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The Wolves of Willoughby Chase, War Horse, and Coram Boy as Historical Fictions - Essay Example

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"The Wolves of Willoughby Chase, War Horse, and Coram Boy as Historical Fictions" paper focuses on a refined piece of literature that not only serves as the true representative of the era in which it has been created but also alludes to the historical or cultural events related to the country…
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The Wolves of Willoughby Chase, War Horse, and Coram Boy as Historical Fictions
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?THE WOLVES OF WILLOUGHBY CHASE, WAR HORSE AND CORAM BOY AS HISTORICAL FICTIONS It has aptly been d that a refined piece of literature not only serves as the true representative of the era in which it as been created, but also slightly alludes to the historical political, social, economic or cultural events related to the country about which the literature is being created. Hence, such superb pieces not only depict the nature of various characters, but also provide brief glimpse to the chronicle of problems the people belonging to the same civilisation had to undergo in the recent or olden past. The same is applied to the three children’s fiction stories under analysis. The Wolves of Willoughby Chase is a children’s fictional story created by illustrious twentieth century English novelist Joan Aiken. Written within the historical perspective, the author narrates how the wolves had migrated from the freezing zones of north Europe to England during King James III era in search of warmer place on the one hand, and for the pursuit of food and shelter on the other. The wolves, during those days, used to attack on the populated areas of London and the suburbs, and had put the lives of the British people at grave jeopardy. Eventually, the royalty issued the decree for combating with the nuisance with an iron hand in order to save the precious lives from becoming the victim of the wolves’ hunt. Subsequent to the royal edict, the law enforcing agencies came into action and dealt with the wolves with an iron hand, and either killed them by shooting or threw them in the zoo. Thus, the British had a sigh of relief and they again got busy in performing their everyday activities. The same state of affairs has symbolically been narrated by Aiken by replacing wolves with the humans containing the same cruel nature and intention of hurting and harming others for their personal benefits and comforts. The story of the play revolves round the two protagonist characters i.e. the naughty, jovial, enthusiastic and harsh Bonnie and the timid, gentle, sweet and complying Sylvia. Both the girls are first cousins, and thus blood relation, which had to undergo quite unpleasant and untoward state of affairs because of the deceit they experience from their opportunist and selfish guardian Mrs. Slighcarp. “The story is set at Willoughby Chase, the grand home of Lord Willoughby and Lady Green and their daughter Bonnie. Due to Lady Green's wasting illness, Bonnie's parents are taking a holiday in warmer climates and leaving her in the care of the Lord's newly-arrived distant cousin Letitia Slighcarp.” The story, in a highly symbolic manner, narrates throughout the human psychology, motivations, percussions and reservations man undergoes because of his/her age group, gender and family background. Since Sylvia is orphan, and hence has been deprived of the filial love, affection and sense of security, the concept of the presence and possible attacks made by the wandering wolves on the stopping trains frightens her to a great extent. As a result, she appears to be reluctant to travel to Willoughby Chase to see her uncle and aunt. Thus, the author, in a delicate mode, points out the fears and anxieties the orphans unconsciously experience while entering into interaction with their social phenomena. While throwing light on Bonnie’s character, the author has portrayed her as a bouncing, burlesque, confident, bold and courageous girl. These qualities are not only partly inherited ones, but also the children belonging to affluent and prosperous families and being brought up under the supervision of affectionate parents and a group of attendants and servants develop the same level of confidence in their personality. Thus, the author has also thrown light in the very truth that nature decides and determines the personality and fate of the humans, and regulates the same by playing decisive role in their destiny. Not only this that the girls act, react and behave while dealing different situations at home, but also their prominent personality traits are obvious while their encounter with the outer world. The same can be witnessed by going through the first pages of the novel, where the girls have the bitter experience of the wolves’ attacks; the timid and confused Sylvia started cursing their decision to involve into excursion for skating. Somehow, Bonnie keeps her intelligence well alert and