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You must complete and report the results (scores or other indicators) for each Leader‟s Self-Insight. Then, you will write a brief interpretation of what this means for you (using at least five assessments), along with an integrating conclusion. Choose the five self-insights that you feel are most insightful and (or) relevant to your continuing leadership development plan. Of course, you are welcome to write interpretations for more than five assessments if you wish. Out of the 36 self-assessment exercises that I took, I find these five dimensions to be a close representation of my “self,” my leadership style, and my preference. These are emotional intelligence of which I scored 14, Measuring Locus Control which I scored 37 (reversed scoring), Transformational Leadership which I scored five on both dimensions (developing followers into leaders and inspiring followers to go beyond their self-interest), Communication openness which I scored 9 and change leader of which I scored 9 Five Self -assessment Exercises a) Emotional Intelligence – I scored 14 on this Simply put, emotional intelligence is an ability to identify, assess, and control the emotions of oneself, of others, and groups.
Translating to an organization or a workplace will enable me to better relate to others. Initially, I thought that the ability to get along well with others is trivial and unimportant. Until I took the subject it made me realize that this is a very potent leadership and management aptitude that should be harnessed and even a prerequisite to being a transformational leader. b) Measuring Locus Control – I scored 37 on this (reversed scoring) I scored well on this assessment which measures self-control.
I appreciate the result for it validated my belief that I can guard myself against intemperance which could undermine my integrity as a leader. I believe that this assessment is also connected to emotional intelligence, the ability to assess and control myself. c) Transformational Leadership – scored 5 on both dimensions which are to develop followers into leaders and inspire followers to go beyond their self-interest. Perhaps I was biased when I took the assessment for this is the type of leader that I would like to be.
But I took the assessment honestly without looking at the answer key and I was glad to know that I scored five on both dimensions; which are to develop followers into leaders and inspire leaders to beyond their self-interest. I will endeavor that when my skill set as a leader will be fully developed, I will evolve into this kind of leader in the future. d) Communication openness – I scored 9 on this. I scored near perfect on this. Perhaps this is just a reinforcement of one of my obvious aptitudes for emotional intelligence or the ability to know myself and others and the ability to relate to others.
Because to be able to get along well with others, I have to be open to good communication first. I expected to score high on this. e) Change Leader – I scored 9 on this
This too I expected to fare well because I tend to get along well with others. As I can easily get through others, implementing change for me is almost effortless and my personality can easily get a consensus even if I have to initially contradict the status quo. After taking the assessment and reflecting on the common ground on the dimensions that I scored well, I figured that I can know myself and others.