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English in Academic Settings - Multimodal Discourse Analysis - Research Paper Example

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This paper "English in Academic Settings - Multimodal Discourse Analysis" focuses on the fact that multimodal discourse analysis is a technique that helps analyze discourse that focuses on the interpretation of meaning through the use of different modes of communication apart from language. …
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English in Academic Settings - Multimodal Discourse Analysis
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English in academic settings English in academic settings- multimodal discourse analysis Introduction Multimodal discourse analysis is a technique that helps analyze discourse that focuses on the interpretation of meaning through the use of different modes of communication apart from language (Machin, 2007). In the study of language, multimodal discourse analysis plays a central function that cannot be ignored. For the study and analysis of film, multimodal discourse analysis has helped in creating meanings from texts and the interactions in a multifaceted interplay of semiosis across various modes that include that not only incorporate written, but also spoken language (Machin, 2007; Paltridge, 2012). With multimodal discourse analysis incorporating overlapping styles, analysis of different genres has been made possible. An analysis of this aspect means that different semiotic modes can be analyzed. The interpretation of body and even culture can be discussed. In multimodal discourse analysis, decentralization of language takes a huge percentage as there is more to discourse analysis despite language. As seen in the research conducted by Machin (2007), multimodal discourse analysis involves both micro analysis that is incorporated in interactional sociolinguistics and macro analysis that focuses on discourse of social agents. Multimodal discourse analysis, therefore, allows for an appreciation and evaluations of other modes of communication such as gestures, and body movements that have been said to construct personal identities just like written language. The construction of identities is, therefore, all-inclusive and cannot be discussed only in terms of the linguistic ability. This essay will discuss the effect of multimodal discourse analysis in the analysis of film. Most importantly, the essay will assess the main expectations of the multimodal discourse analysis unit and the efforts put to meet the set expectations. Purpose of the assignment Course outline and the task’s assignment For this semester, I took the Discourse and language teaching unit. Through the unit, I have widened my skills in various forms of discourse and how they can be applied in the course of language. As far as the course outline is concerned, the faculty aimed at making sure that learners get the opportunity to understand the approaches that help analyze both written as well as spoken discourse (Discourse and Language Teaching course outline, 2014). It is also through the outline that the faculty required that the learners comprehend numerous ways in which discourse can be applied in the language classroom setting (Discourse and Language Teaching course outline, 2014). I have to confirm to the fact that I enjoyed conducting research on aspects such as identity and discourse, the pragmatics of discourse analysis, discourse and forms of genre, conversations and discourse, multimodal discourse analysis, and even critical discourse analysis. These themes were outlined in the course, and learners were expected to do an in-depth research on the topics. In addition, the course provided different references that were supposed to act as a guide to the learners in the course of their research. Notable examples included the famous works by Paltridge (2012) such as Discourse Analysis that offered a good introduction to the study of discourse analysis. Through Paltridge’s work, it was easier for me to weigh information from other works that also focused on discourse analysis such as Hyland and Paltridge’s (2011) work on Continuum Companion to Discourse Analysis. Purpose of the assignment I selected the multimodal discourse analysis assignment of week 9. In the assignment, I selected the Are You Here movie which I analyzed through the multimodal analysis. I used Maier’s (2011) framework to analyze the movie trailer and also applied Paltridge’s (2012) Chapter 8 of Discourse Analysis. For this assignment, the learner is expected to; To show their understanding of theory in the course of their work To analyze either spoken / written discourse from one perspective To analyze the related to theory to a previous work. To explain the implication of the work to the classroom setting Analysis of my multimodal discourse analysis project For this work, I focused on six major readings; Implications of Multimodal Learning Models for foreign language teaching and learning (2007) Genres and Genre Theory in Transition: Specialized Discourses Across Media and Modes (2014) Analysing film and television: A social semiotic account of Hospital: An Unhealthy Business (2001) Reading Images: The Grammar of Visual Design (2006) Introduction to Multimodal Analysis (2007) Structure and function in the generic staging of film trailers (2011) Discourse Analysis (2012)  The main reason why I selected these works is that they were selected by the faculty as major resources for multimodal discourse analysis. In the course outline, the books and journals were clearly outlined a good resources, and even the locations to find the works was clearly indicated in the outline. In my opinion, Paltridge’s (2012) work on Discourse analysis provided a deep insight to the study of multimodal analysis as well as Iedema and Maier who clearly outlined the frameworks that can be used to analyze spoken discourse such as movie trailers. I selected this assignment as I hold the view that there is much more to discourse analysis than analyzing written discourse or language. Other discourses such as body language or even gestures. This led to my analysis of movie trailers through the application multimodal discourse analysis. I also aimed at encouraging people to understand discourse analysis in the context of film as many people focus mostly on language. Through my research, I am confident that lots of people will find multimodal analysis an interesting concept. In my assignment I began with an introduction that explained the course of the study and how the paper would be arranged. I then moved to the theoretical section where I explained the theories that would be used in the study. I studied both the film and genres theory of film analysis but focused mostly on the genre theory as I found more appealing in my assignment context. Through the genre theory, Garzone & Ilie (2014) write that it is possible to analyze genres that are constructed based on the similarities on the elements that make that genre. Through the genre theory as well, genres are borrowed from the criticism of literary genre. It is through the genre theory that I was able to differentiate between various genres of film such fiction, documentary, comedy and drama amongst others. This is how I settled on the Are You Here movie trailer. Through the work of Garzone & Ilie (2014), the setting of a genre’s storyline is told, the theme, mood as well as the format of the film in question. It is apparent from my analysis of the work as borrowed from the genre theory that the setting of the film determines its category, as different films in different settings bring out different emotions in the viewers. From this conclusion on the genre theory, it is justified to indicate that my assignment met the first objective of the theory application in the study of multimodal discourse analysis. I have also clearly shown the purpose of my assignment appropriately. Analysis of either a spoken / written discourse from one perspective In this assignment, it was required that the learners analyze either a written or a spoken discourse from one perspective. I selected on spoken discourse and analyzed the same on a multimodal discourse approach. According to multimodal discourse analysis Machin (2007) writes that the study of different aspects of language can be analyzed. In my work I indicated that Multimodal discourse analysis involves evaluation of different paradigms such gestures, sound and even music. With this supposition, I am justified to include the Are You Here movie trailer under the study of multimodal discourse analysis. My selection of film is also justified as through the multimodal discourse analysis the semiotic resources can be understood. Iedema (2003) quickly writes that a majority of the creations that are products of interactions with semiotic choices actually lead to the creation and production of multimodal resources. This fact also justifies my study a great deal. I also met the second objective as through my film selection and analysis through the multimodal discourse I was able to make shifts from one perspective to another, one practice to the next or even stage to stage as Iedema’s (2003) work recommends. I was also able to justify my work as I proved that through multimodal discourse analysis, the dynamics of resemioticiation are well represented through material and historical dimensions of forms of representation just as Maier (2011) justified. Analysis of my Data analysis project-Multimodal discourse analysis- relation to theory The major tenets of the selected theory, the Genre theory, according to Garzone & Ilie (2014) include; An analysis of genres that are constructed based on the similarities on the elements that make that genre is possible Genres are borrowed from the criticism of literary genre Differentiation between various genres of film such fiction, documentary, comedy and drama amongst others is achievable The setting of the storyline is told, the theme, mood as well as the format of the film in question can be explained Determining the category of genres in different settings is possible There is a possibility that different emotions are constructed through different genres The recognition of the features of different genres are explained; thus, determining if the genre is worth analysis. Genres are structured