subsequently discovers a saviour in the person of the cave boy Simon. Hence, the writer conveys the message to the small and innocent children that they should never lose courage at the face of hardships, as it is the system of Nature that it generates the solution of the most knotty problems, and protects the humans even at the eve of the most precarious situation. However, it is the obligation of the humans not to surrender before unpleasant circumstances; on the contrary, they should stand as firm and dauntless as rock at uneven circumstances and Nature itself shows ray of hope to them eventually. The same strategy was adopted by Bonnie on noticing the evil intentions and condemnable practices of their guardian. At first, bonnie sought help from her footman James and maid Pattern, and thus successfully prepared a little army against the nefarious designed well-knitted by Mrs. Slighcarp and her aide Grimshaw. Her servants comprised Bonnie of all the activities made by Slighcarp, which instigated Bonnie to disclose all in front of Mr. Gripe. Somehow, being a clever and cunning mature lady, the guardian was in a better position to knock out the innocent plans designed by the little girls. As a result, she kicks Bonnie and Sylvia out of their home, and hands them over in the service of the cruel and sluggish Mrs. Brisket, who inflicts humiliation and pains on the delicate children for nothing. However, Bonnie keeps her morale high, remains in close contact and communication with her aides including Pattern, James and Simon, and thus is able to escape from the Brisket’s confinement by dint of her wit and courage. Thus, writer gives the message of hope and courage to the innocent minds, as it was the planning and gallantry applied by the British people to overcome the wolves during 18th century. Thus, the children should prepare themselves for struggling and defeating the wolves and the individuals having the cruel nature equivalent to the wolves. The author has skilfully portrayed the villainy characters including Mrs. Slighcarp, Grimshaw and Mrs. Brisket. By this the author has communicated the universal message that absolute goodness does not actually prevail in any part of the world. On the other hand, nefarious and criminal minded individuals exist in all human societies without discrimination. The theorists has also ratified the same notion that criminals and offenders are certainly there in various cultures, and leave no stone unturned to harm other for their own purpose. Aiken has also elaborated that avaricious nature of humans tempts them to commit crime and deprive the others of their belongings. The sociological theorists also propose financial and psychological motives behind the involvement of the individuals into offences of different kinds. Hence, the fiction aims to state that since it is crime that is helpful in making distinction between right and wrong, no law enforcing agencies can eliminate these destructive activities from the very face of their culture. Somehow, different societies have established different social control methods for the maintenance of peace and order. Illustrious sociological theorist Hirschi is of the view that social control depends upon people anticipating the consequences of their behaviour. “Every human being”, according to Hirschi, “maintains natural inclination towards crimes; however, the fear of the ruination of career and life keeps a large majority of the population from the temptation of committing crimes.” (Quoted in Macionis, 2007, p. 231) It is therefore, Mrs. Brisket does not hesitate in inflicting pains upon the small girls without taking into account their refined mannerism, politeness and splendid family background. Aiken has also pointed out towards the growing domestic violence, which aptly occurs out of sheer revenge and malice for the family members. Based on multiple reasons, domestic violence not only creates differences and hatred among the family members, but also turns the most secure place i.e. home as the most unsafe and dangerous region in the world; the same is the case with the story under analysis, where the so called guardian displays meanness and wickedness towards the innocent girls in such a way that they always remain frightened regarding their fate. “For many, ‘home’ is where they face a regime of terror and violence at the hands of somebody close to them – somebody they should be able to trust. Those victimised suffer physically and psychologically.” ( Thus, Aiken, in this small fiction, has elaborated several issues related to domestic, social, cultural, psychological, historic and sociological aspects. She appears to communicating the message to the children that the evil always exists all around them in difference guises; it is the duty of the humans to explore the evil and destroy it by applying mind and maintaining courage rather than surrendering before it. The virtue always wins at the end, and vice experiences disgrace, as Slighcarp and her aide meet with humiliation and insult for doing wrong with the innocent girls. The fiction