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Research Problem and Literature Review - Article Example

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The paper "Research Problem and Literature Review" tells us about english language in Saudi Arabia. Saudi Arabia as the main focus of the study involves a country that is considered as an English Foreign Language EFL country. This is due to the fact that English is a non-existent language…
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Research Problem and Literature Review Name: Lecturer: Course: Date: Topic: The Importance of Feedback in Writing for Improvement Saudi Arabia High School Students Background of the Study Saudi Arabia as the main focus of the study involves a country that is considered as an English Foreign Language EFL country. This is due to the fact that English is a non-existent language. Like many other Arab countries English is considered as a foreign language and therefore not taught in the classroom until a later grade. In this context students in Saudi Arabia began English language learning at the fourth grade of the primary education. While English language is learned as a foreign language the mother tongue Arabic is retained by the learners. Saudi Arabia emphasis is placed on the inspiration of students to acquire and remember vocabularies for the purpose of dialogue, reading, listening and inscription in English (Perry, 2005 pp.9). Within most Saudi Arabia Universities English language has become one of the most demanded languages by Saudi students. For the purposes of the study high school or secondary level of education will be selected since it is in this level that students possess the necessary skills of learning English as a foreign language. In addition a sample population of the teaching staff (teachers) in the selected high school and students was selected to participate in the study as respondents. Therefore in the proposed study the participants will involve high school level students whose major concentration is English language. The students will be sampled from the second year of study within the fourth semester. The ages of the participants range from 15-18 years of age. Both male and female students will be selected to participate in the study. In addition all the participants that will be selected possess a similar English background. Three teachers engaged in teaching English writing skills will also be selected to participate in the study. The study undertaken within Saudi Arabia University will play a major role in exploring whether the use of feedback sheet will develop high school writing in Saudi Arabia (Alsamadani, 2010 pp.60). A lot of studies has emphasized on the nature and forms of writing tasks engaged by first language and second language students. In the process of learning a new language or a second language requires ways through which they can develop writing skills as a form of communication. Academic writing is considered as a challenging activity among the English Learning Students (ELS). Therefore variation in writing poses as a major challenge to students. Writing forms an important area for the reason that it is an important method that is engaged in assessing knowledge. Knowledge in writing is mainly assessed in form of essay assignments and exams, research papers and compositions among other forms with the learning process. Competence in academic form of writing is challenging to attain as competence in teaching involves an uphill task for teachers engaged in language teaching process (Al-Hazmi & Scholfield 2007 pp.248). Statement of the Problem Within the Saudi Arabia EFL context writing skills are measured in terms of academic performance of students. Despite the importance of writing as a necessary skill in language learning leaners consider writing as the most challenging feature in the English learning process. In this case writing forms an important aspect of the EFL instructions that is engaged in the classroom setting. Feedback on students in the form of writing is generally teacher founded and evaluative in nature (Caldwell, 2011 pp.67). The teacher feedback in terms of errors made in regards to grammar, spelling and punctuation generated a feeling of anxiety among students whenever they are involved in particular writing skills. It is therefore important for teachers to develop a technique that will ensure competency in form of writing in EFL and evade the feeling of anxiety among students during the process of writing and language learning. Peer reviewing technique forms an important feature of the use of feedback in language learning among the EFL students. The technique has been considered due to the positive impacts on the second language (English) learning among Saudi students. The study aims at highlighting the importance of feedback in writing for enhancement of writing of Saudi Arabia high school students (Choudhary & Muhammad 2012 pp. 170-180). Research Questions 1. The study will explore to seek answers in relation to the following questions: 2. Does feedback in writing assist in enhancing improvement among the Saudi Arabia high school students? 3. To what extent does feedback in writing act as an important instrument in English learning process in Saudi Arabia? 