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The Construction of a Bowling Alley - Research Paper Example

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The paper "The Construction of a Bowling Alley" highlights that the groundwater might rise within the zones where construction will take place, thereby causing structural influence or impact negatively on the construction of pavements and foundations for the proposed project…
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The Construction of a Bowling Alley
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Bowling alley While researching some texts written about the prerequisites such as geology/ soil for the construction of a bowling alley, I only found authors who published some books denying the construction of bowling alley in places that could as well accommodate the construction of the alley; they published particularly construction journals, many newspapers, brochure and pamphlets denying the same. These group of people placed a lot of emphasis on the fact that the geographical location, soils and the geology of the place is not conducive for the construction of the alley, however, while this authors discussed the reasons for not supporting the construction of, in this case a fifty lane bowling alley, I could not find any one of them supporting its constructions, I realized however after an intensive research that the geology/ soil and the water system supported the construction of the alley. My aim in this paper is to bring out clearly the reasons why the construction should be carried, using geology/ soil and the water system of the specific place, 70 Greenwood roads, Marlboro NJ 07751 Block 122 Lot 39, to defend my opinion To achieve the above goal I have organized my paper into sections in which the first section, I have given the Environmental Impact Analysis of the specific place in relation to Geology/ soil, and the in the second section I have discussed the water system of the place pertaining to the aquifer of the water system. I have then concluded my paper with a final section that discusses the overall summary of why I think the team trying to deny the construction of the alley is bad. So let start with the Environmental Impact Analysis of the place. Geology/ soil First before looking into why the soil or rather the geology of the place supports the construction of the alley, it is very prudent to define the two key words, that is the geology and soil of a place. Soil: soils are the results of weathering, mechanical disintegration, and chemical decomposition of the parent material. The products of weathering may have the same composition as the parent material, or they may be new minerals that have resulted from the action of water, carbon dioxide, and organic acids with minerals comprising the parent material. Geology: geology can be defined as the scientific study is which comprises the study of the solid rocks and the solid Earth, these rocks of that it are composed, and the various processes by with which the solid rocks change. Generally speaking, geology can be considered as the scientific study of the surface of almost all the celestial bodies, such as the geology of the mars and the geology of the moon. So, why is the geology or the soil for that matter very important before the construction of a building anything for this case a bowling alley? Well below is a list of the soils conditions, types, present in the place that supports the construction of the alley. GEOLOGY/ SOILS Following an analysis of the geology/ soils and the seismic hazards is founded primarily on a technical report by the Geotechnical Engineering Investigation of the Proposed five lane bowling alley. 1. The ENVIRONMENTAL CONDITIONS a. Appropriate Physical Setting (1) Geologic Conditions In 70 Greenwood roads, Marlboro NJ 07751 Block 122 Lot 39, which is the project site is comparatively very level with an entire change in the grade of around 33 feet, west to east something that is less than 30% grade. An average elevation of the area is very roughly 740 feet almost above the mean sea level. The Immediate head-to-head properties, are usually characterized by the similar shapes and the elevations. 70 Greenwood roads, Marlboro is underlain by the Pleistocene and Holocene alluvium that had been deposited in the Valley next to the place, the structural basin that is surrounded by the mountains on the entire four sides. This alluvium can be estimated as being numerous hundred feet thicker. The deposits are usually very fine grained that consists of mixtures of silt, clay, and sand. (2) The Seismic Hazards Generally speaking, Seismicity can be considered a general term that relates to the abruption that is released of the accrued strain energy in a rock materials of the crust of the earth in a specific geographical area, normally as a result of earthquakes. Recurrence of such kinds of accumulation and the subsequent release of such strain get resulted in the fault system and the faults. Degrees of the seismic risk are commonly determined or get estimated by several seismic record the specific. Project site is not situated in within the designated area Priolo - Alquist study zone or other big cities fault rupture education area2. Though, Southern California is considered seismically active, this places always do experience some future earthquakes which ought to have been the project site. Earthquakes get predominately created by some periodic slip occurring along northwesterly occurring faults get associated with some fault system, from the west and east trending