with a system of rules, patterns, forms and styles that act as the blueprint for the construction of different works My work is organized in a way that will allow for an understanding of the theory. In my analysis of the Are You Here movie trailer, the genre theory will also be applicable in this setting as through the theory, I was able to explain the film’s semantic elements and codes as well as the syntactic elements- ideologies and narratives of the film. Additionally, since genre is constructed through specifics systems and postulations, I had the chance to interact with the film during the entire viewing process. This means that generic principles existed in the Are You Here movie trailer; thus, created contact between me and the producers of the movie. My expectations were met through the film. It is this juncture that I indicated that genre is a cognitive collection of sounds, characters, images and expectations of the producers and the audiences in question as borrowed from the work compiled by Garzone & Ilie (2014). I also understood and explained that the aspect that genre is a template that the film makers use to produce their films. The same case applied to the Are You Here movie trailer. The producers of the movie targeted their audience in the course of marketing explaining why the movie caught my attention. The genre theory helped explain the bridging of multiple concerns that exist in a film can be as Garzone & Ilie (2014) write. I recognized the efforts of the directors and producers in compiling the Are You Here movie trailer and also identified the identities and orders are recognized by the directors of different genres of film. The theory is also justified in my work as the movie facilitated communication with me, as the viewer, since the producers applied the use of different mechanisms such as music, style, props and even the selection of characters in the movie trailer. The implication of the project to the classroom setting Most importantly the work focused on the last objective that required the learners to assess the implication of the project in the classroom setting. First, I acknowledged the fact that Multimodal discourse analysis has major impacts on language teaching. I then went on to add on that in the course of teaching language, multimodal teaching must entail incorporation of design that allows for cooperation and coordination of different forms of discourse that allow for accomplishment of the objectives of teaching language as Farías, Obilinovic & Orrego (2007) indicated. I also focused on the multimodal learning and how such kind of learning presents the learners with channels that will allow them acquire information that increases the chances that the learners will be autonomous, and will learn competently even when they are outside the classroom setting. The effect of the reforms that result form the multimodal teaching was also discussed in the essay. A good example was when I argued that the teachers must embrace teaching methodologies as they lay concrete foundations for their study of language as well as realize quality results in the end. The example of successful teachers who embraced multimedia technology in the teaching process and succeeded was given. The foreign language classrooms were also discussed especially the classrooms that adopted multimodal technology in an endeavor to make sure that the learners apply creativity in the learning of the foreign language. The objective of the implication of the project to the classroom setting was also met when I recounted that multimodal teaching has instituted numerous reforms in the teaching methodologies in the classroom setting. I also quoted Farías, Obilinovic & Orrego (2007) who indicated that multimodal teaching drives the teachers to embracing teaching methodologies that will ultimately set a good ground that will not only allow the learners’ study language, but also achieve good results in the long run. It is justified to write that the last objective of bringing out the implication of the project to the classroom setting was met as I indicated that the teachers were given an opportunity to make use of different approaches that would help them maximize all the resources in the learning process. Since the present day classrooms include modern teaching methods cannot be alienated in these settings. This aspect ensures that I convince my readers that multimodal teaching is unavoidable in today’s classrooms. The concept of classroom teaching was also focused on in the work as I evaluated some of the methods that would maximize language learning such as sound and image inclusions. With the help of Farías, Obilinovic & Orrego’s (2007) study, I indicated that the multimodal methods will help create a multimedia and network environment that allows for coordination of multimodalities that maximize the effects of language teaching; thus, meeting the last objective as per the guidelines set. In my work, there is a clear statement that through multimodal analysis, language learning and teaching is not the same as the multimedia presentations compensate for the absence of cognitive structures that do not allow for complete development of verbal