also narrates arrival of wolves from the northern Europe to England in a symbolic way the Russian invasion on England in the aftermath of the Crimean Wars against the Ottoman Empire, where England vehemently supported the Turks against Russia, which created hostilities between the two. However, Aiken is not alone in respect of narrating historical events in the fiction meant for children. Rather, some other British writers have also penned down several historical incidents in order to reveal the gallant deeds made by the British while fighting against the rival forces. The same has been described by famous novelist Michael Morpurgo in his War Horse (1982). War Horse is the story that revolves round the protagonist Joey, a horse that belonged to a refined breed, and is owned by young Albert. Albert maintains deep feelings of love for the horse, and is determined to keep it with him forever. He is so fond of the horse that it looks very difficult for him to depart from it for few hours even. Joey also has the same feelings for the boy, and anxiously waits for his arrival in the farm. Since England of early 20th century had been ruling over large part of the world, several countries of African and Asia had also been annexed and subjugated as the territories of the mighty British Empire. Hence, the Great Britain was economically affluent and prosperous; both in agricultural and industrial point of view, and her subjects were leading a peaceful and tranquil life. It was the time when industrialisation has not taken the rural areas in its fold; consequently, the concept of big farm houses and breeding the animals and cattle of refined pedigree was very popular among nobles, vicars and members of elite stratum. Moreover, the middle class also loves to keep horses and cows for personal use, and hence they have also established stables and farm houses. Somehow, situation started taking drastic turn in the UK because of the hostilities between Germany and England. It was particularly the case in the aftermath of the death of Queen Victoria in 1901, where the relationships between Germany and England witnessed radical twist, and both these military and strategic giants appeared to be standing against one another just for the sake of their weak and dependent allies. The British government started allocating a huge amount of the budget on defence and strategic measures, which certainly turned its attention in respect of improving the lot of the masses. “Life had become hard”, Lambert (2008) states, “for the working class at the beginning of the 20th century. In 1900 surveys showed that between 15% and 20% of the population was living at subsistence (bare survival) level. Worse between 8% and 10% of the population were living below subsistence level.” ( Apparently, the given statistics look astounding ones, but it was actually the case with the lower middle and working classes, and thus things had started worsening in such a perturbing way. Indeed earlier in history things were worse. There had always been a large part of the population living at subsistence level or below it. Though people were leading a bit difficult life in comparison to their previous life standard, but the conflict of the UK government with the Central Powers united the nation under one banner. Being the extremely patriotic, ambitious and dedicated nation, the British subjects donated their belongings to the armed forces; the same was the case with the young and determined Albert. Since he owned Joey as his most precious possession, he happily handed the horse over to the army searching for the horses of excellent breed to take them to the battlefield. It was really a hard time for both the friends to depart from one another for an unlimited time. Both Albert and Joey also had perils regarding whether they would be able to see each other or not in future. The sense of their separation forever had given birth to conflict between the mind and heart of they little Albert. Somehow, the patriotism overcame friendship and personal liking for the horse, and he sent the horse for the service of his armed forces in the battlefield. Since Joey was not an ordinary horse; nor he had learnt how to run from the battlefield by leaving his master in the lurch at the precarious state of affairs. Thus, he proved himself as the descendent of brave and loyal breed, and turned out to be highly supportive while serving his new master Captain Nicholls and stood as firm as rock even amongst the shower of bullets and amid thousands of the guns belonged to the enemy forces. Thus, the author, through the mouth of horse, conveys the message that patriotism and gallantry always win hearts of the people on the one hand, and sound reputation and respect for the country and nation on the other. If one sacrifices his comforts for the sake of his nation, he is loved, adored and even worshipped by the entire nation. It is therefore all the heroes depicted by Homer in his Odyssey and Iliad are still alive even over twenty-four centuries have gone when they had rendered their services for their