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Global warming: Houston - Essay Example

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Studies show that Houston is one of the several towns in the United States to have had deaths of patients with heat-related illnesses and conditions. The normal summer season in Houston would observe a doubling of heat-related illnesses in comparison to the temperatures…
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Global warming: Houston
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Global warming Introduction Studies show that Houston is one of the several towns in the United s to have had deathsof patients with heat-related illnesses and conditions (Fonty, Corinne, Denis & Jean-Francois 4). The normal summer season in Houston would observe a doubling of heat-related illnesses in comparison to the temperatures. Global warming would also prolong temperatures of potential heat waves, and cause aging baby boomers. Therefore, young kids would be affected the most while being diagnosed with certain clinical conditions. My local human environment consists of a moderate chunk of the population that works outdoors. These people will have high risks of suffering from heat-related illnesses and conditions due to rises in temperature caused by global warming. There is an urban population in the outskirts of my town who are underprivileged and do thrive in houses with air-conditioning. Global warming will apparently lead to rise in temperatures that can become unbearable to breathe under without proper ventilation. These people are prone to being diagnosed with heat-related illnesses and conditions. Historical background The human environment in my local setting implies domestic understandings of respiratory healthiness regularly disagree with civic health ideas of ecological health. In turn, they differentially outline my interactions with the environment. As human elements in my ecological change turns out to be increasingly realized, political ecology is one of the key aspects that differentiate Houston from the human environment from ecology. The variation includes the main indulgence of both of both how we characterize our surrounding, and the effects of its degradation. Researchers have argued that political ecology has become the controlling strategy to the analysis of ecological issues within the social sciences. Politics in Houston is not a hypothetical framework, but a more interdisciplinary move towards the realization of wildlife conservation and practice of green initiatives in all industries within the town. Discussion Carbon-dioxide emissions from the heavy automobile traffic in the metropolis would cause acid rain in my ecological surrounding. Acid rain would settle in lakes, ponds and rivers and cause harm to the animal life in the waters. These same emissions would affect surface temperature and cause sea levels in the coastal line. Even though I do not reside close to the coastal line of Texas, rises in sea levels are likely to cause flooding at the coast and see migration increased migration rates to the interior parts of the country and states. Interview: questions 1) Tell me about the global warming and the research carried out? A 1997 methodical research discovered that populations and natural life in mid-latitude towns were most inclined to influence of temperature fluctuations. As a result, rises in death in the course of heat fluctuations are expected to be higher than in northern regions. My local ecology is situated in the mid-latitude zone (Mcfarel). 2) What are the main problems in the global environment? There is a truth in the belief that man should always improve his living standards. With that fact accepted, his survival is speculated to have a bright future. Nevertheless, this future is determined by the lengths man will go to maintain his improved living standards and conserve the environment. In my local surroundings, deforestation is a human activity that has profoundly affected the local ecosystem. This is because the destruction of forests has seen the elimination of habitats for bird, reptiles and insects. Trying to decrease greenhouse emissions might do more damage to the world financial system and the human community than any level of global warming. In reality, the environmental outlook is likely to fit anywhere between these two situations. Expanding the human populace through industrialization and a call for land for metropolitan and corporate development, or switching to land for farming, urban migration and infrastructure development have been the constant excuses the US government made in defense of such ecologically harmful initiatives (Mcfarel). 3) Which living population do you think is the most affected by the green-house effect? Fish and other animals that thrive in the waters are endangered as they are exposed to these substances. Human activities have also changed the cycle within the ecosystem that defines the behavior, migration and population of nature. My town has rapidly changed due to such activities leading to enhanced human living standards and downgraded animal habitats. 4) Why do you feel these ecological problems are most prevalent in across the globe? Humans would be one of the many species in the environment to be significantly impacted by global warming. On the other hand, local ecosystems would be less affected because Flora and fauna are more adapted to high temperatures due to the climatic conditions (Mcfarel). 5) How can Climatists assist in protecting, preventing, reducing, or eliminating the global plant population? The same plants that are cut down during deforestation hold the soil together to prevent soil erosion. Therefore, soil erosion led to the formation of dry land in fertile areas within my location because rain eroded the soil from the mainland to the ocean. Human activities have also caused pollution within my local environment. Pollution is brought about by vehicle and factory emissions, non-conservative waste disposals methods and use of harmful chemicals in the environment. My local town has several factories and large businesses involved with the production and mission of waste substances. Some of the factories do not have proper disposal mechanisms, leading to dumping of harmful chemicals in rivers and other water bodies with wildlife in them (Mcfarel). Flora and fauna thriving in humid, highland and savannah climatic regions would be the most affected because this life is not used to high temperatures and constant heat waves. As a result, life in these regions would be the first to die in mass numbers. My local ecosystems, less affected, would last much longer than before eventually succumbing to extreme heat temperatures. Alternatively, there are analysts who think global warming will end in little above warmer winters and improved vegetation growth. The research and facts that support the outcomes of greenhouse gases are current pertaining to the very latest studies. Conclusion Climate models have evolved from a similar class of computer programs that are employed when trying to make weather forecasts. According to Somerville, the approach taken when people disapprove of metrological analyses when weather predictions are inaccurate is the same one applied when global warming doubters criticize climate models as ineffective. Even though Somerville states that this trend should not be followed, weather replications programs have advanced noticeably with time (Fonty, Corinne, Denis & Jean-Francois 54). The climate program is a just model because the entire environment or atmosphere cannot be tested in a laboratory. As a result, man has advanced to replicate the experiments in a computer program. This methodology has become the most appropriate technique of integrating all diverse complications. Works cited EPA government. Climate change, retrieved from on March 23, 2012 Fonty, Emile, Corinne Sarthouw, Denis Larpinz and Jean-Francois Ponge. A 10-year decrease in plant species richness on a neotropical inselberg: detrimental effects of global warming? Global Change Biology (2009) 15, 2360–2374 Goreham, Steve. It’s becoming a bit hot for Climatists. USA today, March 2011 Interview with Sandy Mcfarel, Senior director and Executive researcher at EPA state research facility. Atlanta Georgia, USA. Speth, James Gustave. Red Sky at Morning: America and the Crisis of the Global Environment. New Haven, CT: Yale University Press, 2004 Read More
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