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Global Warming: Reality or Myth - Term Paper Example

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The present paper is focused on the issues of global warming, its potential reasons and consequences. Further on it is claimed that global warming is a potential real hazard for flora and fauna, humankind, different aspects of human lives etc…
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Global Warming: Reality or Myth
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? Global Warming Introduction The global warming has been the issue of concern for many researchers and scientists. The governments of different countries are focused on preventive measures taking and it is relevant to discuss some effective preventive measurements. Moreover, there is need to discuss whether global warming is myth or reality and if there is a need to develop new eco-friendly industries, reduce GHG emissions etc. Thus, the paper is focused on the issues of global warming, its potential reasons and consequences. Further on it is claimed that global warming is a potential real hazard for flora and fauna, humankind, different aspects of human lives etc. It is a global phenomenon, which is one of the most crucial issues in the modern global context: “A growing body of literature is pointing to the emergence of a range of non-nation state actors, such as multinational companies, carbon trading and offset organizations, and global cities that have entered this policy arena and have developed their own initiatives and approaches to addressing this [global warming] issue” (Schroeder 2009). Consequently, the fact that global community on different levels is trying to develop and take preventive and protecting measures against global warming, underlines a potential presence of this natural phenomenon. At the same time, not only natural drivers, but also anthropogenic factors should be taken into account as the main triggers of global warming. Global Warming: Reality or Myth? Global warming is a buzzword in contemporary science. Much has been written and said about the meaning of global warming and its implications for the environment. More often than not, the concept and meaning of global warming are taken for granted. Simultaneously, more scientists and researchers question the validity of global warming theories and assumptions. That the climate is changing has been abundantly established: the current body of literature provides compelling evidence that the planet is undergoing a serious climate shift. Yet, whether these changes can be attributed to or called ‘global warming’ is a difficult question. Apparently, the global warming theory is surrounded by controversy. This being said, a web research of the information and arguments relating to global warming was performed. The results of the web research suggest that global warming is a myth rather than reality, and the press coverage of global warming in the U.S. distracts public attention from the scientific evidence, which denies the existence of the global warming phenomenon. There are different points, which can position global warming as a fake. For example, the discussion about the gap in the ozone layer or inability of the Earth to deal with the growing number of gas emissions and many other concurrent factors witnessing inconsistency of global warming potential occurrence. Very often, media informs public about a false portrayal of global warming. In accordance with the research of 90s, only 13% of scientists believed in the phenomenon of the global warming. Moreover, even signing by many countries of Kyoto protocol did not imply the countries’ compliance with the points of the Protocol. Another perverted vision of global warming is the point that global warming intensifies the process of plants growing. Still, there is a need to focus on facts, which may be hazardous for ecosystems and agricultural sectors of different countries and discuss the issue of global warming with respect to these points.   It is also relevant to note that theory of global warming is considered to be full of errors and is often positioned as a fake science. The industrial activity of humankind does not lead to climate change, but a growing number of bureaucrats propose new taxes in order to gain profits around the issue of global warming (McFarland, 2009). From this perspective, global warming is the result of an intentional plan of bureaucrats to raise more money intimidating the global society. Global Warming Impact: different aspects and a new vision Rodenhouse, Christenson, Parry, Green (2009) in their research project “Climate Change Effects on Native Fauna of Northeastern Forests” refer to a possibility of global warming and its impact on mammals, birds and other forest inhabitants in the Northeastern America. Global warming is presented as a hazard exerting a negative influence on food distribution in the forest. There is a need to combine natural factors of global warming mitigation and anthropogenic drivers (Rodenhouse, Christenson, Parry, Green, 2009). From another point of view, there is a need to make investments in potential negative outcomes of global warming. For example, in order to prevent abundance of GHG emissions, there is an alternative decision made by Australia, the CCS (Carbon Capture and Storage) industry. With regards to regulations presented in the Australian Guide and the IOGCC Guide there is a need to improve conditions for carbon storage. In case global warming will be destructive for the society, it is possible to reduce costs of carbon storage and increase public awareness about the necessity of global warming prevention. An intimidating impact on ecosystems is also the issue of the crucial importance. Thus, in accordance with Kulshreshtha (2011) the Prairie Provinces would suffer great losses. On the other hand, it is possible to suppose that positive consequences of global warming are also possible. Thus, in the territory of southern