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Fuentovejuna and Political Discourse - Essay Example

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The paper "Fuentovejuna and Political Discourse" discusses that the context leads to a cultural and social understanding of what was needed during the 1600s because of the Civil War and the need to provide motivation to those who were fighting during the war.  …
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Fuentovejuna and Political Discourse
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? Distorting Politics with Dramatic Events in Vega’s Fuenteovejuna Introduction The political dis that is in the comedias is one which varies according to the author as well as the desired perspective which is associated with the play. When looking at different plays, it can be seen that there are specific political expectations that are in the play, all which come from the viewpoint of the author as well as what is expected at the time. An example of this is Fuenteovejuna by Lope de Vega. This particular play is one which is directly associated with the realities of the politics that were occurring at the time. However, there is also a set of opinions and knowledge that is used throughout the play which moves beyond the political facts and instead into a commentary about the politics of the time. This creates a weakness in the comedy and changes the value of the play as it is depicted in different times. The main association with Vega is not only associated with the politics of the time. More important, Vega is concerned with creating dramatic effects, showing opinions and working as a motivational and entertaining force for the culture of his time period. Fuentovejuna and Political Discourse The comedy by Vega is one which is defined by political discourse first. The play is one which is defined by the time frame in which it is written and the politics which were taking place at this time. The play begins with describing an event which occurred in 1476 in Spain, located in a small village in Fuente Obejuna in Castile. The main depiction is from the Order of Calatrava, who was a commander at the time and which mistreated the villagers by branding and killing them. The massacre which occurred gathered the attention of King Ferdinand II of Aragon to investigate the villagers. Even when tortured, none would give the information of the ill treatment and would only respond by stating that “Fuentovejuna did it.” This depiction is then told in Vega’s description of the play and is shown in the writing from 1612-1614. The main point of this specific event is one which was passed down to several with political discourse, specifically because of the silent rebellion which the peasants took over the king and which didn’t allow the king to have a specific amount of power over the village. The legend became one which was essential in the changes which began to occur in Spain at later dates, specifically with noticed victories that were from the peasants (Edwards, 7). The main depiction of the political discourse is one which is noted throughout the play; however, there are many controversial concepts which are associated with the way in which Vega displays the information. Throughout the play, Vega uses specific characters to represent the historical incident and to show what has occurred during this time frame. However, the discourse is one which is combined with both comedy and with opinions of what has occurred during this time. The result is the understanding of what has occurred with representations of what the politics meant during this time as well as what was most important to the author. More important, more universal themes, such as justice, ending the incident and developing the plot and character become more relevant than the political facts which are associated with the play (Blue, 295). The opinion and the discourse as one which is specific to universal themes and opinions throughout the play are seen from the first portion of the play. For instance, when the commander is speaking about the king, he speaks not of the history which occurred during this incident, but instead alludes to the opinions of the ruler and what was expected during this time. “Grand Master Don Rodrigo / Tellez Giron, you who have been bourne to this exalted station by the valor of that famous father of yours who, when you were eight, renounced the position of Master in your favor… understand that your honor demands that in this situation you adhere to your kinsmen’s party” (Vega, 9). While this description is historical in nature and shows specific parts of the politics of the time, as well as the opinions of those that were in the community, there are also opinions such as requesting honor, what is expected of those in power and what those who had specific commands held to. This created alterations in how many looked at the play and the historical incidents of the time. Other incidents of how the politics and the overall formation of the play are altered come from the main formula which Vega uses. The main characters and heroes of the play are the peasants who are described as more intelligent and virtuous than those that are in political power. There are several areas of commentary which state that there is a sense of repression among those in the land and that there are difficulties in being able to survive with the political powers. The peasants become the main characters that carry specific attributes while the comedy is based on the politicians and the inability to rule effectively