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Teacher Annotated Bibliography Andrew Stanton d that story telling is joke telling. Its knowing your punch line, your ending leading to a single goal and ideally confirming some truth of who we are as human beings. He elaborated that stories are who we are and our affirmations that lives have meaning. To catch the interest of the reader, Stanton proposed the unifying theory of 2+2 to make the audience put the story together. According to him, to make the story interesting, dont give them four, give them 2+2.
He justified that it is this lack of absolute information that makes a story interesting in the same manner that we like puppies because they cannot complete express what they are thinking and their intentions are that we cannot stop ourselves to complete the story and fill it in. This piece of lecture is an engaging talk about the important elements of a story and candidly explains why we like it. Stantons lectured was put in practice in Janisse Rays story in her book "Ecology of A Cracker Childhood" where compared her personal hardship during her childhood with the struggle of the longleaf pine forests of southeastern United States.
The story made the reader fill in the emotional embarrassment that Ray felt during her childhood when her parents was trading junk.
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