Canada, especially its agricultural sector may benefit from global warming (Kulshreshtha, 2011). Therefore, it is relevant to unite the efforts of researchers and scientists in order to make the best decision and to solve a problem of global warming in different countries. First and foremost concern with this respect is ecosystem’s safety. Otherwise, such drastic consequences as devastation of the agricultural sector may occur. Global warming is one of the most popular objects of professional research. The press explores the meaning of global warming and its effects on the environment. Rising temperatures and changes in concentrations of carbon dioxide are believed to be reliable measures of global climate changes. In the meantime, more researchers begin to question the importance and even existence of the global warming phenomenon. The goal of this research was to decide whether or not global warming is real and realistic. The main question to answer was “Is global warming myth or reality?” Scholarly articles and book resources found on the web were used to answer the research question. Global warming: myth or reality? Global warming – myth or reality? – this is the question the public and research community are trying to answer. Books and articles provide a wealth of evidence supporting the relevance and existence of the global warming phenomenon. Temperature, sea level changes, and precipitation serve the main indicators of global warming (Maslin 23). Scientists use these indicators to estimate how the global climate changes under the influence of the industrial revolution (Maslin 23). Scientists were able to reconstruct changes in surface temperatures over the last 1,000 years – based on this information scientists produced a continuous record of temperatures, which indicate changes in surface temperatures of 0.74oC over the last 130 years (Maslin 25). The 20th century witnessed considerable fluctuations in temperature: the 1960s-1970s were the period of cooling (Maslin 25). However, generally, the planet is warming and even temperatures in the lower troposphere have been steadily increasing, approximately 0.1-0.2oC every ten years (Maslin 25). Global sea levels and precipitation are another two indicators used to judge the scope of the global warming phenomenon. The two most important precipitation data sets include the Global Historical Climate Network and Hulme (Maslin 30). It is noteworthy, that no definite global trends in precipitation have been found so far, but regional changes in precipitation are more than obvious (Maslin 30). North and South America experience significant increases in precipitation (Maslin 30). The seasonality of precipitation is changing, too (Maslin 30). Scientists observe long-term changes in precipitation in southern Africa and the Mediterranean (Maslin 30). The data on changes in sea levels adds to the body of evidence supporting global climate change: over the past 100 years, global sea levels have risen at least 12 cm (Maslin 31). Between 1961 and 2003, global sea levels were rising by almost 2 mm per year, and between 1993 and 2003, global sea levels steadily increased by 3.1 mm every year (Maslin 32). Scientists use these data to prove that global warming does exist and has serious implications for the future of the planet. Despite compelling evidence, the results of web research suggest that global warming is more a myth rather than reality. Robinson and Robinson claim that “the global warming hypothesis is no longer tenable” (Robinson & Robinson). This is because temperature changes cannot serve reliable evidence and support global warming assumptions. Multiple forces are responsible for changes in temperature; contrary to previous beliefs, “during the past 3,000 years, there have been five extended periods when it was distinctly warmer than today” (Robinson & Robinson). Even if atmospheric temperatures are rising, they are still below the 3,000-year average (Robinson & Robinson). Certainly, scientists develop complex mathematical models and computer programs, to predict future changes in earth’s temperatures, but even the most advanced computer systems lack capability to make long-term climate predictions (Robinson & Robinson). Thus, humans should not be worried about the effects of greenhouse gases and carbon dioxide on global temperatures; rather, it is more important that the society focuses on the negative effects of carbon dioxide on the environment. Scientists have failed to develop a single, universal theory of climate. Thus, there is no definite explanation to climate change. Simultaneously, the global warming hypothesis have failed all three tests to which it was subjected (Carter 62). Here, it should be noted that “the currently favored hypothesis of dangerous global warming includes the presumption that the late 20th century warming was substantially caused by human emissions of the greenhouse gas carbon dioxide” (Carter 62). However, no definite relationship between temperature changes and changes in the levels of carbon dioxide was ever found (Carter 62). Furthermore, and as previously said, changes in temperatures fall within the natural limits of change during previous centuries (Carter 62). Finally, and this is what Robinson and Robinson were able to prove, modern computer models cannot predict long-term changes in temperatures. Therefore, it is at least too early to say that global warming is real and realistic. Press and mass media fuel the controversy surrounding the issue of global warming. Actually, it is the media that distract public attention from the scientific data and provide biased coverage of the factors affecting temperature changes and their consequences (Boykoff & Boykoff 125). The media play a huge role in how the public interprets the meaning of global warming, and often turn the subject of global warming into the source of commercial profits. Failures to transmit relevant information from scientists to the public are not uncommon. Nonetheless, the media greatly contribute