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Moreover, there is an essential gap in the discussion about boundedness in adjectives. This research is focused on the consideration of two characteristics of adjectives: boundedness and gradability. A contextual modulation is suggested as the means to consider a problem of adjectives in cognitive grammar in a broader context. It is also suggested to focus on the functionality of adjectives.
A study of boundedness and gradability is conducted based on constructing schematic domains comprising gradability as the main characteristic of adjectives (Paris, 1997). Schematic domains as a background for further study are justified because the content of adjectives is often neglected. A focus on schematic domains is justified in terms of cognitive linguistics because the content of adjectives or other parts of speech ‘set up’ in minds of humans. Nevertheless, it is possible to suppose that the stability of boundedness applied for adjectives may be manipulated under certain conditions; this is the prospect of future study.
The issue of boundedness in adjectives is discussed further on in a broader context. The range or point on a scale is taken by bounded and unbounded adjectives. Based on a theoretical framework based on the works of contemporary linguists ranging from the 80s till nowadays, the issue of boundedness is considered. Even though boundedness has been considered a rigid characteristic of nouns/verbs/ adjectives our study is focused on the possibility to consider boundedness as a more flexible feature. Unbounded adjectives reflect a range on a scale and bounded adjectives reflect point-like conceptualization on a scale.
Moreover, cognitive frames are essential for human understanding and interpretation of different situations. To fill in the gap in the studies focused on human cognition and language, it is relevant to discuss schematic domains.
Furthermore, the cognate base of boundedness is considered from a perspective of cognitive grammar. A different connection between superlatives and comparatives is discussed in the foreground of the schematic mode. Gradability is a factor influencing the cognate base in the schematic domain. Thus, it is relevant to consider the way human cognition perceives and produces schematic domain modes. Boundedness illustrates the process of schematic domains reflection in human cognition. Therefore, this study brings in an innovative vision of boundedness in adjectives relevant to the theory of lexical semantics and cognitive grammar.
Cognitive grammar is currently becoming popular among researchers and learners of any language. This discipline has smoothed sharp corners between “formalist” and “functionalist” approaches in linguistic theory (Langacker, 1987). Cognitive grammar balances formalist and functionalist concerns, though its theoretical background is central for this research project. As it was mentioned above, there is a need to study the linguistic phenomena in a broader context or apply different theories and various approaches. Thus, cognitive grammar enables us to penetrate the language depth consisting of social interaction and cognition grounds of language.
Even though grammar has often been underestimated as a field of great interest, currently, there is an essential shift from considering grammar “as a system of arbitrary forms based on abstract principles unrelated to other aspects of cognition or human endeavor” to “an essential aspect of the conceptual apparatus through which we apprehend and engage the world (Langacker 2008, p. 15). And instead of being a distinct and self-contained cognitive system, grammar is not only an integral part of cognition but also a key to understanding it” (Langacker, 2008).
The issue of boundedness has been often applied to the discussion of nouns and verbs (Langacker 1987, Talmy 1988, Brinton 1998 and others). A category of boundedness was applied to nouns and verbs in the following terms: countability was referred to as boundedness in nouns and was referred to as the basic category of verbs, i.e. the action art or a type of situation expressed by a verb as states/events (Langacker, 1987). Therefore, in the cases of nouns and verbs, a category of boundedness was related to their basic characteristics. Further on, the issue of boundedness of adjectives will be considered based on the gradability and secularity of adjectives.
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