faults which occur along North’s of the margin of some areas near the Basin. Kindly have a look at the picture of the terrain. In conjunction to the credible earthquake sources, and the recent earthquakes, occurring in the specific region have happened on the previously strange faults that have no surface expression. Figure 1. (Google maps, 2013) Seismic hazards always impact negatively on the project site which is mainly the ground shaking due to as a result of very large earthquake occurring on the main active regional of the faults. During the previous Earthquake which took place in the year 1994, some newer portions of the buildings on the existing centers got affected little to almost nil structural damage. Though the older portions of some buildings in the existing shopping centers which suffered severe structural damage got retrofitted complying to the current seismic measurements and standards, Uniform Building Code, as stipulated Post primary hazards of the earthquakes which do entail the rupture, and the liquefaction, seiche, subsidence, and landslides, Since there exists nil known faults in within or in the immediately head-to-head to the alley building area, ground rupture from surface faulting ought not to be a potential problem. Landslides and Seiche are unknown hazards in this specific area either the alley building site near large bodies of water or very steep hillsides which might contribute to the above concerns. This specific area for building found in the consideration does show no existing mapped faults on the site in accordance to the maps prepared by Google Maps. There exists nil evidence of the surface faulting as witnessed in the property during the reconnaissance. Google maps also recognizes that in this site, site for building alley, is located in within the area of a potential liquefaction. This Soil liquefaction can be defined as a state of the soil particle which is a suspension that is caused by a rather complete loss of a lot of strength as the effective stress do drops to almost zero. It usually happens under saturated conditions in the soils like sand in which strength get purely frictional and frequently triggered by the same seismic activity. The areas of potential liquefaction, in which the historic occurrences of the liquefaction, geotechnical, local geological, and groundwater conditions that indicates potentials for a very firm ground displacements, get required in order to make available the mitigation which has been, defined by the soils found underneath the alley building site get considered as loose to the medium dense, and sandy soils which posses low to a roughly moderate potential for the liquefaction found under the seismic conditions. The site for building the alley does not downslope into any confined water bodies which might adversely interfere with the building site in case of an earthquake induced failures, which can be defined as a wave oscillations in a semi-closed or an enclosed water-body. The above building site is located a bit away from the coastal zone, in which the tsunamis not a potential hazard. (3) The Stability of the Soils Following an analysis of the geotechnical or the soils analysis that was prepared for this specific project, the subsurface surroundings encountered found in the project site do appear typical to the ones on the geologic region. The soils in within depth of exploration do comprise of around six feet of filling in the underlain by the native alluvium. Deep Below such soil, is an alternative layers of the sandy silt , silty clay, clayey silt, silty sand, and sand got encountered. Both the laboratory and the Field tests suggested that the native soils in the suite for construction the alley do consist of a moderately strong and very slightly compressible. In a more specific, description of some specific soil condition are usually encountered. Following the areas enlarged General Plan Framework, bowling alley is not situated in within the area which is susceptible to most of the landslides. Google map do not recognize that this site is getting located in within the area that is very susceptible to numerous earthquake that are induced by the landslides. It is however clear that there exist no recognized landslides in the bowling building site vicinity, in conjunction to the fact that the site is not situated in the path of the known or any potential landslides. (4) The Groundwater Immediately or rather during the drilling of the sis boring test in within the bowling site, test boring site got checked for presence of the groundwater. The free groundwater got encountered in the respective six total borings at the site, with the groundwater getting encountered at some depths of as deep as 64, 63.5 ad 84.5 feet as the field work was being done. Depths of water table elevation always do fluctuate over some time, also the groundwater is always expected to vary seasonally and on a yearly basis. This Fluctuations occuring on the groundwater level always occur due to numerous variations in the precipitation, and in an irrigation procedures at the site for building the alley and in conjunction to the surrounding areas, and the climatic conditions, do flow in head-to-head or in the nearby canals, which are pumping from the wells and the possibly as a consequence of numerous other factors which were not apparent during the time of geotechnical investigation research. Under Long term monitoring in the remarkable wells, that are sealed from various influence of the water surface, is frequently required to the more precisely outline the possible range of the ground-water