4. Does teacher feedback or peer feedback in writing assist in enhancing writing skills among EFL? Data Collection The study will utilize the qualitative form of data as an important technique in data collection process. Since the data collected is likely to be qualitative data, the information will be analyzed so as to establish the importance of feedback writing for enhancement of Saudi Arabia high school students. Qualitative data is regarded as data that provides more information to the researcher. In addition due to the nature of the data the data will be analyzed by a computer statistical package known as SPSS. The main difference between qualitative and quantitative techniques is the fact that qualitative technique is able to retrieve more information and in-depth information collection as opposed to quantitative data collection technique that involves the use of numerical or numbers in the information gathering process (Al-Hazmi & Scholfield 2007 pp.249-251). In addition classroom observations will be made in the process of language learning within the classroom setting. In this case the researcher will play the role of an observer and will engage in observation of various techniques in the process gathering data for the study. The observation method will be conducted in the presence of the teacher and the students while engaging in the use of feedback method in language learning process. This will give the researcher the insight of the importance of feedback in writing and ways through which it enhances EFL academic performance (Alsamadani, 2010 pp.61). Data Analysis The raw data collected will be analyzed by the researcher through the use of a statically package. The statistical package will be important due to the qualitative form of data collected. The qualitative form of information collected has a feature of possessing an in depth type of information. The statistical package will sort out the data in the process of analysis and make it easier for interpreting the data. Data analysis will also be made in form of classroom recorded type of data. The information will be recorded for the purposes of reliability and validity of the data collected. Through recorded classroom data the researcher will be able to present first hand data for precision. Recorded classroom data plays an important role in the research process (Caldwell, 2011 pp.65). Literature Review In Saudi Arabia various researches has indicated the difficulty in relation to writing in English as a foreign language by students. This problem of writing in English is most common in student of English Foreign Learning learners. According to Perry (2005) this problem of writing in English by EFL learners has been accredited to various influences. One of the major reasons is the fact that Saudi Arabia learners have not been proficient in writing skills in regards to their first language. In addition the concentration of learning English as a foreign language is based on the memorization of vocabularies rather than on the writing skills. Hence there is a form of separation between writing and rational activities. Memorization activities therefore make it difficult for learners to acquire writing skills that are essential for any language learning process (Perry, 2005 pp.9). The process of writing is viewed as an automated based that involves repetition and assembling lines. More emphasis is laid on teachers to devise various strategies that will improve the writing skills of English Language learners. Therefore teachers should be involved in the process of identifying the aspects that play a role in influencing the academic writing of various students in different levels of learning. Rami (2012) argues that the diversity in terms of students requires a varied form of learning in relation to the writing skills available at the classroom level. An excellent form of writing is considered as one that articulates clearly the intended ideas of the learner. However the main challenge among the English Student Learners involves the inability to fully express their views as a result of lack of language proficiency together with the knowledge involving academic writing (Rami, 2012 pp.6-10). The use of feedback sheet in the process of writing is regarded as an essential method that can efficiently assist in the improvement of writing skills at the education level among learners. Different types of feedback include peer form of feedback, written teacher feedback and conferencing. There are other forms of innovative feedback that include computer based response and the application of taped commentaries. Handwritten type of commentary on the learner’s draft is considered as the most major and significant type of response among teachers within the context of language learning process. As a result of writing challenges among the EFL students in Saudi Arabia it is important to consider the use of feedback in writing for the purposes of instilling competence among the student learners. The challenges experienced by the Saudi EFL students involve the fact that there is deficiency of training and practicing in relation to prewriting skills in the Saudi students’ first language. The learners are proficient in terms of speaking in the first language but there is lack of writing skills in the first language that is important in the acquisition of writing skills in the subsequent languages in the learning process. The first language L1 among the Saudi Arabia students is Arabic (McKay, 2006 pp. 6-9). The students are therefore not trained on the writing skills in Arabic that forms the students’ first language. Hence the process of writing in English as the second language is presented with a lot of challenges in form of writing skills among the student leaners. In addition there is a great form of isolation among the Saudi Arabia students in form of writing and rationality. This comes about as a result of concentration of teaching in the form of memorizing various English vocabularies as opposed to teaching the students writing skills. Hence the students concentrate more on the memorization of vocabulary as opposed to gaining competence in writing. Teachers