over the peasants. The specific perspective which Vega takes with the main attributes of the characters throughout the play shows how there are some misrepresentations with the way in which the politics are associated with the incident, specifically because of the drama and the politics which are used. Linking Drama to Political Theory The concept of politics linking to drama is furthered with the tyranny and other concepts that relate to politics but which form with opinions in drama. A specific theme that is used throughout Vega’s play is based on the rebellion of the peasants and the reactions which occurred from those that were apart from the kingdom. The main theme is one which Vega builds the play around, specifically to show the powers that tyranny could hold among the peasants with the different problems which occurred. The drama that Vega uses as well as the opinions of the play is one which is linked to the opinions of the topic and the desire of the author to have a sense of taking the position of agreeing with the peasants in overcoming the politics of the time. The theory which is used doesn’t provide accurate sources for the politics of the time because of the perspective which is taken. “[While the play carries] terms appropriate to seventeenth century intellectual traditions, they do not quite convey some of the difficulties involved in optimizing the body of theory dealing with the topic and connecting the analytical inquiries with Lope’s dramatic presentation of the problem” (Carter, 313). This particular perspective is one which shows that the representation of the problem by Vega is limited to opinion instead of providing an understanding of what theoretically happened with this specific event and in relation to the politics that were occurring during this time frame. The different concepts which don’t provide information about what is occurring with the main topic are seen through the several opinions of the peasants as they go through the torture and political changes. The concept that is shown is one which shows the peasants as the ones who hold the true knowledge and power over the specific situation while showing that those with the power and wealth are only taking advantage of those who are working as peasants. “When present circumstances require an important decision, you’ll find that the most learned among them is the most ignorant…. At planting time they set us tax rates: hand over your wheat, barley, and vegetables” (Vega, 55). This is one of several examples which shows how those who are working as peasants are seen as wiser and who overcome the political powers. Those who are in power contrast to this as being ignorant and keeping those underneath them enslaved. The concept of providing the correct political theories in this particular play then becomes designed by the opinions that are linked to Vega and the approach which he takes toward the specific event. This was used as a motivational force and opinionated concept that could help to provide a different sense of understanding to the politics of the time. Defining Culture and Drama The perspective which Vega took was not only one which showed a perspective on the political statements of the time. There were also definitions of the culture of the time and how this influenced the drama which was written. Vega was involved in the culture of the 1600s, which still held a specific ideology about the politics of the time with the belief that repression of the underclass was the way in which the wealthy continued to survive. The rebellion which was still a part of Spain for the peasants and those who were in society took precedence over several of the political facts which were occurring at the time. More important, the Spanish Civil War was still taking place at this time. The Civil war had to take several of the peasants to stand against the political leaders of the time, specifically because of the repression which many believed was occurring. In this way, the play works as a cultural and motivational force to those who would be watching the play at the time. This could be used as a weapon to motivate more individuals to overcome the repression which the politicians were believed to have against the peasants while stating that this was a problem that was in the rich history of those in Spain and which had to be overcome (Parker, 7). The motivational force that Vega uses throughout the play is seen with the main concept of the play as well as the way in which the peasants and main characters are depicted throughout the play. Those who cause injustice to the village are seen as the main comedy and are laughed at throughout the play with common mistakes and indifferences that are noticed by the village. More important, the peasants are seen as the individuals who have more knowledge, even though they are designated to provide more work than others that are in the play. Creating this contrast with the characters is followed by the main point of the play, which is designed to motivate those who are in society to overcome the politicians of the time. This is seen by depicting the torture which occurs in the village as well as the end statements of the peasants refusing to give information to the king about who has committed the crime with the village. The main point which Vega shows is that the peasants, by withholding knowledge and collaborating together with this main component, can overcome the politicians of the time and the repression which is designated to occur. This could then be used to change the ideologies of those in the 1600s