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Proposal Argument - Overcrowded Prisons - Essay Example

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Overcrowded Prisons The world of today is experiencing one of the prime and biggest enormities that relates to crime, which is increasing and rising at a rampant pace. The countries and its legal, justice and political systems have developed a set of rules and regulations for the citizens, maintenance of peace and prosperity, and for the growth and development of the county…
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Proposal Argument - Overcrowded Prisons
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Any person who finds guilty of committing crime is likely to face consequences of punishment from the legal system of the nation (Darrow, pp. 6-10). The behavior of the person after punishment will change and make the person a better one is under many controversies and quarrels as the studies’ results have shown different findings in each case. For the last few decades, crime and criminal activities has boosted drastically and become one of the serious issues for the entire human race. The criminal acts not only affects the criminals, their families, and victims but has effects largely on the society as whole.

The ratio of increase in crime factor is resulting in the increase of prisons as well to accommodate the prisoners (Darrow, pp. 11-13). In order to control and alleviate the facet of crime in a state or nation and to provide security to its citizens, the justice system is existent. As the country is powerful and economically stable, it proves that the justice system is working in the right path resulting in the growth of the state. United States of America is one of the countries that are considerably a superpower state with an influential justice system.

Despite of having a strong justice system, observations has come into limelight that the proportion of people involved in the criminal activities has increased at an unprecedented rate with the passage of time. The criminals are not restricted to gender and both males and females are largely engaging themselves into such actions and behaviors (Clear, Cole & Reisig, pp. 460-470). According to the statistics of researches, it has come under conclusion that the rates of crime in the U.S. regions have far more than that of countries in the other regions of the world and has materialized in the last few decades.

The consequence of the increase in crime, the jails, and prisons are now overfull and congested. The result of overcrowding makes the authority of the prisons to adjust criminals that are in double quantity now in the prison cells that came under plan for single. Another consequence of the crime rate raising is that there is a lack of beds for the criminals for which they keep them into the jails that are far away from their home. Increase in transportation cost is an outcome of it, also making delays in the justice as it takes more time to reach for court appearances.

In addition, there is a high risk involved that subsequent to the release, the prisoner will not be able to re-incorporate amongst his family members and the society (Pollock, pp. 65-67). The growth of prisoners is creating a negative and unconstructive impact, as jail authorities are carrying out no productive and beneficial work for the inmates that could lead them to be a better person in future. According to the researches that have conducted, it has come under evidence that very little measures have come under performance for the prisoners in educating them and providing them with the employment opportunities (Pollock, pp. 67-71). The prison environments play a vital role and are of great deal of importance in the formation of the inmates’ attitudes.

If the prison environm

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