nation. Morpurgo has tried to convince the children that the bravery, intelligence and commitment are the weapons that fight against the rival forces in the battlefield. Moreover, if a horse can perform such heroic deeds of gallantry amid the fire, blood and gunpowder, then why should the humans not prepare themselves for offering their comforts and life to be sacrificed for the nation? The writer has also drawn out that a patriot can never be misused by the enemy even they have got control over it, as Joey created hurdles and obstacles on the way of the Germans after they had captured the horse for their personal employment in the battlefield. The writer has shown that if the blood of sophisticated and noble family is running in the veins as well as he has been nurtured and socialised in an adequate manner, he would remain dedicated, loyal, compassionate and sacrificing for his nation. Thus, no enemy could be able to exploit him for his own purpose or interest at all. The work created by Morpurgo thrown light upon the war history of the UK through the mouth of a horse, where the entire struggle made by the British military officials, personnel and the nation at large dedicated themselves for protecting their boundaries from becoming prey to the war lust of the Central Powers, Jamila Gavin’s work under the title Coram Boy (2000) depicts and draws out the social history of England in a sonorous mode along with an in-depth analysis of the entire state of affairs the British subjects underwent during nineteenth century under the fast changing socioeconomic and political scenario. The writer has thrown light on the bitter reality that industrialisation has increased poverty rate by multiplying the financial embarrassments of the labour classes. The talented and proficient children are born in poor stratum of society too; however, their parents are not in a position to provide them with adequate economic support. Additionally, because of their belonging the traditional and conventional social establishment, an overwhelming majority of the British subjects argues in favour of adhering to the age-old norms, values, mores and customs, alteration in which seems to be very awkward and loathsome for them. The same is the case with the protagonist characters of the fiction under analysis, i.e. Alexander and Thomas, as both of them intend to become musicians and singers. However, family traditions and poverty appear as hurdles for Alexander and Thomas respectively, where their parents refuse to comply with their requests and treat them in such a harsh way that their relationship with family meets with a sorrowful end. The writer has also thrown light on the problem of extra marital relationships, which had been in vogue in the nineteenth century England. Such licentious relations between unwed couples give birth to the illegitimate children. Such children were either killed by the elder members of the family, or were sent to such orphan houses like Coram Hospital, where the obnoxious fellows like Otis Gardiner and others exercise every type of atrocities and cruelties on the hapless mothers, and innocent and helpless small children. In such a precarious situation, they look for some miracle that could save them from the miserable life under the supervision of the cruel hospital administrator. Aaron’s pathetic situation realises the readers the presence of social classes in the industrialised society of England, where the bourgeoisie looked down upon the working and poor stratum. Since Otis and the people of his type are well aware of the fact that the children cannot harm them, nor they are in a position to call anyone for their support, they Otis does not hesitate to exploit the unwed mothers and illegitimate children. Hence, the novel gives a message that the people should not exploit the problems of others, because they are not responsible for the difficulties they are undergoing. Thomas’s character ratifies the notion that strong determination and gifted talent certainly rewards one day. However, instead of feeling pride and looking down upon others, Thomas remains humble and meek, and spread the light of his knowledge to others without taking their financial position into account altogether. The illicit relationships between Alexander and Mellissa teach the lesson that the children should never make compromise on their character, as it is the only thing one can envy even in his old age. Hence, the writer has very successfully depicted the social history of 19th century England in a superb and powerful manner, which makes the novel an evergreen piece of modern literature. BIBLIOGRAPHY Aiken, Joan (1963) the Wolves of Willoughby Chase, Gavin, Jamila Coram Boy, Lambert, Tim (2008) England in the 20th Century Retrieved from Macionis, John J. & Plummer, Kenneth (2008) Sociology: A Global Introduction Eleventh Edition Prentice-Hall p. 231 Morpurgo, Michael (1982) War Horse, UNICEF (2000) Domestic Violence against Women and Girls Innocent I Digest June 2000 Retrieved from Read More
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