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Systematic Theology on the Gender of God - Term Paper Example

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"Systematic Theology on the Gender of God" paper explores the views of philosophers and theologizes concerning God’s gender. The portrayal of God with masculine imagery was because the writers of the scriptures were for the idea of aiding the understanding of the role God played as a protector. …
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Systematic Theology on the Gender of God
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? Systematic theology on the gender of God Systematic theology on the gender of God Systematic theology refers to the study that relates the understanding of God in relation to science and nature. Systematic theology on the gender of God therefore seeks to study God in relation to gender just as nature differentiates human beings and other animals as either male or female. However, the understanding of God’s gender has resulted into a lot of disagreements with respects to the biblical, scriptures and their interpretation. Certain philosophers have most of the time rejected the argument that God’s gender is male since God is referred to in the bible as He in several occasions. However, most ethnologists have argued that God has no gender especially the female theologians quoting the texts in genesis that states that at the beginning God created Man in his own image. In this context, the image of God encompasses the features of both female and male and hence the conclusion that God has no gender. There are also other instances in which God is referred to as strong winds, tides, Waters Mountains and many other names thereby confirming that God is not a human being but a living spirit. The theology on the gender of God is therefore difficult to understand though there are several efforts from different religions to explain the understanding of God’s image with regard to respect to God’s gender.1 Among all these arguments, non has been able to prove that God is female or masculine since several texts referred to in the text are not only referring to specific situations, but are made to aid in the understanding of the words scriptures. For example when God is referred to as God the father, it was meant for the Christians to believe that God is the provider of protection and security. When God is referred top as tides, mountains, waters and many other terms, it refers to power and a kind of supernatural being. This has therefore misled those who read the bible since it has been interpreted the wrong way. This paper has therefore explored the different views from philosophers and theologizes with respect to God’s gender. All through the Christian bible, God is referred to as masculine. 2 This originated from the Greek word theos referring to God and most of the analogies have been used to refer to God and almighty as Masculine. It is important to note that within the Christian doctrines, God had never been referred to as male or female. In fact within the Christian doctrines, God is referred to as the almighty. In this context, God has no gender and represents the image of all of the human being creatures since he states in the book of genesis that he created human beings in his own image. However, the controversies come when Jesus is referred to as masculine. In the New Testament, Jesus is referred to as god and God is Jesus meaning they are one and the same thing. However Jesus in the New Testament is referred to as at the time of his birth as “baby boy”. Does this therefore mean that Jesus is a boy or a man following the several instances in which he is referred to with masculine notation. It is therefore important to note that there are differences between the new and the Old Testament with regard to the way Jesus’ gender is referred in many occasions. The question here is to determine whether Jesus and God are different or Jesus is God. However in the Old Testament, it has been stated that Jesus was to be born and that he was to be a boy. 3The relationship between Jesus and God is therefore not clear and hence there is lack of consistence between the Old Testament and the New Testament. While many Christian doctrines hold that god has no gender, many other religious leaders and Christians have argued that if this is the case then man was not created in the image of God or if man is created in the image of God then “man” in this context does not include women. In the view of the above, the ancient Greek fathers made a lot of efforts to protect Christianity with regard to the world around them and culture through the use of philosophy and reason as well. Some of the earlier Greek father who participated in this process include Justin martyr who was influenced by Plato and Theophilus and Athenogoras. 