to the construction of environmental problems by the public (Boykoff & Boykoff 127). Apart from the fact that scientific evidence does not support the existence of the global warming phenomenon, the media distort the scientific message and do not let the public evaluate this evidence in its entirety. The results of the web research suggest that global warming is a myth rather than reality, and the press coverage of global warming in the U.S. distracts public attention from the scientific evidence which denies the existence of the global warming phenomenon. The media and researchers must work collaboratively, to produce an objective picture of climate changes on the planet. Global warming consequences: poison ivy growth Every year during the hot season, health care workers received a lot of children who suffered after the unexpected contact with poison ivy. However, according to pediatrician Robin Gehris, the number of cases rapidly increased during last too years According to Gerald Adams, the expert from DermaTechRxTM, now poison ivy can become a big problem even for people, who did not know about it, because last time it started to be met in places where it newer grew before. Every contact with a plant causes a lot of suffering and never remains traceless. According to Adams, the best way to defend yourself s to get ready beforehand (Boykoff & Boykoff 127). It is proved that global warming really makes poison ivy grow faster and become bigger. This happens due to the carbon dioxide level increase. After proper investigations researchers proved that even small increase of this level cause rapid growth of a plant. The growth of the plant represents a real danger for people who like to spend their holidays outside and for those who usually work with plant. It is also dangerous for children who play in the yard. The methods to struggle with plant’s growth have not been invented yet and usual methods used before now can’t be considered to be helpful. The growing danger of poison ivy creates the necessity in special investigations held in order to find some ways to prevent awful effects of unexpected contact with the plant. It is very difficult to protect yourself because it is not possible to predict where the plant can be suddenly met . The researches from DermaTechRxTM created the only possible way to defend from Poison Ivy. After long investigations they came to the conclusion that the only possible defense against poisonous plant is a defensive barrier. Researchers have already produced and tested a new product that will shortly appear in the drug-stores. The invented product is called AllStop Poison Ivy Healing Gel and is considered to be very effective in struggle with plant’s poison. It should be applied by people who works with plants and like to spend time outside during hot seasons. However, there are protection methods which will be available soon. Further research is needed to be held in this direction, because the problem should not remain unsolved for long. Conclusion Global warming is one of the most frequently discussed topics in literature and press. However, the results of the current research suggest that global warming is a myth rather than reality, and the press coverage of global warming in the U.S. distracts public attention from the scientific evidence, which denies the existence of the global warming phenomenon. Global warming is more a myth rather than reality. The media distort the scientific message and do not let the public evaluate this evidence in its entirety. The media and researchers must work collaboratively, to produce an objective picture of climate changes on the planet. As far as we can see, there are basic strategic measures taken by the majority of the countries. The first direction of global warming prevention is focused on the reduction of GHG emission; the second step is usually focused on wild nature protection and the third step concerns ecosystem safety. Moreover, humanity should pay attention to effective measures taking for global warming prevention. In accordance with Schroeder et al (2009), there are the following direction in the development of global warming: “To date, most analysis has focused on the role of nation-states in the design, promotion, and implementation of various "post-2012" policy architectures and instruments” (Schroeder, 2009). Thus, global warming is one of the most important concerns of the modernity and there is a need for researchers, scientists, politicians and economists to concentrate on global warming prevention strategies. Works cited Kulshreshtha, S. N. “Climate Change, Prairie Agriculture, and Prairie Economy”. Canadian Journal of Agricultural Economics 59, 2011: 19–44. Logan, T. J. “Carbon Down Under-Lessons from Australia: Two Recommendations for Clarifying Subsurface Property Rights to Facilitate Onshore Geologic Carbon Sequestration in the United States”. San Diego Int'l L.J. 561, 2009-2010: 562-598. McFarland, Jeffrey M. "Warming Up to Climate Change Risk Disclosure." Fordham Journal of Corporate & Financial Law 14.2 (2009): 281+.  Rodenhouse, N. L., Christenson, L.M., Parry,D., Green, L.E. “Climate Change Effects on Native Fauna of Northeastern Forests”. Can. J. For. Res. 39, 2009: 249-263. Schroeder, Heike, and Harriet Bulkeley. "Global Cities and the Governance of Climate Change: What Is the Role of Law in Cities?" Fordham Urban Law Journal 36.2, 2009: 313+.  Boykoff, Maxwell T. & Jules M. Boykoff. “Balance is Bias: Global Warming and the US Prestige Press.” Global Environmental Change, 14, 2004: 125-136. Web. 03 November 2011. Carter, R.M. “The Myth of Dangerous Human-Caused Climate Change.” The AusIMM New Leaders’ Conference, 2 May 2007. Web. 03 November 2011. Maslin, Mark. Global Warming: A Very Short Introduction. Oxford University Press, 2009. Web. 03 November 2011. Robinson, Arthur B. & Zachary W. Robinson. “Global Warming Is a Myth.” The Wall Street Journal, 4 Dec 1997. Web. 03 November 2011. Read More
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