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Explanations and Arguments Exercise - Assignment Example

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Phillip didn’t return the books to the library
1). He was sick. 1). He could not go the library on time.
2). He was late. 2). The library was closed by the time he wanted to take the book back…
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Explanations and Arguments Exercise
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Explanations and Arguments Exercise Phillip didn’t return the books to the library He was sick He could not go the library on time. 2). He was late. 2). The library was closed by the time he wanted to take the book back Sandra doesn’t like country music. 1). She is young. 1). She likes popular music that she can dance. 2). She plays hip-hop. 2). Her playlist contains tracks by hip-hop stars. Harold took my pen 1). He admired it. 1). He thought that my pen would look cool with him. 2).

He stole it. 2). He was seen by Chris while rummaging through my bag The Starbuck’s across the street is closed 1). It is holiday. 2). The owners do not open the shop during holiday events to let the workers rest. 1). The door sign indicates. 2). The building housing it is undergoing renovations. Tonight’s concert is cancelled. 1). The advertisement indicated. 1). The organizers did not get the municipality license because of poor security preparations. 2).

The organizers announced. 2). The bands pulled from participation due to disagreements on sharing the gate collections. References Lepore, E & Cumming, S. (2000). Meaning and Argument: An Introduction to Logic Through Language. London: Blackwell publishing Limited.

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Explanations and Arguments Exercise Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 Words.
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