within the Saudi Arabian context are involved in the process of focusing on a different writing skill and competence that will enhance the knowledge and skill in EFL learners writing. Most teachers therefore engage in the process of encouraging students to use comments in relation to their own writing while assessing their written outcomes that further encourage them to embrace a form of corrective actions for the purposes of future form of improvement in the writing skills (Perry, 2005 pp.8-10). The teachers agreed in the fact that the teaching process of EFL faces various challenges that hinder effective learning and writing skills. In general there was a huge challenge in regards to the weak background of the students. Within the Saudi Arabia context students begin learning English as the second language in the education system in grade four of the primary level. Therefore the poor background of the students in terms of the foreign language and lack of writing skills greatly pose as a main challenge in English learning language within Saudi Arabia. Such students with a poor background that acts as a basis for language learning are not in a position to engage in the basics in relation to English language required for academic reasons. Writing is considered as an important aspect in language learning that is meant to measure the level of academic success among students (Nunan, 1992 pp.40-47). Teacher feedback has been considered as creating negative impact on the students due to the fact that the students in relation to the negative feedback and vague types of responses generate into confusion and frustrations among students. Therefore there is need for teachers to generate a strategy within the EFL writing and provide a conducive environment for learners to overcome their anxiety blocks. Peer reviewing technique in writing has received much attention in the near past. This is attributed to the fact that peer review as a form of feedback on the student’s writing skills presents a form of confidence to the learner as opposed to anxiety. Hence peer review method incorporated in enhancing feedback on the students’ performance and writing skills involve the influence of positive impact on both the learner and language learning process in the Saudi Arabia context. Peer reviewing as a strategy technique impacts confidence on the learner in relation to enhancing their general writing skills (Nunan & Bailey 2009 pp.264). Evaluation Approaches The study engaged the use of various mixed approaches with the key feature of a naturalistic form of approach. In the this case the aim of the study will be evaluating the reality situation of Saudi Arabia Students in relation to feedback writing and its role in improvement among the EFL. Data will be gathered through the use of questionnaires, observation and interviews. The main advantage of using qualitative method involves the ability of collecting more in depth form of data. However the approach is limited to non-numerical type of data. Quantitative method involves the use of numerical type of data which is easy to analyze. The disadvantage involves the fact that some aspects of the study which is behavioral in nature cannot be assessed through quantitative method. Hence the purpose of the study will involve exploring the general and specific perceptions of students in relation to the utilization of various feedback writing techniques and their importance in English learning process in Saudi Arabia (Bitchener, 2010 pp. 99-101). In addition the study will have an intention of understanding both the teacher and the student’s perceptions in the use and significance of feedback writing technique. The main respondents will involves both the teachers and the student of EFL in Saudi Arabia. This will enable the education system to explore the various challenges that face students in Saudi Arabia due to poor background in relation to the writing skills and techniques that are essential for the language learning process (Al-Humaidi, 2008). List of References Bitchener, J, 2010, Writing an Applied Linguistics Thesis or Dissertation: A Guide to Presenting Empirical Research, Palgrave Macmillan, Basingstoke, UK. pp. 99-105. Nunan, D and Bailey. K.M. 2009, Exploring Second Language Classroom Research: a comprehensive guide, Heinle, Boston MA pp. 259-263; 265. Nunan, D. 1992, Research Methods in Language Learning, Cambridge ; New York, NY, USA : Cambridge University Press, pp. 24-27 and 40-47. Perry, F.L. 2005, Research in Applied Linguistics: Becoming a Discerning Consumer, Erlbaum, New Jersey pp. 9-11. McKay, Sandra, L. 2006, Researching Second Language Classrooms Mahwah, N.J. : Lawrence Erlbaum, pp. 3-15. Rami F. Mustafa, 2012, Feedback on the Feedback: Sociocultural Interpretation of Saudi ESL Learners’ Opinions about Writing Feedback, Vol. 5, No. 3, pp.3-15. Caldwell, E, 2011, The Teaching of Academic Writing by Practicing ESL Teachers in an Intensive English Program, pp.1-76. Choudhary Z, and Muhammad U. 2012, Saudi EFL Learners’ Writing Problems: A Move Towards Solution, Department of Foreign Languages, Taif University, Taif, KSA, pp. 164-180. Alsamadani, H. 2010, 'The relationship between Saudi EFL students' writing competence, L1 writing proficiency, and self regulation', European Journal of Social Sciences, vol. 16, no. 1, pp. 53-63. Al-Hazmi, S. & Scholfield, P. 2007, ‘Enforced revision with checklist and peer feedback in EFL writing: the example of Saudi university students’, Scientific Journal of King Faisal University, vol. 8, no. 2, pp. 237-259. Al-Humaidi, M. 2008, ‘Planning in the Writings of Saudi EFL Learners at the College of Languages and Translation at KSU’, King Saud University, Riyadh, pp. 76-101. Read More

