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Thesis Formulation The analytical principle that I will use will be the need for autonomy. 2. The purpose of writing the analysis, synthesis is to describe how advertising promotes a critical American ideal which is defined by individuality and autonomy 3. A. Claim 1: Fowles’ appeal to the need for autonomy is a critical, analytical tool for advertising in America. B. Claim 2: By applying Fawles’ appeal to the need for autonomy, specifically to the Visa advertisement, I will be able to understand how advertising promotes individuality and autonomy as critical aspects of the American culture. C. Thesis: Many people do not realize that the Visa advertisement has any connection to the American culture.
However, the advertisement relies on strong appeals to the needs for autonomy. For this reason, many Americans will have the Visa as evidence that they are autonomous and have full control of their lives. Therefore, the advertisement is directly linked to the high level of individuality in the American culture.
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