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Ted Cruz for President - Essay Example

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The rambunctious Tea Party Senator from Texas, Ted Cruz, wants to break that trend. The 44-year-old has announced his campaign in the tweet at midnight at Liberty University. His declaration…
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Ted Cruz for President
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The website takes into considerations Christian conservatives. His address littered with the types of rhetoric that appeal to the credulous in America. He stated that God’s blessings had been with America from the beginning and God is not done with America. He drives his support by calling on millions of conservatives who rose to reignite the promise of America. His words and zeal give hope that seems unattainable (TedCruz 1). He tends to give people promises that seem unrealistic. He advocates for change by promising on new ideas.

His strategy aligns with an agitation for the rights of the minority, or instance, are the religious conservatives. The conservatives follow the Bible teachings and expect everyone to conform (Cruz for president 1). They create an ideal society of Christianity. His campaigns have the themes of developing tougher immigration laws, the right to bear arms, a more robust foreign policy, and an end to Obamacare. He raps all his motives in the flag of American exceptionalism, divine providence, and naked nationalism (Cruz for president 1).

Americans view his ideas and philosophies differently. Most Americans believe that where he wants to take them is where they came from some centuries back. For instance, a society with sexual inequality and with women denied the right over their bodies. In his campaign website, he ludicrously lists the repeal of the Obamacare as the primary thing that Americans need to do to restore the economic opportunity. He is also fighting for the end to ethanol subsidies and an end in the Export-Import Bank.

He positions himself as real small government opponent of the called crony capitalism (Cruz for president 1). He, therefore, helps in the fight for a socialist society. Cruz also calls for the fight for traditional marriage. He gives hope to the minority. His ideas seem to vary with other candidates as stands out with an aim of coming up with

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