4While Justin put a lot of emphasis on impassibility, ineffability and omnipotence God the other two stressed on the universal, simplicity and the indivisibility of God. It is also important to acknowledge the work of Irenaeus who helped in the development of the God’s Doctrine in response to the Gnostics and therefore emphasized on the perfection of God. All these are indications that theology on the gender of God is controversial and there is existence of difference in opinion. These Christian fathers in their view have however held that God has no gender. In Christian doctrines the differences in male and the female are only recognized in the creator but not the created. As outlined earlier, the book of genesis asserts that God created both male and female in his own image. It is therefore important to note that God has incorporated both the feminist and the masculinity in himself and not either way. The Christians believes that the notion that God has gender is a pagan view. It has also been explained through several texts that masculinity does not refer in any way to the gender of God and has just been perceived as a misconception from different philosophers who read the text. According to Martin a philosopher, the perception has been due to the poor or lack of interpretation of the bible at all. It is also important to note that the bible tells more about man which may be conceived in a different way by the ordinary believers. However, the question that still triggers controversy among the Christians and other religions are, why was Jesus referred to with a masculine analogy? Christian doctrines have explained the use of this analogy and it is linked to the earlier writers of the biblical texts. It is explained that the traditional roles played by masculine best describes the analogy of God and not that God is male or female. In this context, they emphasized that God is a provider, leader and a strict discipline which were the traditional roles of men. This explains the reason why God is referred to with masculine analogy. These views are also similar to those of ancient Israeli fathers who also supported these views stating that it is important to understand and get the differences between man and God. 5They stressed that, traditionally, men were given the upper priority in the performances of certain tasks because of their masculine nature and hence the analogy that was given to God was mainly meant to emphasize on the role that God plays in our lives. It is important to note that the people could only use “he” or “she” but chose to use the masculine analogy to ensure that the audience and the readers of the texts are able to integrate well the texts. However, Christians throughout the centuries had recognized this. That is why it is important to note that the later writers of the books emphasized the use of both the masculine and the feminine analogies. 6For example, the writings by Medieval Mystic clearly indicate that there were emerging issues to be addressed. She stated that, “I saw that God rejoices to be our Father, and also that he rejoices to be our Mother... He is the true Father and Mother of what things are by nature.” Other Christians from different denominations have also rejected this way of argument stating that God should never be referred to as male or female. 7 There is also increasing need for the use of inclusive gender language such as parent and son and not father and son as had been experienced in the early texts. It is however important to note that these concerns are mainly coming from the female philosophers and other concerned female Christians. On the other hand the male critics have counter-reacted and argued that there is possibility of fading the meaning of God. The critics have also argued that this does not give the right weight with respect to God’s revelation in itself to mankind. The masculine ideology issues of concerns have therefore resulted into several movements most of which have been geared towards recognition of women and the rejection of the concept of God being viewed with the perspective of masculinity. 8Feminist theology is one of those movements and is found in many regions and across several religions including Muslims, Judaism, Buddhism, new thought and Christianity. The purpose of this movement is to reconsider the traditional scriptures, theologies as well as well as practices from a different point of view than masculinity. The objective is to increase the participation of women within the clergy as well as the relooking at the perspective or relooking at the male imagery of God. Feminist theology movement is also concerned about reinterpreting the women’s role and career in the society and the role in the religion’s sacred texts. 9Feminist theology has been developed through a variety of steps which has included the new interpretation of the scriptures. However, it begun with the critique of the past experienced and argues that women have been oppressed in one way or another in the past and there was need to relook at the issue and put women at their rightful position. Most feminist theologians hold the view that it is important to recognize God’s image in the image of a woman. This came as a result of the extensive use of masculine imagery in different scriptures in describing God. In this context, they are fort the interpretation and inclusion of the biblical texts that supports the ideals of feminist or both in the understanding of the scriptures. One unique effort by the feminist theology movement is that they are trying to revision Christian theologies and hence has seen feminist reunited about the objective even from other denominations which is contrary to the differences that have existed and have resulted into new churches emerging from different corners of the world. Generally, feminist theology movement has resulted into many churches coming together and uniting against one goal. However while the feminist theologians do agree that there is existence of a gap in the system, there is no agreement as to the level of the gap and hence they do not agree on the extent to go outside the bible. In this context, they have not yet agreed on several issues within the