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The Importance of Imagination - Essay Example

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The paper "The Importance of Imagination" states that Bradbury uses various incidences of imagination rather than reality. He uses realism to express his belief that physical objects exist when they do not. He refers to dark clouds that brought rains and resulted in blockage of the sun as fancy…
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The Importance of Imagination
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Imagination refers to the power, ability, or act of mental image formation of a concept particularly not real sense or perceiving to be a reality. Bradbury also shares his vision of realism involving things that once lived but are not currently in existence.

In the essay, it will be necessary to start by defining what imagination is in various dimensions, viewpoints, or perspectives. Second, the essay would examine the role that imagination has on humans in their day-to-day lives. Further, the essay would address how imagination enhances the possibility for an individual to tour and experience the world, virtually, without being physically present in the perceived destination.

In the essay plan, the outline would also cover the creation of pictures in the mind. The image creation would involve all the five human senses as well as feelings towards expressing imagination (Barlow 115). The essay will also elaborate on the importance of imagination. For instance, imagination does not make an individual a daydreamer or impractical.

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