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Definition of Freedom - Essay Example

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Merriam-Webster Dictionary defines freedom as “the quality or state of being free”. It refers to a situation that is not restricted or limited by anything. It is a state which allows a person to do anything and everything he/she wants to do…
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Definition of Freedom
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Freedom Denotative Meaning Merriam-Webster Dictionary defines freedom as “the quality or of being free”. It refers to a situation that is not restricted or limited by anything. It is a state which allows a person to do anything and everything he/she wants to do. Another definition of freedom refers to “the quality of being exempt or released usually from something onerous” (Merriam-Webster). Freedom also means being liberated or freed from a difficult situation. This refers to a state where a person doesn’t have to endure a difficult and a trying situation.

A legal and social definition of freedom from the Oxford English Dictionary refers to “the state of not being a prisoner or slave.” Freedom in this sense refers to people who are not serving any sentence in prison. Oxford English Dictionary, in addition, defines freedom as “the right to act or speak freely.” In this sense, a person is entitled to say and do whatever he/she prefers. Finally, Merriam-Webster defines freedom as “a political right.” Political rights include the right to citizenship, suffrage, and the right to hold public office.

Connotative Meaning Freedom connotes an abundance of choices from which a person can pick. This encompasses all aspects of human life which include the private, economic, and political spheres. A person in a state of freedom can exercise freely his/her individual and social rights without any constraints. It is a state where a person moves out of a suffering and moves into a situation that is more tolerable and bearable. It refers to the elimination of a thing that hampers or prevents the complete exercise of freedom.

Citizens enjoying freedom freely exercise political and economic rights which include the right to suffrage, speech, and social and government services. In some cultures and situations, meanwhile, there exist slaves who, by definition, are persons who are considered to be legal properties of another and are forced to obey without consent. Liberation from this situation connotes freedom. A person in a state of freedom, therefore, is expected to participate actively in political affairs. Political rights, however, involve legal rights which have accompanying legal duties.

People enjoying social services, for instance, need to pay taxes as part of their duties. Freedom connotes a “right” which means governments are expected to observe and enact freedom. To an individual, freedom means the ability to pick from a variety of choices when making personal decisions. This can involve choices in what clothes to wear, which school to study at, what religion to follow, and so on. Also, freedom allows a person to express his/her thoughts in oral and literary modes of communication.

A person, for instance, can publish articles or conduct public speeches. Beneath the free-spirited surface of freedom, I believe, conscience and responsibility must exist. With the amount of things that a person can accomplish with freedom, it is necessary that freedom be accompanied by a sense of responsibility. A person exercising freedom with responsibility becomes more conscious of his/her actions. He/she exercises freedom in order to achieve goals. This gives freedom a direction and a purpose which make it all the more meaningful.

Conscience, on the other hand, gives freedom a set of moral principles that guide it to the right path. Exercising freedom with conscience gives the person a clear sense of right and wrong, therefore, preventing unfavorable consequences which may arise from a misguided use of freedom. Too much freedom can lead people to abuse it. Responsibility and conscience do not restrain freedom, they rather guide it. Freedom, for me, is an unrestricted expression of individuality. Freedom allows a person to choose what clothes to wear, what haircut to display, or the scent of perfume to have.

His/her choices are not constrained by laws and regulations. Although societal norms may dictate acceptable modes of dressing (e.g. pants for boys, skirt for girls), for instance, the person is still not inhibited by this. She/he respects established norms but doesn’t necessarily conform to it. Individuality can also be expressed in the hobbies, sports, and leisure activities that a person does. A creative person, for instance, can choose writing, photography, and dancing as hobbies. An outdoorsy type of person, on the other hand, can enjoy biking, fishing, or hunting without being restricted or constrained.

All these things, however, lead to a full expression of a person’s individuality that is achieved with freedom. Freedom means following the heart’s desires. Freedom allows a person to look deeply into his/her heart, feel what it says, and then translate that feeling into action. He/She makes sure that every decision and action he/she commits is guided by the desires of the heart and is balanced by rational thinking. There isn’t a more sincere and honest action than the one that comes from the heart.

Freedom, however, should still be exercised with responsibility and conscience because emotions can’t be trusted all the time. Finally, freedom means expressing freely happiness, sadness, love, grief, or joy. Honesty in feelings and emotions is achieved when a person possesses complete freedom. A person can choose who to love, who to sympathize with, or who to share happiness with. There isn’t a greater feeling than a complete freedom of the heart.

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