chat. This builds friendships, neighbourhood bonds, promotion of sociability, familiarity, and trust (Mehta, 2008). According to Forsyth (2009) is of the opinion that the more essential ingredient for any street to be walkable in the urban areas is for the street to be lined with a collection of diverse, healthy, local establishments. Such an assemblage of various enterprises ensures that people who are strolling down the street is rewarded by fascinating croupier of views, sounds, smells, and potentially satisfying purchases no matter how frequent the street is walked. Active open space in relation walkable street The Walkable streets need to undergo planning therefore, the design should incorporate creation of space for urban greenery like street trees, seating areas and shelter effectively accommodate the pedestrians. So as to create a more appealing environment for businesses, pedestrians, and drivers, there is need to take full advantage of the opportunities made available by rethinking parking like amenities of the pedestrians , whereby street corners with more sidewalk space, plantings , and seating, can be made into focal points that are necessary to bring back the pedestrians and street life. Besides, curb extensions at intersections create short crossing distances for pedestrians therefore; minimal wait times for the automobiles. Walkable streets are embraced by many folks because the pedestrians fell more comfortable while walking because of the slower speeds of vehicles and the reduced number of the curb cuts. Moreover, businesses get more sales as a result of the increased passer-by and the first –time walk-ins. Drivers can also get more exercise when walking (Kent, 2011). Crime on walkable streets Walkable streets should be designed in way that encourages safety to the pedestrians. Safety features like increased lighting systems and reduced vehicle speeds can reduce incidences of crime like abduction and mugging. With regard to improved safety, curb extensions make the pedestrians and sidewalks more visible to the drivers. This is because narrower lanes slow down vehicles thus reducing the risks to bicyclists and pedestrians. The replacement of parking lots with in-fill development activities removes the space that is seen as unsafe and makes it possible for any anonymous criminal behaviour (Sandt, 2011). Traffic on walkable streets For the pedestrians to feel comfortable, retail establishments and streets that are along to be healthy, a walkable street should contain a relatively low speed motor vehicle travel. The most assuring way of providing such modest is by providing ample on-street parking which not only does it slows down cars, but is also a safe buffer between the automobiles and the pedestrians. According to Button, Vega and Nijkamp (2010) argue that to calm the speed of the motor vehicles it is important that the street should not be more than 2 or 3 lanes. In addition, the travel lanes are not to be more than 10 or 11 feet wide. Buildings pulled up to the side walks and a prominent canopy of street trees also create a moderating influence on the speed of the motor vehicles. Most streets have block lengths that are short. These are effective as they help in reducing the speed of motor vehicles. It is therefore of no coincidence that most of the walkable cities have the shortest blocking lengths. On the contrary, it should be noted that traffic should not be reduced on walkable streets by creating a pedestrian mall. This is a pedestrian only street and motor vehicles are prohibited. This idea has been proven to have failed in America as it led to creation of a “ghost town” atmosphere when there is little pedestrian activity that the malls seemed vacant and abandoned. Such malls die up so quickly due to lack of patrons and many cities have converted them back to allow car travel again. The main point is not to ban automobile movement on the streets intended to be walkable, but design the street in such way that it obligates the motorists to drive attentively and slowly. This later reduces on the number of accidents that would have otherwise occurred (Nozzi, 2011). Small corner curves usually slows down the speed of turning motor vehicles, as a result they substantially reduce the crossing distances of the pedestrians. In addition, small features like landscape islands and landscape street meridians provide the street with attractive features, but increase the safety of the pedestrians crossing the streets and providing refuge for the crossing pedestrian (Button, Vega, & Nijkamp, 2010). Walkable streets in relationship with public transit A walkable street should contain vast number of friendly residents. Most of people belief that how street is designed features are enough for workability to be created, good designed streets may not be walkable, poorly designed streets appears to be walkable when a lot of people are walking on it, we can say that all streets are walkable if many people are using in spite its condition. Walkable Street is so enjoyable and it is attractive to people than an inherently vibrant, a special place which is filled by people who are feasting or sociable people. Weather walking, driving, cycling, the wish of most people are to reach the place they are going to safely. And that’s why the city engineers should design the town in a way that everybody is safe when using the street. The city should be planned and designed in a way that it encourages the residents to work instead of using automobiles (Nozzi, 2011), the designers should put more effort to the benefits of a pedestrian when planning and designing the infrastructure and layout of an