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Animal Farm Questions Chapter 1. Old Major is an old pig with a strong rhetoric speech and it is due to his verbal ability that he is held highly by all animals in the farm.2. Old Major summons all the animals to share all the contents of his dream.3. The plight of all the animals is that they lack freedom. They all live in misery and slavery.4. According to Old Major, man is the source of all animal problems. He overworks them and then robs them of all the fruits of their labor. He asserts that man ‘consumes without producing’ making man ‘the only real enemy’.5. Mr.
Jones is similar to Tsar Nicholas in various ways. Both were leaders in their ‘jurisdictions’; Mr. Jones in his farm and Nicholas II in Russia. Both were overthrown by their subjects due to their poor leadership qualities.6. The only solution Old Major proposes is the elimination of man.7. Uproar ensued after four large rats crept out of holes and the dogs spotted and chased them away. Old Major proposed a vote of equality for wild and domestic animals.8. The element of deceit is seen in Old Major’s fictitious song about a perfect animal world that was free from the grip of mankind.9. The meeting was interrupted by Mr.
Jones who was awakened by the animals’ singing. He thought the commotion was brought about by a fox and he therefore fired six shots in the air in quick succession.10. The farm represents Russia while Mr. Jones is the Russian leader at that time, Czar Nicholas II. The animals represent the subjects while Old Major represents V. I. Lenin and the rebellion is the Bolshevik Revolution.Chapter 21. Old Major’s death did not end the rebellion, but instead it aggravated it.2. Old Major’s speech gave the animals a different outlook in life.
The pigs began organizing and teaching others about the rebellion.3. Napoleon and Snowball. Napoleon is fierce and large with a penchant of getting things done. Snowball on the other hand, is impressive in speech and very inventive.4. Squealer is very persuasive and a great talker.5. Animalism can be compared to communism in Russia. Communism advocated for workers to rise against oppressors. The same way, all animals were to unite against Mr. Jones in animalism.6. Napoleon and Snowball were faced with the problem of instilling the importance of the rebellion to the animals. 7. Mollie wanted to know if she would still get sugar and wear ribbons once her master was overthrown.8. Moses, a special pet and spy of Mr.
Jones, interfered with the preparations through his lies of a mysterious country where all animals go once they died. The pigs had a tough time to counter his lies because some animals believed his stories.9. After losing colossal sum of money to a lawsuit, Mr. Jones was heart-broken and he devoted all his time to drinking. The animals had not been fed for a whole day and they broke out from their shades. Jones and his workers lunged at them with whips, but were soon overpowered by the animals. Mr. Jones and his men fled from the farm never to be seen again.10. It was a symbol of an end to a regime.
All symbols of an oppressive regime were to be completely destroyed.11. They did not believe that the farmhouse was also in their possession as it was furnished with luxurious things.12. The farmhouse was preserved as a museum.13. The pigs had learnt how to read and write from a spelling book that belonged to Jones’s kids.14. Napoleon might have drunk the milk once all the animals were in the field.Chapter 31. The harvest was more than the farm had ever seen.2. Boxer was the hardest worker and was admired by everyone.3. Mollie had a problem getting up early in the morning and she was always the first to leave the fields.4. Old Benjamin the donkey did not volunteer or do extra work and did not also participate in the rebellion.5. The irony is that the Sunday meetings never had resolutions; even the easiest and simplest of agendas were never resolved because Napoleon and Snowball were always in opposition.6. The pigs took the harness-room and converted it to their headquarters where they studied various arts like carpentry and blacksmithing.7. ‘Four legs good, two legs bad.’8. Squealer told them that even though pigs did not like the taste of milk and apples, these foods were essential for the pigs’ brain.9. Fear.
Reference Orwell, George. Animal Farm, 1945. Print.
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