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Irish and Early American Differences - Essay Example

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This essay "Irish and Early American Differences" focuses on Ireland which is located in northwest eastern Europe and occupies its place on the “island” of Ireland. The remaining northern island is a state of the UK. Ireland is a historical place filled with natural beauty. …
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Irish and Early American Differences
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Topic Irish and Early American Differences Ireland is located in north -Western Europe that occupies its place on the “island” of Ireland. Remaining northern island is state of UK. Ireland is a historical place filled with the natural beauty. Old traditions and cultural value of Ireland is major reason of its fame in the world. English forces first attacked Ireland in 684 C.E where they got a lot of booty (Canny 578). 17th century saw two civil wars where huge destruction was caused to human life. Ireland finally got colonized in the 16th century by imposing restrictions on land, education and religion by the foreign forces. Ireland again was called Ireland in 1922. English colonization of America started in 1607 and soon these were established throughout the Americas. English American colonies got enmity with Spanish American colonies in the fields of military and economy. Different sorts of colonies were established like charter, proprietary and royal colonies. These colonies were granted independence in 20th century after the American war of independence (Burke 56). Colonization of America was based on certain motives. There were economic, religious and political motives. English colonization of Ireland and then of America were two different experiences in terms of nature and type of people, land and religion. Greater emphasis on these aspects will be laid in following paragraphs. England sent its forces in 684 C.E to carryout raids on Ireland for booty and captives (Kenny 47). English colonization had an aim of supremacy over the complete island. It was very difficult for English rulers to keep control over the entire Ireland. Edward Bruce of Scotland invaded Ireland in 13th century with the help of Gaelic lords against English lords but he could not succeed. This war resulted in devastation of human and animal life on the island. Irish lords regained control over their lost land ultimately (Burke 79). After the war, plague arrived in Ireland in 1348. English people suffered heavily as they were living in the villages and towns of Ireland. Gaelic culture and language again prevailed in the region after the disaster of plague. Therefore, English control got limited up to pale. Adoption of Irish language and customs by Hiberno- Norman lords helped in strengthening Irish hold over the land (Canny 580). After the plague, Norman lords always supported the local Irish people in political, economical and military conflicts with England. English lords faced many difficulties in holding the land and making Irish people captives for slavery. Henry VIII decided to conquer Ireland in 15th century. Kildare was the most famous Irish ruler in 15th century who was open in rebellion activities against the England (Kenny 55). Henry wanted to capture Ireland with a view to minimize the chances of any future rebellion activities and for avoiding any external aggression in future. After the hard and bloody conflicts Henry got control over the Ireland and by the end of 15th century, successfully made it a kingdom. English lords always faced hard time whenever they decided to convert catholic Irish to protestant religion. Brutal and difficult methods were adopted by King Henry but he could not succeed in converting the religion of Irish people. This policy of the king increased hatred in the Irish people against the English rule. Two periods of civil war in Ireland caused huge destruction to Irish catholic land owning class. Catholic followers of Irish land took a major rebel against English rule and killed thousands of Protestants. Crownwell re-conquered Ireland in 1649. This was the bloodiest conflict of Irish history. Land was confiscated from Irish Catholics and was handed over to British settlers. (Kenny 78-79) Irish hatred against English rule increased due to economic situation of the Ireland in 18th century. Agricultural products were being exported and domestic consumption such items were not allowed. Cold and dry spell of 1940 killed about 4 million people due to famine (Canny 588). Later on, tariff was imposed on Irish goods entering England. Second famine hit the country in mid eighteenth century, where potato disease led to starvation in Ireland. On the outbreak of World War I, UK passed home rule act for making self government in Ireland. Irish volunteer corps was against the decision as UK wanted Irish participation in war. UK tried twice to implement home rule but nationalists were not ready to accept the terms. After the First World War, in 1919, newly born Irish army started guerrilla war against UK for independence. This war divided Ireland in two parts, Northern Ireland and southern Ireland. Treaty was signed at the end of war and Irish Free State was created (Canny 592). Ireland did not actively participate in “Second World War” but Ireland faced shortage of ration and coal during the war. Finally, the state was declared “republic of