urban street. This will be done by developing a car free area on the city to encourage the pedestrians mostly the children. They should take different designs depending on the area context. The approaches taken should differ from using traffic lights to provide a car free area for the pedestrians to work, this should be done because free vehicle area is easier to enforce than use of rules and regulations in the area. Walkable street should be designed in such a way that the pedestrians should be considered first before other things, there are variety factors which should be mostly considered when planning this include the areas where most people walk this include retail store, school, stadium and schools should have proper planning to enable the people to move. The major elements to be considered include the following; efficient and effective traffic lights, reduced speed of the vehicles’, lighting, crosswalks, effective network in the street that allow for more routes to be chosen by pedestrians installation of a very clear and direct signage, convenient access to especially mass transit, making the streets wide for the people to decrease congestion of the people instead widening it for the cars this was according to (Wright, 2012) Activity centre and mixed use of walkable street Walkable streets are those streets which appeared to as third places. They are typical corner pubs, post offices, cash points or any facility that the residents are able to interact with each other, this will create a friendship among the residents (Mehta, 2008). For a street to be called a workable street, the street should have several places so that it can appear to be a real street, the residents must be able to reach out the following places for example work, school, and shopping centre and also parks should be along the streets. It was discovered that to reduce the distance of walking the street should be aligned in a diagonally manner. There was an opinion that a walkable street in urban area should have a diverse collection of healthy, local establishments among others, most enterprises should ensure people who are walking up and down of the street are rewarded by fascinating sounds smells and satisfy the purchases no matter the frequency in the street. Traffic on walkable streets The most assuring way of providing such modest is by providing ample on-street parking which not only does it slows down cars, but is also a safe buffer between the automobiles and the pedestrians. Button, Vega and Nijkamp argue that to calm the speed of the motor vehicles it is important that the street should not be more than 2 or 3 lanes (Button, 2010). For the pedestrians to feel comfortable, retail establishments and streets that are along to be healthy, a walkable street should contain a relatively low speed motor vehicle travel. In addition, the travel lanes are not to be more than 10 or 11 feet wide. Buildings pulled up to the side walks and a prominent canopy of street trees also create a moderating influence on the speed of the motor vehicles. Most streets have block lengths that are short. The most assuring way of providing such modest is by providing ample on-street parking which not only does it slows down cars, but is also a safe buffer between the automobiles and the pedestrians. Crime on walkable streets The replacement of parking lots with in-fill development activities removes the space that is seen as unsafe and makes it possible for any anonymous criminal behaviour walkable streets should be designed in way that encourages safety to the pedestrians. With regard to improved safety, curb extensions make the pedestrians and sidewalks more visible to the drivers. This is because narrower lanes slow down vehicles thus reducing the risks to bicyclists and pedestrians. Safety features like increased lighting systems and reduced vehicle speeds can reduce incidences of crime such as abduction and mugging. Analysis One of the factors to consider with regard to this is about the walkability of Pacoima city. In the case of Pacoima city, the walkability of the area is fairy appropriate. There is the fact that this avenue has sidewalks along them. This ensures that for pedestrians, they are assured of their safety from reckless drivers. Moreover there is also the factor concerning trash cans in the area. A positive aspect to recognize with regard to the trash cans and bins is that they are present along this avenue. However, this does not conform to other areas in the area. This comes in as a large negativity towards the life form of the city. This is from the fact that setting up these trash bins appears as a means to capture the attention of visitors. However, engaging in the exploration of other inner streets of the location brings out the real situation that the town goes through. Trash bins ought to be located in almost every street, whether major or minor because people are always carrying out activities that result in the creation of compost that ought to be disposed off appropriately. Another factor to consider when reviewing the walkability of the area is with regard to the accident prone areas. The width of these streets comes in very important because it measures the safety of these pedestrians. Despite the fact that there are sidewalks as stated earlier, this does not necessarily mean that these roads are completely accident prone After reviewing the maps of the area, one identifies that the area around San Fernando on that street has high walkability from the manner in which streets are constructed. In the area, sidewalks are numerous and this ensures that the people are safe from motorists and can walk