Research Questions 1. The study will explore to seek answers in relation to the following questions: 2. Does feedback in writing assist in enhancing improvement among the Saudi Arabia high school students? 3. To what extent does feedback in writing act as an important instrument in English learning process in Saudi Arabia? 4. Does teacher feedback or peer feedback in writing assist in enhancing writing skills among EFL? Data Collection The study will utilize the qualitative form of data as an important technique in data collection process.

Since the data collected is likely to be qualitative data, the information will be analyzed so as to establish the importance of feedback writing for enhancement of Saudi Arabia high school students. Qualitative data is regarded as data that provides more information to the researcher. In addition due to the nature of the data the data will be analyzed by a computer statistical package known as SPSS. The main difference between qualitative and quantitative techniques is the fact that qualitative technique is able to retrieve more information and in-depth information collection as opposed to quantitative data collection technique that involves the use of numerical or numbers in the information gathering process (Al-Hazmi & Scholfield 2007 pp.249-251). In addition classroom observations will be made in the process of language learning within the classroom setting.

In this case the researcher will play the role of an observer and will engage in observation of various techniques in the process gathering data for the study. The observation method will be conducted in the presence of the teacher and the students while engaging in the use of feedback method in language learning process. This will give the researcher the insight of the importance of feedback in writing and ways through which it enhances EFL academic performance (Alsamadani, 2010 pp.61). Data Analysis The raw data collected will be analyzed by the researcher through the use of a statically package.

The statistical package will be important due to the qualitative form of data collected. The qualitative form of information collected has a feature of possessing an in depth type of information. The statistical package will sort out the data in the process of analysis and make it easier for interpreting the data. Data analysis will also be made in form of classroom recorded type of data. The information will be recorded for the purposes of reliability and validity of the data collected. Through recorded classroom data the researcher will be able to present first hand data for precision.

Recorded classroom data plays an important role in the research process (Caldwell, 2011 pp.65). Literature Review In Saudi Arabia various researches has indicated the difficulty in relation to writing in English as a foreign language by students. This problem of writing in English is most common in student of English Foreign Learning learners. According to Perry (2005) this problem of writing in English by EFL learners has been accredited to various influences. One of the major reasons is the fact that Saudi Arabia learners have not been proficient in writing skills in regards to their first language.

In addition the concentration of learning English as a foreign language is based on the memorization of vocabularies rather than on the writing skills. Hence there is a form of separation between writing and rational activities. Memorization activities therefore make it difficult for learners to acquire writing skills that are essential for any language learning process (Perry, 2005 pp.9). The process of writing is viewed as an automated based that involves repetition and assembling lines. More emphasis is laid on teachers to devise various strategies that will improve the writing skills of English Language learners.

Therefore teachers should be involved in the process of identifying the aspects that play a role in influencing the academic writing of various students in different levels of learning.

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