scriptures and in relation to feminist ideology of God. 10Women are also divided on the extent to which they can go beyond the traditions in order to fix their role especially in the clergy and in the Christian religion customs and practices. The theology on the gender of God has therefore resulted into emergence of sharp differences between individual theologians and philosophers. Through the analysis of all these difference, one can recognize that God does exist but has no gender. According to Martin, a theologian from Greek, women are just uncomfortable with the masculine imagery of God. This has resulted into them feeling a sense of less human being. The feminist theologians argue that while God recognizes women as creature on its own image, it is important for the scriptures not to include masculine ideology of God in the texts. They are therefore seeking for the removal of these texts and replacing them with those words that they would be comfortable with such as parent and son. Feminist theologians have also based some of their arguments on the on the prehistoric religion as well as many other archaeologies. For example, Great Goddess has been perceived by most of the modern theologians especially the matriarchists as a female that came before the Abraham’s God. This Goddess is also associated very strongly with the monotheism especially within the Mediterranean old ancient ages. In this context, the feminist theologians have argued that the goddess was responsible for the rains, good harvests, good and long life and hence should also be the same God that we are worshiping in the modern world. They base their arguments that God the father. 11In the scripture God is portrayed as the provider, care taker as well as the strict disciplinarian and goddess also had these descriptions. Mother Nature can be perceived as the representation of the nature by focusing the idea of nurturing and giving life to the nature and the earth where human beings live. In this way, God is portrayed with a feminist ideology contrary to most scriptures and texts in the bible and other biblical texts. During the prehistoric time, it is also recognized that the goddesses were worshiped because of their benefits that men and women received from them. The agricultural benefits such as high harvests and prosperity are described as some of the benefits that are derived from the Goddess. The Goddess was referred to as the mother of fertility, agricultural bounty as well as fecundity. In this context, it is noticeable that a lot of importance was put in goddess and was important. the feminist theologians have therefore argued that the portrayal of God with feminist ideology would be one of the best since it is an indication that men is appreciating nature and all that the mother of nature has provided for them. They also argue that by siding with the masculinity ideology of God, certain important aspects of God and how God reveals to different people may be lost or not identified while increasing the diverse with respect to gender would ensure that all perspectives of God’s portrayal include not only the imagery but also considers how God reveals to different individuals. 12With respect to the gender of God, those who practice feminist spirituality as well the feminist theologians often argue that God is not masculine. They often prefer the use of monotheistic traditions and the interpretation of their scriptures in a different perspective. In this context, the feminist theologians do not refer to God as male and hence they have rejected the reference pronouns that are masculine used to refer to God. However, in some other cases, they have also rejected the imagery that attempts to portray God as parental, or strict disciplinarian and have instead focused on the maternal which have included the attributes of God such as acceptance, creativity and nurturing. 13These attributes tends to portray God as having feminist imagery and not masculine. It is evident from these attempts that the feminist theologians are just uncomfortable and hence are looking for the opportunities to fix their feminism as well in the description of God. As a result of this movement, several individual women have found themselves in the clergy and other important positions that were not held by women in the past. The portrayal of God with masculine imagery has resulted into several women missing their rightful positions in the church in the past. The perception of believers that God and Jesus were masculine has for a long time dominated different religions that believe in God. This has denied the women opportunity to preach in some Christian churches with some perceiving women as unholy. However, these perceptions were misconceived and it is this misconception that the feminist movements intended to shed more light on and gives women the opportunity to stand at the pulpit and preach. 14New thought movement is another movement that is modern and currently trying to interpret the scripture with respect to the gender of God. Unlike the feminist theologians movements, this movement had no specific origin and hence included several denominations and religions from different parts of the world. This movement is also looked at as a feminist movement because most of their teachers and other trainers were female. This was the same to the students of these teachers who also were made up o women in large numbers as well. It is however important to note that these movements had different ideas for specific religions of the original founders.15 It was mainly led by women and was founded in the early 1880s with different religious leaders holding slightly different perspectives but with agreements on certain important issues such as the nature of God and the important of understanding the systematic theology of God’s gender. Even though different denomination held different views, it is important to note that all these views were feminist in nature. 