conditions on the alley building site. Environmental Impacts a. Pertinent Project Characteristics This Proposed Project will entail the demolition of maybe a multi-level parking structures and other construction of an initial addition, included more than one multi-level parking structures, and maybe a retail space, towards the east and south of an existing mall buildings. Nearly one level of the subterranean parking ought to be availed under a westerly portion of a new construction. As per the recommendation of the geotechnical report, the proposed structures, in the Proposed bowling alley, will get supported on the deep foundations. The Portions of this site has not been covered by structures and this will pave ways for surface parking. The Grading this site is anticipated to involve very minor cuts and some fills emanating from the existing grades in order to establish the bowling’s alleys pads and in order to provide an over-round surface drainage on the bowling site. The Excavation depths in order to accommodate, subterranean parking and very deep foundations which will generally not go past 19 feet in depth. The entire earth movement volumes do include an estimated 154,026 cubic yards of each cut. Neither of the soils is anticipated to be imported into the bowling site; though, an estimation of 137,017 cubic yards of the earth materials away from the bowling site, evacuation will always be needed. This analysis assumed that the Project Design Features are usually reinforced by the following Proposed Project: Proposed Project will incorporate permeable pavement materials in the specific are which will pave way for water to drain down into the underlying soil, thereby reducings the volumes of wet weather some urban surplus. This may include a mixture of a pervious asphalt, crushed stone, porous concrete, pervious pavers, and grass/ gravel pavers, that would get incorporated in this specific landscape plan and then the design of entire surface parking areas, being as functionally appropriate as possible. Analysis assumed that Proposed Project , constructed and the operated according to the regulations, applicable codes, and the standard practices, this includes the below: The Design and the construction of project will conform to the known Uniform Building Code, the seismic standards which has been approved by Building and safety Department. The grading and the earthwork will be done according to the Grading Ordinances of the governing metropolitan and some of the appropriate portions of the entire General Earthwork Specifications situated in the approved Geotechnical Report. The Areas of the known, or rather the potential liquefaction will be provided with a relevant mitigation procedure as stipulated in the ( PRC)Public Resources Code Section (2693) b. Impacts Project Initial studies prepared for specific Project. Founded on IS, Initial Study, shows potential impacts for several environmental issues got determined as being to be less significant. Scope of the analysis dis focus only on the effects which got determined via the Notice of Preparation and the Initial Studies process as possessing potential significant effects to the environmental. Matters relating to the Geology/ Soils which got determined as less significant, and consequently might not be addressed in the below, comprise: the surface rupture as a result of seiche, landslides, mudflows, tsunamis, mineral resources, and landform alteration. The explanation that supports the above conclusion is usually provided in a Section VI, of the other Environmental Considerations, have not been found to be To Be of significant. (1) Seismic and the Geologic Hazards (a) The Ground shaking and the Liquefaction Since the site is located within the claimed seismically active eastern USA region, the site possess a possible strong ground-shaking resulting from earth earthquakes that do occur on the regional faults. Though, the site might be subjected to very strong-ground shaking during earthquake, this type of hazard is very common in the Southern California. But this effects resulting as a consequence of ground-shaking is possible to be mitigated, thereby they are considered as being less significant level by a very appropriate and proper engineering design and in construction which do conformance to the engineering practices and current building codes. Ground Water Systems Although, Groundwater got come across at great depths that range in between 44 to 55 feet deep below the surface of the place to be the bowling site. It is not expected that the groundwater might rise in within the zones where construction will take place, thereby causing structural influence or impact negatively on the construction of pavements and foundations for the proposed project. Though, if the earthwork get done soon after or during the precipitation periods, the subgrade soils might end up being very saturated, pump, or fail to respond to the densification methods. Some Typical corrective procedures do include: dishing and constantly aerating soils when a dry weather; or rather mixing the soil with some recommended dryer materials; or rather getting rid of and then replacing soil in the specific area with a permitted fill material; we site supervisor might as well instruct the workers to mix the soil with some appropriate and an approved lime or rather product of cement. Work cited Alley, Bowen & Co. (1880). History of Sonoma County: Including its geology, topography, mountains, valleys, and streams. San Francisco: Alley, Bowen & Co. Read More
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