skills cited by Farías, Obilinovic & Orrego (2007). This supposition justifies that I have achieved the set objectives, since multimodal learning has a major implication on the writing, reading as well as speaking and listening abilities of the language learners. My work will help the teachers and the learners assess which of the multimedia approaches are useful for the diverse learning forms in the different language learning contexts. For instance, if the teachers opt either for audios, linguistic or visual cues, they should be conversant with the negative or helpful impact on the language learners. In the course of analysis, the teachers will be well placed to offer opportunities that will allow the learners select the most appropriate multimodal approach that works best for their learning styles and meet their needs as per their capabilities. Yet another example that explains that my analysis met the set objective is the when I indicate that multimodal classrooms have completely outdone the print- based classrooms. In line with this argument, I proposed that the language teachers take advantage of the diverse multimodals that exist. At the ending of it all they will automatically expect that the cognitive, social as well as the critical comprehension of the learners will be twisted to favor the needs of the language learners just as Farías, Obilinovic & Orrego (2007) concluded in their work. My work has clearly outlined the aspect that multimodal discourse has the implication on the learners that focuses on the ability to make the learners cope with novel methods of accessing information. With the help of Farías, Obilinovic & Orrego’s (2007) work, I argued that the multimodal discourse has helped present a new approach to visual literacy on the language learning classrooms. This means that my work has met the objective states in the guideline. I also stated that through multimodal discourse the learners that are faced with diverse ways of accessing information access help that allows them deal with different channels of information. This means that multimodal discourse information is indeed beneficial to language learners as it opens various channels that allow for their deeper comprehension of the languages being taught. Lastly, this work meets the set objective as I set to bring out the view that multimodality is responsible for speeding up the learning of a foreign or a second language as opposed to the natural acquisition of concepts being taught in the classroom just like Farías, Obilinovic & Orrego (2007) argue. In my thinking, I simply found out that multimodals greatly improve the learning of language. The multimodal approaches also play the role of improving the natural acquisition of language. In simple terms, the classroom setting cannot be delinked from the benefits that the multimodal approaches offer. This explains why I focused on the benefits of the multimodal approaches and why the teachers must always ensure that they adopt these approaches in their foreign language classrooms. Conclusion Multimodal discourse analysis is not only rich in context but has also revolutionized the manner in which language is taught in classrooms. The classrooms that have embraced the technology have report good results as far as language learning is concerned. My assignment has sought to follow all the set objectives and guidelines in an endeavor to fulfill all the requirements of the unit. The assignment has also opened up my way of thinking and opened up more areas of research that can be studied under the multimodal discourse. This assignment has also allowed me understand the different contexts in which the multimodal discourse analysis can be applied. My analysis of the Are You Here film through the multimodal discourse analysis has been an exceptional activity for me. References Discourse and Language Teaching course outline (2014). [Word file]. Farías, M., Obilinovic, K. & Orrego, R. (2007). Implications of Multimodal Learning Models for foreign language teaching and learning. Colombian Applied Linguistics Journal, 9, 174-199. Garzone, G. & Ilie, C. (2014). Genres and Genre Theory in Transition: Specialized Discourses Across Media and Modes. NY: Universal-Publishers. Hyland, K. & Paltridge B. (eds) (2011). Continuum Companion to Discourse Analysis. London: Continuum. Iedema, R. (2001). Analysing film and television: A social semiotic account of Hospital: An Unhealthy Business (pp. 181-204). In T. van Leeuwen and C. Jewitt (eds), The Handbook of Visual Analysis. Los Angeles: Sage. Kress, G. & van Leeuwen T. (2006). Reading Images: The Grammar of Visual Design. Second edition. London: Routledge. Machin, D. (2007). Introduction to Multimodal Analysis. London: Hodder Arnold. Maier, C.D. (2011). Structure and function in the generic staging of film trailers (pp. 141-158). In R. Piazza, F. Rossi and M. Bednarek (eds). Telecinematic Discourse: Approaches to the Language of Films and Television Series. Amsterdam: John Benjamins. Paltridge, B. (2012). Discourse Analysis: An Introduction. NY: A&C Black. Weiner, M. (Producer) (2013). Are You Here [Film]. US: Gilbert Films. Read More
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