and which were fighting in the Civil War through the cultural conflicts that were a part of the time frame. The literature was not only important to not because of the culture of the time, but also because of the expectations with entertainment that were used. The main play was written for those who were peasants and who had feelings of repression that were a part of society. More important, the play was one which was based on the drama and comedy first. The methods which were used and the themes which Vega displays are based specifically on what was known during this time and which would provide more notice ability when being performed. This led to the different controversies in the play and may have been linked directly to how the play changed with the political nature and into one which was considered more important by the entertainment and drama which was expected for the audience during this time frame (Edwards, 8). This redefined the main political concepts which took place during this time and framed opinions that were not based on fact, but instead came from the definition of entertainment which was expected by specific audiences in the 1600s. Redefining Politics with Literature The cultural implications and approach which Vega took with developing the play is important not only because of the alternative theories which are suggested with the politics that were in place. More important, there is the ability to write a new history and understanding of politics through the literature which was used. The cultural aspects as well as the opinions that were related to the politics of the time become important because of the ability to alter the history into one which is related specifically to the beliefs of others that were in the time frame. This was essential not only with recalling the specific event which Vega writes about and which took place 200 years earlier. More important, one can trace the cultural history and opposing viewpoints to culture that were taking place in the 1600s in opposition to the politics of the time. The culture, understanding of values by the peasants and the belief of repression which was driving forward the opposition to politics during Vega’s time recount a different history outside of the play. This creates a new type of history through the comedy which is used as well as the opinions which Vega shows when writing the play (Madrigal, 3). The question which arises is then based on whether the specific play is one which is political in nature or whether it is based on the opinions and beliefs that were used for the political era in which Vega was in. The context leads to a cultural and social understanding of what was needed during the 1600s because of the Civil War and the need to provide motivation to those who were fighting during the war. More important, there was the need to dramatize the idea of repression while taking into account the political powers that didn’t have the wisdom and power to be ruling over others. Vega states each of these continuously throughout the play, showing that there is a cultural opinion which is developed from this component. However, these are based on what is known as el gusto and lo justo. This means that the concept of justice is found specifically by adding in drama, representations of life and the meaning of what may have occurred during this time. The nature is to show a sense of art that is related to the politics, as opposed to showing the true political nature that is a part of the play. The question which arises is based on the legitimacy of both the first incident which has happened as well as what the intentions of Vega are in producing the play for artistic thought and to become a motivational force in society at the time (Wardopper, 159). Conclusion The development of political plays is one which has several values for those that are in society. However, there are also several questions over the legitimacy of the play because of the intent of the author as well as the social and cultural affiliations of a given time frame. When looking at Vega’s play, it can be seen that the intertwining of political discourse and the play causes a change in what the theory of politics includes. The misrepresentation of the original event and the focus on motivating a culture during the Spanish Civil War take precendence over the reality of what has occurred. More important, there is a focus on the dramatic and comedic elements to create a sense of entertainment in the play, which causes inconsistency in the political events which have occurred. When examining this particular piece of writing, it can be seen that the attributes of a political comedy become distorted by several factors that change the nature and perspective of what has occurred in the sense of political history. Works Cited Blue, William. “The Politics of Lope’s Fuenteovejuna.” Hispanic Review 59 (3), 1991. Carter, Robin. “Fuenteovejuna and Tyranny: Some Problems of Linking Drama with Political Theory.” Forum of Modern Language Studies13 (4), 1977. Edwards, Gwynne (ed). Lope De Vega: Three Major Plays. Oxford University Press: London, 1999. Madrigal, JA. “New Historicism and Comedia: Poetics, Politics and Praxis.” Society of Spanish and Spanish Studies. 1997. Parker, Jason. “Recruiting the Literary Tradition: Lope de Vega’s Fuentovejuna as Cultural Weapon during the Spanish Civil War.” Bulletin of the Comediantes 62 (1), 2010. Wardopper, Bruce. “Fuente Ovejuna: El Gusto and Lo Justo.” Studies in Philology. 53 (2), 1956. Read More
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