Ireland” in 1949 (Kenny 102). Then the period of economic reforms started to pull the state out of the crisis. English colonization of Americas began in 1607 from Jamestown and Virginia and spread in complete Americas. British colonization influenced the organizations through military power and by spreading diseases. British Empire made three types of colonies in America; these were charter, proprietary and royal colonies (Taylor 126). Proprietary governors to found and run settlements ran English colonies in America. Virginia Company was the first one that helped in English settlement in Jamestown. Company offered jobs and incentives for paving way for English settlement. Economic progress was the key factor for UK to colonize America. Capital raising and profit generation were the ultimate goals. Huge amount of money was invested and cheap labour acquired through slavery for giving boost to economy. England was able to find gold in America for economic progress (Burke 63). England also captured markets for consumption of surplus goods in colonies. Christianity was spread in every corner of the world including America. Spread of religion was the driving force for England to colonize America. England was successful in spreading Christianity in America as most of the people did not know that which religion they are accepting and for what purposes (Taylor 135). Religious impact of colonization is still visible in lives of theses colonies. England faced many difficulties during colonizing Jamestown. Efforts for colonizing Jamestown started in 1607 but could not see completion for first few years. Starvation and different sorts of viral disease destructed the human life. Swampy malarial land of Jamestown posed many problems for settlers. England could not get labour power, as people were not ambitious due to low incentives. England also wasted a lot of time in search of gold in Jamestown and surroundings (Canny 596). Tobacco cultivation on Virginian land helped English leadership to generate huge profit. Tobacco of Virginia was recognized as best quality tobacco in 1612. Because of huge profit produced by Virginia, the colony was named as royal colony by English leadership. (Taylor 133) People of Plymouth colony refused to accept the authority of Anglican Church. They navigated the sea and settled “mayflower”. They tried to cultivate land but could not succeed. Finally they got settled on Indian land which was vacant due to spread of European diseases on the land. (Burke 58) The Massachusetts Bay colony got a lot of importance in creation of New England because of its large land. It was a famous fishing place with a commercial status. Puritan refugees tried to cultivate the land but could not succeed, as the soil was not ideal for cultivation. (Taylor 139) Puritans displayed stiff resistance against in Rhode Island against religious restrictions by England. Roger Williams ordered separation as he never wanted spoiling of church through involvement in civil affairs. It was clear on him that civil affairs may corrupt the clergy. He also understood the importance of purchasing land from Indians but he was expelled from bay colony in 1635. In 1964, the Rhode Island was made official English colony in America (Burke 49). If we draw a comparison between English colonies in Ireland and in America than it is clear from the above written statements that English leadership faced different challenges at two different places. England got attraction in Ireland due to huge work force of Ireland but in America, the main cause of attraction was economy and gold. England could not see complete success at both the places in attainment of goals. English leadership remained almost helpless to force religion on Irish people. Irish people suffered heavily in terms of human life but refused to accept the instance of Angolan church (Kenny 84). England also faced resistance to spread of Christianity in America but even than many nations in north and South America accepted Christianity and they are still followers of it. English leadership was successful in fast spread of its colonies in America. American nations also helped England in eliminating Spanish colonies from the continent. Ireland did not support English colonization and fought a number of bloody battles. English settlers in Ireland suffered huge casualties due to spread of potato and other famines. English settlers faced only few health challenges in America specially the malarial diseases in Jamestown created problem for English settlement (Taylor 92). Despite all the challenges in the fields of trade, economy, religion and culture, English leadership efficiently colonized Ireland and America. They converted many nations from different religions to Christianity. They cultivated the Irish and American land and generated great amount of profit. Virginia Tobacco Company is symbol of English success in America, which is still produces quality tobacco in the world. Works Cited Burke, Kathleen. Old World, New World: Great Britain and America from the Beginning. New York: Atlantic Monthly Press, 2008. Canny, Nicholas P. The Ideology of English Colonization: From Ireland to America. The William and Mary Quarterly, 30 (4) (Oct., 1973): pp. 575-598. Kenny, Kevin. Ireland and the British Empire. London: Oxford University Press, 2006. Taylor, Alan. American Colonies, The Settling of North America. London: Penguin Publishers, 2001. Read More
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