16Most of the philosophers and the theologians did not like the masculinity imagery of God and hence wanted to incorporate the feminist ideologies in the description of God and nature. The major objective of the Christian theology is to advance the understanding of the equality between the women and the men gender. This would include the aspects of morality, spirituality, leadership and socially with regard to Christian doctrines. In this perspective, the Christian feminists have argued that the all round understanding of the full contributions of the women and women in practices of Christianity is vital for the understanding of Christianity as a whole. They are therefore seeking to incorporate the aspects of leadership and other spiritual activities at the same level with respect to men and women. They argued that all the genders are represented by God. In this perspective, they understand that there is no discrimination on the basis of gender and God accepts all the individuals who agree to the teachings of Christianity and not on the basis of gender. 17In this perspective, the Christian feminist movements argue that God has no gender and hence they are concerned much bout the ordination of the female while the males dominate most aspects of the traditional practices such as marriage and recognition of equal abilities with respect to morality and spiritual activities as well as leadership. Unlike the feminist theology movement, the Christian feminist movement does not reject the reference to God wit masculine pronouns but are focused on the teachings of the followers to understand that they are equal and the biological differences does not play any part in spirituality. They also assert that God is spiritual and hence has no gender. 18The position held by Christian feminism is the same as those held by the Islamic as well as the Judaism feminist theologians. They all seek justice, equality and recognition of women in all aspects of leadership and spirituality. The question on the gender of God has raged a lot of controversies which still remain unresolved. The systematic theology on the gender of God however has recognized that we cannot understand the imagery of God. However the portrayal of God with masculine imagery was due to the fact that the writers of the different scriptures were for the idea of aiding the understanding of the role God played as a protector, father and a strict disciplinarian. It is because of these reasons that the writers of the scriptures opted to use biblical texts to portray God as having masculine image since the traditional roles named above were mainly played by men. Many theologians as well as philosophers have argued that the portrayal of God with masculine imagery was for the purpose of passing the message of what God does in the life of his people but not for the literal meaning. Due to these controversies, different religions have emerged with feminist movements that are mainly meant to aid in the understanding of the importance of both sexes since they all represent the image of God. In this context, the teachings are equality, justice, moral, social and equal leadership and spirituality for all since God does not discriminate on gender since he created men and women in his own image. References Bednarowski, Mary Farrell. The Religious Imagination of American Women. (Indiana University Press, 1999), 81. Berry, Robert J. “God’s book of works: the nature and theology of nature.” (London: T & T Clark Ltd., 2003), 102. Daggers, Jenny. "Working for Change in the Position of Women in the Church." Feminist Theology: The Journal of the Britain & Ireland School of Feminist Theology 26 (2001) Jobling, Jannene. “Theology and the body: gender text and ideology.” (Hereforshire: Gracewing, 1999), 44. Kassel, E. L “A proposed biological interpretation of the Virgin birth.” Journal of the American Scientific Affiliation Vol.35 No.2 P.129-136, 2005. Kwok, Pui-Lan. “post colonial imagination and feminist theology.” (Leusvile Kentucky: Westminster John Knox Press, 2003), 129-135 Lewis, James R.; J. Gordon Melton. “Perspectives on the New Age.” (Sudbury: SUNY Press, 1992), 16–18. Loades, Ann & Armstrong Karen. “Feminist theology: a reader.”(London: SPCK, 1990), 174-186. Mclntosh, Esther. “The possibility of gender-Transcendent God: taking Macmurray Forward” Feminist theology Journal, Vol19. Issue 3 p. 226 257, 2011. Moore, Zoe B. “Introducing feminist perspective on pastoral theology.” (London: Sheffield Academic Press, 2002), 72-74. Pamela, Sue Anderson. “A feminist philosophy of religion: the rationality and myths of religious belief” (Oxford: Blackwell, 1998), . Polinska, Wioleta. "In Woman's Image: An Iconography for God." Feminist Theology, Vol.13 No.1 p. 40-61. Schussier, Francis. “Systematic theology: roman catholic perspectives.” (Minneapolis: Augsburg, 1991), 183. Thatcher, Adrian. “God, Sex, and Gender: An introduction.” (West Sussex: John Wiley and sons, 2007), 4-27. Watson, Natalie K. “Feminist theology.” (Cambridge:Wm.B.Eerdmans Publishing, 2003), 30-41. Read More
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