along safely. This area comes in as a large advantage to residential multiple families. However, the situation changes after shifting attention to another area on the road. This area has a high amount of single families and the streets in the area are not as secure as the ones around San Fernando. From the manner in which the place looks and from the maps, lower part of the street seems as if it was neglected. Little developments have been made and the streets do not bear sidewalks. This makes the area very risky and prone to accidents. Moreover, this factor makes the walkability of the area very tasking especially at night. This is from the fact that many criminals may decide to hide in between the closely built structures in the area and carry out robbery and mugging. The issue applies to areas with public facilities. This is in the area of San Fernando which bears responsibility for accommodating the said facilities such as hospitals, schools among others as seen from the maps. After close survey of that area, I found that the sidewalks extend only to the point with residential multiple families. This is rather a factor that portrays the City form of Pacoima as really deplorable. One of the major facilities to discuss is the school. Schools have children that might be too young and it is the responsibility of the drivers that use that route to observe limit in speed. Conclusion Pacoima is however not a good city form. It is the responsibility of the people to air these kinds of grievances provided the high amount of accidents and criminal activities in the area. Residents led by social institutions such as churches, schools, and social service agencies held marches and rallies. There are "hard-working" low income families of Pacoima who are not "ingredients or transients", but they "belong to the society and have a stake in it institutions remained open on evenings and in weekends to give out tutoring and recreational programs. Residents circulated petitions to try to stop the establishment of alcohol stores. Walkability of the area is with regard to the accident prone areas. The width of these streets comes in very important because it measures the safety of these pedestrians. Pacoima city like any other city is a place where social activities take place, people go to their regular jobs and residential areas exist within the city. All these places are joined by streets in a way and consequently people get to interact. Reviewing the area, one understands that the areas with the most population are residential areas. These areas are places where people and families despite their different occupations meet at the end of the day. Despite the fact that there are sidewalks as stated earlier, this does not necessarily mean that these roads are completely accident prone. Residents began holding weekly meetings with thugs, street lights and security personnel should be increased to ensure the safety of the people. In terms of the walkability of the area it is also important to put into account the number of pedestrian accidents that happen in the area. The number of these accidents is very few when compared to that caused by means of transport. This shows that the people of this area are rather responsible and that the accidents that happen are either because of reckless driving or poor city planning. If the pedestrians are responsible then it is very likely that the drivers are also responsible. This leaves the state of the accidents to be blamed on the manner in which the city is planned. Despite the fact that there is a sign along the Avenue that instructs the drivers to drive under the speed of 35 kilometers per hour, many people, both pedestrians and drivers seem to ignore this. The sign is up at a corner and it is the responsibility of pedestrians to take keen look at the area as they cross the road. In addition, the drivers ought to follow the sign to avoid such calamities. This can be seen from the maps that there is lack of enough signs and the poor construction of city paths make this city vulnerable to such accidents. The literature review brings out the issue of walkability with regard to the various aspects pointed out above. These issues include crime, proximity to public amenities among others. According to the literature review and the statements provided by different authors and professionals on the issue, a good city form ought to support all of these stated factors or at least have most of them working appropriately and others under review. References B, K. B. (December 07, 1983). The Organization of Space and Etiquette. Anthropology & Archaeology of Eurasia, 22, 2, 49-73. Cao, Xinyu, Handy, S. L, & Mokhtarian, Patricia L. (2006). The influences of the built environment and residential self-selection on pedestrian behaviour: Evidence from Austin, TX. Scholarship, University of California. Forsyth, A. (2009). Walkable streets: pedestrian behaviour, perceptions and attitudes. Maiden Avenue: Rutledge. Lee, C., & Moudon, A. (2004). Physical Activity and Environment Research in the Health Field: Implications for Urban and Transportation Planning Practice and Research. Journal of Planning Literature, 19, 2, 147-181. Mehta, V. (January 01, 2008). Walkable streets: pedestrian behavior, perceptions and attitudes. Journal of Urbanism: International Research on Place-making and Urban Sustainability, 1, 3, 217-245. Nozzi, D. (2011, August 16). Retrieved March 18, 2013, from Ingredients of a Walkable Street: Phillips, E. B. (2010). City lights: Urban-suburban life in the global society. New York, NY: Oxford University Press. Read More
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